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Bump this thread every time a black person kills a white person so that Obama knows Bump this thread every time a black person kills a white person so that Obama knows

08-25-2013 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Because the same clowns marching in every different city over this injustice never got off the couch to march or protest any of the injustices/murders in their own communities. But they care about an injustice/murder thousands of miles away in a county they will never step foot in?

TV worshipping zombies who only care about what the media tells them to care about. There is something out of whack and wrong when people get emotionally attached to an injustice like this. This murder/injustice should have been covered like every other murder/injustice. And been broadcasted on the LOCAL news for maybe 2 minutes tops? Some murders don't even get that much air time, or any at all.

And it is the same with the people who supported Zimmerman.
You have no ****ing clue what these people march for or what causes they donate their time fighting for. Nice of you to assume they are lazy drones sitting around on their couches waiting for media Sharpton to give them their marching orders, though.

Racial disparities in the administration of justice in the criminal justice system are a really big ****ing problem. So is racism. They are things that get people who have been affected by them really upset. It shouldn't be a surprise to any non-racist, non-idiot why the TM case upset a lot of people.

But again, you're arguing against the decimation of knowledge to the greater masses. That's ****ing stupid, guy. So the President felt he needed to address this one particular instance. Who gives a ****??? Racists.
08-25-2013 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
Righteous people itt.
This is a fun one too. Ed's given up trying to argue and is now trying to take shots because people care about things.
08-25-2013 , 05:37 PM
WP editorial pages is a special kind of aidsy. I think it was last week that the former WP public editor wrote a letter to Bezos with one piece of advice: fire Jennifer Rubin for being a troll and troglodyte.
08-25-2013 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by airwave16
he was talking about obama, but missed that obama taught at chicago, not harvard. back to the point now.
Whatever, man. I was on a roll.
08-25-2013 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
WP editorial pages is a special kind of aidsy. I think it was last week that the former WP public editor wrote a letter to Bezos with one piece of advice: fire Jennifer Rubin for being a troll and troglodyte.
Yeah, but I still like WaPo bc it's one of the vanishingly few outlets that does quality in investigative reporting.
08-25-2013 , 05:42 PM
Their opinion guys are universally awful. Even the ones I align with politically are terrible, looking at you Eugene Robinson and EJ Dionne. They are like the stereotypical beltway tards who have expressed exactly zero truly insightful original thoughts ever.
08-25-2013 , 06:14 PM
WP is one of the 2-4 great US papers. It's just that somehow its editorial page got infected. It was probably done to counter the Moonies at the Washington Times and has outlived its usefulness.
08-25-2013 , 07:04 PM
Where the **** was that racist piece of **** Sharpton and his puppy dog Jesse Jackson when OJ got off? Oh yeah they were cheering in the streets like the Raiders just won the Super Bowl. I mean seriously do any of the people in this thread really believe half the **** you say? There is a double standard in this country, at what point will we finally be even for **** that happened a hundred years ago.
08-25-2013 , 07:06 PM
Here you go: I bet these people weren't cheering when Zimmerman got acquitted though right?
08-25-2013 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by GermanGuy
(he was a professor at the University of Chicago)
Obama was not a professor at University of Chicago broski...
08-25-2013 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
Where the **** was that racist piece of **** Sharpton and his puppy dog Jesse Jackson when OJ got off? Oh yeah they were cheering in the streets like the Raiders just won the Super Bowl. I mean seriously do any of the people in this thread really believe half the **** you say? There is a double standard in this country, at what point will we finally be even for **** that happened a hundred years ago.
Sounding a little righteous there Eddy
08-25-2013 , 07:17 PM
Dude doesn't even understand Fly's point and is asking for stats about worry or something?

I miss the mikes.
08-25-2013 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
Here you go: I bet these people weren't cheering when Zimmerman got acquitted though right?
Hmm, let's look at the comments! (nsfw language)


Also holy ****, that news anchor has never been more angry in his life than watching black people celebrate the OJ verdict!!!

I mean, Ed, it's almost like these people who have been oppressed by society/the government for centuries finally saw one of their own escape its punishment. Crazy, right? How many more posts until you get super mad that the leaders of the black community won't repudiate this senseless encouragement of violence?
08-25-2013 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by SonOfDemjan
It's pretty interesting that a July 2013 regdate nests quotes. In the Politics offshoot forum. What were you looking for me to respond to? Your ******ed GOTCHA QUESTION post?

Originally Posted by FlyWf
One important difference
Originally Posted by "SonofDemjan", who is totally not a previously banned poster
the big important difference
that is your whole argument?
LOL dip**** maybe don't quote yourself moving those goalposts. ****ing illiterate.

For another thing, "my whole argument"? I wasn't making an "argument", I was describing reality.

What are the two sides of this imagined argument? "Racism exists" vs. "Nuh-uh, I'm a white guy from Kentucky and I've never seen anything racist ever so it doesn't"
08-25-2013 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
You have no ****ing clue what these people march for or what causes they donate their time fighting for. Nice of you to assume they are lazy drones sitting around on their couches waiting for media Sharpton to give them their marching orders, though.

Racial disparities in the administration of justice in the criminal justice system are a really big ****ing problem. So is racism. They are things that get people who have been affected by them really upset. It shouldn't be a surprise to any non-racist, non-idiot why the TM case upset a lot of people.

But again, you're arguing against the decimation of knowledge to the greater masses. That's ****ing stupid, guy. So the President felt he needed to address this one particular instance. Who gives a ****??? Racists.
Reverend Sharpton?

I mean he was part of that entire ****show and the face of it more or less, but I was in no way shape or form targeting just black people with what i said.

The media covered it non-stop and after the verdict you had countless people out in the streets in San Francisco immediately. I don't remember seeing countless people out in the streets in San Fran protesting or marching the injustices/murders in their local community. Have you???

So why were they out there after that verdict?! Because they are TV worshipping zombies, and care about what the media tells them to care about or worry about. The TV tells them to care about some injustice in some random county in Florida.

I'm arguing the decimation of knowledge? Why don't they take the knowledge of the problems, injustices, murders, rapes in their own city that they can probably read about in the paper and actually make a difference in their own community. Instead of worrying about a murder a continent away because the TV told them to care.
08-25-2013 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Reverend Sharpton?

I mean he was part of that entire ****show and the face of it more or less, but I was in no way shape or form targeting just black people with what i said.

The media covered it non-stop and after the verdict you had countless people out in the streets in San Francisco immediately. I don't remember seeing countless people out in the streets in San Fran protesting or marching the injustices/murders in their local community. Have you???

So why were they out there after that verdict?! Because they are TV worshipping zombies, and care about what the media tells them to care about or worry about. The TV tells them to care about some injustice in some random county in Florida.

I'm arguing the decimation of knowledge? Why don't they take the knowledge of the problems, injustices, murders, rapes in their own city that they can probably read about in the paper and actually make a difference in their own community. Instead of worrying about a murder a continent away because the TV told them to care.
This might be the smartest guy in this thread.

When the idiot box tells you to get mad, you get mad. Don't think for yourself.
08-25-2013 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
So why were they out there after that verdict?! Because they are TV worshipping zombies, and care about what the media tells them to care about or worry about. The TV tells them to care about some injustice in some random county in Florida.
Why are you out here posting on the internet right now? Because you're a TV worshiping zombie, and Fox News told you to care about George Zimmerman getting off, obviously! Jesus you're ****ing stupid.

Originally Posted by EdBratz66
This might be the smartest guy in this thread.
Anyone shocked that Ed would find particular brilliance with the dumbest dude ITT?
08-25-2013 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
Where the **** was that racist piece of **** Sharpton and his puppy dog Jesse Jackson when OJ got off? Oh yeah they were cheering in the streets like the Raiders just won the Super Bowl. I mean seriously do any of the people in this thread really believe half the **** you say? There is a double standard in this country, at what point will we finally be even for **** that happened a hundred years ago.
I think we broke EdBratz.
08-25-2013 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
When the idiot box tells you to get mad, you get mad. Don't think for yourself.
This is a funny post because you obviously care about the OJ verdict, which was far more of a media-generated event than Trayvon's murder.
08-25-2013 , 07:53 PM
I'm gonna guess it's snagglepuss.
08-25-2013 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Obama was not a professor at University of Chicago broski...
oh rearry?
08-25-2013 , 07:59 PM
Gee, i don't like Obama and suddenly I am a racists. I don't like the man because of his policies. I actually think he is a racist considering the company he kept and the preacher he followed, but that is a whole different discussion.

By all the arguing in these political threads (why did i ever post in politics?), I would say that there is a lot of polarization in people's ideas. Seemingly more now then I remember growing up. That isn't a good thing, whether you blame the Republicans for trying to stop anything that Obama wants to do or whether you blame Obama for ignoring the Congress and making up his own laws (obamacare, no deportation of illegal immagrant parents, etc, etc). Something needs to change and I am not sure what. We as a Country are not heading the right way.

In the mean time, keep calling everyone you don't know a racist and feel good about yourselves. I wasn't going to post this, but i am sure i'll get trolled anyway so have fun:


Thanks for the heartfelt words. This will be my last post here, senseless to keep posting someplace where everyone has there own ideas and thinks that people that think differently are idiots and/or racists.

Last edited by MrWookie; 08-25-2013 at 09:07 PM.
08-25-2013 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Why are you out here posting on the internet right now? Because you're a TV worshiping zombie, and Fox News told you to care about George Zimmerman getting off, obviously! Jesus you're ****ing stupid.
Silver_Man actually gets his news from Youtube, sir, don't you dare lump him in with the TV watchers.
08-25-2013 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Why are you out here posting on the internet right now? Because you're a TV worshiping zombie, and Fox News told you to care about George Zimmerman getting off, obviously! Jesus you're ****ing stupid.
Well, with respect to the Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman case...I think it is funny/interesting/weird/******ED that people cared so much about one random injustice out of the countless injustices that take place every single day in everyone's backyard on a daily basis.

When did I say that I cared about Zimmerman getting off? He could have been found guilty and sentenced to a firing squad and it would have made less than zero difference in my life. Just like it made less than zero difference in my life that he got acquitted. It happened a continent away.

I made it clear that Zimmerman supporters are TV worshipping zombies also.

The only one who is stupid is you with your parroted "who told you that, FOXOOX? Default spew.
08-25-2013 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I'm gonna guess it's snagglepuss.
That is my read as well. Same punctuation, same lack of capitalization, and same bizarre infatuation with just spewing a barrage of passive-aggressive questions and demanding answers.

But let's really unpack this latest gotcha. After his first round of "so that's your whole argument" imploded, now he's got some thing MrWookie maybe said? OK? What? Is what snaggle is really angry about here that people called Ron Paul racist because of his newsletters but didn't call Wookie racist for whatever reason?
