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Bump this thread every time a black person kills a white person so that Obama knows Bump this thread every time a black person kills a white person so that Obama knows

08-23-2013 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Thing is many of the 'malicious' racists these days basically live in poverty.
That is the ultimate irony. Racist whites don't even realize they have much more in common generally with the black population they supposedly hate than the fear mongering wealthy elitist politicians they elect.

But I admit this is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. When I read ignorant racist comments, I can't help from thinking, double wide or single wide? GED or drop out? and Alabama or Mississippi? Equally stereotypical thinking I know, but I get a modicum of satisfaction realizing that many racist are very pitiful people themselves.
08-23-2013 , 09:03 PM
OMGOMGOMGOMG, Fox News is gonna go ballistic when this story gets out:

AP source: DHS employee behind racist website

Ayo Kimathi, who is an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, operates the site, War on the Horizon, which includes descriptions of an ‘‘unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.’’ Kimathi is black.
08-23-2013 , 09:24 PM
But they are less likely to be criminal in the first place.
08-23-2013 , 09:55 PM
Brand new poster who makes a beeline to the Unchained forum's racism thread? Yeah, you don't sound like someone who got banned for being a racist.
08-23-2013 , 10:15 PM
George, how can we tell if you're racist when you say you live in a mixed neighborhood don't mention your race, or the race of the people who moved in across the street, or the race of the people who make you scared for your family?
08-23-2013 , 10:17 PM
Maybe he lives near Lou Albano.
08-23-2013 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by GeorgeSteele
The park behind my house usually has a few basketball games going, mostly all black, 99% of the time there no problems whatsoever. However, there were two people killed in the last year, now I am sure they were not random, as the cops had said they were gang related, but there is not a chance in hell I would allow my kid to go play in that park. Now we have new neighbors who moved in across the street, and last week there was an argument there, and we woke up and there were at least ten cars whose tires were slashed. So, now it makes me have my guard up, and now I completely feel like a racist because not only am I scared for my family, but now when I see somebody walking up the street or a group of people walking up the street, I am more alert and more careful then I would have been in the past.
The bolded is scarey. But it has nothing to do with them being black. Unless you're a racist. Then of course it's scarey having black people living near you.
08-23-2013 , 11:03 PM
maybe you should move to a neighborhood with nice black people instead of scary black people?
08-24-2013 , 02:53 AM
Shouldn't we bump a thread every time an innocent brown person dies as a result of Obama's decisions instead?
08-24-2013 , 03:05 AM
Welp, time to move the thread to regular Politics so Lirva can't tard it up
08-24-2013 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Shouldn't we bump a thread every time an innocent brown person dies as a result of Obama's decisions instead?
When black or brown people die, or innocent Muslim families, its more of a....collateral damage issue.

The US Justice Department puts a clearly different value on humans lives. Whether they are victims or defendants, the punishment dished out is directly related to racial and socio economic factors of both the accused and the victim. Kill a poor black person vs a wealthly white women and see the difference. Be a poor accused black person vs a "successful" white male and the sentences for the exact same crimes are dramatically different.
08-24-2013 , 03:06 AM
I think black on white crime should be punished increasingly harshly until it reaches equilibrium with white on black crime. Never mind if a random victim is likely white with current population demographics, thats besides the point. So instead of better schooling, welfare and other such bull**** we should just jail them in increasingly large numbers until they are pacified enough to not interfere with the god given rights of the white man.
08-24-2013 , 03:15 AM
The criminal justice system is already racist in practice. Black people are incarcerated more often, and for longer sentences than white people, and not just over drugs, but a lot other offenses. They are also given the death sentence, and executed more often than white people. Criminal prosecution and sentencing of black people doesn't need to go up, it needs to go down to reach equilibrium with white people.
08-24-2013 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by Marn
I think black on white crime should be punished increasingly harshly until it reaches equilibrium with white on black crime. Never mind if a random victim is likely white with current population demographics, thats besides the point. So instead of better schooling, welfare and other such bull**** we should just jail them in increasingly large numbers until they are pacified enough to not interfere with the god given rights of the white man.
I would take prison any day over having to live around a bunch of inbred, rednecks constitutionally incapable of developing a compassionate, logical worldview and living in harmony with the human race.

Those Four Seasons you call prisons in Sweden are a joke, but an accurate reflection of the soft nature of your country.
08-24-2013 , 10:05 AM
Came for the DVaut, then left.
08-24-2013 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by PlayaHata1
That is the ultimate irony. Racist whites don't even realize they have much more in common generally with the black population they supposedly hate than the fear mongering wealthy elitist politicians they elect.

But I admit this is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. When I read ignorant racist comments, I can't help from thinking, double wide or single wide? GED or drop out? and Alabama or Mississippi? Equally stereotypical thinking I know, but I get a modicum of satisfaction realizing that many racist are very pitiful people themselves.
As someone who lives in a relatively affluent southern suburb, racism is not relegated to poor white communities.
08-24-2013 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Yes? Lots of people are pathologically violent and senseless killings are like, daily occurrences. Welcome to humanity. I'd rather just assume political leaders disapprove of senseless acts of violence, they can spare me the theatrics of showing outrage to satisfy populist angst, and will focus on creating and executing laws.

In this case of Christopher Lane, the justice system seems to have functioned pretty well, since the murderers were apprehended and sentenced within days, and then not let free. Politicians succeeded here. Nice. No grand conversation necessary.

When politicians maybe fail is when some dude murders an unarmed black kid because of his perception that the black kid was roaming where he shouldn't have been, and then some opaque legal doctrine inhibits justice by making that murder legal. I welcome their thoughts and comments about such events in that case.
Very well said. This should be the response every time ikes spikes the football on this subject.
08-24-2013 , 12:19 PM
08-24-2013 , 03:27 PM
I would rather bump this thread for classy gestures like this, much more uplifting.
08-24-2013 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by PlayaHata1
I would rather bump this thread for classy gestures like this, much more uplifting.
Somehow the reporting required not one mention of either individual's skin.

Emphasised is the challenge of solving the homelessness problem when not all the people without houses consider themselves actually without a home or having a problem about it.

Reminds me of the saying about where the home is.
08-24-2013 , 04:13 PM
I made a wrong turn and ended up on a street where there were about 10-15 black people outside. It was a one way street so I had to turn around somewhere to leave. Before I could do so, most of these folks swarmed my car and tried to sell me some sort of drugs (I don't really know what drugs). I politely declined and a few walked away, but then one came up and put a gun in my window and told me to give him $20 or he'd "roast" me. I gave him $20 and they kind of moved away but still were very much trying to intimidate.

I now get very scared of making wrong turns. Am I racist? I am white obviously.
08-24-2013 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
I think it's funny that racist always essentially ask the same question which boils down to what is the maximum amount of racist I can be and yet not be called a racist. The idea of trying not to be racist at all is just not in the mix. Like I want to be as racist as I can get away with obviously so will this get me called racist? Will that?
Originally Posted by TheNonPareil
I made a wrong turn and ended up on a street where there were about 10-15 black people outside. It was a one way street so I had to turn around somewhere to leave. Before I could do so, most of these folks swarmed my car and tried to sell me some sort of drugs (I don't really know what drugs). I politely declined and a few walked away, but then one came up and put a gun in my window and told me to give him $20 or he'd "roast" me. I gave him $20 and they kind of moved away but still were very much trying to intimidate.

I now get very scared of making wrong turns. Am I racist? I am white obviously.
08-24-2013 , 05:21 PM
It's the weirdest thing. I think they are trying to prove how "racism" is some weird invention that politically correct elites created to win arguments on the internet or whatever, but it actually just makes them seem ******ed.

Like it's not the maximum amount I can be racist before I'm racist, it's maximum amount racist I can be before I get CALLED racist. Which is like, man, you can't figure this **** on your own? Are you an adult?

Also, to answer that guy's question, yes, obviously.

The appropriate emotional response to wrong turns is annoyance or frustration. If you're experiencing FEAR, actual fear, of the possibility of making another wrong turn because you could potentially come into contact with black people, that's racist and also probably just generally bad for your driving.
08-24-2013 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by TheNonPareil
I made a wrong turn and ended up on a street where there were about 10-15 black people outside. It was a one way street so I had to turn around somewhere to leave. Before I could do so, most of these folks swarmed my car and tried to sell me some sort of drugs (I don't really know what drugs). I politely declined and a few walked away, but then one came up and put a gun in my window and told me to give him $20 or he'd "roast" me. I gave him $20 and they kind of moved away but still were very much trying to intimidate.

I now get very scared of making wrong turns. Am I racist? I am white obviously.
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
One thing to bear in mind here about TheNonPareil's story is that it is potentially the sad story of an accidental racist, where America's segregated communities and workplaces make it plausible that the only time someone of encounters black people or, gasp, a group of 10-15 of them fraternizing, is if they make a wrong turn. Obviously if you get mugged by a white person, most white people know enough other white people to not think of it as endemic to white people or caused by naturally violent Caucsoid genes. But when the only time you see groups of black people is if you're far afield from where you intended to go, then it's like maybe plausible people are just legitimately ******ed and afraid of groups of black people. It's like when Bill O'Reilly once ate a restauraunt in Harlem that had a mostly black staff and patrons and he seemingly expressed genuine amazement they weren't swearing and throwing food at each other and stuff.
