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Being proud of being white Being proud of being white

12-09-2013 , 03:40 PM
12-09-2013 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
The only reason i read this forum is because there are some pretty good posters in here, like silverman, and ikestoy. The majority of you are brainwashed socialists who are leading the country on a path where one day you will wake up and there will be nothing because the asian countries left us for dust. You can hate whitey all you want, but when hes gone, you are gonna miss him.
Here I am asking you an honest question for the third time and you cant answer me?

What are your thoughts on Jefferson Davis?
12-09-2013 , 03:51 PM
12-09-2013 , 03:53 PM

Also, sick burn on ikes by J, Davis
12-09-2013 , 03:58 PM
Well whitey I think your ****ed. You cant even move back to Europe because they have blacks there too.

Your best bet is to move to Iceland. Make sure you dress warm.
12-09-2013 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
Are you familiar with Robert Mugabe? Well his actions aren't something that occurred a long time ago and they dont happen anymore. There is a real problem of whites being discriminated against for "revenge". It happens on a worse scale in Africa. But its happening more subtly in first world places too. For example, i have to be ashamed of my history because of slavery. Is it fair to say to a moslem that they should be ashamed of their history because of genghis khan?
Like ashamed because he kicked their asses so hard?
12-09-2013 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis

It is a sad thing that people were treated in that way, but people do overlook that some slaves were treated well by their owners, ate at the table, and were given basic education.
Just wow at this
12-09-2013 , 04:19 PM
I have learnt my lesson, i should be ashamed of who i am, and i should be ashamed of my culture. This is coming from the tolerant* liberals

*only tolerant in certain instances

Please note that i have never insulted anyone, yet i have received messages that wish harm upon me and my family. Yet i am the one who is supposedly coming across as bigoted.

I am not racist, i support the rights of all colors to reside in the nations where they have settled, i even have a friend who is black, and another that is asian. I am simply asking questions about why i should hate myself and why im not allowed to take pride in my culture, like other cultures are allowed to do.

I am religious, and read the thread where the catholic who asked me about jefferson davis refers to the moslem god by saying "peace upon him" after mentioning the name. So i ask this catholic, are you agree or disagree with your church that the moslem god is false prophet?
12-09-2013 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
Is it fair to say to a moslem that they should be ashamed of their history because of genghis khan?
Part of the reason you are able to use your computer is because of the Islamic Golden age. Ghenghis Khan, along with his grandson Hulagu Khan were responsible for ending this golden age of Islam with their mongol invasions/attack on Islamic territories , You are literally making up history itt.

Khan practiced Shamanism. Some of Khans followers adopted Islam, this was after Khan invaded Islamic territorials which practically destroyed the advances in science, math , astrology made by Islam.

Not only are you an illiterate racist who makes up history, you are a massive Islamophobe. Racism and Islamophobia often go hand in hand as outlined by J davis itt.
12-09-2013 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
Part of the reason you are able to use your computer is because of the Islamic Golden age. Ghenghis Khan, along with his grandson Hulagu Khan were responsible for ending this golden age of Islam with their mongol invasions/attack on Islamic territories , You are literally making up history itt.

Khan practiced Shamanism. Some of Khans followers adopted Islam, this was after Khan invaded Islamic territorials which practically destroyed the advances in science, math , astrology made by Islam.

Not only are you a illiterate racist who makes up history, you are a massive Islamophobe. Racism and Islamophobia often go hand in hand as outlined by J davis itt.
My mistake, i am aware that the moslems did great things for math and astronomy, so my question stands, are you allowed to take pride in your culture because of that? If you are. then am i allowed to take pride in my culture for our achievements? Why is there a double standard.

The person in my avatar is one of a very small handful of people who have a spine in this politically correct world. It is basically a crime to be anything other than supporting the liberal agenda, i admire people who stand up for their beliefs in the face of adversity, and that is why i have chosen him as my picture. You should research him, maybe you can learn something.

Can you please tell me why i am anti-moslem, or cite a post of mine that makes you believe that? Or are you just calling me names to discredit me like everyone else in the forum.
12-09-2013 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
My mistake, i am aware that the moslems did great things for math and astronomy, so my question stands, are you allowed to take pride in your culture because of that? If you are. then am i allowed to take pride in my culture for our achievements? Why is there a double standard.

The person in my avatar is one of a very small handful of people who have a spine in this politically correct world. It is basically a crime to be anything other than supporting the liberal agenda, i admire people who stand up for their beliefs in the face of adversity, and that is why i have chosen him as my picture. You should research him, maybe you can learn something.
You can take pride in your culture, I think thats fine. You crossed the line in this thread with your perceptions of Immigrants, your views on history, and your perception of Islam

Whose gimmick are you?
12-09-2013 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
I am not racist, i support the rights of all colors to reside in the nations where they have settled, i even have a friend who is black, and another that is asian.

Originally Posted by J, Davis
I am simply asking questions about why i should hate myself and why im not allowed to take pride in my culture, like other cultures are allowed to do.
Look up concern trolling and get back to us
12-09-2013 , 04:29 PM
Pride in inherent attributes is silly in the first place. That's why "white pride" is stupid, just as "black pride" and "Puerto Rican pride" and "gay pride" and so many other kinds of pride are stupid. The only difference is that ******* racists co-opted "white pride" as a code phrase for xenophobia and bigotry, so it will likely have that stigma for a long time.

Be proud of things you have done. Be proud of where you are in life. Be proud of your son the first time he breaks a bully's nose. But being proud of your race, sexual orientation, religion, or whatever—regardless of what it is—is nonsense. It's like being proud of your ****ing bellybutton.

And don't expect to ever have a rational discussion about this topic on the internet.
12-09-2013 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
You can take pride in your culture, I think thats fine. You crossed the line in this thread with your perceptions of Immigrants, your views on history, and your perception of Islam

Whose gimmick are you?
i said that islam did loads of math and astronomy, maybe you think im wrong, can you point me to a post of mine where i said something that you felt was a bad perception of islam?

i will answer your question about jefferson davis, if you answer mine about your churches views on the moslem god.
12-09-2013 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jimulacrum
Pride in inherent attributes is silly in the first place. That's why "white pride" is stupid, just as "black pride" and "Puerto Rican pride" and all other kinds of racial pride are stupid.
This is a fine position and i respect it. I am only addressing the socialists who say that its only white pride that is wrong, and there are lots of them swimming in these waters.
12-09-2013 , 04:36 PM
By the way, if you want to ever be taken seriously, drop the "liberal agenda" thing. Nothing turns people off to an open discussion like the stated assumption that they're part of an army of ideologically engineered drones.
12-09-2013 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
This is a fine position and i respect it. I am only addressing the socialists who say that its only white pride that is wrong, and there are lots of them swimming in these waters.
Perhaps there are such people here, but you're attacking them personally and making assumptions about them. That's not a recipe for any kind of productive conversation, wouldn't you agree?
12-09-2013 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
i said that islam did loads of math and astronomy, maybe you think im wrong, can you point me to a post of mine where i said something that you felt was a bad perception of islam?

i will answer your question about jefferson davis, if you answer mine about your churches views on the moslem god.

Originally Posted by J, Davis
Is it fair to say to a moslem that they should be ashamed of their history because of genghis khan?

here you are making up history, idk how Muslims should be ashamed of their history b/c of Ghenghis Khan, Khan was not a Muslim, after all Khan was responsible for ending the Islamic Golden Age.

This and you keep referring to Muhammad as a Muslim god, which goes to show your level of knowledge concerning Islam and Quran.

To a Muslim, There is only one God and his messenger is Muhammad. Muslims do not view Muhammad as a god like you state they do.
12-09-2013 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
here you are making up history, idk how Muslims should be ashamed of their history b/c of Ghenghis Khan, Khan was not a Muslim, after all he was responsible for ending the Islamic Golden Age.

This and you keep referring to Muhammad as a Muslim god, which goes to show your level of knowledge concerning Islam and Quran.

To a Muslim, There is only one God and his messenger is Muhammad. Muslims do not view Muhammad as a god like you state they do.
I am sorry for my mistake.

I asked you a simple question twice, so can you answer it? is he or is he not a false prophet? you are catholic right?

Im amused you seem to make fun of me for not answering your jefferson davis question, but you don't want to answer this question.
12-09-2013 , 04:51 PM
sweet ikestoys shout-out + "I have a black friend" card=we're probably getting trolled.


And the Genghis Khan thing + the slaves eating at the table...
12-09-2013 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
You should be arrested for spewing utter hatred and nonsense. I am not going to respond to you anymore. You don't deserve my responce b/c you don't understand history, you don't understand the basic tenants of Islam yet you have gone on and on about "moslems" itt.

BTW Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic church, The pope encourages Catholics to reach out to the Muslim's around the world. If you are Catholic J Davis, you are going against the teachings of Pope Francis.

I wonder whose gimmick acct you are.
12-09-2013 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
See this is the problem with you liberals, when i bring up a perfectly legitimate position, that its OK to be proud of your white heritage, and to be proud of your southern upbringing and culture, you just know in your heart of hearts that this is wrong and not allowed. Can you not see how you are brainwashed? You can't even come up with a coherent argument explaining why these things are considered to be so taboo.
You're proud of acheivements based on the color of the skin of the person who did it? And what does the achievements of the people who pre-date have to do with you? I must admit I don't really get taking pride in what some ancestors of yours did since it has nothing to do with you. But you take it further... you want to take pride specifically in things done by white people. Who cares? And it really has no bearing on how YOU should be judged. Certainly there have been thousands of great white people. But what does that have to do with you? Does the fact that you also are white mean their accomplishments are yours? because they're not. So I can't figure out what the deal is.

BTW- people have pointed out to you the answer which I suspect you missed. The reason that people don't need to celebrate white pride is because most of western culture for 100s of years has been a daily celebration of white pride.


There is a real crisis right now where whites are slowly becoming minorities in their own homelands.
How is this a crisis? What will happen if white skin is not the majority? This is something only racists worry about.
12-09-2013 , 04:53 PM
J. Davis = Cwococococococ

12-09-2013 , 04:55 PM
I thought it was Shame Trolly!!!1!
12-09-2013 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
The only reason i read this forum is because there are some pretty good posters in here, like silverman, and ikestoy. The majority of you are brainwashed socialists who are leading the country on a path where one day you will wake up and there will be nothing because the asian countries left us for dust. You can hate whitey all you want, but when hes gone, you are gonna miss him.
I admit it made me smile ear to ear.

I never put Silverman and ikes together like that but I appreciate it now. Thank you for that.
