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Being proud of being white Being proud of being white

12-12-2013 , 06:07 PM
We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.
Sm2's interpretation of the Sanger quote is racist itself. "Of course black ministers would conspire to exterminate their own race. You know how those people are..."
12-12-2013 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
He was banned because he was a racist...
Has this been confirmed?

Check out Silver_Man's last posts, and Silver_Man2's first... doesn't seem too add up. But speaking of perma-bans... it's prop bet time !!!1! Who wants to make a line on the props below ???/? Assume bets are final on 2014-12-13, and driven (or drifted) away means no posts after 2014-6-12...
  1. Silver_Man2 gets perma-banned.
  2. Team #N whines about "yelling and screaming" (@anyone).
  3. Silver_Man2 washes his hands.
  4. Team #N cites relevant examples of "yelling and screaming".
  5. Silver_Man2 gets an avatar.
  6. Team #N springs into action (@anyone).
  7. Silver_Man2 spews intolerant bile.
  8. Team #N whines about "yelling and screaming" @Silver_Man2.
  9. Silver_Man2 is driven away.
  10. Team #N whines about Silver_Man2 being driven away.
  11. Silver_Man2 lives !!!1!
  12. Team #N 'converts' anyone to tolerance.
  13. Mat Sklansky closes Baja Politards in disgust.
12-12-2013 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Minorities not walking nearby....minorities trying to flag me down while I was about to pull up and get gas with 110 degree weather outside. Didn't want to deal with whatever BULL**** they wanted from me that obviously involved me giving them money for whatever it is they wanted to for me. Do you like dealing with BULL**** FLy?!?!?! I don't give a **** if their Hispanic. Sorry that I didn't get out of my car in 110 degree heat and engage a bunch of strangers in a conversation of which I wouldn't even be able to understand probably.

I help COUNTLESS minorities in the entire valley of Phoenix save money on their prescription medication for my job. Driving around endlessly to over 150 urgent care clinics, community health centers, doctors offices etc helping primarily hispanics who are poorer than dirt save money on costly medications. So go **** yourself.

Let's say your right...let's say I am racist. Maybe I crack a few black jokes here and there. Maybe I drop N-bombs from time to time. Who gives a ****?!?!? Big ****ing deal?!?!?

ESPECIALLY when you have over 500 Planned Parenthood clinics doing their part to keep minorities from breeding??? And the FOUNDER'S goals were exactly that.

Who gives a **** if I am racist or not!?!? What's ****ing amazing to me is people like you are more concerned about some white trash hillbilly in Mississippi dropping N bombs or someone looking at a mexican in a funny way than you are about the people actually ****ing up, manipulating, and doing horrible things for horrible reasons to the same minorities you get so butthurt about over some redneck saying something. You even pretty much admitted it when you said you think I'm racist but then justify it by pointing out worse people and entities doing actual terrible things. Well let's hear you go after those *******s for once.
I take it you hate your job.
12-13-2013 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
Lol. Silver_man2 was adamantly denying being a racist for months! Also we were never told why the user silver_man was banned.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
He was banned because he was a racist *******, and until recently, racist *******s were banned. In their great wisdom, the people who run this site have since decided that openly racist screeds are welcome here in unchained.
Ironically I was banned for getting into an abortion debate.

I said pro-lifers are idiots for caring about people they don't know aborting a baby, and that pro choicers are idiots for trying to push others to be pro-choice.
12-13-2013 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

If I'm out at a bar with some friends and acquaintances, and one of them calls our waitress an n-word, should I refrain from calling him racist because he's not David Duke?
No, you shouldn't refrain from calling him a racist.

How often do you or anyone in this thread hear people dropping N-bombs?
12-13-2013 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
And literally all you can do to defend yourself is claim that somewhere out there, somebody is worse. Which, in your mind, somehow makes it OK?
It isn't about making it OK, Fly. I don't give a **** if you think I am racist. The fascinating thing to me is you guys have such a wide net for what constitutes being a racist, yet at the same time pretty selective about who you attack.

SM's a racist.......rednecks dropping N bombs when hanging out amongst themselves are racist....LETS GET THEM! But PP helping make sure blacks and mexicans don't breed like rabbits to keep their numbers down? Racist? Nahhhh

Hell, I remember AlexM called that woman a racist for slamming the door on that South Florida football player who was hysterical banging on her door at 2am after he had a car accident, and then he ended up getting shot by police.

What about the racist quotes by Biden and Reid towards Obama? No threads or mass media hysteria about that. Any public figure conservative saying what either of what those two said about Obama and that conservative would have been pummeled.
12-13-2013 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
He was banned because he was a racist *******, and until recently, racist *******s were banned. In their great wisdom, the people who run this site have since decided that openly racist screeds are welcome here in unchained.
What have I said that is racist?

I have admitted that I do tend to stereotype in my own head. So what? That includes lots of ****. I love asians at my table when I play poker over 75 year old white dudes.

The bathroom attendant being black had nothing to do with how I reacted. If he was white he was still getting no tip for handing me a paper towel. And still would have had the manager to tell him to STFU for being an annoying as he was. And BTW, the bathroom was cramped and had people already using and waiting to wash their hands. You guys act like I was standing their pissing all over my hands..

5 random mexicans trying to flag me down and walking towards my car and I decide to go to another gas station so I don't have to be bothered by their BULL****??? That's racist?!?!? Because I don't want to deal with their BULL**** of where they want to get money from me somehow, and that makes me racist??? Are you ****ing kidding me???

And I remember one or two of you saying that I shouldn't have done that because I should have empathy for how they might feel after I continue driving and leave the gas station. lol **** THAT horse****.

What else? Oh yeah...I said I would never go for a stroll in the Englewood neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. You guys think I am racist for saying that because it is overwhelmingly black in that area. No, I think it would be smart to never walk around in that area considering they there was debate about bringing the National Guard in that area. It doesn't mean I think 85% of the black people in that area are murdering gangbang thugs.

Sorry I don't have white guilt and feel the need to overcompensate because in these two instances they happened to be minorities. I wasn't going to have a conversation and shoot the **** with some bathroom attendant in a bathroom, nor am I going to deal with 5 random dudes approaching me for whatever bull**** they want where they aren't getting anything anyway.

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 12-13-2013 at 08:45 AM.
12-13-2013 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Ironically I was banned for getting into an abortion debate.
12-13-2013 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
But PP helping make sure blacks and mexicans don't breed like rabbits to keep their numbers down? Racist? Nahhhh
you know why this isn't racist?

because it isn't true

funny how that works, isn't it?
12-13-2013 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
What have I said that is racist?

I have admitted that I do tend to stereotype in my own head. So what? That includes lots of ****. I love asians at my table when I play poker over 75 year old white dudes.

The bathroom attendant being black had nothing to do with how I reacted. If he was white he was still getting no tip for handing me a paper towel. And still would have had the manager to tell him to STFU for being an annoying as he was. And BTW, the bathroom was cramped and had people already using and waiting to wash their hands. You guys act like I was standing their pissing all over my hands..

5 random mexicans trying to flag me down and walking towards my car and I decide to go to another gas station so I don't have to be bothered by their BULL****??? That's racist?!?!? Because I don't want to deal with their BULL**** of where they want to get money from me somehow, and that makes me racist??? Are you ****ing kidding me???

And I remember one or two of you saying that I shouldn't have done that because I should have empathy for how they might feel after I continue driving and leave the gas station. lol **** THAT horse****.

What else? Oh yeah...I said I would never go for a stroll in the Englewood neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. You guys think I am racist for saying that because it is overwhelmingly black in that area. No, I think it would be smart to never walk around in that area considering they there was debate about bringing the National Guard in that area. It doesn't mean I think 85% of the black people in that area are murdering gangbang thugs.

Sorry I don't have white guilt and feel the need to overcompensate because in these two instances they happened to be minorities. I wasn't going to have a conversation and shoot the **** with some bathroom attendant in a bathroom, nor am I going to deal with 5 random dudes approaching me for whatever bull**** they want where they aren't getting anything anyway.
The same logic you apply to fearing minorities on the street I'm 100% positive you ignore when it comes to affirmative action. In other words, you justify avoiding minorities in X locality because they're statistically more likely to jump you or whatever due to systemic influences (oppression), but it's just racist to let skin color influence admission decisions.

But know what? Only a racist can use ecological inferences to justify avoiding minorities but disregard said influences when judging the legitimacy or necessity of AA.
12-13-2013 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by J, Davis
I wanna know what its so bad for me to be proud of my european ancestry and to find unity with my brothers and sisters. Why is it considered bad to be proud of these things?

Its unimaginable for there to ever be a appreciation day for white people/history. It would be considered racist and its taboo to even talk about it.

Why is it like this? I can't see how this is unfair considering we supposedly live in a equal society?

I am the furthers thing from being racist, i like people of all races and just want equality.

I know bad things have happened, but haven't people of all color done bad things before? People today have done no such thing and are connected to people they didn't even know because of the liberal agenda to make us guilty and hate ourselves..
You do not need a celebration day...why.

Because within your culture alot of media implicitly endorses your culture, most of the curricullum in your schools reinforces your culture and the very medium of all your communication sustains and expands the influence of your culture (your language).
12-13-2013 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by airwave16
you know why this isn't racist?

because it isn't true

funny how that works, isn't it?
Isn't true because they don't spell it out for us that that's what they are doing?

It really truly is about making sure 19 year old drugged up whores everywhere have that oh so beautiful right to choose. That's exactly what elitist narcissistic pro-choice politicians are concerned with.
12-13-2013 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Isn't true because they don't spell it out for us that that's what they are doing?

It really truly is about making sure 19 year old drugged up whores everywhere have that oh so beautiful right to choose. That's exactly what elitist narcissistic pro-choice politicians are concerned with.
You have got to be a troll trying to enflame people because it's hard to imagine you're really as much of a complete douchebag as you come across.

You should cite your evidence because I've known several women who have used planned parenthood or similar services and not a one of them was drugged up whore.

It's no wonder you have so many stories of physical confrontations - you're pretty well rounded in your offensiveness.
12-14-2013 , 12:39 AM
I understand that Silverman is trying to paint all women who use PP as being promiscuous/addicted to drugs (which is clearly untrue).

But he seems to think that it is a bad thing that promiscuous women who are addicted to drugs (so eloquently referred to as "drugged up whores") are utilizing the services PP offers. Are these women not worthy of our help?
12-14-2013 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Isn't true because they don't spell it out for us that that's what they are doing?

It really truly is about making sure 19 year old drugged up whores everywhere have that oh so beautiful right to choose. That's exactly what elitist narcissistic pro-choice politicians are concerned with.
pro-choice politicians don't give a **** about anything more than their pocket and their next election.

pro-choice activists care about people actually being able to have access to affordable reproductive care which, in the real world (and not in the john kyl-land that you live in [i guess no one got my joke from earlier]), consists of a lot more than an abortion farm.

you ******ed ****.
12-14-2013 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
You do not need a celebration day...why.

Because within your culture alot of media implicitly endorses your culture, most of the curricullum in your schools reinforces your culture and the very medium of all your communication sustains and expands the influence of your culture (your language).
it's like he thinks there aren't already days and celebrations that celebrate things that are predominantly white. oktoberfest doesn't exist, thanksgiving doesn't exist, presidents day doesn't exist, bastille day doesn't exist, christmas, the biggest White People day in the history of the human race, doesn't exist, etc.

12-14-2013 , 12:58 AM
Without black people America would have never been so productive in the slave days. Thank you blacks, i am proud to support your history.

Last edited by Toocuteforthis; 12-14-2013 at 12:59 AM. Reason: was good for overall economy growth
12-14-2013 , 07:34 AM
It was not good for economic growth - it ******ed southern economic growth for a century.
12-14-2013 , 07:41 AM
Come on, slavery couldn't have been all bad.
12-14-2013 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by airwave16

pro-choice activists care about people actually being able to have access to affordable reproductive care which
I mean yeah, sure, I understand that people/activists do actually care about poor women being able to get abortions. I have no clue why, but I understand that people care.

Media/politicians set the conversation that a women has a right to choose (as if they really give two ****s). And TPTB get what they want, less people, less mexicans, less blacks......and they accomplish this goal under the guise of promoting that a woman has a right to choose. And there is probably boatloads of money to be made in there also.

I bet a lot of activists know this are complicit with the agenda or make lots of money off of it somehow. Kind of like the gay organizations that promote gay marriage to no end and several other equality issues and then HIV/AIDS isn't even on the agenda for their list of concerns even though it is decimating gay males. Why isn't HIV/AIDS even on the list? Oh yeah, that isn't exactly the most marketable money making issue.
12-14-2013 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Kind of like the gay organizations that promote gay marriage to no end and several other equality issues and then HIV/AIDS isn't even on the agenda for their list of concerns even though it is decimating gay males. Why isn't HIV/AIDS even on the list? Oh yeah, that isn't exactly the most marketable money making issue.
This is stupid on so many levels. 1) Don't pretend that your stupid ass has ever read "the list" 2) Of course AIDS is on "the list." 3) Expecting groups who were created to fight laws banning gay marriage to pivot to AIDS/HIV activism is stupid 4) AIDS charities have raised a ****ton more money than marriage equality groups 5) Neither of those groups keeps the ****ing money, moron 6) You don't give a **** about gay men and AIDS anyway.
12-14-2013 , 09:43 AM
And TPTB get what they want, less people, less mexicans, less blacks
Who are TPTB here? PP would be considered a liberal org. Why do liberals want fewer* blacks? Doesn't make sense to want fewer voters. Fewer Mexicans? Well, then they'd be anti-immigration.

Maybe PP is actually a conservative group.

*not "less"--learn the difference.
12-14-2013 , 09:47 AM
Glad to see Sliver Man is back to his bewildered sociopath shtick.
12-14-2013 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
This is stupid on so many levels. 1) Don't pretend that your stupid ass has ever read "the list" 2) Of course AIDS is on "the list." 3) Expecting groups who were created to fight laws banning gay marriage to pivot to AIDS/HIV activism is stupid 4) AIDS charities have raised a ****ton more money than marriage equality groups 5) Neither of those groups keeps the ****ing money, moron 6) You don't give a **** about gay men and AIDS anyway.
Go to the other thread where I provided a link showing that some gay activists are basically like WTF? No HIV/AIDS on the list of concerns. Are they stupid too???

If I didn't care then why the **** am I bringing it up? I mean yes, I get that multiple things on the gay agenda can be given attention. Hell, I'm not even saying it should be #1 and replace gay marriage. But it's not even #2 or #3? or on Gay inc's list at all? Very fishy...
12-14-2013 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Who are TPTB here? PP would be considered a liberal org. Why do liberals want fewer* blacks? Doesn't make sense to want fewer voters. Fewer Mexicans? Well, then they'd be anti-immigration.
The same reason liberal groups like the Sierra Club wanted DDT banned. Malaria is nature's population control. But all the enviro nut jobs said it was because they cared about robins' eggs thinning. Ya sure...

You hear liberals all the time bitching about how the world is overpopulated.

You think all this being gay...etc isn't all tied into bringing down population numbers? The elitists promoting the conversation on all this stuff just really care? Sure they do...
