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Been called prejudiced?  Let's talk about it. Been called prejudiced?  Let's talk about it.

11-11-2014 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
There's no cult here. I'm not really losing anything if I wrongly conclude that thekid has anti-semitic leanings. Being silent while an anti-semite posts away is more of a mistake to me than wrongly accusing a terrible poster of being anti-semetic. Just looking at the facts here, thekid started a thread in a politics forum on a historical incident from almost 50 years ago that also happens to be a topic that is common on anti-semetic websites. The odds of him being innocently interested in the topic are staggeringly* low.
That is a interesting conclusion you have come to. You should actually ask people how they think about others, as opposed to continuing to assume how people think. If you have the chance to watch KKK videos online, you will note that these folks are public wrt there bigoted views.

I did not go to stromfront to learn about the liberty incident. I am a part time member of Stromfront though, I signed up to opposes the views of S/F members.

I'm interested in the USS liberty topic because AJ recently aired a documentary irt the liberty.

Here is the thing 13 ball, bigots who do not publicly acknowledge their bigotry, will "Just ask questions" about Muslims or Jews.

-The bigot will ask, why is it that while not all Muslims are terrorists, that most terrorists are Muslims?

-The bigot will ask, why is it that so many Jews have control of the banks?

You can find a few folks here on 2+2 suggesting the first point, and you can certainly find folks on Stromfront suggesting the 1st and 2nd point.
11-11-2014 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by ctyri
LOL. Moron.
lawl, thats cute.
11-11-2014 , 11:29 AM
The bigot will ask--why do you criticize a law that calls for the stoning of homosexuals?
11-11-2014 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm certainly not suggesting you should ignore anyone's behavior. It's the strength of judgement backed with a claim of expertise that doesn't just 'seem unfair' it actually is unfair.
This doesn't make any sense--you quoted my post that said "I may be wrong."

I don't really believe you don't care about fairness btw. It's just bad to suggest what matters when judging someone is the penalty to us if we're wrong (get really philosophical about it and I might agree with you but I assume you don't mean it that way)
No, the penalty goes both ways. What's the penalty to thekid if I call him anti-semetic? His participation here is anonymous and voluntary. This is simple pro/com analysis. I value disavowing anti-semetic posters more than I value whatever "damage" they may incur--even taking into account that I'm wrong some of the time.

Imagine the stakes are higher. I'm conducting a job interview and I detect that an interviewee has some likelihood of being prejudiced against, say, the elderly. It is definitely not unfair to deny that person the job.
11-11-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
The bigot will ask--why do you criticize a law that calls for the stoning of homosexuals?
What are your thoughts on the people of Brunei?
11-11-2014 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
You should actually ask people how they think about others, as opposed to continuing to assume how people think.
People lie. Your actions don't match your words.
11-11-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm certainly not suggesting you should ignore anyone's behavior. It's the strength of judgement backed with a claim of expertise that doesn't just 'seem unfair' it actually is unfair.

I don't really believe you don't care about fairness btw. It's just bad to suggest what matters when judging someone is the penalty to us if we're wrong (get really philosophical about it and I might agree with you but I assume you don't mean it that way)
FWIW, I feel almost zero effect when I am poked fun at for having the view that Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are peaceful religions. Jeremy Lynn is someone I credit for this type of mood, Lynn is a Christian and a heck of a BB playa.

I have been insulted a few times, over in RGT and here in PU, for simply having the view that Islam is peaceful. Now I did lash out at some of the folks in RGT and here on PU for saying bad things about Muslims in general as well as Muhammad, and I feel bad about that.
11-11-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
People lie. Your actions don't match your words.
By this logic, for all we know your a neo nazi.
11-11-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
Typically, I do not get asked by folks I'f Im Jewish, Muslim, or Christian. But there was IMO nothing wrong with the Jewish guys question.

If you would have been there with me in Las Vegas, or if you read my post, you would note that it was the Jewish guy who first addressed me. He said to me, "Are you Jewish"?

What I first said in return to the man was Salamulakum, which is arabic for peace be upon you, its a polite way to greet someone.

In my mind, I wanted to have a peaceful discussion with the Jewish guy, and I expected him to say Shalom/Walakumsalem to me in return, or maybe just greet me in a good way. That did not happen though, the Jewish guy lashed out in anger/frustration when I said Salaumulakum to him. If your Jewish or Muslim, then you will know that Jews and Muslims have many things in common, including similar ways of greeting folks.

I also want to add, about two years ago, I meant a poker playing Jewish man from Afghanistan(imagine that, a Jew from Afgan). We had a polite conversation.
Do you typically say Salamulakum to people you meet for the first time, or was this an anomaly of sorts? Because my understanding is that it's a Muslim greeting (though not exclusively), and that outright dismissing the, "Are you Jewish?" question and instead greeting him with a Muslim expression is pretty antagonistic...especially coming from someone who does full well know the history between these two groups.

Would you say that's fair?

Also, seems to me that you have infrequent contact with Jewish people, is that true? I say this because you coming across a Jewish man years ago and having a polite conversation was noteworthy to you.

Originally Posted by ctyri
LOL. Moron.
This is borderline at best. Please refrain from name calling ITT, even if it's as relatively benign as this.

Originally Posted by jjshabado

So when you see somebody say something like "gangsta rap" you want to rephrase that as just "rap" because that then gives you something to attack.
That's actually not true, TBH. Not liking rap isn't indicative of racism, neither is disliking "gangsta" rap. Both are ridiculous conclusions to draw about someone. Omitting the "gangsta" part wasn't part of some framing scheme on my end to find something to attack. It's not necessary.
11-11-2014 , 11:50 AM
DiB - well there you go. Then my answer is just back to my first post: "words have meaning".
11-11-2014 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
This is the kind of disingenuous team-playing bull**** that I was talking about elsewhere.
What are you talking about?
11-11-2014 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
The bigot will ask--why do you criticize a law that calls for the stoning of homosexuals?
I remember this and also would like to know more.

Thekid, direct question, to which I would appreciate a direct response: Do you condone a legal system that sanctions the stoning of homosexuals?
11-11-2014 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
What are you talking about?

Originally Posted by jjshabado
The team-playing aspect seems to be much more negative based. Meaning that people take "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" to an absurd level in this forum.

You're trying to attack the way certain people post in this forum. To do that you want to make people seem like they've been unfairly called racist.

So when you see somebody say something like "gangsta rap" you want to rephrase that as just "rap" because that then gives you something to attack.

I have no idea how conscious most of this is, but its pretty obvious, imo.
11-11-2014 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
What are you talking about?
He thought this thread would become a place where people who've been called racists would band together and commiserate with each other or something. Think he was talking about it in the moderation thread.
11-11-2014 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I was unfamiliar with what he actually said until Cytri referenced it ITT. Might be the first time I've spoken to Crash, so saying we're aligned or on a team is a stretch to say the least.
You may want to read more of the thread Crash's post was cherry-picked from.

As it relates, do you think music influences, to some degree, the behavior of youth? I'm specifically thinking about dress, drug use and speech/communication.
I'd say that white supremacist/nazi "punk" music has and does influence teenagers. I'm searching my brain for the name of the documentary show about this I watched years back. The combination of a vent for anger, plus a space to gather and network at underground shows are key influential factors.
11-11-2014 , 11:58 AM
JJ, why would you quote some stuff you posted that makes no sense as if it explains everything?

If someone says something bad about classic rock and someone else simply refers to it as rock in their reply, are you going to go ape**** on them too?
11-11-2014 , 12:00 PM
Also, words kinda don't have much meaning because different people use the same words in radically different ways, often while seeming the same on a surface inspection. That's why only an idiot jumps to conclusions about what a person means without bothering to seek clarification.
11-11-2014 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
By this logic, for all we know your a neo nazi.
Right, so if I started posting Neo-Nazi videos it wouldn't be such a stretch to imagine that I was one or at least that I sympathized with them.

Here is the thing 13 ball, bigots who do not publicly acknowledge their bigotry, will "Just ask questions" about Muslims or Jews.
I agree. Sometimes they even "just ask questions" about irrelevant 50 year old military incidents.

Last edited by 13ball; 11-11-2014 at 12:13 PM.
11-11-2014 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Also, words kinda don't have much meaning because different people use the same words in radically different ways, often while seeming the same on a surface inspection. That's why only an idiot jumps to conclusions about what a person means without bothering to seek clarification.
Which is why I wanted to start a thread where this was the rule and not the exception.
11-11-2014 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Also, words kinda don't have much meaning
And this is why I have little respect for you. It's not a listener's job to endlessly prompt you for what you mean. And if someone misunderstands you - you can correct them. And it's done and easy.

This idea though that its wrong for people to form an opinion of you based on the words that you write is absurd. The idea that its the listener's job to play 20-questions to find out what you really meant is absurd. The idea that its insulting to be judged on what you say is absurd.
11-11-2014 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
JJ, why would you quote some stuff you posted that makes no sense as if it explains everything?

If someone says something bad about classic rock and someone else simply refers to it as rock in their reply, are you going to go ape**** on them too?
Where did I go ape****?
11-11-2014 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
The team-playing aspect seems to be much more negative based. Meaning that people take "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" to an absurd level in this forum.
I totally agree. It's endemic throughout politics but particularly embraced in P.

It's not one-sided if that's what you're suggesting.

Like so many things, this seems to come down to people not realizing that words have meaning.
The far bigger problem seems to be people insisting that they know what people mean.

This idea though that its wrong for people to form an opinion of you based on the words that you write is absurd. The idea that its the listener's job to play 20-questions to find out what you really meant is absurd. The idea that its insulting to be judged on what you say is absurd.
Its not a matter of whether they are right or wrong to form an opinion, it's how reliable those opinions are. Insisting those opinion are reliable when the listener is unwilling to put in the necessary effort to make those opinions reliable is the fault of the listener. The listener can quite reasonably decide not to bother but they can't have it both ways without being dishonest.
11-11-2014 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
And this is why I have little respect for you. It's not a listener's job to endlessly prompt you for what you mean. And if someone misunderstands you - you can correct them. And it's done and easy.

This idea though that its wrong for people to form an opinion of you based on the words that you write is absurd. The idea that its the listener's job to play 20-questions to find out what you really meant is absurd. The idea that its insulting to be judged on what you say is absurd.
JJ, we are not writing precise code for a machine to process here.

Johnny Crash explained why he was misunderstood as a racist in the gangsta rap thread, but still gets called a racist.

When you have people who don't question their own opinions, or update their opinions with new information; and rationalize away the harm or social disruption mislabeling people causes, it's not easy and it is not done.
11-11-2014 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
The far bigger problem seems to be people insisting they know what people mean.
It's a problem, but it's not at all the bigger problem.

The reason its not a bigger problem is because the vast majority of time that somebody is genuinely misinterpreted they just correct themselves. It's like a 3-5 post exchange.

But when somebody drags the 'misinterpretation' into 100 posts and name calling and yadda yadda yadda, but doesn't actually clarify themselves - they're either:

1. Just obnoxious, generally ****ty posters who care more about arguing than actually conveying meaing.
2. They actually weren't misinterpreted but they don't want to admit it.
11-11-2014 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
What are your thoughts on the people of Brunei?
General thoughts? I don't really have any. I do think the country deserves criticism for having an evil law that calls for homosexuals to be stoned to death.
