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Been called prejudiced?  Let's talk about it. Been called prejudiced?  Let's talk about it.

11-10-2014 , 12:46 PM
In the forum, are you frequently called a racist, a sexist, any derivative of racist/sexist, or anything else implying you're a prejudiced POS? This is the thread for you.

ITT we will air grievances associated with being labeled as such, and will discuss (in a NON-confrontational way) why it is said labels have been applied to you. There will be no attacking posters ITT, and there will be only neutrally-worded, inoffensive approaches to the posts of others.

This will be the place to set the story straight, from your perspective, and to potentially have your views challenged politely. Posters can also be challenged ITT to set the story straight by their accusers.

The following posters are excluded from participating, due to being incapable of abiding by the friendly nature of this thread:

1. FlyWf
2. MrWookie
3. Dids
4. SenorKeeed

There is a zero tolerance policy for any verbal aggression ITT. No warning, just thread bans.

First order of business: FOLDNDARK

Question: You have been called a racist in multiple threads. When it comes to the BruceZ fiasco, how might a racist defend Bruce - while keeping his racism covert, mind you - that DIFFERS from your approach to his defense? If they don't differ, do you think the racism claims are fair? Do you feel you harbor prejudicial beliefs about dark-skinned people?

Edit: I'll be deleting posts that DiB reports in this thread. --jjshabado

Last edited by jjshabado; 11-10-2014 at 01:49 PM.
11-10-2014 , 01:02 PM
Keed gets to be #4 and I'm not even on the uninvited list? What the hell.
11-10-2014 , 01:16 PM
11-10-2014 , 01:18 PM
I'll think about it. I'm not sure a racist would make any different arguments, and I'm not certain I don't harbor some racist feelings and attitudes. All I think anyone can do is discuss each instance separately and try to consider all perspectives. One thing I am sure is that taking my words and misinterpreting them, repackaging them and feeding them back to me with scorn does absolutely nothing to persuade me I'm wrong about anything.
11-10-2014 , 01:20 PM
The ranking should be

1. Fly
2. Dids
3. Me
4. Wook
5. Keed
11-10-2014 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I'll think about it. I'm not sure a racist would make any different arguments, and I'm not certain I don't harbor some racist feelings and attitudes.
First time you've stated ITF that you're open to the potential that your harbor certain racist attitudes? Which ones come to mind?
11-10-2014 , 01:40 PM
I thought uninvited threads weren't happening?
11-10-2014 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
I thought uninvited threads weren't happening?
I'm not calling Keeed a horrendous, insufferable, bigoted POS and forbidding him from responding. We can still not allow posters to participate, we just can't bad mouth them anymore.
11-10-2014 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
First time you've stated ITF that you're open to the potential that your harbor certain racist attitudes? Which ones come to mind?
I don't know. I guess having been raised in an area with few black kids, it took me a while to adjust to differences in appearance, style, speech and culture of many of them. For example, the transition from grade school, where there were maybe three black kids, to middle school, where there were many more, was a shock. I can remember thinking they were so much louder, and not being attracted to black girls because of their hair. I'm over that now .

I've certainly got stereotypes based on my experiences and others I know. Pvn will be glad to drop by and misrepresent them I'll bet. He likes to pick on me for bringing up that I've observed black kids are more likely to walk in the middle of the street than white kids. He pounces assuming I think there's something genetic about it, or that every black kid does this or some other crap. None of that is true, and I only brought it up in the context of a discussion on why the cop may have overreacted to black kids doing this in Ferguson. It seemed relevant to discuss the stereotype and why it was formed in the first place.
11-10-2014 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
In the forum, are you frequently called a racist, a sexist, any derivative of racist/sexist, or anything else implying you're a prejudiced POS? This is the thread for you.

ITT we will air grievances associated with being labeled as such, and will discuss (in a NON-confrontational way) why it is said labels have been applied to you. There will be no attacking posters ITT, and there will be only neutrally-worded, inoffensive approaches to the posts of others.

This will be the place to set the story straight, from your perspective, and to potentially have your views challenged politely. Posters can also be challenged ITT to set the story straight by their accusers.

The following posters are excluded from participating, due to being incapable of abiding by the friendly nature of this thread:

1. FlyWf
2. MrWookie
3. Dids
4. SenorKeeed

There is a zero tolerance policy for any verbal aggression ITT. No warning, just thread bans.

First order of business: FOLDNDARK

Question: You have been called a racist in multiple threads. When it comes to the BruceZ fiasco, how might a racist defend Bruce - while keeping his racism covert, mind you - that DIFFERS from your approach to his defense? If they don't differ, do you think the racism claims are fair? Do you feel you harbor prejudicial beliefs about dark-skinned people?

Edit: I'll be deleting posts that DiB reports in this thread. --jjshabado
I politely demand that the few posters who have called me Antisemitic, prove their claims by providing any posts of mine that can be deemed as Antisemitic.
11-10-2014 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I don't know. I guess having been raised in an area with few black kids, it took me a while to adjust to differences in appearance, style, speech and culture of many of them. For example, the transition from grade school, where there were maybe three black kids, to middle school, where there were many more, was a shock. I can remember thinking they were so much louder, and not being attracted to black girls because of their hair. I'm over that now .

I've certainly got stereotypes based on my experiences and others I know. Pvn will be glad to drop by and misrepresent them I'll bet. He likes to pick on me for bringing up that I've observed black kids are more likely to walk in the middle of the street than white kids. He pounces assuming I think there's something genetic about it, or that every black kid does this or some other crap. None of that is true, and I only brought it up in the context of a discussion on why the cop may have overreacted to black kids doing this in Ferguson. It seemed relevant to discuss the stereotype and why it was formed in the first place.
I think its cool of you to admit you might have some prejudices about people you haven't been as exposed to. Kudos.
Originally Posted by thekid345
I politely demand that the few posters who have called me Antisemitic, prove their claims by providing any posts of mine that can be deemed as Antisemitic.
Tell us about how you feel regarding Jews, Judaism, Israel, etc. Do you have Jewish friends? Do you have generally positive, neutral, or negative experiences with Jewish people, IYE?
11-10-2014 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I think its cool of you to admit you might have some prejudices about people you haven't been as exposed to. Kudos.
Thanks. At this point in my life, I've been exposed to so many different cultures and individuals, have enough friends and family from different cultures and races, and thought about prejudice enough, I trust myself not to rely too much on stereotypes. It's probably impossible to rid yourself of them entirely, nor should you, imo, as long as you are able to understand they are nothing close to scientifically formed, and even when somewhat accurate, can and do change frequently. Much like when not using a HUD in poker, they are useful for making decisions when forced to make them, otherwise it's always better to keep your mind open and keep judgements flexible.
11-10-2014 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
I politely demand that the few posters who have called me Antisemitic, prove their claims by providing any posts of mine that can be deemed as Antisemitic.
Your posting style is indistinguishable from a person who wants to spread anti-Semitic propaganda but who also wants to appear not to be anti-Semtic. The proper response is to alter your posting style so that it is, in fact, distinguishable from such people. Your refusal to do so is further evidence that you truly want to spread anti-Semitic propaganda but also want to appear not to be anti-Semtic.

This may seem unfair, but it is startlingly effective in identifying prejudiced individuals who wish to hide their prejudice. Good luck to you.
11-10-2014 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Your posting style is indistinguishable from a person who wants to spread anti-Semitic propaganda but who also wants to appear not to be anti-Semtic. The proper response is to alter your posting style so that it is, in fact, distinguishable from such people. Your refusal to do so is further evidence that you truly want to spread anti-Semitic propaganda but also want to appear not to be anti-Semtic.

This may seem unfair, but it is startlingly effective in identifying prejudiced individuals who wish to hide their prejudice. Good luck to you.
You have to love the people who take their weird cult so seriously that ignoring them is further proof of the rightness of the weird cult. 'startling effective' lol, there's nothing startling about never thinking you ever get anything wrong.

Maybe his anti-semetic , maybe he isn't. I suspect he risks going a bit too far trying to make his point that you can get away with being more anti-muslim than anti-jew. Of course I may be wrong, my methods aren't as startling effective as yours.
11-10-2014 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Your posting style is indistinguishable from a person who wants to spread anti-Semitic propaganda but who also wants to appear not to be anti-Semtic. The proper response is to alter your posting style so that it is, in fact, distinguishable from such people. Your refusal to do so is further evidence that you truly want to spread anti-Semitic propaganda but also want to appear not to be anti-Semtic.

This may seem unfair, but it is startlingly effective in identifying prejudiced individuals who wish to hide their prejudice. Good luck to you.

I have in fact yet to say anything negative about Jews during my history of posting on 2+2. I noted that you have made a # of posts being critical of Israel(more then I have) in the Israel/Palestine thread. I'm surprised to see you suggest the above, much of it being incoherent. Much of what your saying cant actually be traced to my own views/posting history on 2+2.

The onus is on you or the other select few posters to provide a Antisemitic post of mine.
11-10-2014 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I think its cool of you to admit you might have some prejudices about people you haven't been as exposed to. Kudos.

Tell us about how you feel regarding Jews, Judaism, Israel, etc. Do you have Jewish friends? Do you have generally positive, neutral, or negative experiences with Jewish people, IYE?
I would say,

-The majority of Jews are good people
-Judaism is a peaceful religion.

- What aspect of Israel are you asking about?
11-10-2014 , 06:15 PM
What have your personal experiences been like IRL with Jewish people? Do you live somewhere that there are many Jewish folks? Like, what's your exposure been like,
11-10-2014 , 06:16 PM
Can we talk a little about how just having an opinion is enough "evidence" to label people as prejudice. Opinions like that deserve weight and information. Is there a common methodology we can formulate to aid in overcoming the the potential for mistaken opinions?
11-10-2014 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Can we talk a little about how just having an opinion is enough "evidence" to label people as prejudice. Opinions like that deserve weight and information. Is there a common methodology we can formulate to aid in overcoming the the potential for mistaken opinions?
I think explanations why X post sounds Xists are useful and rare. Examples of exchanges ending with labeling and no explanation? We can explore it on a case-by-case basis.
11-10-2014 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
What have your personal experiences been like IRL with Jewish people? Do you live somewhere that there are many Jewish folks? Like, what's your exposure been like,
I have came across Jewish folks in public areas, and when I have spoken with these folks, I can pretty much say that my exp was a good one.

There was one time when I had a bad exp with a Jewish person, it was in Las Vegas, some Jewish guy sat down at the table and immediately asked me if I was Jewish, I said to him, Salamulakum, the Jewish guy then said(in a rude/aggressive tone, "are you a Muslim?

I said no, I'm Christian, but that I respect Muslims. The dealer then said that she was half Christian, half Muslim, the Jewish guy at the table told the dealer that was impossible, the other players at the table thought the Jewish guy was being rude.

I would imagine that the Jewish guy I ran into in Las Vegas is an exception among Jews around the world.
11-10-2014 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345

There was one time when I had a bad exp with a Jewish person, it was in Las Vegas, some Jewish guy sat down at the table and immediately asked me if I was Jewish, I said to him, Salamulakum...
What was your thought process behind responding this way?
11-10-2014 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Can we talk a little about how just having an opinion is enough "evidence" to label people as prejudice. Opinions like that deserve weight and information. Is there a common methodology we can formulate to aid in overcoming the the potential for mistaken opinions?
It's called dialogue.

Sometimes dialogue can work even when weakly inferred opinions are treated as expert opinion, but more usually that's where the dialogue ends.
11-10-2014 , 06:34 PM
That is an odd conversation at a poker table.
11-10-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
What was your thought process behind responding this way?
To see the guys reaction.
11-10-2014 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Keed gets to be #4 and I'm not even on the uninvited list? What the hell.
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
The ranking should be

1. Fly
2. Dids
3. Me
4. Wook
5. Keed
Reason #136 for opposing self-moderated threads: Butthurt over not being banned from a thread.
