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Army Veteran Out Shopping Confronts Fake Ranger Army Veteran Out Shopping Confronts Fake Ranger

12-02-2014 , 12:03 AM
During Black Friday weekend this US Army veteran spotted a suspicious looking ‘ranger’ doing a bit of shopping at a local mall.

So he decided to call him out. And the results couldn’t have gone any better. Not only was the ‘ranger’ extremely stuttery and nervous-looking, but he couldn’t answer the simplest questions. Questions that any legitimate army ranger would have answered without a problem.

This is what Stolen Valor had to say about it:

“A former Infantryman from Easy Co 2/506 101st sent us this video of him calling out a fake Ranger at a local mall. This guy couldn’t answer basic questions that he should’ve known, he was wearing a CIB with three stars and tried to say he got them all for Iraq and Afghanistan.. Not possible as you can only get one for both campaigns.”

Some people don’t agree with the method in which this phoney was “harassed”, but when you put the pieces together, it’s quite clearly an infuriating situation, especially for someone who went through the actual process of becoming a soldier.

It’s widely known that active soldiers get discounts in many stores across the US, so it doesn’t take a genius to realise what this man was up to.

The law says that folks can face up to one year in prison but what do folks here think?

Stolen Valor Act of 2013 - Amends the federal criminal code to rewrite provisions relating to fraudulent claims about military service to subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both an individual who, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:

a Congressional Medal of Honor,
a distinguished-service cross,
a Navy cross,
an Air Force cross,
a silver star,
a Purple Heart,
a Combat Infantryman's Badge,
a Combat Action Badge,
a Combat Medical Badge,
a Combat Action Ribbon,
a Combat Action Medal, or
any replacement or duplicate medal for such medal as authorized by law
12-02-2014 , 04:21 AM
I'd say the guy was army but lied about being a ranger. Kinda like everyone who is in the navy claims to be a SEAL.
12-02-2014 , 04:26 AM
Guy was legit, what a moron.
12-02-2014 , 06:20 AM
I hired a guy who was returning from Iraq who told me he was a ranger.. I gave him a look of disbelief and he tried to bull**** me with some elaborate war story. Look mother****er I don't need an assassin. In fact I don't need you at all but your dad is a friend CEO so here is your friend and family premium salary and your desk. Yeah you work for the old queen deal with it.
12-02-2014 , 07:02 AM
As a fellow Infantryman myself I have no problem with this. I would have physically taken the uniform off him. He probably was in the Army at some point. He looks like the kind who washes out during basic training.

This video infuriates me. Especially the people in the crowd saying to "leave that man alone".
12-02-2014 , 07:47 AM
Actual service members aren't even allow to wear their uniform out shopping like that anyway. You can wear your uniform off post during the duty day which is defined as 0500-1900. After 1900 if you are uniform you can only go directly home and stop for "essential" items. Black friday was a day off, so even if he was actually in the military he is wrong for wearing his uniform at the mall.
12-02-2014 , 08:21 AM
Just lol at "would have physically taken the uniform off him". What the **** is wrong with you?
12-02-2014 , 08:55 AM
I get why this kind of thing makes people mad, but mostly I just feel sorry for him. He's mentally ill; he's got an ikestoysian need for validation.
12-02-2014 , 09:08 AM
Yeah, I agree. I also get people being upset by his actions.

But, man, taking it to the point of excessive mental and physical abuse just seems ridiculous to me.
12-02-2014 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Just lol at "would have physically taken the uniform off him". What the **** is wrong with you?
Seriously, he should have shot him in the face. Boooya, or Uggghya, or whatever the **** it is the jarheads are so proud of grunting at each other.
12-02-2014 , 09:24 AM
I understand my view is a bit ridiculous but it seriously boils my blood. The amount of physical and mental **** I've got through and to see fat idiots like this wearing the uniform drives me nuts. Being in the Army isn't cool and anyone who isn't a private fresh out of basic training realizes this. It is a mental illness. This dude should be detained and sent to the psych ward.

I even get pissed off when I'm out and see a National Guard or Reserve soldier that has a jacked up uniform or is fat. It's one of those things that unless you've been through it, it's hard to understand why someone would get upset about something that seems so insignificant to everyone else.
12-02-2014 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Seriously, he should have shot him in the face. Boooya, or Uggghya, or whatever the **** it is the jarheads are so proud of grunting at each other.
Jarheads are marines not army.
12-02-2014 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by JPantz
I understand my view is a bit ridiculous but it seriously boils my blood. The amount of physical and mental **** I've got through and to see fat idiots like this wearing the uniform drives me nuts. Being in the Army isn't cool and anyone who isn't a private fresh out of basic training realizes this. It is a mental illness. This dude should be detained and sent to the psych ward.

I even get pissed off when I'm out and see a National Guard or Reserve soldier that has a jacked up uniform or is fat. It's one of those things that unless you've been through it, it's hard to understand why someone would get upset about something that seems so insignificant to everyone else.
I feel the impersonator should possibly serve a month in jail.
12-02-2014 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
I feel the impersonator should possibly serve a month in jail.
12-02-2014 , 12:31 PM
Nothing says "fighting for freedom" like locking someone up for what they're wearing.

Edit: By the way, this is like a perfect example of where jail is completely inappropriate. If you want to punish this behaviour (which I still don't think is actually ok) then assign community service - preferably community service for veterans.
12-02-2014 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Nothing says "fighting for freedom" like locking someone up for what they're wearing.

Edit: By the way, this is like a perfect example of where jail is completely inappropriate. If you want to punish this behaviour (which I still don't think is actually ok) then assign community service - preferably community service for veterans.
I want to agree with you about the freedom thing but I just can't. People get locked up for impersonating a police officer. How is this different?

Proper punishment would be myself and a couple of my fellow paratroopers having this dude meet us out back with his 2QT canteen and smoking him for indefinite amount of time. He wants to be Infantry? Roger, we will make him infantry.
12-02-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by JPantz
I want to agree with you about the freedom thing but I just can't. People get locked up for impersonating a police officer. How is this different?

Proper punishment would be myself and a couple of my fellow paratroopers having this dude meet us out back with his 2QT canteen and smoking him for indefinite amount of time. He wants to be Infantry? Roger, we will make him infantry.
Because police officers have official powers of the state that soldiers don't? It's not illegal to dress up like a soldier as far as I know...
12-02-2014 , 02:03 PM
Police officers have domestic authority. Impersonating them is that person trying to represent that authority. Even just a passive impersonation can have negative consequences such as a person needing help wasting time going to them.

Maybe you should go to anger management counselling?

I'm sure you've gone through things that are much ****tier than what I've gone through. But guess what, there are probably lots of people that have gone through ****tier stuff than you. You rough experiences in life don't give you the right to assault other people. Sorry.

And your comment about judging National Guard/Reservists is absurd as well. You have no idea what they've been through either in or out of that uniform so give them the same respect you think you and your uniform are due.
12-02-2014 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Because police officers have official powers of the state that soldiers don't? It's not illegal to dress up like a soldier as far as I know...
It's illegal in Canada and I suspect its illegal in the US as well to wear certain official uniforms and medals.
12-02-2014 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
It's illegal in Canada and I suspect its illegal in the US as well to wear certain official uniforms and medals.
Hey, looked it up and you are correct.
12-02-2014 , 02:13 PM
People get locked up for impersonating a police officer. How is this different?
12-02-2014 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Police officers have domestic authority. Impersonating them is that person trying to represent that authority. Even just a passive impersonation can have negative consequences such as a person needing help wasting time going to them.

Maybe you should go to anger management counselling?

I'm sure you've gone through things that are much ****tier than what I've gone through. But guess what, there are probably lots of people that have gone through ****tier stuff than you. You rough experiences in life don't give you the right to assault other people. Sorry.

And your comment about judging National Guard/Reservists is absurd as well. You have no idea what they've been through either in or out of that uniform so give them the same respect you think you and your uniform are due.

Why are you a mod? You go around insulting US military vets and your seemingly standing up for the army impersonator guy who would probably try and con you out of money.

Originally Posted by Dids
What else is new, Dids is yelling again ^
12-02-2014 , 05:34 PM
I'm a mod because I'm one of the few people that won't go ape**** on most of you morons. You should thank me for my service.

I'm actually standing up for the many people that serve - National Guardsman and Reservists as well. But just for the record I don't believe serving in the military gives you the right to beat the crap out of someone or lock them up for doing something you find offensive.
12-02-2014 , 08:02 PM
Serving in the military also doesn't preclude you from being insulted, especially when you earn it.
12-02-2014 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Serving in the military also doesn't preclude you from being insulted
I agree with this but I dont see a need to specifically insult JPantz.
