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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

03-18-2015 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
No, you keep interchanging "poor" with "black," which is why most of America ignores you.

I'll gladly defend people of the 18th century who considered 12-year-olds old enough to consent. It's a lot harder to defend those who considered 7 old enough though. That's just, ugh.
Let's be honest, when a working class family buys a house in a middle class neighbourhood they don't stand out as much if they are white. We all know what poor is a codeword for here.

What makes you so glad to defend child rapists?

Lol at you ignoring my other post btw and just addressing those two.
03-18-2015 , 06:31 PM
The point of that Baldwin vid went right over stockguy's head and obviously chez and FoldN ignored it to add content(by whining about how nothing should get called racist), but stockguy got close to it. SOOOO CLOSE.

So yeah, right now you'll saw in the 60s racism was embraced and supported. But that's not what people at the time said!
What do you think Baldwin was respondingto? He was responding to the "don't call it racism, that's a meany mean label personal attack that coarsens the discourse, maybe that church is just all white as a coincidence, don't even talk about white supremacy, you're making it worse" by channeling our next President:

What difference does it make? We can't see into anyone's soul, but we can see the works they have wrought. And yeah, duffee, I get that it boggles your mind and hurts your feelings to see whatever percentage of Americans get called racist... but if all those people aren't racist, how the **** did America turn out this way? That's a pretty incredible run of bad luck for minorities, that all these studiously non-racist good people just HAPPENED to create and perpetuate institutional white supremacy.
03-18-2015 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Let's be honest, when a working class family buys a house in a middle class neighbourhood they don't stand out as much if they are white. We all know what poor is a codeword for here.

What makes you so glad to defend child rapists?

Lol at you ignoring my other post btw and just addressing those two.
Yes it can be code, it is not always code. Property values would fall if a low-income housing development were built in an affluent area even if no black people were around to move in, like Seattle.

I'm glad to defend people of the 18th century if you want to call them all scum for having a different set of morals than we do today.

I don't see any posts of yours I have ignored.
03-18-2015 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What's the fascination with the word "scum" here? You keep parroting it out.
Ask DS.
03-18-2015 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Ask DS.
lol, don't you even know?
03-18-2015 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
lol, don't you even know?
I don't know how this is a question. DS said TJ was scum, that's how it started.
03-18-2015 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Exactly. The issue is making them aware that they are. I doubt the majority of people want to reinforce and bolster institutional racism but they are doing it nevertheless and showing them that (even if done in an abrasive way) may mean the good people that they are see the harm that their faulty beliefs are doing.
I don't have any problem with this in principle. In fact, it's probably one of the best things you can do. That said, not everything you think is racist becomes magically racist because you say so. Often people need convincing, and it's even possible you might be wrong. Maybe a full three quarters of the US aren't as racist as you seem to be suggesting.
03-18-2015 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Duffee, on thread topic, why exactly should we just ignore the fact that Ferguson **** all over poor black people worse than they **** all over poor white people? Like, we can work to fix both problems. Showing data that "hey, Ferguson isn't more racist than other departments in the state" isn't exactly an argument that there isn't a problem to fix.
But it is an argument that maybe racism isn’t the biggest problem we’re faced with. Is the ‘major’ problem racism, or the fact that Missourians are pulled over at a rate almost 4x the national average?
Why is it so hard to acknowledge "**** man, this country spend a lot of years ****ing over black people, maybe we should do something to fix that"?

Or barring that, why is it so hard to at the very least say "yeah, the country did a lot to **** over black people. They're still bearing the burden of that today, but tough **** we aren't doing anything about that" without qualifying it with happy bull**** about well blah blah blah other groups had problems too yadda, yadda, yadda racism was bad back in the day, but it is solved now meow chow.
My impression is that most people think our racial sins of the past have been redressed. I’m in that camp, in that I don’t think blacks are entitled to any additional special political treatment or retributions.

Also, the poll question doesn't say what you claim it does. Racial discrimination doesn't have to be "the main reason most blacks cant get ahead' to be a real problem that needs fixing.
I agree, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to assign the same priority to the problem. Meaning, of course for blacks I expect racial discrimination to be a high priority, but that doesn’t mean whites must rank it as high. My political priorities are the economy and thwarting a police state, stomping out racism just isn’t that high on my list.
03-18-2015 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Exactly. The issue is making them aware that they are. I doubt the majority of people want to reinforce and bolster institutional racism but they are doing it nevertheless and showing them that (even if done in an abrasive way) may mean the good people that they are see the harm that their faulty beliefs are doing.
"They are doing it nevertheless,” according to you et al. People have heard your argument and your case, and they’ve rejected it. Just as people have heard my case and rejected it. That’s just the political world to me. But it’s not the end of the world, because it’s what we can agree on that matters the most, not what we can’t or don’t.
03-18-2015 , 07:28 PM
So, you looked at the DOJ report, and we know you went on to see that other MO police departments had similar statistics, and if you were watching the news, you might have even seen that San Francisco just had a bunch of cops caught swapping racist texts, and you conclude that racial oppression of blacks is completely over?
03-18-2015 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
No fiascos have occurred
True this is just the usual usual. It's not a serious matter like the brucez fiasco.

As long as this is what people want for the forum then fine. Some seem quite unhappy with the results of your self-indulgence.
03-18-2015 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
So again, how is it you don't consider everyone from that day and age scum for beating and raping children?
I don't understand why you are asking me this. Any behavior that was despicable enough that it would justify killing to stop it was behavior done only by scum. Not letting a black person into your restaurant doesn't meet this threshold. Denying gays the right to marriage doesn't either. But enslaving people does especially if the enslaver realizes it himself. So does raping children.

Also stop with the Lincoln was inspired by TJ's writing. So what? I'm sure most murderers support strong punishment for murder. And a few might have written eloquently on the topic.
03-18-2015 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
True this is just the usual usual. It's not a serious matter like the brucez fiasco.

As long as this is what people want for the forum then fine. Some seem quite unhappy with the results of your self-indulgence.
No fiascos have occurred on this forum ever.

Hope that clears things up.
03-18-2015 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by duffee
But it is an argument that maybe racism isn’t the biggest problem we’re faced with. Is the ‘major’ problem racism, or the fact that Missourians are pulled over at a rate almost 4x the national average?
Both. Why exactly do you think Missourians getting pulled over at a rate 4x the national average makes a police department treating its minority citizenry like second class citizens because of their skin color not a major problem.

My impression is that most people think our racial sins of the past have been redressed. I’m in that camp, in that I don’t think blacks are entitled to any additional special political treatment or retributions.
Great. I think that's really super ignorant given the history of this country (I know you didn't actually mean retributions), but at least that's honest.

I agree, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to assign the same priority to the problem. Meaning, of course for blacks I expect racial discrimination to be a high priority, but that doesn’t mean whites must rank it as high. My political priorities are the economy and thwarting a police state, stomping out racism just isn’t that high on my list
That's your choice, but "I don't really care about the problems of black people because Im white" is going to draw some deserved criticism.
03-18-2015 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
So, you looked at the DOJ report, and we know you went on to see that other MO police departments had similar statistics, and if you were watching the news, you might have even seen that San Francisco just had a bunch of cops caught swapping racist texts, and you conclude that racial oppression of blacks is completely over?
No, according to the data in the DOJ report an average Ferguson cop searches 1.6 black motorists per month. My conclusion is that racism isn’t as rampant as some would suggest. Either that or they’re completely incompetent at being racist pigs. 1.6 with a badge and a gun, just won't earn a racist merit badge.
03-18-2015 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
So, you looked at the DOJ report, and we know you went on to see that other MO police departments had similar statistics, and if you were watching the news, you might have even seen that San Francisco just had a bunch of cops caught swapping racist texts, and you conclude that racial oppression of blacks is completely over?
This is the other thing, Duffee, that I didn't really understand about your graphs and why I wanted to look at the data. On their face, the graphs you posted didn't disprove Ferguson was really racist, it showed racism might be even more prevalent.

I get that you were using them to say disbanding the Ferguson PD isn't a panacea, and that's true, but "man, the rest of the departments are really racist too. That's too bad, but we have bigger fish to fry" isn't really a satisfying answer to me.
03-18-2015 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by duffee
No, according to the data in the DOJ report an average Ferguson cop searches 1.6 black motorists per month. My conclusion is that racism isn’t as rampant as some would suggest. Either that or they’re completely incompetent at being racist pigs. 1.6 with a badge and a gun, just won't earn a racist merit badge.
And that is dramatically higher than elsewhere in the country. Where is your line for when we can call systematically pulling over more black people than white racist? 3 per month? 10?
03-18-2015 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
I don't understand why you are asking me this. Any behavior that was despicable enough that it would justify killing to stop it was behavior done only by scum. Not letting a black person into your restaurant doesn't meet this threshold. Denying gays the right to marriage doesn't either. But enslaving people does especially if the enslaver realizes it himself. So does raping children.

Also stop with the Lincoln was inspired by TJ's writing. So what? I'm sure most murderers support strong punishment for murder. And a few might have written eloquently on the topic.
Come on, DS, you know exactly why I ask the question. Your singling out TJ as scum for owning slaves while giving everyone else of that day a pass for beating and raping children adds the perspective that is missing from your argument. Either he was scum, but so was everyone else of that day, or he did scummy things like everyone else but it was a different time, and we don't generally hold people of centuries past to our moral standards.

Yes, he figured out he was doing something wrong, but apparently he didn't think it was as bad as we do today now that people like him helped change our moral compass. It took awhile for raping 12-year-olds to seem so horrific too, you know. Anyway, his writings show a man who was pretty torn over it, but didn't see manumission as a suitible solution. That Lincoln, someone almost nobody but racists would think to consider scum, understood this and revered TJ anyway strengthens my position*.

Edit:* And the position of most historians on this subject.

Last edited by FoldnDark; 03-18-2015 at 08:21 PM.
03-18-2015 , 08:19 PM

As I have made very clear, not everyone raped slaves. Secondly, why are we obligated to name all the slave rapers before we discuss the horrible deeds of one particular slave raper?
03-18-2015 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Exactly. The issue is making them aware that they are. I doubt the majority of people want to reinforce and bolster institutional racism but they are doing it nevertheless and showing them that (even if done in an abrasive way) may mean the good people that they are see the harm that their faulty beliefs are doing.
If when you called people racist you made clear you also think that of over 2/3rds of Americans it would be a very different story.

You don't mean what most people mean but you appear to mean what most people mean. You may think it's good but it is disingenuous at the very least.
03-18-2015 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
you might have even seen that San Francisco just had a bunch of cops caught swapping racist texts, and you conclude that racial oppression of blacks is completely over?
Only 6% of San Francisco is black. Yet 50% of inmates in county jails are black.
03-18-2015 , 08:42 PM
We need a time machine to handle all this slave/rape moral outrage from the anals of history.
03-18-2015 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

As I have made very clear, not everyone raped slaves. Secondly, why are we obligated to name all the slave rapers before we discuss the horrible deeds of one particular slave raper?
I'm not just talking about slave rapers, but everyone who had sex with 7-12 year olds in that day. They were rapist, right? How about all the women and children beaten, abusers? Lots of horrible people there too. So where's your outrage?

You're welcome to discuss horrible deeds of anyone from anytime, but when you hold them to our current moral standards, you're distorting things. Just like centuries from now if they consider killing animals murder, I doubt many of them will be dense enough to call you scum for eating a steak, even if you hung out with vegans, read The Jungle, and knew what you were doing was wrong.
03-18-2015 , 08:56 PM
I doubt I have ever criticized cannibalism on 2+2 either. There is a big long list of horrible things I have never criticized. I guess I had better get going before I dare criticize a slave raper
03-18-2015 , 08:57 PM
Genghis Khan, I condemn your raping ways.
