Originally Posted by HastenDan
Neoliberal Hillary sycophants think I voted for Trump. That is what is kind of funny.
I suspect the only people who would vote for you being a Hillary supporter are other Trump voters, though. Like that's the insane thing, the lib regulars here are way to the left of Hillary. Lot of criticism of her. The Hillbot line from the primaries was "well, she ain't perfect, but she's what we've got"
I am wondering how you think that I, being the Trump supporter you accuse me of, in December make a post linking to a random DemocraticUnderground post from March that sums up a lot of my feelings towards automation and calls for Universal Basic Income: here.
OK so the literal best post you could come up with is a link to some other guy's posts about like, futurism or something?
You're one of the Ron Paul-Bernie-Trump/Stein people. We've had a few others. Generally white males, broadly anti-"establishment" without understanding what the real establishment is, conspiracy minded, that sort.
Of course, you started this account after the Dem primary so that's all just speculation on my part.
I have countless posts bashing Trump and saying he is a huge pos. I despise by the republican establishment and tea party! I said numerous times I wanted Hillary to win and was voting for her! I donated and volunteered for Bernie F Sanders!
No, Dan. You have posts saying that you ALSO dislike Trump after you critique Hillary or John Lewis or somebody directly and get called out. You never actually bash Trump out of the blue. You never find an interesting link in your internet travels about some outrage Trump is perpetuating. And it goes without saying you've never made a post about actual ****ing progressive policy.
You can't find me arguing against progressive ideals. You can't find me supporting republicans. I am sorry if rationality and progressivism flies in the face of neoliberals and Hillary shills like yourself.
You literally #actuallied libs about the knockout game being real and you're in the gun control thread right now owning the gun grabbers about Switzerland.
But you're right, I can't find you arguing against progressive ideals. Or for them. Or about any sort of ideals. So we have to deduce that **** second order.
You're on a forum with a very wide spread of ideologies. There's like, labor socialists, neoliberals, mainstream dems, mainstream GOPers, tea partiers, and then we get into all the MRAs and neo-Nazi alt-right types.
Who are you constantly furious at, to the level of constantly going to 11, getting really personal, attacking their character and ****?
Who do you never, not once, disagree with? Not even polite disagreement!
You flipflopped numerous times in your views on Hillary. Mine have never wavered.
Yep! You've hated that bitch the whole time. Thus the entirely predictable arc of your politics.
Your obsession and attacks carry zero weight, Fly Wasserman-Schultz. The fact you are a homophobic racist liar is just icing on knowing you are a scumbag. Stick to videogames with your neoliberal BFF's son.
See, I hated DWS. And I posted about that ****
at the time. I never need to reassure people I didn't like her because I just expressed that naturally. I also never need to reassure anyone that I'm not a Trump voter. Because again, that comes across from the rest of my posts.
Another reason I don't need to do that is because I didn't vote for Donald J Trump.
Last edited by FlyWf; 01-14-2017 at 05:07 PM.