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14 dead in Chicago: Give Stop and Frisk a try? 14 dead in Chicago: Give Stop and Frisk a try?
View Poll Results: Try Stop and Frisk?
6 19.35%
25 80.65%

07-10-2014 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
You guys need to take it easy on Howard. After all he's not a racist, he just doesn't think black people need all of their rights.
What? Didn't you read his super cool story about hanging out with an 'actual Black person' who didn't even mug him?
07-10-2014 , 02:01 AM
I heard on the streets that illegal ways to make lots of easy money and poverty combine to create crime and violence.
07-10-2014 , 02:25 AM
I also heard that if something people want is hard to get in one place and easy to get in a nearby place that we can use the science of economics to figure out why so many of those things turn up in the place where they are hard to get.
07-10-2014 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I heard on the streets that illegal ways to make lots of easy money and poverty combine to create crime and violence.
My mother's father died in an accident in 1933 which left a mother and her 5 children to get through the Depression on welfare. Her entire neighborhood in the South Bronx was very poor. I remember taking her around shortly after I joined the company I did and she said 'if these people are so poor how come you can't find a parking spot?'

lol. By all rights I should come from a family of criminals.
07-10-2014 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
You guys need to take it easy on Howard. After all he's not a racist, he just doesn't think black people need all of their rights.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there are some dead ppl that might have something nasty to say to you if they could.
07-10-2014 , 03:47 AM
You're right howard, it's the dirty blacks. Always up to no good.

Last edited by jmakin; 07-10-2014 at 04:03 AM. Reason: Blacks*
07-10-2014 , 07:31 AM
I thought Howard had already taught us that we could solve this problem by ending welfare?
07-10-2014 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
You would doubtless be highly amused that I'm living in a nearly all white town now...

Originally Posted by Howard Beale
And what would you do w/o me? Here I am w/ my internet hobby and am providing stimulating and interesting content for your enjoyment. Do you really just want an Amen Chorus? That would be very boring, imo.
lol, is that your cover story now? You're just being a racist dick to make the forum interesting?

Let's flip it around, what would you do without us? It's pretty clear that this thread is an attention-seeking tool for you. No one asked you about what your family was up to in the 30's, FFS.
07-10-2014 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Fwiw, I was on the boards of a local community organization, the Chair of a non-profit mental health clinic and on the board of a very fine community center that ran all sorts of after school and educational programs. I'm sure that these made some difference but the problem is huge, too huge for the resources being spent on it and some of it is misguided for a variety of reasons.

I said that the topic of Stop and Frisk never came up so there was no question of the community leaders endorsing it or not. I know that I never thought of it and nobody else ever brought it up. But somehow you read into that that the Black community leaders did not endorse what was never offered up. How can you explain such a lack of comprehension? To me it's clear that you see through an irreplaceable, impenetrable biased lens. You do not read to understand, you don't think, you don't mull things over, you simply react in a very boring and predictable way. Why not change it up a little? Find some new phraseology, do something so that, when I read your replies I don't think that you shouldn't have bothered since I could write them for you.

As for your insistence on an answer to your second point I think that I'm being called a racist on this board by a number of ppl right to my face bec they think that I'm a racist. It doesn't bother me in the least since they are reflective of a bias in the typical 2p2 politics poster. If you brought the conversation to a broader audience you would find different results and I would then be able to ask you why you thought so many ppl were calling you an imbecile.

ETA: I was INVITED to the meetings that I mentioned, invited for a reason. I was invited along (and wish I hadn't gone) to go w/ a delegation from The Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition to lobby in Albany for a reason. I was asked to be on the boards of the groups I mentioned for a reason. I was asked to be on the board of the local Urban League (had to decline bec I was overwhelmed) for a reason. I had local politicians calling me for help for a reason. I was featured in an article in NY Magazine for a reason, as well as being in the NYT and the Daily News. I have an Award for National Excellence for a reason.

I mentioned 'actual Black person' and I have many in mind but the most 'interesting' one might be the guy in his 20's who looked like one of those huge Black men you see in prison movies, the type that would make you just kill yourself and get it over with if you were put in a cell w/ him. I used to hand out w/ him regularly, shot the breeze, etc. Then one day he was on the cover of the NY Post bec he'd killed 3 ppl in a shoe store robbery. I hung out w/ him for years, alone. He knew I had money on me. He was never anything but friendly w/ me. Why didn't he rob me? It would've been a lot easier. I put it down to the fact that he knew and liked me. I wish that I could take you back in time to that guy so you could tell him that I am a racist. Frankly I think you'd **** your pants first.
Pwned fly
07-10-2014 , 08:02 AM
Lol @ the people whining about minorities rights being violated as a reason to not do stop and frisk...

Might have been a good argument like 80 years ago, but arguing for rights being violated now? Today? In 2014?

For realz???? Lol
07-10-2014 , 08:45 AM
Ah yes I forgot about that entry in the silverman playbook, just deny that discrimination actually happens. Harder to admit to yourself that you're a POS if the people you hate aren't actually being hurt in the real world.
07-10-2014 , 08:53 AM
Its not like we have any recent examples, statistics or court decisions on the matter. We'll just have to guess like Silverman, the guy who is confused whether racism was a major problem in the 1850's.
07-10-2014 , 09:19 AM
I like that even Howard's anecdote about how Black people likes him involves describing a black guy as incredibly terrifying because he was like, tall.
07-10-2014 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Lol @ the people whining about minorities rights being violated as a reason to not do stop and frisk...

Might have been a good argument like 80 years ago, but arguing for rights being violated now? Today? In 2014?

For realz???? Lol
What do you think of the studies that have found that if you submit identical resumes but some candidates have typically "black names" they get far far fewer callbacks? Or the one that found the same in housing? And to save us a few posts, yes these studies exist. And no they're not from 80 years ago.
07-10-2014 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I like that even Howard's anecdote about how Black people likes him involves describing a black guy as incredibly terrifying because he was like, tall.
I like the take-home message. Howard had a Black person friend who didn't even try to stab him, therefore Howard is a pretty cool guy.
07-10-2014 , 10:07 AM
"If I was a racist, would I tell this story about how this black guy didn't rob me? (That's how crime works, right? Criminals tend to pick their targets based on character defect) That settled, let me tell you, for no reason, a super racist story about how poverty doesn't cause crime because my family was poor in the Great Depression"
07-10-2014 , 10:17 AM
Isn't Stop and Frisk hugely ineffective? Like less than 1% of stops end in arrest?
07-10-2014 , 10:54 AM
Can someone tell me how many family members were murdered yesterday by their father in Texas? Check the local news, 4 children and were shot (ages 4, 7, 9 and 14) as well as two adults.

Then there's this story- (all stories from Huffpo today)
Anthony Lane

A Tennessee man jailed for severely beating his daughter when she was only a baby now faces a first-degree murder change in her death.

Anthony Lane, 41, was charged Monday. His daughter, Amanda, died last year after more than 20 years living with her injuries. Amanda, who had cerebral palsy, was critically hurt when Lane beat her when she was just 5 weeks old.

Then there's this police officer who murdered his whole family..
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Utah police officer who killed his wife, their two children, his mother-in-law and then himself received text messages from his wife just hours earlier threatening to leave him and take their kids and confronting him for raping her, new documents show.
Doesn't it make sense to just stop and frisk all white dads? Can't we just admit they're violent? Silverman knows what I'm talking about.
07-10-2014 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I like the take-home message. Howard had a Black person friend who didn't even try to stab him, therefore Howard is a pretty cool guy.
I am a pretty cool guy. Here's another story:

I pulled up to one of our buildings once bec I had to see a tenant that claimed she needed repairs which the super said he'd done. I double parked, got out, and before I could get into the building I was surrounded by a crowd of the presumed drug dealers who'd been hanging out on the corner. One of them says 'Are you XXXXXXX?', 'Yes', 'You own this building?', 'Well, not all by myself', 'And you own that building at XXXXXX?', 'Not all by myself', and they went thru a few more buildings some of which were pretty far from the one that I was at. They knew all about me and I realized that a LOT of the street guys knew me. So I asked if there was any problem, they said no, I said 'Good. I have to go into the building to see somebody so do me a favor and keep an eye on my car.'

You ppl would've **** your pants.
07-10-2014 , 04:18 PM
Howard if there is one thing I want you to take away from your interactions with this forum, it is that not everyone is as terrified of black people as you.
07-10-2014 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson

lol, is that your cover story now? You're just being a racist dick to make the forum interesting?

Let's flip it around, what would you do without us? It's pretty clear that this thread is an attention-seeking tool for you. No one asked you about what your family was up to in the 30's, FFS.
I can do w/o you better than you can do w/o me. I provide interesting and insightful content whereas you are mostly noise. Look at how much fun Fly is having! And for free! YOU don't have to pay me either. Just pray that I don't stop posting bec you would be bereft.
07-10-2014 , 04:27 PM
The most hilarious thing about this is I'm pretty sure there are like 8 black people in arizona.
07-10-2014 , 04:31 PM
Howard is originally from New York City. And this is a vicious unpleasant side of y'all on display here, the way he's getting treated.
07-10-2014 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
The most hilarious thing about this is I'm pretty sure there are like 8 black people in arizona.
Black folks make up a much smaller percent of AZ's population than NY's, where I'm from. OTOH, we are HUGE in the number of Mexicans and Native Americans. I didn't know my town was mostly white when we bought here, we just liked the town and I noticed later. But I like to tell a joke:

'If I'd told my ancestors in Ukraine that some of their descendants were living next to a Native American reservation where they were ordering blueberry bagels in the bagel shop they would first ask what a Native American was and then they'd throw me in the asylum.'


I had to go to a building in the middle of the night (one of many times) bec of a fire. On the way home at 3am I stopped at a Bodega to get a pack of smokes. On the way in one of the group hanging out in front said 'That guy HAS to be a cop.'

07-10-2014 , 04:38 PM
Yea, god damn racist abusers. So cruel.
