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Suggestions to help improve "Sit & Crush" Suggestions to help improve "Sit & Crush"

12-22-2013 , 09:15 AM
I, myself, would like to give some input on what might make the Winning Poker Network's Sit & Crush Promotion hold more value (for the players and the network itself)

First off the OnDemand tournaments may be a great way to "rack up points" for people that do not wish to multi table DoNs or other one table SNG's, but they do nothing more than create a lack of money for the Sit & Crush Prizepool, and create lost value for the network and the players themselves.

An example of this would be that first place this month is on target to achieve 7,400 Sit & Crush points. Let's say that you only played OnDemand tournaments, and nothing else during the month long promotion. For examples sake we will say that you play $10, $15 and $20 Ondemand tournaments, which with an average buy-in of $15 you receive about 7.5 points per OnDemand game played towards the Sit & Crush Leaderboard. You would be paying on average $1.50 in rake a game. To keep up with first place for this months promotion you would need to play 986 OnDemand tournaments by months end and you would pay $1,480 in rake.

Now from the other end of the spectrum, you would like to play one table SNG's throughout the promotion. We will say you play 6 max Dons for sake of my example, since they are the type of SNG that runs most often. A reasonable average buy in would be $15, assuming you are "making a run at the promotion" and play $10, $15, and $20 DoNs. On average you earn 1.15 points with an average buy-in of $15. To earn first place, (according to this month's leaderboard) you would need to play 6,434 DoNs, and you would pay $5,897 in rake.

So by only playing OnDemand tournaments, you are paying four times less rake to to make a run at winning The Sit & Crush Promotion. In turn, you are creating substantially less rake paid in to Winning Poker Network and donating way less money to the Sit & Crush Promotion (especially if you consider how long OnDemand tournaments are compared to a SNG single table tournament), and therefore creating a lot smaller Sit & Crush Prizepool.

I ask that Winning Poker Network seriously reconsider offering OnDemand tournaments as part of the Sit & Crush Promotion to benefit everyone.

The next thing I believe would improve the Promotion and SNG pool all together, is to do a little work with the rake adjustments on the games

An example of this would be as follows
$10 turbo dons- .55 cent rake (5.5% rake)
$10 regular dons- .70 cent rake (7% rake)
$15 regular dons- .80 cent rake (5.3% rake)
$15 regular dons- .80 cent rake (5.3% rake)
$20 turbo dons- $1.30 rake (6.5% rake)
$20 regular dons- $1.40 rake (7% rake)
$30 turbo dons- $1.90 rake (6.3% rake)
$30 regular dons- $2.10 rake (7% rake)

The rake is all over the place. I have never seen a poker site where the rake percentage increases as your stakes increase. I think this makes the games detouring from people wanting to "grind" them. Sometimes little adjustments go a long way!

Thirdly, I think you should do away with giving out tournament tickets as part of the Sit & Crush Promotion

If not stop rewarding tournament tickets, you could decrease the amount of tickets you reward. The tournament tickets are taking up a hefty 40% of the money the promotion gives out as of right now. The people I have conversed with are more keen on being rewarded cash over a tournament ticket.

My last idea would be to make the Sit & Crush Promotion be a bi-weekly, if not weekly long Promotion.

I believe more people would "give it a go" and the Prizepool would grow overall if it were shorter. I think it is very difficult and detouring for a lot of players to go on a "month long binge", and a lot of players get worn out midway through. This also works to a few players advantage, but I believe shortening the length would make the vast majority of the players happy and in turn create a more competitive and bigger Prizepool.

I want to thank Winning Poker for stepping up and introducing this promotion for the sake of another option to of games to play other than tournaments and cash games, and believe working out some kinks would go a very long way for everyone!

Last edited by TiftCountyHick; 12-22-2013 at 09:27 AM.
12-22-2013 , 09:32 PM
They already plan to make it 2, 2 week long races. (not sure roll out date on that, speculation through the grapevine) I'm a DON grinder that started this promo with the intention of only playing DONs. I would be generating a ton more rake than I currently am, but it's more profitable (leaderboard points-wise) for me to solely play the On Demands. Which is good for me since I'm playing less tables and experiencing exponentially less crashes than when I was trying to mass table DONs.

I agree that the tournament ticket payout should be lowered or removed. It's 30% of the prize pool and it should be closer to 10%. I'd venture to guess that half of the tickets given away will end up being players sitting out the entire tournament.

A few tweaks and this will be a great promotion that hopefully stays around for a while... Otherwise next month will just be a race between a few guys to play the most On Demands and bank that ~500% effective rakeback.

Last edited by RAVegas; 12-22-2013 at 09:48 PM.
