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Software Freezing? Software Freezing?

01-07-2014 , 04:54 PM
Why does my software keep constantly freezing. I just had my pc wiped clean, with all new drivers, and when im 6 tabling I get dc'd? And I lose equity ?
01-07-2014 , 06:26 PM
The site has been super laggy for me today.
01-08-2014 , 05:38 AM
Are you using pokertracker and do the freezes happen after you close tables?
01-09-2014 , 10:53 PM
Hello Jstew80,

As clutch352 asked, are you running any HUD's or tracking software while you play?

Can you post your systems specifications.

Also, when did this freezing start occurring for you?
01-10-2014 , 05:26 AM
For what its worth, here is my cure...I use HM2

1. Log on before I play tournies.
2. Load up HM2
3. Fire up a couple of cash tables and let HM2 run. I don't play, just let HM run for 5 minutes or so.
4. X out of cash games, and play tournies SNG's freeze
01-12-2014 , 07:02 PM
No hud, I run a I7, 6gb ram, radeon 6650m video card. The freezing happened on the morning of the 7th when I posted, and continued till the afternoon. Was running about 6 tables, didnt feel the need to run more, as it was freezing, and didnt want to lose big pots.
01-13-2014 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Jstew80
No hud, I run a I7, 6gb ram, radeon 6650m video card. The freezing happened on the morning of the 7th when I posted, and continued till the afternoon. Was running about 6 tables, didnt feel the need to run more, as it was freezing, and didnt want to lose big pots.
If you're not running HUD and have good specs on the computer, the next thing I would think to look is the internet connection.

A few things off the top of my head to check would be a DSL line with noise on it, possible some sort of firewall type interference that could be acting up. Do you have problems streaming video ever? Do other poker clients run smooth (not that we ever play anywhere else)?.

Kinda just brainstorming at this point.
01-18-2014 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by clutch352
Are you using pokertracker and do the freezes happen after you close tables?
lol this happens almost every day. I have PT4+HUD running and it happens randomly sometimes when I close a table. Everything freezes and I have to restart the client. Contacted both pt4 and wpn support months ago but no fix was able to come about.
01-18-2014 , 03:44 AM
I have to say, of all the BS software issues that have been posted, in my two days of experience here I am quite pleased. the software is def 2nd best for USA facing sites. mutlitabling can be worthwhile, I hope things continue to go smooth. I don't want to experience the famous software unexpected closing, only to reconnect and have to open every table(sng) I'm in manually. that would be a nightmare. knocks on wood
01-18-2014 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by newluck2k
lol this happens almost every day. I have PT4+HUD running and it happens randomly sometimes when I close a table. Everything freezes and I have to restart the client. Contacted both pt4 and wpn support months ago but no fix was able to come about.
The solution to this problem is you need to stop your import then close the table. Usually wait a few seconds (5-10 seconds is safe) before closing the table.
01-18-2014 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by clutch352
The solution to this problem is you need to stop your import then close the table. Usually wait a few seconds (5-10 seconds is safe) before closing the table.
So it is a problem with how PT4 interacts with WPN, and not just WPN by itself? Although it's not really practical for me to turn the hud off and on when I have a ton of tables, I'll try it thanks!
