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Sit N' Crush   12/1-12/8  Discussion Thread Sit N' Crush   12/1-12/8  Discussion Thread

12-04-2013 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by bemcd
Keeping things the way the were (aborted 2 day old structures) and adding that^ would have been logical. In fact, this is one of those solutions I was reffering to (depending on what we trying to accomplish) Instead...

the solutions was to turn the ON DEMANDS into 13 man SNGs.. so everyone crying about MTT in a SNG contest (even though that was the idea from get go) can stop now.. ON DEMAND= 13 man SNG w/breaks

NOW maybe we can fix this awful tourney this contest gives seats away to.. (LSOP 10 seat)

my proposed solution:
make this a password tourney (like affiliate freeroll are)
email everyone the password that has won the seat.
Notify all players of this through a banner on the main client (like to check inbox )
open registration 2 hours before the LSOP 10 seat starts and allow it through late registration period.

DONE AND DONE..tourney fixed.

***to ensure that the passwords arent used by other people unique passwords can be sent to each person.. and/or a punishment for using someone else's password can be stating in the "enter password box"***

or just give everyone tourney bucks to use in other SNGs that can help boost the next race... since I will never be able to play any of those tournaments on the weekend since I work those days I just keep throwing away free tournaments everytime I qualify since support wont let me unregister I just sit out of them
12-04-2013 , 12:05 PM
Bem...Do you just wake up grumpy or does someone always piss in your cornflakes?

If you complain anymore.gonna have to change your name to P2 Dog P2.
12-04-2013 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Sandman_Good
Bem...Do you just wake up grumpy or does someone always piss in your cornflakes?

If you complain anymore.gonna have to change your name to P2 Dog P2.
what does that have to do with Sit and Crush?
and what specifically makes you think that statement was grumpy or that I even went to bed?
12-04-2013 , 12:12 PM
Well that's probably it then. Go get some sleep groucho. = )

I don't have that kind of time to post all your curmudgeon write ups.

Now go find that pillow.
12-04-2013 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Sandman_Good
Well that's probably it then. Go get some sleep groucho. = )

I don't have that kind of time to post all your curmudgeon write ups.

Now go find that pillow.
I don't get what is grumpy or grouchy about stating facts, and trying to get something fixed. Or trying to move this discussion along. Clearly its a waste of time, but it's my time to waste.

Also I was in 7th on the leader board and won 2 or 3 of the old format ODs.. so basically, I have a vested interest in this discussion

I mean 4 people complained and exaggerated about the ODs and they got changed. After one day.. Screw the 20 some odd people that were playing in each of them and not complaining..

So whatever I will be real about the sitch. Find something I posted that wasn't truth or trying to improve the site..and I will eat my cornflakes.
12-04-2013 , 12:28 PM
And I appreciate you looking out for us players.

You keep on Keepin' on.


Im starting to think that I should just go back to playing MTTs and play the ODs at the same time and will move up on the leaderboard that way.
12-04-2013 , 12:44 PM
Maybe offer more points for regular sngs. I cant stand the dons and they seem to be all that runs. I would rather see a 27 man sng than the current od fomat.

Also, will there be anything similar to the sit and crush with the mtt schedule in the future?
12-04-2013 , 12:56 PM
I'm assuming you weren't serious about sending everyone a different password? They just need to A.) create tournament coupons for a $55+$5 value or B.) give everyone $60 tourney bucks. At the minimum they need stop preregistering everyone. I'm a big fan of blinding people out, but it's really unfair if you get put on a table full of people playing.

Has the TD ever answered what happens if you cash both the Beast and Sit N' Crush? If they prereg you you're screwed out of the $60 value you won.

WPN seems to have great intentions, but don't think anything through before implementing it. Everything good they do is undone by 5 bad things that stem from it.

Last edited by iPlayPLOhigh; 12-04-2013 at 01:03 PM.
12-04-2013 , 01:41 PM
TD: $10 On Demand has 2 late reg levels. $5 On Demand has 6 levels. Thought they were all 2 levels?
12-04-2013 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
I'm assuming you weren't serious about sending everyone a different password?
not really sure how hard it would be to implement 500-600 unique codes.. i suppose security could go through the names while tourney is running and make sure they're on the list.. one password would probably suffice. (just was spitballing that one)


the 50k/100k OD is now an 800 chip starting stack..(at least its not to a non existant tounrey like before).. Doesnt say it anywhere in the lobby or anything.. sweet.. pretty cool to make changes and say nothing about it anywhere.. just set 13 bucks on fire.. now im grumpy..for real..

what moron thought this would be a good idea? another brilliant solution to a non problem.
(done being nice. )

Last edited by bemcd; 12-04-2013 at 02:04 PM.
12-04-2013 , 01:52 PM
You really think WPN is capable of generating 500+ unique codes and getting it right? That would be a logistical nightmare and let's face it, they aren't capable of getting the easiest of things right. Doubt it's even possible to do that within the software.
12-04-2013 , 02:09 PM
for some inexplicable reason i can't register for anything (clicking register does nothing at all), so i have to restart the client. but i can't close the client without closing each table that i have running individually so i have to do that first. then when i do restart the client all my tables popup tiled instead of stacked so i have to reposition and resize each one individually

seriously, come the **** on. you guys need to get your **** together
12-04-2013 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd

NOW maybe we can fix this awful tourney this contest gives seats away to.. (LSOP 10 seat)
whats so awful about printing money
12-04-2013 , 03:19 PM
Sit and Crush shouldnt give away tournament seats every $55 in the prize pool. The Sit and Crush pool doesnt grow that fast compared to the beast, so tournament tickets really stunt the growth of cash prizes.
12-04-2013 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Indefatigable.
Sit and Crush shouldnt give away tournament seats every $55 in the prize pool. The Sit and Crush pool doesnt grow that fast compared to the beast, so tournament tickets really stunt the growth of cash prizes.
Do we even know what happens if you cash both promotions? I've asked a few times and haven't gotten a response. Anyone know? TD? Pretty big oversight if you ask me.

I agree about not giving away seats, kind of silly.
12-04-2013 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
Do we even know what happens if you cash both promotions? I've asked a few times and haven't gotten a response. Anyone know? TD? Pretty big oversight if you ask me.

I agree about not giving away seats, kind of silly.
they aren't going to do away with the giving away of seats because they can rake it over and over that way..

50 +5.. then you win a package.. rake it again in Panama , check into your hotel (rake it a 3rd time) which the package amount is the full price of room listed as part of package but you know perhaps if they reserve 100+ rooms they get a discount, whadda think?

They want to promote the LSOP, they aint giving TBs instead..

@McG...AS for printing money..instead of sitting out people.. they just wouldn't be in the tourney but the prizepool would be the same.. under my proposed solution.. you give away same number of seats.. If people can't play.. they wont register. and just lose out on that seat.

I know on other sites they would kill the stack if you didn't take your seat in first two or three levels, but im guessing WPN doesn't have that capability, so the password tourney was something I know they can do.

It takes a bunch of effort to play on a table where 6+ people are sitting out. It a weird and dumb dynamic, imo
12-04-2013 , 03:53 PM
about how long are the new format ODs taking?
12-04-2013 , 04:01 PM
in 2 $10 I had one take 2:16 and another 1:10 to end both had 14/15 entrants .. id say the first is more on par with the others.. the top prize was 60 buck for each.
12-04-2013 , 04:05 PM
"I mean 4 people complained and exaggerated about the ODs and they got changed. After one day.. Screw the 20 some odd people that were playing in each of them and not complaining.. "

I agree entirely with that observation.... the TD does not appear to be supportive of the site's basic recreational players who frankly don't post on these boards for the most part.... but they contribute the bulk of the rake $$.

Stop taking away choices from the rec players just to appease the noisy few. ADD choices - fine! Try them out alongside the games already being offered (like the 3,000 chip, 10 minute level ODs) and see which ones get player support.
12-04-2013 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd
they aren't going to do away with the giving away of seats because they can rake it over and over that way..
I have no idea what you are talking about. And they only rake it one time. They aren't the ones putting on the tournament in Panama.

Anyway...... My point is if you cash in the beast you get a $60 entry to the Panama satty, if you cash in sit n' crush you get the same $60 entry into the Panama satty. They are on the same day, that's the problem. Unless they give you a different satty ticket or give you $60 in tourney bucks you're out $60 in value for cashing both contests.
12-04-2013 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd
It takes a bunch of effort to play on a table where 6+ people are sitting out. It a weird and dumb dynamic, imo
It's really not that hard. People play very bad at this stage and you can win a ton of chips. You're asking them to take a ton of dead money out of the tournament.

Maybe you've been unlucky, or maybe your one of those who play really bad at this stage. But trust me we would all lose a HUGE amount of value if they removed the inactives from these tourneys. Any mention of it from a player is just completely irrational and unintelligent.

Please think about this some more and adjust your strategy.
12-04-2013 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Indefatigable.
Sit and Crush shouldnt give away tournament seats every $55 in the prize pool. The Sit and Crush pool doesnt grow that fast compared to the beast, so tournament tickets really stunt the growth of cash prizes.
Agree 1000% -- why is the tournament "jackpot" over 40% of the overall prizepool? Since it's on the Beast it shouldn't even be there, but to take 40% is pretty outrageous.
12-04-2013 , 06:31 PM
On the question of why ODs are included in the SNG race - and afforded so many points (which is ridiculous) - I think the answer is pretty evident. MANAGEMENT wants to promote those tourneys! The ODs are clearly the "teacher's pet" if you will.
12-04-2013 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Limo Wreck
It's really not that hard. People play very bad at this stage and you can win a ton of chips. You're asking them to take a ton of dead money out of the tournament.

Maybe you've been unlucky, or maybe your one of those who play really bad at this stage. But trust me we would all lose a HUGE amount of value if they removed the inactives from these tourneys. Any mention of it from a player is just completely irrational and unintelligent.

Please think about this some more and adjust your strategy.
I agree, it's nice getting these free chips, but the issue is when you aren't fortune enough to be at one of these tables. Some people basically get like a 15K starting stack and some have to earn it. That's a big advantage/disadvantage. It ruins the integrity of a tournament with such a cool prize pool.
12-04-2013 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
I agree, it's nice getting these free chips, but the issue is when you aren't fortune enough to be at one of these tables. Some people basically get like a 15K starting stack and some have to earn it. That's a big advantage/disadvantage. It ruins the integrity of a tournament with such a cool prize pool.
Table draw is a factor in any tournament you play. Sometimes you will draw a tough table and bust out early, other times you will draw a fishy table and chip up.

Sometimes you will play great and lose, other times you will play horribly and win. That's called variance. You have to accept a HUGE amount of variance in MTTs.

In the long run, inactive players are free EV for everyone. Some people look at this as an opportunity to steal blinds. Others look at it as an opportunity to exploit players who are stealing too much. Either way, there is a HUGE opportunity here, it is up to you to find the edge that works for you.

Be smart and accept variance.

