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New TD for the WPN network!! New TD for the WPN network!!

08-09-2013 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by marto
make the rake for 2.4 hu hypers something like 8 cents and watch the traffic explode
no it wouldn't
08-09-2013 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by marto
make the rake for 2.4 hu hypers something like 8 cents and watch the traffic explode
This will be changed to .10c... I am also changing the rake for the other hyper STT's, but not changing any other HU hypers!
08-09-2013 , 11:47 AM
Add a filter for the SNG lobby to filter out empty (and running) tables.
08-09-2013 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Boney526
Add a filter for the SNG lobby to filter out empty (and running) tables.
I believe there already is one
08-09-2013 , 09:47 PM
Please fix the rebuys most are rebuys for the whole late reg with is 2 hours or more, a couple are 1 hour as they should be. No tournament should have longer than a 1 hour rebuy period, imo. They also need to state in the lobby when the rebuy period ends.
08-10-2013 , 09:17 AM
1.) Re entry deep stack turbos please

2.) Some well structured freezeouts in the 11, 22, and 33 buy in range. Re entry is fine if you need it to meet the guarantees. But the structure in the 12+1 1k guar is pretty terrible.

3.) Please fix the $6rs. The hr 2 rebuy period with that structure is just horrible. Why not go with a 90min rebuy period but with better starting stacks and a big add on. Go with 2-3k starting stacks (so like 4-6 k when you double rebuy) and a 5k add on. Make the earlier one a good structure and the late one a turbo. I really don't play the 6rs often cause its pretty easy to dump $40-50 in buyins and still end up with like 25bbs after the rebuy hour ends. Not worth it.

4.) please fix the structure in the 10k. The mtt is perfectly structured thru 500/1000. Then it goes 750/1500 to 1k/2k. Add one more level there something like 500/1000, 600/1200, 800/1600...You could also go 12 min levels thru 500/1000 and then to 15 min levels from there.
08-10-2013 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondDixie
Please fix the rebuys most are rebuys for the whole late reg with is 2 hours or more, a couple are 1 hour as they should be. No tournament should have longer than a 1 hour rebuy period, imo. They also need to state in the lobby when the rebuy period ends.
There is only one daily rebuy tourney that has late reg which is 2 hours or more and that is the one that runs at 10est time. And honestly I agree with most of what you have to say dixie but I don't think that tourney would hit its guarantee of 2k all the time if it wasn't for that extra hour.
08-10-2013 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by LookBehindYou
There is only one daily rebuy tourney that has late reg which is 2 hours or more and that is the one that runs at 10est time. And honestly I agree with most of what you have to say dixie but I don't think that tourney would hit its guarantee of 2k all the time if it wasn't for that extra hour.
Are you sure, I could have sworn a couple of the earlier ones were 2 hours but I could be wrong. I guess it's okay if one or two are longer but overall I think 1 hour is enough for rebuys. It would really help if the lobby listed the amount of rebuy time that way if you don't like the longer rebuy ones you can skip them. I've always had trouble remembering which ones were 1 hour and which ones were longer.

Also I'm pretty sure this has been said but more 6 max with various structures.
08-10-2013 , 04:42 PM
I just checked and the 7 pm est one have over 2 hours late reg too. Looks like it's about 50/50.
08-10-2013 , 05:41 PM
holy crap i havnt played in about a week and a half and i am very excited to see all the new sitngos! love it!
08-10-2013 , 06:36 PM
run the 27.50 10k gtd every night
08-10-2013 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondDixie
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get the satellites wins changed to coupons/tickets to target events or even better T$. I hate the way if I win a satellite to something it shoots me right into the target event even if it's 2 minutes before late reg ends and I start with under 10bb. This is just awful.

I may want to play sats to an tournament one night but not play the tournament until a day or two later. Or I may sat into the 50K but something comes up and I'm not able play.

I really hope this and preferred seating and the time bank issue are the first things to change.
+1 tourney dollars please! I seen some ask for a less top heavy payouts and I disagree. The way stars paid out made me sick.
08-10-2013 , 07:54 PM
why cant i just get tournament lobby to pop up From table.. Have to go to clientthen find tourney just to open lobby

Sent From my Gorilla Slong
08-10-2013 , 11:22 PM
just registered with wpn after merge dispute. was excited. Been looking for reason to switch. That said i am finding that the missing info makes it unbearable to play mtts in any sort of volume. Now as it is my first time on WPN I will be first to say that info could be off but I did talk to support several times with questions and it was confirmed that info was not there. Any response on the following would be great and thanks in advance. And take into account comments are directed at mtts- and not cash or sngs. Also issues pertain to volume mtting. Accustomed to playing 8-16 tables so i need info fast.
1. Why do satellites lack the value of the ticket we are playing to win? Shows the tournament the coupon is for but no value. Also there is no way to even search the tournament ID to find out. Only way is to play and win then you will see or ask support. Both of which are not viable options.

2. I was definitely surprised that there was no info regarding (players remaining, current position, time till break, time till next level etc) available on the actual table. However I was completely blown away that there was info missing in the actual tournament lobby to show, QUICKLY, what position i am in. only way was to scroll through list.

3.Why on earth do we have to wait till late registration ends to find out the payouts? WPN knows structure for payouts, they obviously know current pool... why isn't the info constantly updating.

really a ton of other things but so overwhelmed by previously mentioned items that it is too clear I'm not gonna survive the switch. So in closing I'm just hoping to god I am missing something in settings or something and someone can enlighten me. Because I would hate to have to go crawling back to merge with tail between my legs after leaving with such a pimp strut. Thanks
08-10-2013 , 11:53 PM
ok i was playing in 1.50 double or nothing turbos earlier and now they seem to have disappeared. i even logged out and logged back in. what gives?

yes they have the 1.50 non-turbos and have $5 turbos but the 1.50s i played earlier are alll gone
08-10-2013 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by sofknsalty
just registered with wpn after merge dispute. was excited. Been looking for reason to switch. That said i am finding that the missing info makes it unbearable to play mtts in any sort of volume. Now as it is my first time on WPN I will be first to say that info could be off but I did talk to support several times with questions and it was confirmed that info was not there. Any response on the following would be great and thanks in advance. And take into account comments are directed at mtts- and not cash or sngs. Also issues pertain to volume mtting. Accustomed to playing 8-16 tables so i need info fast.
1. Why do satellites lack the value of the ticket we are playing to win? Shows the tournament the coupon is for but no value. Also there is no way to even search the tournament ID to find out. Only way is to play and win then you will see or ask support. Both of which are not viable options.

2. I was definitely surprised that there was no info regarding (players remaining, current position, time till break, time till next level etc) available on the actual table. However I was completely blown away that there was info missing in the actual tournament lobby to show, QUICKLY, what position i am in. only way was to scroll through list.

3.Why on earth do we have to wait till late registration ends to find out the payouts? WPN knows structure for payouts, they obviously know current pool... why isn't the info constantly updating.

really a ton of other things but so overwhelmed by previously mentioned items that it is too clear I'm not gonna survive the switch. So in closing I'm just hoping to god I am missing something in settings or something and someone can enlighten me. Because I would hate to have to go crawling back to merge with tail between my legs after leaving with such a pimp strut. Thanks
#1 and #2 both really suck. theres an "info" tab on the table but only tells you the blinds. i constantly ask for this issue to be fixed. as far as #3, you can figure it out somewhat manually by clicking on more info or whatever it says near the payout box. it will give you the places paid (u may have to change it to reflect how many current entrants there are) and what percentage of the prize pool each place gets so u kind of have to do the math. this kind of sucks also.
08-11-2013 , 12:32 AM
Ya i was playing 3 tables while i typed.. kinda got lazy #3 should be 4 or 5.. I just skimmed this whole thread and was reminded of a couple other insta- complaints.
Definitely one I missed was the proffered seating option. And something merge also missed was ability to expand main lobby or alter font sizes. Granted I sit 4-5 feet away but I do use two 27" screens. Would be nice not to lean forward for info. I also saw this mentioned but have to say it is very odd (to me) that we don't have a button (separate from "lobby") that is strictly to direct us to "current tournament lobby". Feel the same as I did in the midst of the major merge software overhaul... kinda just STUNNED feeling. Just thinking it seems that programmers and designers hired Pixar to make a pretty Icon set and cool vector graphics instead of hiring any number of true grinders that could have easily directed them on building the perfect finely tuned site that lacked no changes in functionality with options on perfecting layout and style as time goes on. Seems all backwards in both cases

Honestly have a few other complaints but they just seem so damn obvious that I feel as though I am missing something.

Note to the TD and anyone else with any say so monitoring this thread: If you want to get more players you need more tournaments (of all sizes). One "big" tournament a week will not get the job done I promise. Larger guarantees on regular basis mandatory. But just to prove I'm not a ******ed fishy Ill point out hat you wont make money by giving up huge overlays as you need more players for larger guarantees obviously.

When I look at a satellite lobby that has been running for 40 minutes that seems to be a great value $5.00 for a $55 seat i think it was, and there are only 8 players I have to wonder WHYYYYYYY?? If only for a second because answer is so simple upon insta- investigation. There is a complete COMPLETE lack of info. I only know the info because I contacted support,. I only contacted support because I was still checking out software and needed to make sure before I played. Would DEFINATELY never have time to ask chat if I had been playing.. But yep there is no way to know what you are actually playing to win.. just entry to a tournament (in this example 2k gtd $55 bu-yin.) Now I personally would hate life if I was playing a $10 2k gtd but would be siked to play a $55 2k. Big fan of larger buy-ins smaller pools. So clearly the tickets value is a deal-maker. And all the other stuff I mentioned in last post is just as important. You make things easy on your players I.E us and I promise we will GIVE YOU MONEY. Simply dont understand when I see these debacles. You have people BEGGING for good online tournament action, BEGGING for great software, BEGGING to pay rake 6 times in one event via re-entry instead of re-buy. Just BEGGING to get a great place to pay someone money and You gave us this? Not trying to be insensitive but don't you like money? Hire me I'm unemployed (per IRS notes anyway) my spelling is ok, I 'get sh*t done, good with people and I pumped more volume through mtts than 99.9% of the poker population. Hope to see results or know when to expect them. Thanks
08-11-2013 , 03:32 AM
Can ACR put a visible countdown clock on the tables? Am always guessing when blinds rise.
08-11-2013 , 01:51 PM
Alright so Ive grinded on poker sites for years now. Ever since poker stars etc shut down more people are skeptical of playing on different sites. I gave lock a chance but only deposited minimum amount because trusting any site after cake, bet online etc ( also deposited to these sites ) I can not get my hopes anymore. Lock destroyed my hope in online poker. 6 months to withdraw 2 diff amounts of winning etc. I see big promise in this site for the first time. (side note Ive been keeping track of this site since january). Anyways, Having bigger tournaments isn't best option if you want to bring new players in. Most are skepticle of putting large deposits down on a new site.
Im not trying to be a know it all or anything but personally bigger tournaments need to be less current through the day. Micro MTTs is what this site needs. Build from the ground up.

-$1-$3 lower gaurenteeds but no rebuys/add ons, this will make plenty happy. Also of course dont make it turbo.
-$1-$3 higher gtds unlimited rebuys/ 1 addon turbo.
-Make these tourneys run within 2-3 hrs of eachother. everyone would sign up if they want to grind.
-throw in micro bounty games those are always fun to mix in when grinding.
-dont host too many but just enough to keep people going for awhile each day.
-software doesnt bother me much because i dealt with locks software and it didnt update knocksout and players left regularly.
- after a month imo you will see a constant flow of traffic coming in. newbies that are skeptical can play and fall in love if they witness the cashout times.(btw beats anyother site anyday)
-From this i believe after 1-2 months higher stake games will become viable and constant traffic for all.
I deposited $100 and my whole family witnessed my ups and downs on waiting for money and wondering if i'd ever get it.
In conclusion if my family questions me joining a new site and are waiting for another letdown (because they are used to it) newer players wont deposite as much. $5+ gtds with 50 bucks + tourny fee + most are r/a = 5 games average.
Anyways just want to help. If others feel im wrong I dont mind corrections and ill see you all on the tables.
08-11-2013 , 01:54 PM
Oh one more thing. I agree with many that narrowing down what tourney to go into gives me a headache. Sats and all diff colors. I just wanna find a gtd tourney no sats and not have to read thru. Always have to check re check hoping i missed a tourney to buy in too. All in all big headache
08-11-2013 , 02:38 PM
May I suggest that posters consider making their posts a little more concise? I'm sure the TD is very busy, so lets make this as easy as possible for them.

And for the sake of discussion amongst us-no one wants to read all this long narrative (esp when its off topic) and it makes facilitating discussion and coming to a consensus that much more difficult.

Don't mean to insult anyone. This is an important thread so I think we just need to keep things on target and to the point.
08-11-2013 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by cashmaker81
+1 tourney dollars please! I seen some ask for a less top heavy payouts and I disagree. The way stars paid out made me sick.
I like the Merge payout structure better than all the others.

Originally Posted by TheVillageGrinder
May I suggest that posters consider making their posts a little more concise? I'm sure the TD is very busy, so lets make this as easy as possible for them.

And for the sake of discussion amongst us-no one wants to read all this long narrative (esp when its off topic) and it makes facilitating discussion and coming to a consensus that much more difficult.

Don't mean to insult anyone. This is an important thread so I think we just need to keep things on target and to the point.
+1000 Seriously guys this post is for suggestions on SNGs and MTTs. No one wants to, or is going to, read these long post.
08-12-2013 , 11:01 AM
+1000 Seriously guys this post is for suggestions on SNGs and MTTs. No one wants to, or is going to, read these long post.[/QUOTE]

haha i do read all posts in this thread and also other posts to.
I agree with alot of things people say and also disagree with some points.
I will be going through all posts i havent replied to that i feel need responses but i will do this throughout the day!
08-12-2013 , 11:44 AM
For this week i am going to run two extra tournaments a day. One at 5.30pm ET and one at 8.30pm ET.
I am thinking about a megastack hyper turbo FO which i really like the idea of. I will probably make this one at 5.30pm ET.
Would like your ideas for the later tournament, bear in mind its not just as simple as saying... $50 FO $6000k gtd. I need to look and see what other tournaments are around there and make sure the regular schedule doesn't get interrupted. But ideas please and i will do the hard work ;-)
08-12-2013 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
For this week i am going to run two extra tournaments a day. One at 5.30pm ET and one at 8.30pm ET.
I am thinking about a megastack hyper turbo FO which i really like the idea of. I will probably make this one at 5.30pm ET.
Would like your ideas for the later tournament, bear in mind its not just as simple as saying... $50 FO $6000k gtd. I need to look and see what other tournaments are around there and make sure the regular schedule doesn't get interrupted. But ideas please and i will do the hard work ;-)
So the $50 600k gtd is running today?

Last edited by chrisp200; 08-12-2013 at 12:44 PM.
