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Hey you, the guys spewing epithets in chat boxes Hey you, the guys spewing epithets in chat boxes

01-21-2015 , 01:54 AM

01-21-2015 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Dr_Wonderful
TLDR; this guy doesn't know what checkmate means Tiddlywinks seems more his speed for games
Another old guy and his diversion tricks. "If we can't prove them wrong we will just divert the attention to something else" "I can't actually refute the checkmate thing so we will just talk about tiddlywinks"

Solid strategy there buddy.
Also pretty lol that you can take such a opinionated stance on something but not even read the other side. Is that another one of you old guy tactics?

You guys are pretty lame IMO and when I get to be old I hope I'm not as narrow minded and easily offend as you lame nits.

01-21-2015 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Another old guy and his diversion tricks. "If we can't prove them wrong we will just divert the attention to something else" "I can't actually refute the checkmate thing so we will just talk about tiddlywinks"

Solid strategy there buddy.
Also pretty lol that you can take such a opinionated stance on something but not even read the other side. Is that another one of you old guy tactics?

You guys are pretty lame IMO and when I get to be old I hope I'm not as narrow minded and easily offend as you lame nits.

I like to argue, I know when the other guy is an idiot and I should close my ears and start to tell jokes to make myself laugh. sorry kiddo for offending you so much, its just words. Take the internet less seriously you whipper snapper
01-21-2015 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Are you on hallucinogenic drugs or just don't have good reading comprehension? Where did I issue a challenge to anyone? I'm not calling their bluff because they never bet. They are sitting out this hand not even playing.

Now I know some of you may be idiots, have bad reading comprehension, believe in made up stuff, or whatever but I think most of you are smart enough to realize that if they cared they would have issued a statement. It's been about a month since this thread was started and I have not seen one statement or response from WPN in this thread. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or even someone with a college degree to figure out that if they cared they would have issued a statement. How dumb can you be to not see that?

At this point you guys are just taking the internet way too seriously and may need to take a break unless you want to keep providing me with entertainment which if you do is fine with me. It's been fun so far.

FYI I don't even play on WPN anymore because of all the bs that happened with disconnects. The $100 freerolls just didn't make up for all the money they cost me.
Bragging that you've been breaking the network's rules in their own subforum and taunting that they won't do anything about it is in fact a challenge. I can see why you don't want to characterize it that way, but that is exactly what it is.

Sounds like you're on monkey tilt. Talk is easy when you have nothing on the line. Now you do. So keep telling us how you like to use racial slurs in the chatbox. We are all ears.
01-21-2015 , 03:56 PM
Go pats!!!
01-21-2015 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Goodsaint...yes you are correct that I have no clue what management talks about nor do I know with 100% certainty that I have been reported. What I do know is that I have spewwed racial slurs, called people ****s (a lot of people really hate that one), told them to get every disease from ebola to aids, told them to go fall on a rusty knife, I think you are getting the point.

I also know that back when I played on stars/ft I had my chat banned a few times because of people reporting me.

So taking that information that I know to be true and the fact that you aren't the only one that get's their panties in a bunch over words I can say with 98.75% certainty that I have been reported to chat and not once have I ever received any email or chat ban from Merge or WPN. I mean even one of my SN's on WPN is offensive to a lot of people. THEY DON'T CARE.

The silence from WPN says it all.

I also spewed some racial slurs at you the other day on carbon. 23/7/3

To put this to rest. Yes, you have poor reading comprehension. You attribute quotes to me that I did not make. The very first sentence of your post is false. Confusion. You never addressed that. You focus on my suggesting you may have forgotten your meds. Then trying to equate that to a joke about mental illness. Son, you are the one off on a tangent. I wasn't joking about you and meds. Not one bit. I've been in the psych/nursing field since I left high school. I chose it primarily due to growing up with a brain damaged brother. Not something I joke about. Your posts and inability to even acknowledge you've confused me with someone else leads me to my conclusion about you and meds. There's no joke there. Just empathy. Hopefully, your confusion clears and possibly your mindset. If not, peace out.
01-21-2015 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
Number1donk is right of course. You just took all that time to call out the guy, i done that stuff before too, but you know what will happen? the cool 2+2 crowd will just make fun of you, and make u out to be wrong, theyll take everything you said and somehow question you. Goodsaint wont give you a real reply man. Its my belief goodsaint is one of those"found god again" type of people, overly religious and wanting to str8en his life out because he was into drugs when he was younger. Thats good, and i bet he has a "too good of a heart" know what i mean?
People throughout this thread have given you and others real replies. You don't accept them and feel they should hit the block chat button or quit poker. That's your solution. We understand that. There's really nothing more to be said. You continue to do you. We'll continue to do us. Later.

Last edited by goodsaint; 01-21-2015 at 06:12 PM.
01-21-2015 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by goodsaint
To put this to rest. Yes, you have poor reading comprehension. You attribute quotes to me that I did not make. The very first sentence of your post is false. Confusion. You never addressed that. You focus on my suggesting you may have forgotten your meds. Then trying to equate that to a joke about mental illness. Son, you are the one off on a tangent. I wasn't joking about you and meds. Not one bit. I've been in the psych/nursing field since I left high school. I chose it primarily due to growing up with a brain damaged brother. Not something I joke about. Your posts and inability to even acknowledge you've confused me with someone else leads me to my conclusion about you and meds. There's no joke there. Just empathy. Hopefully, your confusion clears and possibly your mindset. If not, peace out.
Actually I'm the one who made the statement that he is referring to but I wasn't making a joke at all. I was simply making a factual statement.
01-25-2015 , 12:18 AM

It's cute to know goodsaint is a nurse...can we get a picture of you in your cute outfit?

I think we are all on the same page though's nice to see us all come full circle. See you ninjas on the table!!!!!
10-30-2015 , 03:29 PM
This was after he called me the N-word twice. I guess if you can't reason with them, troll them and put it online. :/
