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Hey you, the guys spewing epithets in chat boxes Hey you, the guys spewing epithets in chat boxes

01-16-2015 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
I think that you've just made it pretty clear in your post that bigheadal is just a 5 year old typing away on his keyboard. It would be a waste of my time to respond to the poo poo you just dumped into this thread. So all I can suggest is that you remind your mommy that it is past your nap time.
The guy gave a pretty well thought out post and you respond by calling it poo poo and resort to mommy jokes. Now I can see why you get so offended. You sure do act like a man child.

Originally Posted by IHasTehNutz

No need to walk on eggshells. Nobody said you can't be yourself among friends. But in a social environment, our society has evolved to the point where there is a minimal expectation of not having to hear certain things in most places. We've come a long way from the Jim Crow days and such, but you will still hear people use racial remarks with ease no matter where they are. What they say in their home to their wife is one thing - what they say and how they act socially is quite another.
No....some people have evolved to where they expect people to act a certain way. I'm not going to do something/not do something because "society has an expectation". I don't do things because people expect me to do them. I do things because that is what I want to do. If I want to call my friend a ***, say something is ******ed, or tell someone to get aid's I'm going to do it. You have the choice to either take offense or not.

I hate to turn this into a politard thread but if you're going to demand equal rights and want to be treated as equals then how is it that it's ok for you to say certain words but I can't? Gays can call each other **** and it's ok but because I'm not gay I can't use the word? But you still want equal rights? Blacks can still call each other ****** but I can't? But you still want to be treated equal? If we are equal why can you say something and it not be offensive but when I say it all of a sudden it becomes offensive?

It's a ****ing joke. Words are words. Like really? We have come so far as a society that we have cars that can drive themselves but we still have grown ups fighting over silly words?

Have any of the "complainers" explained why they don't just turn off the chat of offensive players? I mean we've given you the solution to the problem but it's not good enough. Makes no sense.
01-16-2015 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
The guy gave a pretty well thought out post and you respond by calling it poo poo and resort to mommy jokes. Now I can see why you get so offended. You sure do act like a man child.

No....some people have evolved to where they expect people to act a certain way. I'm not going to do something/not do something because "society has an expectation". I don't do things because people expect me to do them. I do things because that is what I want to do. If I want to call my friend a ***, say something is ******ed, or tell someone to get aid's I'm going to do it. You have the choice to either take offense or not.

I hate to turn this into a politard thread but if you're going to demand equal rights and want to be treated as equals then how is it that it's ok for you to say certain words but I can't? Gays can call each other **** and it's ok but because I'm not gay I can't use the word? But you still want equal rights? Blacks can still call each other ****** but I can't? But you still want to be treated equal? If we are equal why can you say something and it not be offensive but when I say it all of a sudden it becomes offensive?

It's a ****ing joke. Words are words. Like really? We have come so far as a society that we have cars that can drive themselves but we still have grown ups fighting over silly words?

Have any of the "complainers" explained why they don't just turn off the chat of offensive players? I mean we've given you the solution to the problem but it's not good enough. Makes no sense.
LOL. TLDR; this guy doesn't get it, hope he stays inside
01-16-2015 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
The guy gave a pretty well thought out post and you respond by calling it poo poo and resort to mommy jokes. Now I can see why you get so offended. You sure do act like a man child.
So that's your idea of a well thought out post? If he's going to make it personal, I have no problem answering in kind. If he is going to act like a 5 year old, I'm going to call him a 5 year old. I think that it's hilarious how you come here to defend your right to write whatever you want in the chatbox but act butthurt when you read something in this thread that wasn't even directed at you.
01-17-2015 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
people take the internet wayyyyyyyyyyy too seriously!
Hey why don't you go (curse word) yourself you stupid (racial slur)


This thread is hilarious. I've learned that there are old men that act like children and get easily offended by words, typed in a chat box.

And not one of them can give us an answer as why they don't just block chat when that is the simple solution.

If WPN doesn't care about collusion or bots (which it seems they don't based of some other threads) they aren't going to care about some racial slurs. Don't you think if this was a important topic to them they would have already replied in this thread.
01-17-2015 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Hey why don't you go (curse word) yourself you stupid (racial slur)


This thread is hilarious. I've learned that there are old men that act like children and get easily offended by words, typed in a chat box.

And not one of them can give us an answer as why they don't just block chat when that is the simple solution.
Is that really as deeply as you are able to think about this issue?

Here is but one line of thought to consider. Perhaps they do not read 2+2. Perhaps they are big donators at the tables. Perhaps they don't know how or don't want to block chat. Perhaps instead they just quit the game and go do something else, rather than donate at the tables.
01-17-2015 , 12:06 PM
Yes brainiac, after offending the fish please make it clear to them that they shouldn't be playing if they can't handle abusive chat.
01-17-2015 , 01:37 PM
Ashley, (weewee) you are basically a poster child for this thread. I'm a big fan of your chat box heroics.
01-17-2015 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
Yeah man, what it is, is that they have no power and wanna feel big and important so they use"their right" to try to screw you over.
You have it wrong. It's the morons driving off fish with abusive chat that are screwing people over.

Then they feel put out when the rest of us attempt the only available remedy (reporting) and say things like the following.

Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
Live poker, they wouldnt do a damn thing they hushup and thats it... or cry to floor they hear a F bomb LOL. People are pathetic online, just laugh at them like i do.
01-17-2015 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
You have it wrong. It's the morons driving off fish with abusive chat that are screwing people over.
Originally Posted by CallYouWin
Berate the regs, embrace the fish, enjoy the game.
01-17-2015 , 02:11 PM
snitches n talkers = men with vaginas
01-17-2015 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by PokeYourFace
snitches n talkers = men with vaginas
Sounds like you've been to prison.
01-17-2015 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
cant take you serious without the quotes !
who you talking too? who said we or I or anyone tells the fish they shouldnt be playing anymore? i am just saying in general if something in chat bothers you so much that you have to report it you probably shouldnt play poker
Can't do anything else that gets me a 58% ROI. Think I'll just keep playing poker and reporting you chumps.
01-17-2015 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
That number is incredibly low. But what really turns the fish away are the 20 tabling nits who just take timebank every decision/dont give action, those clowns are whats wrong with poker son
I don't disagree about time-bank abusers, but that's not the issue we are discussing. I do disagree about the number potentially turned off by abusive chat.
01-17-2015 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
max cut-" You have it wrong. It's the morons driving off fish with abusive chat that are screwing people over. " you said this.That number is incredibly low. But what really turns the fish away are the 20 tabling nits who just take timebank every decision/dont give action, those clowns are whats wrong with poker son

goodsaint- you are just sad. your 58% ROI will stay at that if you report people or not. do you realise that?
What I realize is, you suggested that those who report folks would probably be better off not playing poker. That is what I realize. Now what you fail to realize is, that I can't get a 58% ROI doing anything else. That's what you fail to realize. So the only thing sad is your suggestion. Hope you can comprehend that.
01-17-2015 , 11:18 PM
I should have given up here long ago. GG and GL weeweeisgreen
01-17-2015 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
God i seriously hope you dont have children, you are mentally screwed up. AS A WHOLE i mean, if someone isnt mentally strong enough to deal with poker talk that is bad shouldnt play poker. That is my belief as a WHOLE. Like hellmuth look at him, biggest baby ever but wins millions right?

You are a winning player ok, but you report player chat. It makes YOU pathetic and a baby and a weakling. SImple as that, you are just a disgrace to bring people to justice and ask as hall monitor over some bad words said by someone you dont even know!
Agree with him or disagree with him, goodsaint is one of the most mild mannered posters in this forum. I don't see what it is that he can be saying that would put you on such monkey tilt. If you can't handle his posts, you can always put him on your ignore list.

You've said:
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
People who get offended at ANY word in a chatbox shouldnt be playing poker.
So perhaps if what other posters have to say bothers you so much, you shouldn't be posting in a forum.
01-18-2015 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
God i seriously hope you dont have children, you are mentally screwed up. AS A WHOLE i mean, if someone isnt mentally strong enough to deal with poker talk that is bad shouldnt play poker. That is my belief as a WHOLE. Like hellmuth look at him, biggest baby ever but wins millions right?

You are a winning player ok, but you report player chat. It makes YOU pathetic and a baby and a weakling. SImple as that, you are just a disgrace to bring people to justice and ask as hall monitor over some bad words said by someone you dont even know!
Sorry to disappoint you, but the Good Lord has blessed me with 3 sons. One of whom was called home early in life. So yeah, I was mentally screwed up for a long while. That's where the drugs & ETOH abuse came into play. I recovered and will continue recovering the rest of my life. I thought I've been called everything but a child of God, in my life. But you've added three new ones to the list. Pathetic, a baby and a weakling. Well those that know me would hardly describe 6'3" 280 lbs in those terms. But they know me. You don't. So you get a pass. You truly have some issues, but they're your issues. So I'll leave you to them. Just understand this. If you CHOOSE to spew and rant, I will CHOOSE to report. Just ain't a whole lot to that. Be blessed.
01-18-2015 , 04:59 AM
I don't understand how you can assume that someone would report racism only out of some sort of weakness. Don't you understand that some people do things because it is simply the right thing to do? Nobody should ever tolerate bigotry. That you don't see it any different from any crime or infraction just shows us all how ill informed you are. No one in this thread is ever going to be able to make you understand the damage done by racism and bigotry, particularly since your maturity level seems to be reflected in your calling of yourself a green weewee.
01-18-2015 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
Where to begin. Show me where i ever said its tolerable or OK to shout profanities and bigotri? SHow me!

Im basically calling the guy an internet toughguy cuz in real life, at a casino or a homegame he wouldnt say a thing. He will report it only cuz he can hide behind his monitor, makes him a weasal.

The words dont affect him too, they dont bother him, he chooses to go out of his way to be an annoying person

I fully think it is wrong to treat people with disrespect but to go out of your way and report it in my mind and opinion is just sad. WE are playing internet poker man, for money and people react differently than others when they lose.PEople should be understanding and understand they dont REALLY mean what they type out of meaningless anger. DO you understand my stance better now?
This thread is mainly about players using racist and homophobic slurs. It isn't about criticizing players for simply going off and calling other players names. I've made it clear in almost every post that I've written here that that is specifically what I'm talking about. If you criticize someone for trying to stop that type of chat abuse, you are, in fact, not only saying it's OK to use those types of expressions, you are helping create an environment where that type of abuse will continue.

And exactly how do you know what goodsaint would say in a casino or home game? You don't.

A few posters have said that the Internet should be a place where even bigoted statements should be allowed. Well, it is such a place. Anyone can create their own web site and say whatever they want. But a poker client is a privately owned piece of software; and if the owner of that software wants to make it PG rated in order to bring in a broad spectrum of customers, he has every right to do that. And if that broad spectrum of customers include those who are offended by racist chat, then those customers have every right to report it.
01-18-2015 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
Well i dont understand what your ex drug problem or the loss of a son really has anything to do with it. I Am sorry though for your bad luck in life and good on you if you are getting things str8.

When i say"pathetic/baby/weakling" i at no point know your history, just your opinion on a matter on the internet you understand that RIGHT?
I have my own issues in life, just gambling ones but that doesnt make me mentally f'd up like you probably think.

I understand it we both have choices how to talk in chat right? i have a choice how i act and you have a choice to report. The thing i do NOT understand is why do you let it bother you so much, that you have to run and tell support and tattletale?

Now i got a question, think back when you were into drugs, you and a friend i dunno are walkin down street, or rob someone or something to support habbit and you get caught, and your friend doesnt. Do you CHOOSE to "go down alone" when the cops ask questions about him?
To answer, why I choose to let it bother me so much: It doesn't. Cause I choose to report it. If I didn't report it, then it might bother me. As I've worked all my life, I always had income to support my addiction as well as provide for my kids. When I lost my job in late 2003, I had reached 'rock bottom' and I surrendered. So robbing people or street crime isn't a part of my story. I was what is known as a 'functional addict'. So yes, I CHOSE to 'go down alone' and let go and let God. So today I choose to be on the side of good and right as much as I can. And I'm ok with that. Stayed blessed.
01-18-2015 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
But a poker client is a privately owned piece of software; and if the owner of that software wants to make it PG rated in order to bring in a broad spectrum of customers, he has every right to do that. And if that broad spectrum of customers include those who are offended by racist chat, then those customers have every right to report it.
Or if the owners of that software aren't smart enough to care, and just want to block a few naughty words when they create the chat functionality, then never think about it again, and ignore any reports from offended customers, they have every right. Which is what has actually happened.
01-19-2015 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by AlexTheOwl
Or if the owners of that software aren't smart enough to care, and just want to block a few naughty words when they create the chat functionality, then never think about it again, and ignore any reports from offended customers, they have every right. Which is what has actually happened.
Guess you don't play on Merge.
01-19-2015 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by goodsaint
Guess you don't play on Merge.
Guess you don't know this is the WPN forum?

Used to play on Merge before they eliminated the loyalty program, restricted number of tables, closed 2P2 forum, charged for all withdrawals, etc. But kudos to them if they police this. WPN does not.

Last edited by AlexTheOwl; 01-19-2015 at 12:30 AM. Reason: Still have a few $ there, play occasionally
01-19-2015 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by AlexTheOwl

Guess you don't know this is the WPN forum?

Used to play on Merge before they eliminated the loyalty program, restricted number of tables, closed 2P2 forum, charged for all withdrawals, etc. But kudos to them if they police this. WPN does not.
Well aware WPN may not. But rants & spews know no site borders. Hence, my comments in this thread.
01-19-2015 , 12:57 AM
Was tilting hard and was spewing in chat (not necessarily at my opponent) and LOLd that acr bleeps out the word "rigged" lol
