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Hey you, the guys spewing epithets in chat boxes Hey you, the guys spewing epithets in chat boxes

01-11-2015 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
If im driving and someone flips me off and gives me the finger and rides away, i dont callup the police and try to get them in trouble. I wouldnt issue them a ticket in my power if that was possible. guys like you and good saint would.

Obviously its your decision to report, but only a weak minded person would do that. Poker sites do it because they have to be professional and protect its weak fish minded customers.

You are right that a bad beat shouldnt exempt people to that because its just rude, but with online poker its not real, u know its fake, they are non threatening, you KNOW its not meaningful you KNOW they dont mean it. now why would you KNOWINGLY be an Ahole back and try to get them banned? thats super lame.

I disagree with if you arent part of the solution you are part of the problem. I do not threaten or say racist things in chat. So therefore i am not part of the problem. It is my OPINION that chatbans shouldnt even exist, i dont support the bad chat, i could just understand why it happens though. The real solution is if you dont like it turn off chat, but that would be the sensible thing to do.
Ahh, where to begin. Calling police cause someone flips you off and gives the finger just isn't in my DNA. And only a weak-minded person would continue to try to defend an indefensible position. This thread is about spews and rants, not 1 or 2 racist remarks a person might make. Now all I've done is state how I handle spews and rants. Obv, every little thing doesn't get reported though you and others want to make it seem that way. And to the fellow that got bent about my ROI comment, check out the post it was made in response to. I'm happy doing what I do and doing it well. You guys are the ones upset. I've got my joy. Nothing you can say or do can take it from me. I'm happy with my choices and 58% ROI. So I'm not going anywhere but to the report button for any spewing or ranting of epitaphs. Now go find your joy. I've got mine. Case closed.

Last edited by goodsaint; 01-11-2015 at 09:44 PM.
01-12-2015 , 02:18 PM
That your mind is boggled is clear. *facepalm* Keep calling people all the names that apply to you.

LOL at the implication that reporting someone for this is "ratting them out" and constitutes a severe character flaw, like there is some morality based unwritten code of honor.

You reported people for what you believe is collusion at the table, you rat! All your arguments could be applied to this as well.
01-12-2015 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
That your mind is boggled is clear. *facepalm* Keep calling people all the names that apply to you.

LOL at the implication that reporting someone for this is "ratting them out" and constitutes a severe character flaw, like there is some morality based unwritten code of honor.

You reported people for what you believe is collusion at the table, you rat!
Amen. Thank you for delivering my thoughts.

I was too weak minded to express them myself.

The G Smoothie
01-12-2015 , 02:33 PM
What up AshleyTheGrinder, glad to see you joined your buddy Mevlin on the forums.
01-12-2015 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
Where did I say that you said that you or others in the chatbox were black? I said you implied it. I guess by your definition that makes you a liar. Where did I say you said that it was a friendly salutation? I guess that makes you a liar again. See how we can both play that childish game?

Sounds like you and your friends sure know how to have a good time. It's unfortunate that you have to live in that type of environment. But there is nothing that I can do help you climb out of that. With those type of habits, it's a certainty that you'll never hold any kind of professional job so I hope that you are really good at poker. Probably doesn't matter how good you are at poker though because sooner or later your chat will make you an unwelcome customer.

If you call a friend a *** as a friendly jab, how do you think a gay person standing nearby feels about hearing that? So don't try to say it's not offensive or insulting. When you type crap like that into the chatbox, you are saying it to the entire table; and you do not know who is sitting at that table.
I wasn't going to respond but I can't help it, your psychotic. We aren't playing a childish game, you flat out lied and were called out on it. Arguing/discussion is fine, but being a liar is crossing the line, and I don't like liars. The post you made is there for anyone to read, you lied.

Good job passing judgment on me and my friends when you know nothing about us. Also good job assuming I say any of these things in chat, when I don't, but it would certainly be my right to do so. Yeah, your right, if I'm having this discussion with you, it must mean I go to all professional workplaces and talk like that. *facepalm*

Your last paragraph is what is wrong with the world and people like you are destroying it. Yes, I will stand here and act like it isn't insulting or offensive, because what I say to my friends has nothing to do with you. The fact that you think I can't call my friend a f*g as a joke between him and I and must look around the room to identify all possible homosexuals in my environment before I might offend them with a word that has nothing to do with them personally because it wasn't directed at them is flat out pathetic and sad. If that particular gay person was a grown ass man or woman, which this world is obviously sorely lacking at this point, he or she would take absolutely no offense to it, because it wasn't directed at him or her and has nothing to do with them.

The world is bigger than you SantaCruz, I hope you realize that. The world doesn't have to bend down to what SantaCruz or other politically correct people demand. It's not my job to try and not offend you, or other politically correct people. If I say something, that isn't directed at you in any way, and you become offended by it, then it is YOUR problem, and no one else's. You CHOSE to be offended by something that had nothing to do with you, how is that suddenly everyone else's problem? The fact that someone would be offended by something said that has NOTHING to do with them means they see themselves as a hell of a lot more important than they actually are in the grand scheme of things. The attitude and self-entitlement that that carries is so much worse than words that a person could ever say to someone.

No, I wouldn't care if a gay person standing nearby was offended, because them becoming offended is ludicrous to begin with. Let's all walk on eggshells because x person became offended by everything. And no, if I say something into the chat box directed at someone, I'm not saying it to the entire table mr. crazy. Again, still trying to make everything about you.

What a person says to their group of friends, no matter what words they use amongst themselves, is absolutely none of your ****ing business.
01-12-2015 , 05:51 PM
This thread is so stupid, WPN doesn't even like us saying **** or *******, it says "please keep chat clean" so why are people defending using in chat what are in today's culture, 2 of the 3 most offensive words to say? There is nothing sissy about reporting, because that doesn't make any freaking sense. I like how these guys are finding ways to defend themselves for using racial slurs, by calling other's sexist terms.

FWIW I don't think anyone is all that offended, but reporting is easy and stupid people who say bad words non stop are fun to punish. Nobody is acting like they couldn't get out of bed because of what they're called. For anyone that calls someone a rat, or a sissy for reporting, you're just really bad at computers and don't realize how much of a small deal it is.

Also, can we stop worrying about who we might offend and just act better? Why is everyone making a laundry list of defenses for being a rude POS, just keep being rude and stop defending something that makes no sense to defend. Nobody will really mind, and if they do MAYBE your chat will get banned, and you sissies can get on here and call people rats
01-12-2015 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
You wouldnt do anything in real life because you fear the other person. you are a weak minded keyboard warrior. You will exercise your "right" online because you can do it anonymously. If you were at a restaurant and heard a group getting loud using racist remarks you wouldnt say a word would ya? I doubt it! Wimppppp

You are right, its about spews and rants, its online POKER, people are winning and losing money, people react differently to these losses sometimes. Do you understand that?do you understand their aggravation is only said out of anger and its NOT personal to you. Answer my damn questions. You gotta come around on this.Why would you take advantage of your"right"? just to be a jerk and punish someone for speaking badly? that makes u such a loser.

I am not upset, im not trying to take away your joy lol. your ROI has no place for this discussion. your ROI isnt affected by you reporting people or not. Were you the teachers pet in schoool? bullied? Im curious why people are so"rat happy" boggles my mind!
Starting from bottom up. You suggested I try pogo or candyland for g-rated fun. I replied that I'm not gonna get a 58% ROI from your suggestions so I'll just keep doing me. You went to pogo and candyland. I went to why it wasn't for me. Sorry if you didn't like my answer. It is what it is. As for being a rat, well, I guess the drug dealers in my hood would agree with you. But, they moved their operations from around my house. As a recovering addict for 11 years, I had no problem calling the police when I saw it in my block. So yeah, I'm a rat. ****, I use to tell on myself in recovery when I used. Now answer my question. What part don't you understand? You or others Choose to spew and rant epitaphs, I Choose to report it. What's so hard about that? You/they have a choice, I have a choice. You made yours, I made mine. I've moved on. Deal with it. Case closed.
01-12-2015 , 07:41 PM
I wasn't expecting such a discussion, but glad it continues.

My main point was that there is a difference between:

Trash talking
Riding players about bad beats
Even some playful insults (calling someone a goof, or a clown, for instance)


Using homophobic, racial, and/or demeaning language

The former is fine and no one should be saying that isn't allowed. The latter, though, ought to be cause for immediate dismissal from the room, IMO. It's bad enough these types of comments are said IRL. They don't need to be said in an online poker room.

Let's say I walk into a grocery store and when I get to the checkout counter, I call the clerk a h*m* because he rung up an item twice. Shouldn't I expect to be asked to leave? Especially if I continue on and call the manager an (insert racial comment here). I don't get a timeout for it - I'd get removed from the store and banned, most likely. Why should online poker be any different?

As far as "ratting someone out"...come on now. This isn't the playground at school. Belittling someone for rightly going to support after being the victim of extreme verbal abuse isn't even close to the same types of activity associated with 'being a rat'. It's not cool and people who condone/don't care enough to act out about it are as bad as those who say things like that, IMO.

Why is calling someone a racially driven name kosher? I'm asking seriously - if one person can make an intelligent argument for its use in an online poker room, feel free. But since there really isn't one, why should that type of abuse (that's what it is, after all) be allowed to take place unchallenged?

Last edited by IHasTehNutz; 01-12-2015 at 07:46 PM. Reason: added a comment about a store
01-12-2015 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by bigheadal
I wasn't going to respond but I can't help it...
I think that you've just made it pretty clear in your post that bigheadal is just a 5 year old typing away on his keyboard. It would be a waste of my time to respond to the poo poo you just dumped into this thread. So all I can suggest is that you remind your mommy that it is past your nap time.
01-12-2015 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
....It shouldnt be life chat worthey like the people argueing with me want it to be. People blowup and cry about losing and say some stuff sometimes WHO CARES. To report someone for some unpleasant words just shows how weak minded as a person you are. If you cant ignore a chatbox insult then quit poker you prob shouldnt be playing.
I made the point that it's not a case of 'unpleasant words'. Those are fine - it's when it crosses the line. Since there aren't reps actively monitoring the chat boxes in every room, someone bringing this to their attention should be applauded, or at the very least quietly lauded. But saying they are 'weak minded' shows more weakness in the person making that observation than the person who acts against it, I feel.

Touche on the simply blocking chat. It's sad that has to happen because it can be an effective tool as part of your game. I use it on Carbon in the rare chances when I play there and it works well - subsequently I've never encountered any racial remarks there. So since the vast majority of poker players are not racists and wouldn't dream of saying anything of the sort, I don't see how you can label them all as 'weak' and that they shouldn't be playing.
01-12-2015 , 08:04 PM
It's a mute point. It's against the TOC. And circumventing the chat filter in the various ways they go about it is also against the rules. Whether or not these things are offensive was already decided before we ever joined the site.
01-12-2015 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by bigheadal
Good job passing judgment on me and my friends when you know nothing about us. Also good job assuming I say any of these things in chat, when I don't, but it would certainly be my right to do so. Yeah, your right, if I'm having this discussion with you, it must mean I go to all professional workplaces and talk like that. *facepalm*
Free speech does have its limits and consequences, sir. IRL, saying certain things to random people can in some cases can get you arrested, to say nothing about its bad taste.

Originally Posted by bigheadal
Your last paragraph is what is wrong with the world and people like you are destroying it. Yes, I will stand here and act like it isn't insulting or offensive, because what I say to my friends has nothing to do with you. The fact that you think I can't call my friend a f*g as a joke between him and I and must look around the room to identify all possible homosexuals in my environment before I might offend them with a word that has nothing to do with them personally because it wasn't directed at them is flat out pathetic and sad. If that particular gay person was a grown ass man or woman, which this world is obviously sorely lacking at this point, he or she would take absolutely no offense to it, because it wasn't directed at him or her and has nothing to do with them.
Now, this may sound strange but I'm actually going to agree with the sentiment here, if perhaps not the direct example stated. I have gay friends who I joke with and they joke with me all the time. In a closed environment, what we say to each other is in fact no one else's business or concern. However, when I am out in public, and there are other groups of people or individuals around me, I don't have that same luxury. I make a conscious decision to adapt to my surroundings. If I used a homophobic remark to a stranger and he decided he wanted to pick a fight with me, he'd be justified because of my error and lapse of judgment.

Originally Posted by bigheadal
No, I wouldn't care if a gay person standing nearby was offended, because them becoming offended is ludicrous to begin with. Let's all walk on eggshells because x person became offended by everything. And no, if I say something into the chat box directed at someone, I'm not saying it to the entire table mr. crazy. Again, still trying to make everything about you.

What a person says to their group of friends, no matter what words they use amongst themselves, is absolutely none of your ****ing business.
No need to walk on eggshells. Nobody said you can't be yourself among friends. But in a social environment, our society has evolved to the point where there is a minimal expectation of not having to hear certain things in most places. We've come a long way from the Jim Crow days and such, but you will still hear people use racial remarks with ease no matter where they are. What they say in their home to their wife is one thing - what they say and how they act socially is quite another.
01-12-2015 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by IHasTehNutz
Now, this may sound strange but I'm actually going to agree with the sentiment here, if perhaps not the direct example stated. I have gay friends who I joke with and they joke with me all the time. In a closed environment, what we say to each other is in fact no one else's business or concern. However, when I am out in public, and there are other groups of people or individuals around me, I don't have that same luxury. I make a conscious decision to adapt to my surroundings. If I used a homophobic remark to a stranger and he decided he wanted to pick a fight with me, he'd be justified because of my error and lapse of judgment.
If you go back and read what I actually wrote, you'll see that the point that I was making was that the chatbox is a public venue. That point like so many others went way over bigheadal's head. Bigheadal doesn't seem to realize that this thread is about the chatbox, not about his life.
01-12-2015 , 09:01 PM
Im usually on too many table to even type back but, if its annoying right click>block chat. And done. But I'm all for some people reporting anything against TOC, esp blatant conclusion.
** Also being a rat isn't tattle-telling, it has to do saving yourself at the expense of others.

***also also. All for shaming or do anything possible to drive that type of behavior out of society completely. So if reporting is the only way to hold someone accountable, in this environment, then by all means.

I was at a table the other day when someone said they liked poker but we tired of the verbal bashing all the time, and were contemplating quitting. (i told them right click>block chat) But Id have to say, this is probably many peoples experience with online poker.
01-12-2015 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
I suggested you try pogo and candyland because it is G rated, you will be not hear anything bad there. You will enjoy youself and not haveta deal with BAD people. Then you are trying to tell me how you have this 58% roi which is pretty funny, your stats have nothing to do with you reporting people or not, you get that right? By the way whats the sample on that im curious?

Congrats if you really are a recovering addict and got out of that crappy lifestyle thats good for you if you did that... however as you must know, being a life rat could end up bad for you. If you are reporting drugcrime thats dangerous, and frankly could get you hurt. You actually deserve some punishment if you are actively trying to stick your nose in on people if they arent affecting you. What are you the moral police? Would you rat on a guy getting a hooker too? cuz its illegal? were you a rat in school? Being a rat is downright pathetic. I understand you have a choice to exercise your right to report but i dont understand WHY? Tell me WHY? why just be a jerk for absolutely zero reason? I dont understand why.
My father told me a long time ago, " Son, some folks you just can't talk to. You're wasting your time". I didn't truly know what he meant until I met a fellow who truly believed there were more black people in America than white folks. And now I've run into you. You can't understand that I can't get a 58% ROI playing pogo or candyland, whatever they may be. Of course my stats have nothing to do with reporting people. They have everything to do with why I wouldn't play pogo or candyland. Get it. Can't get a 58% ROI doing that. Get it. Nah, I guess you still don't. Not my problem. And if the sample you're asking about is my ROI, well, my name is the same on PS, FT and Carbon. Just sayin...As for the rat stuff, people can go peddle their drugs in front of their house, not mine. Ain't a whole lot to that. I've answered you why I choose to do what I do. Repeatedly. God gave me the ability to make choices. I make them and live with them. I'm ok with them. If you're not, that's your little red wagon. Need I tell you what you can do with it. Push it, pull it, whatever you want. Now have a good day.
01-12-2015 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
U mad?
01-12-2015 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd
Im usually on too many table to even type back but, if its annoying right click>block chat. And done. But I'm all for some people reporting anything against TOC, esp blatant conclusion.
** Also being a rat isn't tattle-telling, it has to do saving yourself at the expense of others.

***also also. All for shaming or do anything possible to drive that type of behavior out of society completely. So if reporting is the only way to hold someone accountable, in this environment, then by all means.

I was at a table the other day when someone said they liked poker but we tired of the verbal bashing all the time, and were contemplating quitting. (i told them right click>block chat) But Id have to say, this is probably many peoples experience with online poker.
This. It surely drives off some percentage of fish.

Originally Posted by greenweewee
I play cards to make some money
Act like it. Don't crap where you eat and don't tolerate others crapping where you eat.

I have to assume you're being defensive because this hits close to home. You were notorious in the past for abusive chat and even had your chat privileges banned.

Originally Posted by greenweewee
You are slow.
Originally Posted by greenweewee
I love how you say reporting someones chat is the same thing as reporting someone for cheating.
Yup, I'm the slow one. Rock on dude.
01-12-2015 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
It's a mute point. It's against the TOC. And circumventing the chat filter in the various ways they go about it is also against the rules. Whether or not these things are offensive was already decided before we ever joined the site.
Colluding in DON's is against TOC also. Which do you think is worse dropping the N bomb or colluding?
01-13-2015 , 12:03 AM
While I agree it's not pleasant, and is a sign of extreme immaturity - it is a free country. Take your righteousness elsewhere... or don't look at the chat. And honestly, who cares if it's racist or homophobic? How does that make it any more or less serious than general harassment?

Originally Posted by IHasTehNutz
You aren't cool. You think because you sit behind a keyboard it's okay to spew racial and homophobic epitaphs at players?

I don't care who put a bad beat on who, if I cracked your AA with KK or 72 off, there's no excuse for it and I for one am sick of seeing it. The chat box can be a useful tool or else I'd just block it completely...the amount of blatantly obscene remarks I see is getting ridiculous and I'm tired of having to go to support every other time I play to report it. Maybe I'll just start posting their SN's here.

If you have to 'get your hate on', do it with your name and face behind it. Otherwise you're just a coward with a keyboard. Smarten up, read a book, and get outside once in a while.

I know it's just words - but some words should be best left unsaid. You don't really know most people that you sit with at the tables and what they've gone through IRL. And I don't care if you use it with friends. Keep it off the poker table. It has no place there (or anywhere really).

01-13-2015 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by jim718181
Colluding in DON's is against TOC also. Which do you think is worse dropping the N bomb or colluding?
I think that your question is the worst.

Originally Posted by donkumentaries
While I agree it's not pleasant, and is a sign of extreme immaturity - it is a free country. Take your righteousness elsewhere... or don't look at the chat. And honestly, who cares if it's racist or homophobic? How does that make it any more or less serious than general harassment?
No it's not a free country. Business' can dictate their own terms. If you want to interact with a business, you need to obey their rules. It's not up for debate. It's your self-righteousness that needs to taken elsewhere.

Last edited by SantaCruz; 01-13-2015 at 01:40 AM.
01-13-2015 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
I think that your question is the worst.

No it's not a free country. Business' can dictate their own terms. If you want to interact with a business, you need to obey their rules. It's not up for debate. It's your self-righteousness that needs to taken elsewhere.
Then it is entirely up to that business to take it upon themselves to police the negative players. If people want to risk violating the terms of service to let off a little steam, so be it. You don't have to look at it. If it upsets you that much, report it. This is no different than any other game. I am shocked that players in poker are able to keep such level heads, even when winning and losing thousands of dollars at a time. Coming from a competitive gaming background, I can't say this for other games.
01-13-2015 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
Ok Hall monitor,lets just end it, we obviously have different opinions. You can go on and be the rat and serve justice to those bad bad people.Ill be the one who sits there and says lol during a blowup. Ill be on the lookout for you so i dont drop an F bomb in chat though. Goodsaint right?
Im gonna go shine my red radio flyer wagon now, have a lovely HAPPY day and happy grindtime! hope its nice and PEACEFUL!
Goodsaint, nah. goodsaint. F bomb? Knew you didn't get it. Spews & rants baby. Racial spews & rants. Not F bombs. Peace out.
01-15-2015 , 06:22 PM
I might be a fish.
01-15-2015 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Warlock Nova Bomb
^^^^Its mostly to troll, and i just do it so the fish think im an idiot. My chat was self banned, i dont think WPN ever bans people for their chat.

Yesterday i even went as far as calling someone scum for calling by 3bet 15bb shove from sb with 66, by the button who min raised QQ and called. I even flopped the 6, and continued to call the guy a moron and tell him he deserved to lose for looking me up with QQ lmao.

Hey, Jokemon Dont you worry, nobody got aids and nobody died in my family. You never trolled anyone, you only completely lost your f****** mind every time you took a beat. You should try to figure out what race someone is before you go off ranting about Asians.. You and Mark Walhberg would get along Learning the game of poker might help you one day, like I told you when you stopped running like god and started punting every game, before going into total whiny girl mode.

This thread is pointless OP.. Us real trollers will never stop trolling the rec nits. Im sorry about your homophobia, I know its hard for the closet types to saave face, but you needn't get so angry about words if they aren't true.
01-16-2015 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by bemcd
Im usually on too many table to even type back but, if its annoying right click>block chat. And done. But I'm all for some people reporting anything against TOC, esp blatant conclusion.
** Also being a rat isn't tattle-telling, it has to do saving yourself at the expense of others.

***also also. All for shaming or do anything possible to drive that type of behavior out of society completely. So if reporting is the only way to hold someone accountable, in this environment, then by all means.

I was at a table the other day when someone said they liked poker but we tired of the verbal bashing all the time, and were contemplating quitting. (i told them right click>block chat) But Id have to say, this is probably many peoples experience with online poker.

I see so many people berating the fish for making bad plays and asking them why they did this or that and then insulting them. They're encouraging the fish to look at their mistakes while simultaneously pushing them away from the game. Seems like helping someone realize their mistakes and pushing them away is the fishiest thing you could do...?!?. If you have to say something, just be a sly ass and say "nh, wp" or the like.
