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Hey you, the guys spewing epithets in chat boxes Hey you, the guys spewing epithets in chat boxes

01-10-2015 , 03:02 AM
You weren't even the one who was bad beat. How can murdahc read a post so wrong?
01-10-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by IHasTehNutz
Walk a day in someone else's shoes, sir. Being belittled about it because LOLinterwebz is no excuse. It's a real thing and has no place IRL, or here.
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
I guess to some, Martin Luther King was just a big crybaby. We still have a long way to go.

Posts like this are what makes it so, soooooooo hard to defend white knights. Goodsaint's posts were almost as bad, but not quite. Your guys "holier than thou" attitude is absolutely beyond repugnant, MUCH more so than any random racial slur/insult on an internet poker site from some random person that YOU WILL NEVER MEET. As if we all don't face racial slurs/bigotry at some point in our lives.

I mean really, SantaCruz post is the nut worst post of ALL TIME. He basically just compared the racism that African Americans were fighting/put through years ago which Martin Luther King was fighting against, oh like I don't know, being hung from trees and hosed down with fire hoses and not being able to use a white persons bathroom to being called the N word in an online poker site anonymously by someone on tilt. My eyes rolled back so hard and fast into the back of my head that im surprised my nose didn't start bleeding like a faucet and i didn't immediately have a seizure/brain hemorrhage or go directly into a coma. You should seriosuly be ashamed of yourself for such a ridiculous post and if Martin Luther King were alive today he'd probably open hand slap you across the face which is saying a lot considering he was a pacifist.

Now, of course people pay to play a poker game, so they want to have a good time, but the guys who run their mouth really do have a point. If you're actually reporting someone every time they call you a name, you really do have emotional issues. Is it disrespectful and distasteful? Of course, but to let it get to you when you can simply turn the chat box off is pretty absurd, and you'd be doing yourself a huge favor turning chat off completely, trust me it is majorly +ev. If their insults are bothering you THAT much, then they're using it very intelligently to take you off your game, whether they know it or not. If on the other hand, you can keep chat open and not let what they say bother you, good for you, and if you're smart you'll actually use the players spewing nonsense around as an indication that they're on tilt and use it to your advantage like a smart player would instead of wasting your time reporting them and actually costing yourself $ while removing your attention from the game at hand.

There is absolutely something to be said for good players who berate fish, they're the worst as we're all here to make money, but there isn't a whole lot you can do about that. You'd be much better served talking to them and explaining why it's bad rather than just reporting their actions, maybe then they'll understand why it's not a good idea.
01-10-2015 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by goodsaint
+1. Just doesn't get it. He makes a choice to spew and rant. I make a choice to report it. Case closed.
If you like wasting your time go for it. My account is fine and my chat is good to go. Keep on trying though fishcake.

Originally Posted by goodsaint
LMAO. Ok fella. Thanks for the laugh. Now what I do for folks like you who just rant and spew w/o the racial epitaphs, is check your ROI, which is likely negative, then go from there. And those that have a positive ROI, I just point out they should be better than that. Of course, with some like BongTokez, it's obv part of their game plan. But he's backed off lately when we're at the same table. Now potrasta, that's your little red wagon. You can push it, pull it, do whatever you want with it. Just don't come to my table spewing your epitaphs. Racial or otherwise. Be warned, or better yet, be gone. I like to tell the ranters their time would be better spent working on their game and anger issues. And if that doesn't work, then knitting might be a better option for them.
My roi is + on all online sites. PM me if you would like to wager against this and we will set something up with a trustworthy escrow.

You guys are making such a big deal about ****ing nothing. Bombings in Paris? **** that these guys are calling me racial slurs online. LOL

Honestly to me you are all a bunch of grown men acting like little girls.

As far as bongtokez or anyone else you have a problem with why not just do this?

I mean seriously how ****ing hard is it to block someones chat? You guys can take the time to complain to chat, make BS threads, complain over and over but yet you can't take the time to block chat? ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! You deserve to see all the racial slurs, name calling, etc if it bothers you and you won't even block the chat.

You wouldn't watch a movie that offended you, you wouldn't listen to music that offended you, you wouldn't watch porn if it offended you, so why in the world would you not block the chat? Insanity!!!!! Same thing expecting different results. IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT THEY SAY....BLOCK THEM!!!!!! SUPPORT COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT IT OR THEY WOULD DO SOMETHING.


01-10-2015 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk


You sound mad. I think everyone hears your point. I agree it's a bit silly to be personally offended by internet chat from strangers.

But do you not get the point that there are some people potentially offended and some of us would like for them to continue playing? I don't care about your argument that they are "sissies" for being offended. I WANT THEM TO KEEP PLAYING!
01-10-2015 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by bigheadal
I mean really, SantaCruz post is the nut worst post of ALL TIME. He basically just compared the racism that African Americans were fighting/put through years ago which Martin Luther King was fighting against, oh like I don't know, being hung from trees and hosed down with fire hoses and not being able to use a white persons bathroom to being called the N word in an online poker site anonymously by someone on tilt. My eyes rolled back so hard and fast into the back of my head that im surprised my nose didn't start bleeding like a faucet and i didn't immediately have a seizure/brain hemorrhage or go directly into a coma. You should seriosuly be ashamed of yourself for such a ridiculous post and if Martin Luther King were alive today he'd probably open hand slap you across the face which is saying a lot considering he was a pacifist.
No, I think that you've just written the Nut worst post of all time. You seem to be oblivious to the fact that the "N word" was used as a tool to psychologically keep black people down in this country for many many years. And worst of all you seem to be oblivious to the fact that Martin Luther King wasn't OK with people being called ******s (2+2 certainly isn't). But of course, in your mind if a player's Aces just got cracked, he has a free pass to spew racism. Maybe you should start your own "white-only" poker site.

Yours is about the most ignorant post I have ever read.
01-10-2015 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
No, I think that you've just written the Nut worst post of all time. You seem to be oblivious to the fact that the "N word" was used as a tool to psychologically keep black people down in this country for many many years. And worst of all you seem to be oblivious to the fact that Martin Luther King wasn't OK with people being called ******s (2+2 certainly isn't). But of course, in your mind if a player's Aces just got cracked, he has a free pass to spew racism. Maybe you should start your own "white-only" poker site.

Yours is about the most ignorant post I have ever read.
lol, I never said MLK was ok with people being called ******s, so you just made that up. You also took my post out of context. Also, when someone online says the N word, do you really think they're using it in that context? Do they have any clue whether the person on the other side is black or not? Of course not. They're using it as an insult, just like f*g, to try and rile the other person up. It has no racial intent behind it whatsoever, just the intent to insult. And yes, a player actually does have a right to free speech.

Also, i love how you assume i'm white lmao, considering that's probably more racist than some random person using the N word out of anger

Relax and try not to be such a politically correct mangina dude
01-10-2015 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by bigheadal
lol, I never said MLK was ok with people being called ******s, so you just made that up. You also took my post out of context. Also, when someone online says the N word, do you really think they're using it in that context? Do they have any clue whether the person on the other side is black or not? Of course not. They're using it as an insult, just like f*g, to try and rile the other person up. It has no racial intent behind it whatsoever, just the intent to insult. And yes, a player actually does have a right to free speech.

Also, i love how you assume i'm white lmao, considering that's probably more racist than some random person using the N word out of anger

Relax and try not to be such a politically correct mangina dude
So now you are implying that you are black and that the players in the chat box are black also, so it's OK. So I guess the use of the word is just a friendly salutation. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. 'It's OK for me to use it because black people use it' is a justification that I've heard flat out flaming racist use over and over again.

And you think that it's OK to use the word if it is used to rile the other person. The N word has always been used for that purpose. That's not OK.

No, a player does not have the right to free speech. The right to free speech only pertains to government censorship of its citizens. A business is under no obligation whatsoever to allow what you call free speech.
01-10-2015 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
So now you are implying that you are black and that the players in the chat box are black also, so it's OK. So I guess the use of the word is just a friendly salutation. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. 'It's OK for me to use it because black people use it' is a justification that I've heard flat out flaming racist use over and over again.

And you think that it's OK to use the word if it is used to rile the other person. The N word has always been used for that purpose. That's not OK.

No, a player does not have the right to free speech. The right to free speech only pertains to government censorship of its citizens. A business is under no obligation whatsoever to allow what you call free speech.
Lol, where in my post did i say that I was black and that other players are black? You're just flat out lying now dude. Never said it was a friendly salutation either, that's also a lie, I said there was intent to insult behind it, just not racism, which is true. And no, it's not OK for me to use it because black people do, if I decided to use it it's because I decided it was ok to use it, and not the world telling me it was or wasn't, aka political correctness.

My friends and I call each other gay and f*gs all the time. Do we literally mean "You're a homosexual and I don't like you for it, therefore you're a f*g?" Of course it doesn't, it's a friendly jab. It's all about CONTEXT, but politically correct people like you want to LOOK for things to be offended by and take what people say completely out of context. These words by themselves are NOT INSULTS, it's how they're USED. If I call my friend a f*g, it's a friendly jab. If i look a gay person in the face in anger and say "get out of here f***ot" THAT would be homophobic. There's a HUGE difference.

Also, what you decide is OK or isn't OK has no effect on the rest of the world, thank god. You can't tell people what to say or think and try and censor or govern it, and this politically correct bull**** needs to stop. And obviously WPN doesn't think it's a big deal or they would be banning peoples chat, which it obviously isn't.
01-10-2015 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by bigheadal
Lol, where in my post did i say that I was black and that other players are black? You're just flat out lying now dude. Never said it was a friendly salutation either, that's also a lie, I said there was intent to insult behind it, just not racism, which is true. And no, it's not OK for me to use it because black people do, if I decided to use it it's because I decided it was ok to use it, and not the world telling me it was or wasn't, aka political correctness.

My friends and I call each other gay and f*gs all the time. Do we literally mean "You're a homosexual and I don't like you for it, therefore you're a f*g?" Of course it doesn't, it's a friendly jab. It's all about CONTEXT, but politically correct people like you want to LOOK for things to be offended by and take what people say completely out of context. These words by themselves are NOT INSULTS, it's how they're USED. If I call my friend a f*g, it's a friendly jab. If i look a gay person in the face in anger and say "get out of here f***ot" THAT would be homophobic. There's a HUGE difference.

Also, what you decide is OK or isn't OK has no effect on the rest of the world, thank god. You can't tell people what to say or think and try and censor or govern it, and this politically correct bull**** needs to stop. And obviously WPN doesn't think it's a big deal or they would be banning peoples chat, which it obviously isn't.
Like I've stated previously, Merge does suspend a person's chat. And I have never had to report the same person twice. Gonna make this as clear as I can. If you CHOOSE to spew and rant racial epitaphs I will CHOOSE to report you. Case Closed. Need I say more?
01-10-2015 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
If you like wasting your time go for it. My account is fine and my chat is good to go. Keep on trying though fishcake.

My roi is + on all online sites. PM me if you would like to wager against this and we will set something up with a trustworthy escrow.

You guys are making such a big deal about ****ing nothing. Bombings in Paris? **** that these guys are calling me racial slurs online. LOL

Honestly to me you are all a bunch of grown men acting like little girls.

As far as bongtokez or anyone else you have a problem with why not just do this?

I mean seriously how ****ing hard is it to block someones chat? You guys can take the time to complain to chat, make BS threads, complain over and over but yet you can't take the time to block chat? ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! You deserve to see all the racial slurs, name calling, etc if it bothers you and you won't even block the chat.

You wouldn't watch a movie that offended you, you wouldn't listen to music that offended you, you wouldn't watch porn if it offended you, so why in the world would you not block the chat? Insanity!!!!! Same thing expecting different results. IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT THEY SAY....BLOCK THEM!!!!!! SUPPORT COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT IT OR THEY WOULD DO SOMETHING.


Not blocking anyone. You or they CHOOSE to rant/spew racial epitaphs, I'll CHOOSE to report same. Case closed. What part don't you understand?
01-10-2015 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
goodsaint, are you one of those guys who will secretly report someone and not tell them? if its a on going personal war i could understand why youd report someone if you just want to get under their skin. However its pretty petty to just do it to someone randomly who could just be having a bad day.

Do you cry to floor aswell in a live game if you hear an F bomb or if someone says you play like **** or something?IF you dont live, why do it online?
Never played live. Secretly reporting. Guess not as I make a point of letting them know what time it is. Now I've gone as long as 8- 10 weeks w/o reporting someone, so it's not like I'm playing table sheriff. Most folks know enough to check themselves after being called out. I CHOOSE to report those that CHOOSE to continue. Case closed.
01-10-2015 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by bigheadal
Lol, where in my post did i say that I was black and that other players are black? You're just flat out lying now dude. Never said it was a friendly salutation either, that's also a lie, I said there was intent to insult behind it, just not racism, which is true. And no, it's not OK for me to use it because black people do, if I decided to use it it's because I decided it was ok to use it, and not the world telling me it was or wasn't, aka political correctness.
Where did I say that you said that you or others in the chatbox were black? I said you implied it. I guess by your definition that makes you a liar. Where did I say you said that it was a friendly salutation? I guess that makes you a liar again. See how we can both play that childish game?

Originally Posted by bigheadal
My friends and I call each other gay and f*gs all the time. Do we literally mean "You're a homosexual and I don't like you for it, therefore you're a f*g?" Of course it doesn't, it's a friendly jab. It's all about CONTEXT, but politically correct people like you want to LOOK for things to be offended by and take what people say completely out of context. These words by themselves are NOT INSULTS, it's how they're USED. If I call my friend a f*g, it's a friendly jab. If i look a gay person in the face in anger and say "get out of here f***ot" THAT would be homophobic. There's a HUGE difference.
Sounds like you and your friends sure know how to have a good time. It's unfortunate that you have to live in that type of environment. But there is nothing that I can do help you climb out of that. With those type of habits, it's a certainty that you'll never hold any kind of professional job so I hope that you are really good at poker. Probably doesn't matter how good you are at poker though because sooner or later your chat will make you an unwelcome customer.

If you call a friend a *** as a friendly jab, how do you think a gay person standing nearby feels about hearing that? So don't try to say it's not offensive or insulting. When you type crap like that into the chatbox, you are saying it to the entire table; and you do not know who is sitting at that table.
01-11-2015 , 12:55 AM
you have a green wee wee, i think your skin is a lil thicker than others son
01-11-2015 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
Just because its your RIGHT to report,why do it? makes you feel powerful? whats one good reason
It's good for the game.
01-11-2015 , 04:30 PM
this is a frustrating thread. No one can disagree with the argument stated, but 0p is acting like a self-righteous douche trying way too hard to be poignant.

This isn't the decadency of the human race, it's just some idiots with temper problems saying stupid crap. stop acting like you are leading some grand social movement.
01-11-2015 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
why do you CHOOSE to be a baby?do the words really hurt you and make you feel bad? does it make you stop playing? im curious, i love hearing what goes on in troubled ones minds. Just because its your RIGHT to report,why do it? makes you feel powerful? whats one good reason why you CHOOSE to be the sheriff?do you get any cash bonuses or just like tattling?
I come to play poker. Not listen to racial ranting and spewing. Case closed.
01-11-2015 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by agoo758
this is a frustrating thread. No one can disagree with the argument stated, but 0p is acting like a self-righteous douche trying way too hard to be poignant.

This isn't the decadency of the human race, it's just some idiots with temper problems saying stupid crap. stop acting like you are leading some grand social movement.
So no one can "disagree with the argument stated"; but the OP is a "self-rightous douche" for actually stating it? Good thing that not everyone is as apathetic as you.
01-11-2015 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
i came to play poker on an adult site, adult things happen on them. Stay home and dont put yourself in a casino setting man, alot of sexist rude remarks are made, and drug related discussions even. I recommend you not watching porn either because i hear the F word a real lot in some of those, very offensive stuff man,maybe try pogo or candyland for G rated fun.
Can't get a 58% ROI with your suggestions. Think I'll keep doing me. I've got my joy. Hope you find yours.
01-11-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
i came to play poker on an adult site, adult things happen on them. Stay home and dont put yourself in a casino setting man, alot of sexist rude remarks are made, and drug related discussions even. I recommend you not watching porn either because i hear the F word a real lot in some of those, very offensive stuff man,maybe try pogo or candyland for G rated fun.
It's hilarious that you consider juvenile racist chat as adult things that happen. The online poker sites are open to everyone, and everyone should feel comfortable playing on them regardless of race or sexual orientation. In the long run it is best for everyone that all be included in these games.

Your arguments to make poker sites a safe haven for racist spew is a mute point considering that it is against the TOC of every poker site that operates on the internet. Getting rid of you or anyone else who ignores those rules would be no loss to the poker community.
01-11-2015 , 07:12 PM
racism will always have a place in poker, that's life.
01-11-2015 , 07:18 PM
And when it no longer has a place in poker where will you go?
01-11-2015 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
And when it no longer has a place in poker where will you go?
i dunno, but i just had the nastiest mac n cheese. stoufers garlic mac n cheese, stay away from that ****.
01-11-2015 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by MyweeweeISGreen
For the record, i dont type racist things in chatboxes, its stupid and a waste of time. Worst i do now is whine. You are right, pokersites make this rule about not tolerating bs is to keep the fish happy. I agree you should be comfy where you play. I totally agree. But you should not punish someone to voice their 5 seconds of tilt or small outburst. In general its pretty pathetic to rat someone out for this. YOu can right click someones name if you dont like their talk. It is my belief you have serious mental problems if you cant ignore a random person on the internet saying random things.

PS- to the guy who said he had a 58% ROI. olol umm this conversation has nothing to do with skill level, idc if someones a losing player or winning player they are pathetic as a human to try to make someone lose chat for an"insult" on the internet out of some rage
Poker is a microcosm of life. People in real life constantly go on tilt due to road rage, personal conflicts and a thousand other reasons. Going on a racist rant is not acceptable in those situations and can severely and rightfully damage a person's reputation. There is no reason in the world that a bad beat should exempt anyone from those social norms.

An email warning or a temp chat ban are hardly harsh punishments when violators are reported. So there is no reason to get worked up about someone reporting these types of infractions. What it really comes down to is that if you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
01-11-2015 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
So no one can "disagree with the argument stated"; but the OP is a "self-rightous douche" for actually stating it? Good thing that not everyone is as apathetic as you.
well, first of all, I never said that no one can disagree with it, I said that I didn't disagree with it. try reading my thread before responding.

seconds I didn't say he was a self-righteous douche for saying it I said he and other people in this thread are being obnoxiously melodramatic about it.

I knew some genius was going to completely miscomprehend such a simple point.
01-11-2015 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by agoo758
well, first of all, I never said that no one can disagree with it, I said that I didn't disagree with it. try reading my thread before responding.

seconds I didn't say he was a self-righteous douche for saying it I said he and other people in this thread are being obnoxiously melodramatic about it.

I knew some genius was going to completely miscomprehend such a simple point.
Actually you did say that no one can disagree with the argument stated, not that you couldn't disagree with it. Try reading your own post (not thread) before responding.
Originally Posted by agoo758
No one can disagree with the argument stated...
And you did say that he was a self-rightious douche for saying it regardless of your justification.

There is no arguing that you certainly did make a simple point, but miscomprehending your own post doesn't make you look like much of a genius.
