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11-30-2013 , 09:14 AM
I'm not going to lose anything and will actually gain a ton of money. I'm not discounting the promotion as being awesome, there is just no point in calling it a freeroll when it isn't a freeroll. What is so hard to understand about that?

And no ones cares what you have to say Boo Boo.

Last edited by Meow; 11-30-2013 at 09:15 AM. Reason: Don't be so obvious
11-30-2013 , 01:23 PM
Couple of questions, the promo mentions that you can win free tournament entry tickets. Is it only the 10 Pkg Guaranteed LSOP Millions or are there more tournament tickets? Is the "tournament package jackpot "simply there just to pay out $55 entries for the LSOP tourney in a leader board format or does it serve another purpose such as it being a free roll for those who play X amount of sngs? Any clarification would be appreciated.
11-30-2013 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Meow
How are we still considering this promotion as a freeroll? For people who don't take advantage of RB or the VIP program then sure, it's a freeroll. The money isn't coming from a "promotional fund" it is coming from the rake fees, which is awesome, but some people get a % of the rake back. Now that % is less. If there was no rakeback or VIP and they took it out of the fees it'd be a freeroll, but that isn't the world we live in. Players who play casually, but not enough to cash the promotion, lose money they would have otherwise gotten back. Even if that is a small % of people it still makes it NOT a freeroll. Ducy?

Can we please move on and call this what it is? An awesome promotion that is going to help the SNG's and the entire site. It is a good enough promotion as it stands, there is no need to falsely call it a freeroll.

And before someone brings up the "free $25K added", well how free is it? Where did the BBJ go that had almost $16K left in it? Seems to me it got rolled into this promotion... again not a bad thing, but certainly not free because we paid for it.
I hope you realize that the point you are trying to make, if even true, is far beyond petty.
11-30-2013 , 02:52 PM
The bbj you donk is getting redistributed in December throughout the whole month in freerolls. Read some threads before you go on a rant

I think meow might have the syndrome of the downs =/. I'd get that checked out, I heard it might effect your results in poker.
11-30-2013 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by IMightBluff
The bbj you donk is getting redistributed in December throughout the whole month in freerolls. Read some threads before you go on a rant

I think meow might have the syndrome of the downs =/. I'd get that checked out, I heard it might effect your results in poker.
Feel free to post a link for people to read this. Never saw such thing, not saying it isn't true would just like to read about it. And yes, I'm a donk and have down syndrome because this promotion isn't a freeroll. Makes sense.
11-30-2013 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
I hope you realize that the point you are trying to make, if even true, is far beyond petty.
That it is, but calling it a freeroll is going to lead to someone pissed off at some point when they figure out it isn't and they are getting less money. Why not just call it what it is, a great promotion, and solve that problem from the get go?
11-30-2013 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
I hope you realize that the point you are trying to make, if even true, is far beyond petty.
here's my honest takeaway: i understand on the surface it's semantics to argue whether this is a freeroll. WPN could have chosen to add additional rake ala the beast and make this as unplayable as the beast is, and they didn't. if there's no rakeback or elite program to begin with, then yea, it's a freeroll

the problem is when you create a site with promotions that cater exclusively to a grinder base the end result isn't as good as it would appear to be on the surface. while this is going to exponentially increase sng volume the quality of the game itself is going to decrease staggeringly, and because for some baffling reason WPN chose to mimic an utterly terrible beast payout structure for this as well, every little bit of equity must be fought for by the players when what they stand to win from the tables itself is marginal if it even exists at all

is this a better promotion than the beast? absolutely, but that isn't saying much considering the beast is the equivalent to taking a steel cathadar coated in battery acid and shoving it into your dick. does it have the potential to be a great promotion? absolutely. is it currently a great promotion? no way. the payout structure is such a terrible concept that it astounds me nobody had the foresight to realize replicating it would be a -EV proposition (or they did realize it and chose to ignore it in favor being able to boast a high top prize). i chose an abitrary point in the beast leaderboard: 266th and 279th. 11 spots separated by $1.36. it's fair to say that the final snc pool will be ~half, maybe silghtly less than the beast pool based on the projections so that same relative juncture will be separated by ~60 to 70 cents. you're losing a little over 6 cents in rakeback for each dollar you're raked and it's going to take multiple dollars in rake to close that gap so in the home stretch for a player in that region they would lose money to move up the ranks. yes, i realize it's just "losing rakeback" but equity lost is equity lost no matter how it's defined. what you create then is a total lack of incentive for players in that zone to keep playing in the final days which completely defeats the purpose of the promotion
11-30-2013 , 03:43 PM
Ding ding ding. It's been brought up to the WPN TD since the promotion was announced to change the payout structure and that request was ignored. We'll see what happens, I'm excited to get grinding. I'll be behind by a few days since I'm in NJ until the middle of next week playing on real sites and live. GL everyone, take the first few days off and wrap some xmas presents!
11-30-2013 , 03:57 PM
In the end donks that can't win at sngs still won't win, and life will move on
11-30-2013 , 04:07 PM
Hopefully the lost rb will be made up for and then some by the additional volume that this race will create. Hoping for good things with this.
11-30-2013 , 04:10 PM
There is no lost rb if you are going to play 500 sng in the month. If you can't even do that, than you obv are not beating the games and no amount of rb will save you
11-30-2013 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by IMightBluff
In the end donks that can't win at sngs still won't win, and life will move on
What about the ones who do win at SNGs and also get payments every Wed directly from the site that will now be less because they don't play enough? Do you have anything useful to say?
11-30-2013 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by IMightBluff
There is no lost rb if you are going to play 500 sng in the month. If you can't even do that, than you obv are not beating the games and no amount of rb will save you
You're clearly missing the point. I'll be playing about 4,000 SNGs in Dec. it doesn't effect me one bit. Some people have full time jobs and won't play enough to make up the difference. That's fine, that's how life works, but these same people are gonna be mad that it is being called a "freeroll" when it isn't.
11-30-2013 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by IMightBluff
There is no lost rb if you are going to play 500 sng in the month. If you can't even do that, than you obv are not beating the games and no amount of rb will save you
I am not sure how you make the correlation between playing 500 games and being a winning player... as someone who has been playing on Winning before Winning was Winning I welcome any kind of traffic boost. Not sure why you have to take everything and make an argument. Chill out bro.
11-30-2013 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by ALPAllstar20
Not sure why you have to take everything and make an argument. Chill out bro.
Because that's what trolls do, and for some reason meow keeps replying.
11-30-2013 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Meow
What about the ones who do win at SNGs and also get payments every Wed directly from the site that will now be less because they don't play enough? Do you have anything useful to say?
I am sure you can live with a $94 payment instead of a $100 haha the rake back cut is about 6% if you don't make the ranking. I hope that is not life changing money
11-30-2013 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by McG_STL
Because that's what trolls do, and for some reason meow keeps replying.
I wasn't aware he was the area troll, just thought he was ******ed. Duly noted, thank you.
11-30-2013 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Meow
You're clearly missing the point. I'll be playing about 4,000 SNGs in Dec. it doesn't effect me one bit. Some people have full time jobs and won't play enough to make up the difference. That's fine, that's how life works, but these same people are gonna be mad that it is being called a "freeroll" when it isn't.

hmm 133 a day every day.
11-30-2013 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Meow
You're clearly missing the point. I'll be playing about 4,000 SNGs in Dec. it doesn't effect me one bit. Some people have full time jobs and won't play enough to make up the difference. That's fine, that's how life works, but these same people are gonna be mad that it is being called a "freeroll" when it isn't.
Dammm 4,000 SNGs? That will bring your lifetime total to about 5165 games? +/- 1165 games of course. I gotta say 10/10 across the board
11-30-2013 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by futurized
hmm 133 a day every day.
Provided the promotion brings enough players to play 20+ tables. Not sure how this seems so unreasonable? I was playing much more than that on Merge.
11-30-2013 , 05:53 PM
its not unreasonable. if you can beat few different buyins/type of sngs with a decent roi.
11-30-2013 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by futurized
its not unreasonable. if you can beat few different buyins/type of sngs with a decent roi.
Plan on playing every 6max turbo DON that runs while I'm on and then just mixing in w/e else I need to in order to keep volume up. I'll admit I had trouble staying at 20 tables the few days I tried this last month on here just playing DONs, but am hoping the promotion will bring players. It was pretty dead across every buy in level/game type in Nov.
11-30-2013 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Meow
Plan on playing every 6max turbo DON that runs while I'm on and then just mixing in w/e else I need to in order to keep volume up. I'll admit I had trouble staying at 20 tables the few days I tried this last month on here just playing DONs, but am hoping the promotion will bring players. It was pretty dead across every buy in level/game type in Nov.
gl going to be sick grind since they going to be all regs in those. probably going to need to be sicko at dons to get more then 2% in these
11-30-2013 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by futurized
gl going to be sick grind since they going to be all regs in those. probably going to need to be sicko at dons to get more then 2% in these
Thanks, what SNGs will you be playing? It'll be interesting to see where everyone flocks. If everyone decided to play reg speed 9 mans or something then I'll have to re-game plan.
11-30-2013 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Meow
Thanks, what SNGs will you be playing? It'll be interesting to see where everyone flocks. If everyone decided to play reg speed 9 mans or something then I'll have to re-game plan.
I need to see what people start playing and do some math to see what my hourly would be for each of top three places. if hourly is better then other things i can do, i will play what ever others are playing
