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04-06-2014 , 03:00 PM
I see after a 1 week reprieve we're also back to having the ODs delay registration for a new tourney until after level 6 of the prior tourney. Never understood why site management would want to delay registrations, effectively taking money out of their pockets. Clearly, simply reducing the exaggerated race points for the ODs would have removed the advantage being given to them in the race but they could still run as frequently as players choose to register for them.
04-06-2014 , 04:47 PM
Any idea why 6th-10th currently pays less of a cash prize than 11th-24th?
04-06-2014 , 06:19 PM
WPN had a vision that the added money would be beneficial to everyone, I assume. That is why they would add the money right?? well, if it did not achieve the desired result, it does not mean they were wrong. I do not get how it can go from a pretty significant addition to nothing, there should be some middle ground.
04-06-2014 , 08:06 PM
"WPN had a vision that the added money would be beneficial to everyone, I assume. "

Then why was the added money only paid to 1st through 5th place?
04-06-2014 , 10:47 PM
well, it was added
04-06-2014 , 10:59 PM
The snc promo is still up on their site and one of their live chat reps told me it would be back only to grind all day to find out it was gone I believe they should inform their employees a bit more.
04-07-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by slickyis30
The snc promo is still up on their site and one of their live chat reps told me it would be back only to grind all day to find out it was gone I believe they should inform their employees a bit more.
Yea, the reason I left my site to join ACR was for the promotion with added money. Now it's not worth it to me. Back to my site. Fun while it lasted ACR
04-07-2014 , 02:07 PM
hey winning_td tell them to take the promo down. it is very misleading!!!!!!!!!!
04-07-2014 , 02:25 PM
p2 - So you agree that it would have been foolish of them to think it would "be beneficial to everyone"?
04-07-2014 , 03:35 PM
i dunno. it was still incentive to play, whether it be top 5 or top 20. sure, it is harder for many people to compete for those top 5 spots but thats how it should be. Perhaps they could have structured it a bit different, to keep it more competitive throughout more of the player pool. But taking away the entire prize pool is what is strange. it basically killed the whole promotion after they introduced it and then took it away
04-07-2014 , 04:06 PM
We added money for the month of March as a promo for SNC. As Budo said it didnt have the desired effect. We may come up with something else to see if we can push it more.

The one thing i would say is that if everyone who says its not worth playing now actually sat and played then we would have a lot more SNG's running which in turn would obviously create a much larger prizepool and then that would attract many others to come and play.
04-07-2014 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
We added money for the month of March as a promo for SNC. As Budo said it didnt have the desired effect. We may come up with something else to see if we can push it more.

The one thing i would say is that if everyone who says its not worth playing now actually sat and played then we would have a lot more SNG's running which in turn would obviously create a much larger prizepool and then that would attract many others to come and play.
I agree with this. I think the problem is that only 5 people benefited from the extra money added. There were always 5 that went at it hard leaving no chance for anyone else. Even if it was super flat with the money added (like top 25 got $100 instead of just paying top 5) then i think it would have had closer to the desired effect.

Also, can we please get the $11 and $16.50 on demands changed to 12 people to start? Not a single one of these has filled in a long time because 27 is too many people. And if you could, don't auto sit players out when they change tables? It's annoying to have to click deal me in when other tables are requiring your action.
04-07-2014 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
The one thing i would say is that if everyone who says its not worth playing now actually sat and played then we would have a lot more SNG's running which in turn would obviously create a much larger prizepool and then that would attract many others to come and play.
Please don't take this as a gripe or complaint, trying to be constructive. Just have to say one of the reasons I don't play SNG's is the lobby. Just getting rid of that god awful red text and replace it with black would be a 100% improvement. Making the tourney lobby sortable would be another great help.
04-07-2014 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by c0wbait

Also, can we please get the $11 and $16.50 on demands changed to 12 people to start? Not a single one of these has filled in a long time because 27 is too many people.

This is a really good idea, as thee $3 and $5 OnDemands won't raise the total prizepool, even when they run like water.

Also, lower rake on sngs in general, would do magic. I think 7-10% rake on a lot of STT's turns people off. REGISTER GAMES THOUGH PEOPLE, this promotion has amazing potential, if we get more players willing to grind. Problem with this promo is that the majority of people that play are recreational players that play under 100 games a week and don't play more then a few tables at a time. If the grinders from merge, intertops, and Bovada would show up, this promo pool would get really big and have a llot of extra value.
04-07-2014 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by c0wbait
I agree with this. I think the problem is that only 5 people benefited from the extra money added. There were always 5 that went at it hard leaving no chance for anyone else. Even if it was super flat with the money added (like top 25 got $100 instead of just paying top 5) then i think it would have had closer to the desired effect.

Also, can we please get the $11 and $16.50 on demands changed to 12 people to start? Not a single one of these has filled in a long time because 27 is too many people. And if you could, don't auto sit players out when they change tables? It's annoying to have to click deal me in when other tables are requiring your action.
I sent support and live chatted several times that if they dropped the 10 and 15 on demands down to 12 ppl they would start alot more!!! I think the deal me in tab is bs also! Esp when multi tabling. The one drawback to the on demands is it is a straight up reg fest. I have participated in the crush from the get go and it was very hard to see an on demand that didn't have 10 regs signed up. If they think they can profit off sitting with the same folks, good luck. Bum hunter 4 life
04-08-2014 , 01:17 PM
Look at how fast the big players vacated the site after the added money was withdrawn - ZERO site loyalty. They manipulated the TD and the prize structure for their own benefit and then ran like hell.

This race should be (IMO) about adding new regular players and building added player loyalty to the site's SNG program.... and that comes mostly from the middle (read: recreational) player base. The races last summer and fall did that - there was spirited activity in the $10-$15-$20 SNGs and rec players loved that added competition and incentive. Now those same games linger for 30 minutes or more before filling. The health of SNGs on WPN is worse now than it was before the current races began
04-08-2014 , 01:20 PM
Ok i will inform you guys why i wont lower the 15 and the 10. When the promotion 1st started the only players that were competing were the players from the bigger on demand tournaments. Thereafter we had many players not happy and saying that it is a sit and go promotion (which it is)

From a business point of view obviously it is better that they run all day long but we are not looking to increase sng traffic this way. We want sng's to really kick off and players to have all the volume they need in DON;s or 6max or 9max sng's.

Support dont have the authority to make changes but they do send me emails that they receive when a player suggests that we make this change.

The reason that the on demands have x4 points is that there is a slight incentive to get them started. We are always growing and once we get to a certain point i am confident that they will run alot more often. I still believe that this promotion could be as big as we all want it but it needs the players who wont play it because its not big enough or because they cant get the volume to start playing. I have said already if all these players decided to play they would start to get the volume and the word gets around which will then bring other sng players to the promotion.

I hope you all understand what i am saying and im sure many of you will disagree and some will agree but for now they will not be changing to less players.
04-08-2014 , 01:56 PM
"The reason that the on demands have x4 points is that there is a slight incentive to get them started."

SLIGHT???? IT is so great that anyone interested in the race was FORCED to play them - and I predict that as soon as you remove the 4x points incentive they will be as slow as ever because SNG players by and large simply don't like them.

The regular 9max $10-$15-$20 SNGs were an actively played mainstay on this site before this race began.... now they are dinosaurs getting very little play and that lost play is not being recovered in the ODs.

"I have said already if all these players decided to play they would start to get the volume ...."

So let's blame the site's existing regular, recreational players for not embracing a race which was top loaded? "all these players" didn't participate because the race structure didn't reward them more than insignificantly. Again... go back and look at last summer's and fall's races - activity in the middle was greatly enhanced because the structure showed the regulars an incentive to play more!
04-08-2014 , 02:06 PM
uhhh didn't this just start in December?
04-08-2014 , 02:55 PM
J-P... yes, but there were other SNG races prior to that with a totally different format. They were quite successful in attracting new players and getting more play from existing SNG players - at all levels I think, but definitely in the $10-$15- $20 9max SNGs
04-08-2014 , 03:04 PM
Im not blaming anyone... Since we have had this promotion there has been a raise in volume in terms of sng's.

I have said this before i used to grind sng's for a living. If i still played i would definately want to be part of this promotion and this is a real personal point of view. If i could get the volume i would hopefully be making money in terms of P&L also with any money i receive through the leaderboard is winning.

Recreational players will play if they go to the lobby and see people constantly registering. As far as im concerned we are still in the baby stages of the promo and it can only move forward.
04-08-2014 , 03:36 PM
Your history of playing SNGs for a living is clouding your judgment about what's good for the site financially and its recreational players who, IMO, are the lifeblood of the site's financial health.... and the health of the SNG segment.
04-08-2014 , 04:45 PM
please do not let this turn in to "who can play more ODs."

sit n crush is still a decent promo, i dont know that it is lucrative as Merges leader boards though now with the added money removed. i agree, this is a young promo and hopefully continues to progress
04-08-2014 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by budo
Your history of playing SNGs for a living is clouding your judgment about what's good for the site financially and its recreational players who, IMO, are the lifeblood of the site's financial health.... and the health of the SNG segment.

As i mentioned before. It would be very easy for me to change them to 12 men on demands and they would run all day which, yes, more fees for the site. This is not my intention and i am not looking to make extra fees this way.

I want this to be a sng race and not just be dominated by on demand tournaments. The fact that i used to grind doesnt cloud my judgement. I was playing with the same 6 - 7 regs every sng and then you have the odd recreational player also. This is the case for any form of table 60-70% if not more will be regs. Recreational players want to see something ready to start and they will jump straight in. I agree with you with your comment about the health of the sng segment but this will come in time.

I know you may think i am bias and possibly i am but i just see the potential in this promotion and if we can get regs and sngs running constantly of all different types and stakes recreationals will come.
04-08-2014 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD

I know you may think i am bias and possibly i am but i just see the potential in this promotion and if we can get regs and sngs running constantly of all different types and stakes recreationals will come.

This isn't conjecture boys and girls, this is how it really works. Once critical mass is achieved, everything more or less takes care of itself.


