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01-06-2014 , 05:32 AM
TD: I cannot play in LSOP Panama satellite earned through Promo (I work 3rd shift), but it won't let me 'unregister'.

What are my choices here?
01-06-2014 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by deadlygrateful
TD: I cannot play in LSOP Panama satellite earned through Promo (I work 3rd shift), but it won't let me 'unregister'.

What are my choices here?
none you will be force to sit there and blind out ruining the tourney for those that want to play a normal satty. Nothing has or will be done about this either. Apparently people love plying 3-4 handed while a bunch sit out at the table.
01-06-2014 , 02:01 PM
side note it would be cool if the SnC money were put into the bonus section as a "SnC bonus "instead of directly into acct.

Also a rename of Sit and Crush to the monster theme would take away the misleading title of the promo, even the title of this thread is misleading because everything I had read about the promo leading up to it was that it was a SNG and OD combo promo.
But then at times it seems like its not to be that way.. idk. The intention is a little confusing. I thnk a promo rename would make it less misleading.

**also think 1500 is too little chips for the ODs 2500 like the sattys would be perfect. (or something where the last level of late reg is at minimum 10bb starting stack)
***the PLO OD's should need a lot less to start than 27, imo
01-06-2014 , 02:29 PM
If true, that's really dumb to have to blind off all the no-shows. That creates an "artificial" element to the play of the game unnecessarily
01-06-2014 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd
**also think 1500 is too little chips for the ODs 2500 like the sattys would be perfect. (or something where the last level of late reg is at minimum 10bb starting stack)
***the PLO OD's should need a lot less to start than 27, imo

IMO we either need like 8 minute levels, or 2.5 to 3K starting chips. I liked the old structure, but I can see why it needed to change with the changes to the amount of people (which I'm OK with) but simply changing the blind levels from 10 to 5 minutes wasn't even close to optimal.

I also feel like there should be an OD satellite to the 12.5K GTD.
01-06-2014 , 04:06 PM
guess its only late reg up to level 6 which is much better, imo (ODs) as far as within the 1500 chip structure.
but still would prefer more chip longer late reg, and 30 min re gen.
01-06-2014 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd
side note it would be cool if the SnC money were put into the bonus section as a "SnC bonus "instead of directly into acct.
why would it be cool to have to unlock sit and crush money as a bonus. this is absolutely the worst idea ever suggested in regards to sit and crush
01-07-2014 , 04:16 AM
I would like to see the $7 plo8 OD SNG's only need 12 people to launch. I know a ton of these would pop off daily if that were to be the case. I often see people sit and leave because it takes to long too launch. With 27 players needed, we get like 1-2 a day These are very +ev for PLO8 regs because the NLHE regs play these to maximize points. I guess I don't quite understand why any of these ODs require more than 12 runners. I would think the more that launch, the better for the network.
01-07-2014 , 10:45 AM
Can we at least try to get 2k chips in the ODs? And agree with $7 PLO8 needing 12 instead of 27.
01-07-2014 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Indefatigable.
why would it be cool to have to unlock sit and crush money as a bonus. this is absolutely the worst idea ever suggested in regards to sit and crush
As a cleared bonus. ie.. redeemable.

just easier to keep track of things make sure you are getting the correct amount etc. Just an idea that is about 45th on list of ideas that would be cool to see WPN do.
01-07-2014 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd
none you will be force to sit there and blind out ruining the tourney for those that want to play a normal satty. Nothing has or will be done about this either. Apparently people love plying 3-4 handed while a bunch sit out at the table.
Originally Posted by bemcd
As a cleared bonus. ie.. redeemable.

just easier to keep track of things make sure you are getting the correct amount etc. Just an idea that is about 45th on list of ideas that would be cool to see WPN do.
Are you a real person or just a troll? I'm not sure if these posts are serious.

I jump on True poker time to time to specifically play those satellites because people are sitting out, it is effectively over a 100% overlay with people sitting out meaning if you are a break even player you will have a 100% ROI. If they removed people sitting out less people who aren't freerolled in would register and they would have to lower the packages guaranteed accordingly. This is the second post i've read advocating this and the lack of common sense is just tilting.

As far as the bonus are you seriously trying to make things more convoluted? Why would they be interested in complicating things when you can easily look at your transaction history to make sure you got the right amount?

I seriously hope this is an awesome attempt at trolling or I have lost a little more faith in humanity.
01-08-2014 , 01:24 PM
well the first quote wasn't, some guy was complaining about the sitting out tourney. And i gave him the truth. WPN knows, and is doing nothing. I gave ideas ITT about how to improve the LSOP 10 -satty. where you would still get the "overlay" and there wouldn't be 6 people sitting.
But everyone either wants it eliminated completely (which definitely isnt happening) or loves people sitting out.

I spelled it out very clear, that if you made it a "ticket" or a password "must play" tourney, That you would still get the overlay but without people sitting out.
This is an easier solution for WPN to pull of , than say the UB solution which implemented technology 5 years ago to just kill the stacks after a certain level.

If I need to explain it again I will.
01-08-2014 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd
As a cleared bonus. ie.. redeemable.

just easier to keep track of things make sure you are getting the correct amount etc. Just an idea that is about 45th on list of ideas that would be cool to see WPN do.
What happens if you do have a first deposit bonus at the same time as well that you clear. How can you tell if its the correct amount and can you imagine the possible uproar? As pointed out there is a transaction history that you can easily check.
01-08-2014 , 01:50 PM
Example of the math. 500 tickets are give away at 55 dollars apiece. let just say for the example that 50 pct of people sit. (no idea how many actually do. im guessin its less but keeps things simple)

Current system:
tickets given away: 500 entrants:500
Prizepool: $25k Overlay:$12.5k site rake: $2500
single table value: $450

tickets given away: 500 entrants:250 unused tickets: 250
Prizepool: $25k Overlay:$12.5k site rake: $2500
single table value: $900

other notables
table value with sitting people:
value of ticket: $50
7 sitting: $450, with $350 up for grabs
5 sitting: $450, with $250 up for grabs
2 sitting: $450, with $100 up for grabs

value of ticket with ticket/password: $100

so if you get lucky and get a table of a ton of people sitting and are able to fight off the other guys for that, you could potentially earn more value, but you do have to earn it. Or you could just get the value instantly. But I'd personally rather try and double at a full table halfway into the tourney to start for even more value.

Last edited by bemcd; 01-08-2014 at 01:57 PM.
01-08-2014 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by 39suited
What happens if you do have a first deposit bonus at the same time as well that you clear. How can you tell if its the correct amount and can you imagine the possible uproar? As pointed out there is a transaction history that you can easily check.
who cares they won't do that anyways, so moving on..

it was made as a slight mention while talking about other things. But reason I said it is because. I basically have Rakeback, referral rakeback, bonus $, SnC $, and winning at poker. I thought it would be cool to save up SnC $ along with rakeback and bonus $ for say a trip or something.. over the course of months.. that was the reason.
01-08-2014 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd
I thought it would be cool to save up SnC $ along with rakeback and bonus $ for say a trip or something.. over the course of months.. that was the reason.
I think that is called "BankRollManagement". Considering that some of their bonuses do have an expiry, it would likely lead to more confusion than it doing any good.
01-08-2014 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by 39suited
I think that is called "BankRollManagement". Considering that some of their bonuses do have an expiry, it would likely lead to more confusion than it doing any good.
no they don't. I talked to support yesterday, Earned bonus both don't expire and can be saved in the separate section for as long as you want( though they said they may change that in the future)
but they said the change would be that eventually unclaimed earned bonus would automatically be put in your acct after a period of time.

And that is called "diversifying sources of income" and it is BR management is exactly why it would "be nice" to have the ability to keep different sources of income separate. Like having a checking and a saving acct.

And like ive said numerous times. They wont do it, And it's 45th on list of "be nice" things they could do..

Last edited by bemcd; 01-08-2014 at 02:22 PM.
01-08-2014 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd
exactly why it would "be nice" to have the ability to keep different sources of income separate. Like having a checking and a saving acct.

And like ive said numerous times. They wont do it, And it's 45th on list of "be nice" things they could do..
This has absolutely nothing to do with "being nice" - no online poker site should ever be considered as a bank account, that will always be your sole responsibility. It has nothing to do with pleasing customer needs either, you simply want an easy solution.
01-08-2014 , 04:51 PM
By the way, not sure if anyone noticed yet but it seems like the Omaha On Demands were bumped back to 12 players required for the start instead of 27.
01-08-2014 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by bemcd
no they don't. I talked to support yesterday, Earned bonus both don't expire and can be saved in the separate section for as long as you want( though they said they may change that in the future)
but they said the change would be that eventually unclaimed earned bonus would automatically be put in your acct after a period of time.

And that is called "diversifying sources of income" and it is BR management is exactly why it would "be nice" to have the ability to keep different sources of income separate. Like having a checking and a saving acct.

And like ive said numerous times. They wont do it, And it's 45th on list of "be nice" things they could do..
the fact you are being serious is quite concerning
01-09-2014 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by 39suited
This has absolutely nothing to do with "being nice" - no online poker site should ever be considered as a bank account, that will always be your sole responsibility. It has nothing to do with pleasing customer needs either, you simply want an easy solution.
"like" as in .. for example. seemingly everyone responding/derailing original post here has both a math and reading comprehension problem. I'm done running around in circles with you fools. Trying to make any point in any of the JPN threads is "like" "similar to" "as if i'm" herding cats.
01-09-2014 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by 39suited
By the way, not sure if anyone noticed yet but it seems like the Omaha On Demands were bumped back to 12 players required for the start instead of 27.
01-09-2014 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by 39suited
By the way, not sure if anyone noticed yet but it seems like the Omaha On Demands were bumped back to 12 players required for the start instead of 27.
Noticed that too. The 27 wasnt bad, seemed like it would run once or twice a day with a much bigger prize pool.

The 12 with the longer rebuy period is a much better option, however.
01-11-2014 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Boney526
If they are going to be turbos can we at least get more than 1500 in starting chips? I didn't mind having 1500 with the structure that was in place before in conjunction with 10 minute blind levels...

But I really don't like the new structure much. I don't mind that they're being changed to turbos, but please make it 2-3K starting chips. At very least, make the 10 and 15 dollar ones start at 2.5K in chips.
Agree completely. I stopped playing the ods bc of this structure. Dont mind the turbo if we can start with 2.5-3k chips but less than that with the new field size and turbo structure makes these things relative all-in/fold luck-fests.
01-11-2014 , 11:23 PM
Im sure this has been discussed somewhere but ive been moving across the country for the last week or two.
why did they add 8 man DON i feel like adding this could potentially split a small player pool into some that only play 6 mans some that only play 8 man and a few that play both. While i understand adding two players may not change the game play much i feel like the player pool is too small to be making a change like this now.
