Originally Posted by Jmas8310
How do some of these guys grind so much ? They are at all the tables , no matter the time of day or if its a holiday....is it possible some of these are part of 2-4 person teams who split the rake race profit? Ive gotten first in a rake race once and multiple top 3 and i literally had to play all week long with very few sleep breaks and it was killer.
I'm one of the players currently on the top of the leaderboard this week.
@ 25000 points, I've played about 39000 hands (24000 omaha), from .25/.5 up to 1/2.
I usually 12 table but my screen can fit 15. I've gone up to 20 before but then I start playing pretty losing poker.
I've played about 15 hrs/day. That leaves 9 hours for sleep/eating. Luckily this week, I'm home for the holidays so my mom cooks for me while I grind
I'm probably dropping out of the race though, don't think I can win and its not worth the extra effort to try so hard and only come in 2nd.
And no, I don't pee in a bottle. Its a cash game. Just get up and leave whenever you need a break.