State of SkillBet (4/20/13)
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 388
Hi all.
We have learned that we are unable to advertise the way poker sites have in the past (e.g., TV). While TV advertisers allowed Stars and Tilt to advertise in the past, they won't allow us today despite our legal status. Basically, we've been unable to persuade them to roll up their sleeves (e.g., spend $25K to hire lawyers, etc.) to confirm our legality.
We have concluded that we can't reach scale necessary for success by advertising on poker sites alone.
So we stopped marketing about a month or two ago (other than what we'd previously paid for here and a few other places). This has caused much lower traffic.
Game Plan: We are going to spend the next 4-5 months developing (what we hope will be) an awesome social play-money game based on SkillBet (sort of a cross between SkillBet and Draw Something or Words with Friends). Our plan is to advertise this broadly and convert people to SkillBet (solving our current challenge) and re-launch SkillBet assuming this plan works.
So for the time being, we are going to put very little effort into SkillBet.
We had props (i.e., people incentived to play and create more traffic like other poker sites and card rooms), but we decided to stop that program yesterday in response to some complaints about the program that surfaced to us yesterday (and our overall desire to put all our energies into this social game). That complaint prompted this post as well.
Similarly we decided to stop Live Chat, but support will continue to be available via email.
Importantly, we have plenty of money (in addition to having all our players’ money segregated) so if you'd like to withdraw, no problem. We will turn around withdrawal request in a few days like we always have.
We are going to put all our efforts into this new game so you won’t see much of me online until we relaunch.
Thank you for your understanding. Hope to see you all again soon!