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World Championships 2014 World Championships 2014

10-06-2014 , 05:44 AM
Before this game, I think I've seen rango twice, 3x max. Elise around 3 times, too. So not much considering the total number of matches. And I've watched close to all.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Snamuh
Rengar and Elise have gotten some play as well. Can't remember if any others have.
Rammus, Eve and Pantheon all had a game in Worlds.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by kazana
Before this game, I think I've seen rango twice, 3x max. Elise around 3 times, too. So not much considering the total number of matches. And I've watched close to all.
Elise has been played a lot more than 3 times.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 05:54 AM
Here's the pick distribution for the group stage

Lee and Kha'Zix are obviously the 2 most popular, then you have Jarvan, Elise and Rengar in the next tier and a bunch of champions that have been picked once.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by kazana
Before this game, I think I've seen rango twice, 3x max. Elise around 3 times, too. So not much considering the total number of matches. And I've watched close to all.

Kha'Zix- 49
Lee Sin - 38
Elise - 15
Jarvan - 14
Rengar - 9
Evelynn - 2
Rammus - 1
Vi - 1
Nunu - 1
Pantheon - 1

Edit: I believe it comes out to an odd number because at least one of those games was a lane Kha'Zix played by Dark Passage.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 06:40 AM
Hah. Interesting how skewed my perception is. I certainly would not have thought Elise had even close as much play as Jarvan...
I'll blame the jungler obv.

Nah, maybe so skewed because most of the quarters I have seen featured the three I mentioned. Primarily Kha vs Lee with Jarv sprinkled in.
(Just manually checked, seems Elise had quite a bit of play time, too.)
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 06:49 AM
NWS finally got a decent pick/bans
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 11:13 AM
No one watched the games today? OMG are looking like favourites going into the match against SHRC.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by watergun7
No one watched the games today? OMG are looking like favourites going into the match against SHRC.
Just watched the first and parts of the second and third. Stunning how much of a difference replacing a team's worst player can make. Makes you wonder how tsm would look with a different jungler or alliance with a different top laner.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 11:30 AM
Crazy games today, I thought it'd be a 3:0 for NWS so I didn't bother watching live.

Samsung teamkill and korea teamkill on one side and a chinese teamkill on the other for a Korea vs China final.

If White win, they are vulnerable to choking and I'd say a chinese team can win, Blue are way less likely to choke and would probably beat China.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by dlorc
Crazy games today, I thought it'd be a 3:0 for NWS so I didn't bother watching live.

Samsung teamkill and korea teamkill on one side and a chinese teamkill on the other for a Korea vs China final.

If White win, they are vulnerable to choking and I'd say a chinese team can win, Blue are way less likely to choke and would probably beat China.
Seems like the opposite to me. There is a very reasonable chance that white loses to blue because of the history between the two teams, but if White wins I don't see any reasonable chance that they lose in the final because of how badly they have beaten everyone they have faced so far. On the other hand, blue has looked slightly vulnerable. They would still be the clear favorites, in my opinion, but I think there would be a much greater chance of them losing than White. White looks unstoppable. Dandy/Imp/Mata are insane.

So, it seems clear to me that the rest of the world is catching up to Korea. White and to a degree blue are still on another level from everyone else, but after them I don't think there's any real difference between the next korean teams and the top teams from the other major regions. Seems like the main difference between Korea and the other regions at this point is A) the Samsung org teams, obv and B) a lot more depth.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 11:46 AM
Hope OMG take it all, so we can all lolsoaz for a long time
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by switch0723
Hope OMG take it all, so we can all lolsoaz for a long time
Would be super crazy for omg to win worlds

Ggoing my pick for player of tourney so far (White just has too many elite players), he was a beast in that fanatic game and beast vs Shield and crushed Save
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 02:42 PM
To say OMG were playing 4v5 is to put it mildly. I just can't remember Dada777 making any plays at all and he was always getting caught (like clearing pink ward in tribrush- dies, roams to mid- dies).

iirc the reason cloud was benched was because he didn't want to support San and thought San was the weakest member of the team holding him back.

Cool isn't as good as he was last year imo, and any team just needs to ban out Gogoing. Force him onto the likes of maokai if that's possible. If Cool steps up I can see a possible upset against Koreans. San and Cloud just need to do what they always do and that's just to hold even.

I don't see SHRC ever beating any Korean team.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 03:40 PM
I feel like the gap between samsung and the rest is smaller than I expected it to be pre-worlds, don't think the finals are going to be a stomp like last year. Wonder what odds shrc/blue final would get on betting markets.

Really want to see blue/royal final (uzi is such a beast), but would also like to see white beat blue and ggooing crushed save so... I'm happy with all outcomes? ^^
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by kaby
Wonder what odds shrc/blue final would get on betting markets.
depends a lot if the semis will be hard carried by uzi again or if royals toplaner(and mid) can step up. zero, insec & uzi played pretty much perfect.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 04:42 PM
SHRC can only beat OMG if uzi is on trist imo. Top lane is gonna get crushed. Jungle is even imo, and mid favours cool. Uzi can only carry so much on champs other than trist.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-06-2014 , 04:56 PM
SSW has been as good as advertised they had a 10 kda in group

They've played 10games and stomped 8, g4 vs tsm they dominated for the most part a couple suspect rotations aside

Skt k lost 2 games to a mediocre Sword team last year
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-07-2014 , 06:53 AM
blue/omg/shrc would all stomp group 1.... lol@kda
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-07-2014 , 02:15 PM
omg and shrc both lost a **** ton of games vs EDG in the last year
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-07-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by bottomset
omg and shrc both lost a **** ton of games vs EDG in the last year
I agree with the general point that SSW has looked significantly stronger than all other teams so far (at least I think that's what you've said), but I'm not sure that comparing their wins over EDG to OMG and SHRC's games vs EDG from earlier this year is really the way to go about determining that. Aside from the fact that rosters and the meta have changed over the course of the last year, current form can also be quite different from a team's form of 6 months ago.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-08-2014 , 05:17 AM
twitch op.
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-09-2014 , 10:24 AM
have decided to slowly make my way through S3 worlds (i wasn't watching/playing league back then) during the breaks between quarters/semi matches. totally worth it, it's super fun & refreshing seeing elise/nasus top, zyra/ashe botlanes or seeing commentators freak out about genja opening triforce on kogmaw . have only gotten midway through day 1 so far, some awesome games so far including SKT OMG with faker on old gragas mid
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-09-2014 , 03:23 PM
if you want to watch some old stuff start here
World Championships 2014 Quote
10-09-2014 , 11:49 PM
Even when they don't collude Riot brings the hammer down, if there was doubt about riot rigging groups I think its gone now with the power play in OGN.

RIP Samsung World Domination
World Championships 2014 Quote
