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11-21-2013 , 02:46 PM
My jungle style feels like it got massively buffed, less early ganks (cuz of the new ward trinket) more focused on early farm and using your lvl 6 power spike to destroy bot lane. Then split pushing late game. Feels really really strong right now.

Playing Olaf, Shyv, Eve right. Going to take a look at Yi too.
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11-24-2013 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by cwar
My jungle style feels like it got massively buffed, less early ganks (cuz of the new ward trinket) more focused on early farm and using your lvl 6 power spike to destroy bot lane. Then split pushing late game. Feels really really strong right now.

Playing Olaf, Shyv, Eve right. Going to take a look at Yi too.
Can you give me a quick rundown on how to jungle with the new Olaf? I liked him pre-nerf, didnt play him at all afterwards.
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11-24-2013 , 10:19 AM
I play him very similarly to Shyvana, I focus on farming and counter ganking as opposed to initiating ganks. He also has the option of initiating ganks but he's not quite as good as Shyv but it's somewhat negligible and he does a bit more damage and his better at killing carries. He's my backup Shyv at the moment.
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11-25-2013 , 02:27 PM
Something I do at the moment:

People tend to go Blue --> Wolves --> Red, I just go to their Red and hide in the bushes in front of the Red(So when they do Red they have their back turned to you). They usually never check that bush and if you got it timed well you can suprise them really easy for FB.

I don´t do it often as I feel my jungleedge is too big that I should risk a failure there but it worked pretty well so far.


Use your trinket to ward the bush so you can see when to jump in.
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11-26-2013 , 04:13 PM
Is Jax viable as a jungler in Preseason S4 builds or are the other junglers just too strong for Jax to be a decent matchup?
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11-26-2013 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
Is Jax viable as a jungler in Preseason S4 builds or are the other junglers just too strong for Jax to be a decent matchup?
It's not about jax being a good jungler or not. He just needs items to be good. With no Bork/triforce and a tanky item, he's useless. He's a hyper carry. Also, his ganks aren't that strong.
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11-26-2013 , 04:34 PM
Jax is quite viable but if you don't get gold and have a longer game there are better options. His clear is quite good after getting a sheen and he counter ganks/farms well (which is the most successful archetype in lower ELO games right now).

If you're comfortable consistently taxing laners he's actually one of the best options IMO but this is basically for very low Bronze only (you need to do it a LOT).
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11-26-2013 , 06:47 PM
Do any of you have rules/guidelines, per se, to taxing? I try not to as much as possible but whenever I do I feel like I get spam V pinged or raged on.
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11-26-2013 , 06:51 PM
i tax constantly, especially if someone pings for a gank and then fails to execute with me

i aint got time for that
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11-26-2013 , 07:44 PM
Put it this way, at low ELO gold should in theory be worth more on you than anyone else (if you're trying to move up rapidly). If someone has shown indications that they aren't very good then transferring gold to yourself is EXTREMELY beneficial (it's good for the team).

#1 If you ever gank and successfully get the other laner out of lane either through backing or death and you suspect the jungler can't cover the lane shove the creep wave into the tower (so the other laner loses gold/xp). Doesn't matter if your laner doesn't like it do it anyways it gets him ahead.

#2 If your laner has shown that they are definitively bad and are getting zoned and heavily out cs'd it's often good to lane with them and take the cs. You prevent them from dying, you will deny the other laner and you will get more gold than out of the jungle.

#3 You can't prevent people in LOL from raging, up until the point that they are threatening to AFK I don't really care if they rage. Don't get me wrong I'm nice, I'll try and explain it the best I can and I apologize a lot when I don't mean it but I'm still going to do the best move strategically unless I think they will genuinely AFK (I never inform someone they are an idiot).

If someone is going to life tilt about you taxing don't do it but you can basically get away with it with each lane at least once.

Another very good "taxing" move is right around level 6-10 or whenever you're feeling a powerful inflection point gank bottom really hard. Run them out of lane to shove the tower and take dragon/tower. This is a fairly well understood play and a great way to transfer some gold to yourself if your ADC is bad.
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11-26-2013 , 08:11 PM
Thanks thats really helpful.
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11-26-2013 , 08:19 PM
Jax`s ganks are really weak and his clearingtime is pretty bad early and you can get counterjungled quite easily.

In low elo mobile Junglers are the best imo. I just love Udyr at the moment and I got an insane winrate on him over a good samplesize. This preseason I`m 18:3 I think, including three 4 v 5 in which I won 2. You can just splitpush sooooooo good. I usually tell my team that I push bot now and that 5 people will chase me around and they just should do baron. It literally works everytime and with E + Utility and Boots you make it out easy.
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11-26-2013 , 09:30 PM
Udyr is super strong right now, because of the safer early game because of trinkets weak gankers (who counter gank well because of mobility) with good farming are really strong.

I disagree about Jax though, his ganks are better than Udyr's and his early clear speed is not even that bad (and it becomes god like post 6). Jax's biggest downfall in the jungle has always been his gold dependence, I have like 50 games of jungle Jax under my belt and it's so high variance. If I have a good early game I usually end up being able to 1v5 their team but if I ever get behind or denied gold I can't do anything.
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11-26-2013 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
Something I do at the moment:

People tend to go Blue --> Wolves --> Red, I just go to their Red and hide in the bushes in front of the Red(So when they do Red they have their back turned to you). They usually never check that bush and if you got it timed well you can suprise them really easy for FB.

I don´t do it often as I feel my jungleedge is too big that I should risk a failure there but it worked pretty well so far.


Use your trinket to ward the bush so you can see when to jump in.
If blue side(bottom left corner), try your red -> their red. It makes it easier to secure FB on some champs since you slow them down with red. Trade off is it takes a bit longer to get there, they might see ward being placed.
Also with the new trinkets, good mids will ward the entrance at ramp.
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11-27-2013 , 08:40 AM
I've been pulling off all kinds of moves because of the early ward in the jungle, I did my red then stole blue from Nunu yesterday as Shyvana then FB'd him with my duo queue baiting him into top lane.

Knowing where poeple are in Silver is so OP.
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11-27-2013 , 04:32 PM
What is taxing? Essentially taking a gold "tax" by farming lanes as jungle?

Cwar, how do you build Jax for jungle? Rush botrk? How tanky?
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11-27-2013 , 06:00 PM
Correct on taxing.

Building Jax is pretty interesting, he benefits so massively from health when his ult is up (because of the resistances) and both BOTRK and Trinity Force are amazing on him. I make my decision based on the needs of the team before my first back.

If I believe my team is bad and will need hard carrying I'm going to focus on TF as my first core item over BOTRK because it has much greater sustained damage and general stat value. This also applies if it seems like any of their bruisers has the potential to get really fed (reduces the value of assassination/dueling). TF is definitely ideal if you plan on hard carrying your team or need great sustained damage and want to initiate (mobility to jump back out).

If you start TF your first back you want boots + Spirit Stone (you need the regen if you don't have Vamp Scepter). I will buy Sheen before Phage if I have the gold to complete it otherwise I finish Phage first (most of the time if you have normal clear without multiple successful ganks).

If my team is more on the competent side I'll go for BOTRK for the extra carry erasing potential. Life steal + AS on Jax can just make you so tanky if you approach team fights like an assassin (not jumping in first to initiate). I do this build less often but you must have a Vamp Scepter first back even if you have to skip boots. You really want boots + Vamp though, a good way to save pots to accomplish this is starting E during your leash.

Add tier 2 boots before you think the mid game fights will start, chase is a very important part of your kit it doesn't do at all to be down a level on boots. I find I usually do this after Sheen/Phage.

After TF/BOTRK you want a giant's belt because of it's pure efficiency with your ult. It's the exact right amount of tankiness on Jax. Then you finish either BOTRK or TF, then finish a Randuins/Spirit Visage depending on resistances needed. I'd avoid GA, completely unnecessary on a well played Jax.
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11-27-2013 , 08:48 PM
you say health is really huge for jax so why not get warmogs instead of RO? I def like randuins omens against heavy AA champs like if they have a sivir and/or ww or sth rock that randuins all day for sure
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11-27-2013 , 10:42 PM
I still have never built a warmogs. I don't feel like its a big mistake either.
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11-27-2013 , 10:44 PM
You really rarely ever want to build Warmogs these days, very character specific (or like Atmas/Warmogs as 5th and 6th items on Shyvana). You still want resistances as Jax for when your ult goes down.

My comment about health being so efficient is simply that giant's belt is the perfect health item to get before finishing items that are amazing on Jax (TF/BOTRK).
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11-27-2013 , 11:12 PM
Well, some people say "HP is the best counter to both AD and AP". I'd really much rather sacrifice 500 hp and get all the benefits of the Randuins or Spirit Visage (or like Rylai's or something) in most cases.
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11-27-2013 , 11:13 PM
what do you think of hextech gunblade instead of BOTRK? the ap + ad combined with lifesteal and spellvamp seem almost tailormade for jax. not to mention it also has an active spell slow.
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11-28-2013 , 12:39 AM
Attack speed allows Jax to ramp up quicker in fights/skirmishes (and botrk benefits from HIS passive too). Botrk has a more comfortable buildup with cutlass giving a nuke/slow at 1400 gold cost, while the AP isn't super cost efficent for jax in the buildup of gunblade.

Besides, if you really wanted AP/hybrid jax, you'd probably go rageblade. Botrk is greater than gunblade in too many ways.
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11-28-2013 , 12:40 AM
the build i'm using now for him involves a bork and the hextech, no reason not to have both IMO. not sure if rageblade better tho, i'm guessing it's gonna be opponent specific.
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11-28-2013 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
I still have never built a warmogs. I don't feel like its a big mistake either.
it has been the best item in the game during season 3, it got nerfed pretty hard like cleaver instead of the tri-force nerf where you still have OP item
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