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06-27-2014 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
4.8 kda over 23 games, nyah nyah

The real conclusion from this whole discussion is ww OP
Bingo, just gotta cross your fingers that the team doesn't feed in the first 7 mins, I hit Lvl 6 at my 2nd blue and then gank and start gettin our lanes going. Ez Pz from there
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06-28-2014 , 01:41 PM
Need some advice. I recently got Silver V but trashed my mmr from a lot of recent losses so mostly Queue up with high bronze players these days. Jungle is one of my lesser played roles but it seems like when I do, every lane loses hard without being ganked before I even get double buffs.

At this point, every lane is demanding my presence which means I need to choose between farming and just roaming non stop.

In general, how do you go about this? Keep in mind it's low elo so team mates are unlikely to understand how to play a lost lane without snowballing the other team.

- I can't win every lane and get farm
- If I help one lane and neglect another that lane rages and feeds harder
-If I'm camping lanes my buffs get stolen
-I'm usually jungling Xin and need to get stacks on my feral flare so need to farm that up

Nobody ever takes a suggestion well at this elo like just play safe and stay near tower. They always reply with stuff like "Don't play jungle if you don't know how to gank". I had a Lucian bot lane where I pulled off an early gank and got him the kill and he still loses lane without being ganked by the other jungler and I get blamed...

Dont get me wrong. I'm not really ranting about how bad my luck is and how I lose because my team is all noobs etc. I'm looking for general advice, mindset, things to say or not say that can help turn around these types of games.
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06-28-2014 , 01:52 PM
Bro you gotta /ignore all as jungler at low elo imo. Like my levels of focus is so much greater when people are toxic is immeasurable.
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06-28-2014 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
Bro you gotta /ignore all as jungler at low elo imo. Like my levels of focus is so much greater when people are toxic is immeasurable.
Ya I've thought about this and tried it for a game last night but everybody still fed. I didn't know whether or not my team was raging at me and that distracted me ;(.

Do you usually let your team know in champ select that you are turning off chat? That might be the best way to go about it so that they know what they are getting into from the get go.

Any other advice on game play in these situations would be great. Starting a game now as jungle xin. Will see how it goes.
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06-28-2014 , 08:23 PM
I personally ignore anyone as soon as he starts calling me names. Almost always at least one lane that invariably will start doing that.

As lol-bronze player, while I'm going for double buff and first 2-3 camps, I try to pay attention to the lanes to see which ones' are going to be pushed up - then gank the lane with the most aggressive opponent.

After that, I try to evaluate who on my team is most likely to steam roll. Then relentlessly help those to hopefully snowball.
You cannot catch up for a bad laner. No matter how big his initial advantage, he'll lose it eventually, so rather try to boost the player able to use his lead to our advantage.

If I have an edge over their jungler and/or good vision on where he is, I'll counter jungle as hard as I can in between. A feral stack from his jungle is worth more than one from mine, imo.
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06-29-2014 , 01:19 AM
Thats good advice and I generally try to do that stuff already. But what do you do when every lane is feeding simultaneously? Like you say you can't catch up for a bad laner. Sometimes you can get them back in the game but chances are if they've gone 0-2 really early then getting them a gank is not going to help them much.

I seriously encounter this frequently where this happens in all 3 lanes when I jungle.
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06-29-2014 , 01:30 AM
I don't know.
Not much other than trying to get yourself to be a monster, problem for me is finding the right balance between constant harass and not dieing unnecessarily.

By trying to be way more aggressive I set myself up to be ganked/targeted - and then have the most gold bounty on my head, too.

Now, if a laner seems to get his act together after maybe an 'unlucky' 0-3 start, then I'll start supporting him as he's my best bet.
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06-29-2014 , 05:25 AM
I think of it like you're the QB in a football game. You should be able to see everything and be able to assess the situations.

A few things ace.

Are you warding for your laners?

Who do you play as?

Are you trying to get all your laners fed or ganking select lanes?

I mean if all your laners lose, you can't really do anything. I've hit 4 man ult/zhonyas with fiddle when all my lanes lose in 5v5 fights and we still lose.

The key is if everyone is losing then someone is losing the least in theory. You should snowball that guy. Usually it's your mid laner. You can just go mid and zone the **** out of their mid laner. Now your ML'er might bitch about stealing xp, but they get 0 and you split your's. This works well after double buffs cause one wave can put your mid laner up a level from a wave of xp being denied to them.

Again I'm a bronze player this is what most people have told me.

Also I'd say it's safe to say that at low elo just don't gank top. If your laner loses early, he'll continue to lose regardless of the gank.
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06-29-2014 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
You can just go mid and zone the **** out of their mid laner. Now your ML'er might bitch about stealing xp, but they get 0 and you split your's. This works well after double buffs cause one wave can put your mid laner up a level from a wave of xp being denied to them.

Again I'm a bronze player this is what most people have told me.
This is not a good solution for several reasons, but a good reason not to do this is that you're showing your face for too long. Yeah, you're putting pressure on their mid, but they know where you are for that entire time and if you're not a direct threat to their laner, their jungler has free reign everywhere else.

If a laner is so bad that this is the way you need to get him ahead of his lane, he's not going to know wtf to do with that lead anyway, and that's if it even gets him a lead at all. He'd be better served by a quick gank or even just a drive-by to remind him that you're around in the shadows somewhere.
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06-29-2014 , 09:36 AM
You can just go mid and zone the **** out of their mid laner. Now your ML'er might bitch about stealing xp, but they get 0 and you split your's. This works well after double buffs cause one wave can put your mid laner up a level from a wave of xp being denied to them.

Again I'm a bronze player this is what most people have told me.
This is super awful and doesn`t work at all.

1. You lose time with your double buffs
2. The opponent midlaner can just base or do wolves in that time in the end you just leeched xp and lost farming time.
3. It gives information, opponent jungler can either do ganks that would else be risky or just counterjungle your stuff and put you even further behind.
4. If you would be up against a smart jungler, he would be coming after you and look for you in your jungle. You are behind in xp/gold and he should be easily 1on1 you.

No matter what lane I`m in I would be pissed if you this. As the midlaner I would be pissed because you are just leeching xp. As a Top/botlaner I would be pissed because you just take all pressure from the map.

It`s like when an opponent jungler sits in a warded bush I just let them sit there every second they sit there, they lose gold and my other lanes can do what they want. Some people will go to all chat and say something stupid like "hi" which I think is awful.
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06-29-2014 , 09:48 AM
Yeah, again I play mostly at lower elo. That makes sense though.
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06-29-2014 , 09:49 AM
Need some advice. I recently got Silver V but trashed my mmr from a lot of recent losses so mostly Queue up with high bronze players these days. Jungle is one of my lesser played roles but it seems like when I do, every lane loses hard without being ganked before I even get double buffs.

At this point, every lane is demanding my presence which means I need to choose between farming and just roaming non stop.

In general, how do you go about this? Keep in mind it's low elo so team mates are unlikely to understand how to play a lost lane without snowballing the other team.

- I can't win every lane and get farm
- If I help one lane and neglect another that lane rages and feeds harder
-If I'm camping lanes my buffs get stolen
-I'm usually jungling Xin and need to get stacks on my feral flare so need to farm that up

Nobody ever takes a suggestion well at this elo like just play safe and stay near tower. They always reply with stuff like "Don't play jungle if you don't know how to gank". I had a Lucian bot lane where I pulled off an early gank and got him the kill and he still loses lane without being ganked by the other jungler and I get blamed...

Dont get me wrong. I'm not really ranting about how bad my luck is and how I lose because my team is all noobs etc. I'm looking for general advice, mindset, things to say or not say that can help turn around these types of games.
1. Know your champions strengths. For example:


Not so good early ganks, extreme powerspike at 6. Probably the strongest counterganker in the game post 6. It`s really good to mirror your opponents movements and be there to countergank. If you get out of laningphase even you are ahead as you got the better teamfight.

Lee Sin:

Strong early game, can 1on1 almost everyone (I think he loses against panth and would`ve lost against Khazix prenerf but he is gone so only panth left). Strong ganks.

You need to make something happen with lee else you just fall off and are pretty much useless lategame. Invade weaker junglers like amumu/Fiddle and go look for them in their jungle.

2. Know your laners strengths.

If you got a Renekton vs X matchup you know that Renekton is gonna win the lane and push the opponent laner in. Be there to countergank or dive the opponent toplaner.

3. Vision/Information

When your laners die to ganks, it`s not only their fault it`s yours too. You have to provide vision and tell them about the opponent junglers movements. If Bluebuff respawns at 7.15 tell your laners that the opponent is probably doing blue. In higher elo people know that but in Bronze they don`t think about it, so tell them.
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06-29-2014 , 09:56 AM
Sona jungle ftw.

Also leaves room for bot lane to diversify the support slot as needed.
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06-29-2014 , 10:15 AM
Ohh forgot thx.

4. Don`t play exotic stuff in the jungle.
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06-29-2014 , 10:20 AM
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06-29-2014 , 10:55 AM
Morde is still #2 jungle in my heart. Right beside Vlad GOATjungle.
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11-20-2014 , 09:18 AM
I'm reallllly not sure what I think about S5 jungle after playing a few games.
It feels really reminiscent of S1/S2 jungle, it seems like early game junglers shouldn't be focusing lanes, but the enemy jungler.

Losing camps hurts more now and there is less gold, aggressive counterjungling def seems good ( which nunu was king of back then ).

I prefer weird ap junglers, so I can say the 20% CDR on the magus item is actually pretty sweet, definitely good for zac.

Will post more thoughts as I play more games.
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11-20-2014 , 09:35 AM
Welcome to the Jungle! Quote
11-20-2014 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by dlorc
I'm reallllly not sure what I think about S5 jungle after playing a few games.
It feels really reminiscent of S1/S2 jungle, it seems like early game junglers shouldn't be focusing lanes, but the enemy jungler.

Losing camps hurts more now and there is less gold, aggressive counterjungling def seems good ( which nunu was king of back then ).

I prefer weird ap junglers, so I can say the 20% CDR on the magus item is actually pretty sweet, definitely good for zac.

Will post more thoughts as I play more games.
Its harder to get MR due to removal of negatron and reduction of MR across the board which would also help AP junglers. Possibly why Oddone was/is so high on diana/zac/sejuani?
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11-20-2014 , 10:01 AM
i didn't make this image and haven't tried it either

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11-20-2014 , 10:25 AM
My initial fiddle thoughts are that he sucks now, or you can't have a farm heavy playstyle because the mana regen on the new jungle item sucks massive dicks. ( Maybe the old Q max is the way to go ).

It isn't realistic to get a more expensive jungle item followed by a mana regen item ( maybe holding onto chalice? ) but chalice costs 1k now and thats a huge amount of gold in non-combat stats, that delays your zhonya.

All the old issues in s1/s2 jungle are back, it seems like riot forgot why they changed a lot of this stuff.

EDIT: Maybe the mana regen from ranger's will be enough? Gonna have to test that a bit I guess. the lower smite cd will help contest all the counter jungling wankers as well.

Last edited by dlorc; 11-20-2014 at 10:31 AM.
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11-20-2014 , 10:32 AM
Smiting wraiths also seems really good for clearing wards.
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11-20-2014 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by dlorc
Smiting wraiths also seems really good for clearing wards.
Been playing Nunu and think the lower smite cooldown is the best machete by far and smiting the chickens is a must, whereas I basically ignore our own wolves as there's almost always something more important up.

First game of Nunu was vs Jax/Diana/Kalista which was just like .

I'm thinking because of the wraith camp smite might be a good option on roaming mid assassins.
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11-20-2014 , 11:33 AM
Supposedly for the fastest clears now on most junglers you almost always want to start either frog or golems. Counter intuitive cause wight sucked to do last season but the DoT from smiting frog actually does almost as much damage as the Machete DoT, so it's worth smiting on the 1st clear if you need speed more than survivability.

Frog (smite)->blue->wolves->wraiths->red (smite)->back seems like the fastest clear
Golems (smite)->red->wraiths->wolves->blue (smite)->back better for survivability

Someone on TL posted these fastest clears w/ no leash (not necessarily safest):

Tryndamere golems->red->wraiths->wolves->blue->frog 4:00 (ad runes)
Yi golems->red->wraiths->wolves->blue (2lvls in Q, 1 lvl in E) 3:36 (ad runes)
Skarner frog->blue->wolves->wraiths->red->golems 3:45 (ad runes)
Eve frog->blue>wolves>wraiths>red in 3:21
Amumu frog->blue->wolves->wraiths->red 3:30 (ms quints)
Udyr frog->blue->wolves->wraiths->red->golems 3:38 (AD runes)
Olaf frog->blue->wolves->wraiths->red->golems 3:35 (AD runes)

Also will be interesting to see how masteries evolve, i think mindlessly going 21-9 on seemingly every jungler will be a thing of the past. Junglers like wu or panth or hecarim would get destroyed, pretty much need some innate sustain to survive the first clear with enough health to realistically be able to escape if counterjungled. Also think the value of 9 in utility goes up, faster smites + more buffs. Could see weird stuff like 9/12/9 or something.

Last edited by Nonfiction; 11-20-2014 at 11:41 AM.
Welcome to the Jungle! Quote
11-20-2014 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by dlorc
My initial fiddle thoughts are that he sucks now, or you can't have a farm heavy playstyle because the mana regen on the new jungle item sucks massive dicks. ( Maybe the old Q max is the way to go ).
I didn't think the mana situation was too bad in my first game with Fiddle. I went Ranger's though and Nightblue evidently recommends Stalker's which seems very suspect and greedy to me:

Nightblue's Jungle Notes
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