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12-24-2016 , 02:17 AM
>getting ganked by a nunu
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12-24-2016 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by waffle
>getting ganked by a nunu
Exactly. I'm Kassadin and I get camped, not camped for, camped by a ****in Nunu. Like honestly last season I loved being camped as I would just absorb all ganks and my Team would win nowadays I absorb all game and they lose their lanes.

From yesterday:

I have lost all hope, I literally 1 v 3 ed mid, with Fiddle sitting for Kassadin and Tahm constantly ulting mid. Yet I absolutely destroyed that guy. We got 3 turrets by me being 1 v 3 mid and winning by 3k gold how can I lose these games ?
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12-24-2016 , 12:42 PM
I can't win promo's either. Have had 4-5 promo matches to s1 now, lost them all. Just had a game where my team banned thresh so the enemy got vayne and vi. Would've dodged but it's promo's.
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12-25-2016 , 06:43 AM
Just got this message
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12-25-2016 , 08:52 PM
At 46% winrate now. I just can't win, every game I have 3 losing lanes. I've even switched to mostly playing Jungle out of desperation, but nothing happens.

But hey maybe I can do a Bronze to Masters, because my Elo is almost there.
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12-26-2016 , 03:28 AM
SF, I almost never report people and gotten that message a few times.
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12-26-2016 , 06:12 PM
I suck. That is all.
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12-26-2016 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
I suck. That is all.
I think we all know that feeling.
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12-27-2016 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by spgranger
I think we all know that feeling.
I didn't "crush" my first 4 games, but I did win them pretty handily in tough matchups as top Renekton (Garen, Riven, Naut, Naut respectively), and then did what I had to do to carry/win the game from rough laning.

Then I played a mid Velkoz game where I got absolutely wrecked by Lux because I played lane wrong and kept getting a little too out of position and getting butt-****ed by their Lee Sin (poor map awareness, really). I haven't had that many deaths in a single game in like an entire year. It was frustrating to take all the blame. I know it's my fault I wasn't pressuring the map etc etc because I was dead half the game, but it was even more frustrating watching my team 4v5 out from under every turret they were trying to defend. We could have easily won if they didn't "reverse dive" ten times in a row. But again, it IS my fault that I wasn't there with them because of my poor play.

The rust is real lol.
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12-27-2016 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by spgranger
proxy singed is just the absolute worst. i mean, it's not even that it's such an unbearably strong strategy or anything like that. it's the worst because by making the decision to play that way the singed essentially makes a decision for you (as his lane opponent) about how you have to play- forcing you to just stand in lane tanking and killing his waves too if your champ is capable of doing so, or just standing and farming under turret for 15-20 minutes if your champ can't tank the waves. Just the absolute most boring games ever and there's not a single thing you can do about it as the opposing laner.
I only hate playing vs proxy Singed when my genius jungler chases him everywhere and then flames me for farming.
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12-29-2016 , 03:29 PM
Been streaming a lot lately if anyone wants to watch, usually 8-midnight central time.

Play Mid/top, kayle, tahm kench, viktor and trying some ziggs lately. Currently Gold 5, ended plat 5 last year with only grinding a few months. Trying to get to Diamond this year.
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01-02-2017 , 08:55 PM
Back in G5 (was P5 last season)

btw happy new year
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01-02-2017 , 10:44 PM
I don't think there's anything that tilts me more in this game than when someone on my team sees me with a tiamat, tabis, and a ruby crystal (or a similar item set) at like level 6 on a champ like trundle or shyvana and says "build tanky". That's an insta-mute from me every time.
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01-03-2017 , 07:39 AM
people who feed but wont /ff tilts me

it doesnt effect my winrate much since the games are already lost so it shouldnt annoy me all that much, but its such a waste of time. Even worse when the guys feeding type stuff like "we win late", NO we wont win late cuz u guys gave them such a massive lead how are you down 15 kills in the botlane at 20min
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01-03-2017 , 12:43 PM
I never understood how people seriously die that much tbh. Like you'd literally have to die and run to lane to die again over and over. At which, during no point, do they realize to maybe just hang back a bit lol.
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01-03-2017 , 01:03 PM
To be fair, sometimes you can hang under your tower but if the enemy jungler is diving botlane continuously..

Just found the champion that tilts me the hardest --> Annie (I HATE HER). Might even consider banning her over hecarim/vi just to never see her again.
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01-03-2017 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by superfire444
To be fair, sometimes you can hang under your tower but if the enemy jungler is diving botlane continuously..

Just found the champion that tilts me the hardest --> Annie (I HATE HER). Might even consider banning her over hecarim/vi just to never see her again.
Yea, sometimes there isn't really a whole lot you can do, especially in bot lane.
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01-03-2017 , 08:51 PM
Man I just had the most bizarre game ever, I was Yas top vs Akali, so a terrible matchup. I go to the toilet come back and have MF Support with no Masteries. I mention it and they start discussing about how Vayne trollpicked and the Lux supports this.

Anyways, I just want to play the game and I prob can carry a decent amount of the time. I push akali in, my Lee comes Top and does something that's supposed to be a gank he just ward jumps forward under tower and dies and even flashes under tower. Then he starts feeding to my lane, meanwhile the duo keeps flaming each other and feed. I just decide to go afk and suddenly everybody turns against me and all ask for reports on me in the end.
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01-03-2017 , 09:50 PM
It's so fascinating when the toxic people turn on you for no reason tbh.
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01-04-2017 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
Man I just had the most bizarre game ever, I was Yas top vs Akali, so a terrible matchup. I go to the toilet come back and have MF Support with no Masteries. I mention it and they start discussing about how Vayne trollpicked and the Lux supports this.

Anyways, I just want to play the game and I prob can carry a decent amount of the time. I push akali in, my Lee comes Top and does something that's supposed to be a gank he just ward jumps forward under tower and dies and even flashes under tower. Then he starts feeding to my lane, meanwhile the duo keeps flaming each other and feed. I just decide to go afk and suddenly everybody turns against me and all ask for reports on me in the end.
You win late though
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01-04-2017 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
You win late though
Really really late though, like full items.

Honestly I just have the most unlucky patch with teams that one could imagine.

That MF and Vayne that wanted each other reported and flamed each other, duoed the next game again, so that was only show.

I asked the Lee why he was feeding my lane out of all and he said "Because you didn't follow the gank". His gank was dashing under tower, missing Q and then fighting her with autos. She was full HP and it was lvl 3.

It was just confusing and after that game I was super shocked at what just happened as 4 people turned on me as if I was the one that was trolling. I thought I accidentally ended up in Flexqueue or something and they decided to troll me.
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01-04-2017 , 03:49 PM
Just got my first pentakill of S7
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01-06-2017 , 11:27 PM
Picking up wins on Karma, Cass and Nasus bot. Last game just the classic bot lane matchup of Nasus Zilean vs Brand Lux. Brand/Lux may have had early pressure, but struggled to keep their turrets and inhib alive vs double zzrot and double banner
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01-07-2017 , 02:47 PM
Only had to support once recently, played against Ziggs bot with a vayne as ADC. The vayne totally got shat on, it wasn't even close.

And laning in mid against Ziggs is stupid too, like I push the guy in and decide to roam and before I reach the other lane my full hp tower is gone.
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01-07-2017 , 05:19 PM
I have two problems with ziggs atm:

1) his pushing power is insane

2) his ult is hard to dodge and does incredible damage.

I believe this is the reason why he's so strong atm.
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