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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

06-18-2016 , 10:02 PM
Get on the Overwatch train
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06-19-2016 , 01:25 PM
lol Zac

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06-19-2016 , 02:08 PM
Gj bro.
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06-20-2016 , 08:25 AM
How do you play top without TP and without boots ?
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06-20-2016 , 03:11 PM
Ignite gives me insane kill pressure and zac never has a problem chasing anyone down or escaping in a spot where boots would make a difference. His mobility is insane already. I don't know if you've played him since the E buff but it's range is ridiculous.
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06-20-2016 , 03:30 PM
I play him jungle only so boots are mandatory
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06-21-2016 , 12:00 PM

Guess the champion? Also, nothing like throwing away 1000 gold on sellbacks. (Warhammer, Wand, and Dirk at various points.)
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06-22-2016 , 08:17 AM
That sure is a tricky one. Likely to be someone who was wanting a Lich Bane rush to start with then changed their mind. So ill shoot for Nidalee top
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06-22-2016 , 09:35 AM
Ghostblade on Nidalee would be pretty interesting.
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06-22-2016 , 07:04 PM
Top lane Rengar as it turns out. Somewhere around 28 minutes someone tells him to build tank and suddenly he no longer has a Ghostblade and instead has a Giant's Belt.
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07-07-2016 , 06:30 PM

Who needs KDA and Kills when you can just 1 3 1 fools.
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07-19-2016 , 11:35 PM
decayed to gold I gg
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07-20-2016 , 12:01 PM
GG what were you?

Just got my first leblanc penta
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07-22-2016 , 01:16 PM
I really wish you had separate ELOs for different roles. 60% winrate Alistar with 3.5 KDA over a million games? Should probably not get placed in the same matches when you decide to play your 3/9/5 KDA Draven.
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07-23-2016 , 10:59 AM
They invited me to the alpha client, maybe trying to get me to play again? But you can only play blind pick normals and arams with it
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07-26-2016 , 12:46 PM
Don't really feel like I should have to beat this team to get promoted from Gold.

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07-27-2016 , 03:15 AM
obv your mmr is high and you're probably skipping tiers every other tier within the ranks.
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08-05-2016 , 10:39 PM
tilted by champ select

q as top/jungle 4 times get jungle 3 times top once and it gets remade cuz of afk, q as top/bot get adc 3 times and top only once and it gets remade cuz of afk. guess i gotta q as top/mid

didnt get 1 game in the role i want today D:
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08-15-2016 , 06:25 PM
from a reddit thread about how to deal with low elo ARAM mentality when the right play may be to pressure objectives etc...

If you want to engage 5V5, but are unsure if team will follow - tell them not to fight because you're top. They won't even notice you're actually with them and engage anyway. /s"
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08-16-2016 , 08:48 AM
Just won a ranked game in 11:04. That rage quit too strong.
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08-16-2016 , 09:49 AM
That 3 million range CC from Jhin seriously, why does that exists ?
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08-17-2016 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by guivre1408
That 3 million range CC from Jhin seriously, why does that exists ?
Lol his whole kit lacks counterplay. He can place a trap wherever he wants. Then he can follow up with his W from 2+ screens away. After that he can press R and if he hits the first one he can hit the rest too because of that slow. GGWP

Sure he's immobile and squishy but he can put out a lot of damage and CC in a short duration + he has a team too
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08-17-2016 , 06:32 AM
It's just a different beast than a Jinx or Tristana jumping around fights just getting off constant dps throughout the fight. It feels oppressive as **** though. I think his W should be a lot shorter (or maybe not have a damage component at all) and his ult shots shouldn't slow their targets.
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08-17-2016 , 02:57 PM
That's what I don't understand about how Riot is currently handling their champions.

First of all they have abilities like Jhins ultimate, which is an amazing ult but broken because the slow makes it pretty easy to hit consecutive shots. It's a stupid mechanic because people with a dash will dash away anyway unless that dash is on cooldown and champions without dash are screwed. It makes no sense to add that slow.

Secondly, champion kits seem to be very overloaded. From 3-hit passives to actives to abilities that seem to do everything. Look at a Tahm Kench or Kled. Champions used to have 1-2 lines per ability to explain what it does. Nowadays it's at least 5 lines per ability.

Thirdly, it seems like riot is balancing champions from the point of view of the player playing that champion. Hecarim is one of the most obnoxious champions there currently is because he basically has an undodgeable Gragas ult on his E. It sure is fun for the person playing Hecarim but not for the person playing against Hecarim. Same with reworks they have done recently. They say they are reworking champions to add counterplay where it's due (like fiora) but create many more problems once they reworked those champions. Ekko is fun to play but to play against and lately there are many champions who work like that.

Finally, it seems that riot seems to be adding more and more invulnerability to the game (Tahm, Fiora, kled) which is unfun to begin with. Nothing sucks more than trying to kill someone who can block or dodge everything you throw at him even if it is a targeted ability.

League still is pretty fun to play but for me personally it feels like Riot is going down a slope where in the not so distant future the game could be pretty lame (at least to me).
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