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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

06-01-2016 , 08:53 PM
dota has all heroes for free and no runes
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-01-2016 , 10:45 PM
Marc 'Tryndamere' Merrill, Riot's President asks why the hate and why do people doubt their intentions in a reddit comment:
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06-02-2016 , 03:38 AM
marc merril is a great man whos made a great game

but he sure is ****ing ******ed when it comes to pr on the internet
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06-02-2016 , 11:22 PM
ive basically stopped playing since the ranked changes. it's lame now. i thought dynamic queue was cool at first but ive def changed my mind. let's get a pure solo.
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06-03-2016 , 06:28 AM
LCS teams making their own 'soloQ' lmao
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06-03-2016 , 11:02 AM
heh, great way to market your game - set up a system so bad that all your big name streamers want to play on a realm where they are not allowed to stream
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06-10-2016 , 06:28 AM
Nothing like queuing as support into two duos. Me, my chat, and my pings might as well be invisible. Really just any time adc is duoing with someone else.

Last edited by Scary_Tiger; 06-10-2016 at 06:49 AM.
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06-11-2016 , 05:24 PM
So the difference between this system and the old one are you can queue as any size group, and choose your role? I don't understand why it's seemingly reviled so much.
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06-11-2016 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Roger Mainfield
So the difference between this system and the old one are you can queue as any size group, and choose your role? I don't understand why it's seemingly reviled so much.

- Queue times are pretty long
- Playing Solo with/against Stacks is rather annoying. I already hate playing with Duos, especially jungle + X duos.
- Playing against Stacks means you are at quite the big disadvantage as a Soloplayer
- There is some random **** going on with the matchmakingsystem where people just get matched up with much weaker people. It happened that a team out of masters/d1 and challengers got matched up with D4 players.

I don't even understand why I'm only able to chose 2 roles, I have no problem playing 3 roles, but I don't even have the option to do so.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-11-2016 , 06:15 PM
Can i get a line check? Playing a norm and im thresh on red side. Adc cait, mid zed, talya jung and forgot top. We have four of us mid were around the 10-13 lvl mark aprox with top laner somewhere else. Were at our tier1 mid, gone turret, and a lone fiddle ults into 4 of us. I instant locket and my team should?

Edit- zed was kinda big he was like8-4 i believe, cait was ok/breakeven, fiddle was doing ok but not huge.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-11-2016 , 07:34 PM
When you queue with a group the rating system cant tell you apart so unless you always play with the same group the mrr gets messe up.

Riot also messed up the pr saying that they would bring back soloq and have both qs at the same time but it was all a lie
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-11-2016 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Subterranean2
When you queue with a group the rating system cant tell you apart so unless you always play with the same group the mrr gets messe up.

Riot also messed up the pr saying that they would bring back soloq and have both qs at the same time but it was all a lie
Of course it can, there could be a simple flag of "duo" "trio" etc. and then adjust the MMR for opponent teams. It also did this for duos before.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-11-2016 , 08:24 PM
just accept that riot is a pretty ineffective company that lucked into a very popular game
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 03:00 AM
Best scenario would be a dota2 like system where solo plays versus solo,2-3 vs 2-3 and 5v5 (no groups of 4).

Of course with a different ladder for solo's and premades
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 10:07 AM
I think the queue times are long because of the interaction between the support role and the new role picker system
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
Of course it can, there could be a simple flag of "duo" "trio" etc. and then adjust the MMR for opponent teams. It also did this for duos before.
ofc they can tell if your grouped or not

im saying that at the end of the game when they adjust your mmr they cant tell the people on your team apart you are all assumed to have the same impact. So if you play half your games with a 5 man group half solo, and your groups mmr isnt the same as your personal mmr, you end up with bad matchmaking.

Even if i never play with a premade in this new system Im still gonna get worse games because dq weakens the matchmaking.
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06-12-2016 , 01:33 PM
Yes that is true.

There have been several ex-challengers who are stuck in D1-D2 because of the new matchmaking.

This german streamer recently complained about it in a vid that he can't get to challenger and was stuck in low D1. He now is masters again tho.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 01:54 PM
Is good to get solid standard builds for champs?

Any other site that's better?
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 02:15 PM
Yeah. I have the same question. It seems to be what a lot of the streamers suggest but I always find it to be mostly garbo.

What's the consensus on best guides / builds site lately?
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06-12-2016 , 02:23 PM

wisdom of the masses
sometimes its wrong, but its generally correct, and it is self correcting
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 02:23 PM
Honestly you shouldn't use any sites at all or even take "standard builds". For the rare case that you wanna know if a specific item is good on a champ, you should look up onetrickponies via lolskill(Make sure not to select someone of a garbage region, like TR/OCE etc).

But depending on the champ you play and the teamcomp you have/they have you shouldn't use some thoughtless builds. I play a lot of Akali(mostly mid) nowadays and there is a lot of Bruiser builds that rarely anybody uses that are super strong(Sunfire + Abyssal + Rylais + other tankitems with 14 Magicpen in runes, you absolutely delete carries and you are quite tanky).

Or recently I had a game with Kassadin where I build Iceborn as they were pretty much full ad with a fed Rengar.
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06-12-2016 , 02:28 PM
I'm mostly asking for runes/masteries, not items.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-14-2016 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
I'm mostly asking for runes/masteries, not items.
I think is better than for this sort of thing. I focus on guys who are playing champs in their main role as they might have more thought put into them. The problem with following the masses is sometimes the wrong thing becomes popular, e.g. Devourer Udyr was number one and two build when Runic Echoes Udyr was at his strongest. Or everyone taking Thunderlord's on everything with the pros figuring out how broken Undying Grasp was.

That said, aside from Keystone, the runes and masteries aren't that important. Making a wrong item buy is a much larger mistake than taking suboptimal masteries because they represent so little of your gold value.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
06-18-2016 , 10:09 AM

lol, solo preference emblem! I hope this reminds them at least how large a percentage of their player base have solo preference and how their queue completely breaks without them.

I don't understand how they come to the conclusions they make. Here are the things they're trying to accomplish:

1. It's hard to learn all 5 roles, we should make everyone wait around 5 minutes for a game so they get 1 role every time. Regardless if they want to or not.

2. League is a team game, ranked fives could have shorter queue times if we let them play against solos. Oh, but Diamond times are hilariously long so let's remove it entirely.

3. League is about teamwork so everyone should be able to play with their friends in ranked. Oh, but it's clearly very broken when players are more than 600 ELO apart so not those friends. What they're not admitting is games probably go to **** pretty fast when friends are 300 ELO apart much less the 600+ ELO that's possible today.
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06-18-2016 , 02:25 PM
lol hit its peak its all downhill from here
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