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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

11-06-2015 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by superfire444
FYI jackitos is a troll so don't bother
Jackitos can at times make trolly comments but he has offered sound advice here. Poor time to call him out
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11-06-2015 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
Jackitos can at times make trolly comments but he has offered sound advice here. Poor time to call him out
God damn it tapatalk
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11-06-2015 , 04:51 PM
I assume Systolic is your accountname on NA?

If so here just what can I read out of your lolking(

1. In basically every game, you don't have an upgraded Trinket. As Support, visioncontrol is one of your mainpriorities. It's especially bad that you have yellow trinket when you got a sightstone. That should always be an upgraded redtrinket to deny vision. It basically means that you don't have visiondenial in your kit as a support which is really really bad.

2. You always use exhaust, into some matchups you definitely should take ignite.

3. Your builds seem pretty static, with no thought behind(same as with exhaust basically). Sometimes you build locket when the only AP is their support, or sometimes you build tabis when you should've mercs. I'm not a support main and don't know Taric well, but I guess mobis are sometimes correct as well.
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11-06-2015 , 05:02 PM
What is your reasoning for picking Taric so much? There are so many supports that do more than he does now. To me, he's a situational pick, not someone you'd really want to spam every time you have to play support. I'm guessing learning and spamming Leona would give you much better results at that ELO than Taric.
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11-06-2015 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
I assume Systolic is your accountname on NA?

If so here just what can I read out of your lolking(

1. In basically every game, you don't have an upgraded Trinket. As Support, visioncontrol is one of your mainpriorities. It's especially bad that you have yellow trinket when you got a sightstone. That should always be an upgraded redtrinket to deny vision. It basically means that you don't have visiondenial in your kit as a support which is really really bad.

2. You always use exhaust, into some matchups you definitely should take ignite.

3. Your builds seem pretty static, with no thought behind(same as with exhaust basically). Sometimes you build locket when the only AP is their support, or sometimes you build tabis when you should've mercs. I'm not a support main and don't know Taric well, but I guess mobis are sometimes correct as well.
Yeah I guess you could say I 'autopilot' a lot. I guess I just get bored pretty easily. After all of these years I can honestly say I can't name a single champion that I would consider 'fun' (and I own and have played them all)... so I guess that leads me to be lazy in things like my item selection and rune pages/masteries, etc. The way I look at it is that I will be doing the same commands in combat, having the same role, doing the same kind of stuff, even if my armor/mr/cdr/whatever is 20 points lower than it 'should' be for the matchup. I mean if that is what you think is the ultimate gamebreaking gap that is keeping me from going up in rank, then I will pay closer attention to it, but I cant help but think that skill is going to beat out one or two less than ideal items, which leads me to believe that it is something more to do with my mechanics and decision making.
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11-06-2015 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by DubiouslyDubious
I always devote time to studying my hobbies, but I clearly am not good at applying that study into practice without some hands on guidance.
This isn't an attempt to help you in any way, but just because I like to understand how people's minds work:

Do you think it's because you don't motivate yourself to make the changes and having someone there puts some outside pressure on you and gives you a sense of accountability to put these things into practice?
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11-06-2015 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by WildBobAA
What is your reasoning for picking Taric so much? There are so many supports that do more than he does now. To me, he's a situational pick, not someone you'd really want to spam every time you have to play support. I'm guessing learning and spamming Leona would give you much better results at that ELO than Taric.
Because I've been playing him since beta, I understand his mechanics really well, and I find it easier to bail my lane partner out with him because of the hard stun/heal/armor boost coupled with exhaust. When I support i basically assume that lanemate has downs syndrome and focus everything I do on protecting him. I stack armor big time, I save all of my skills until he ****s up somehow, I only farm with relic on tank creeps (because I know that silver level players need a ton of chances to cs because theyre so bad at it).

I dont like leona. Her kit is just boring. I mean Taric is boring too but at least I am comfortable with his mechanics.
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11-06-2015 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
This isn't an attempt to help you in any way, but just because I like to understand how people's minds work:

Do you think it's because you don't motivate yourself to make the changes and having someone there puts some outside pressure on you and gives you a sense of accountability to put these things into practice?
No I think it is more like I don't trust my own judgement most of the time, and I don't want to be arsed with the trial and error aspect of it. I would rather come to a conclusion and be able to defer to someone more knowledgeable as to whether my conclusion is accurate or not.
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11-06-2015 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by DubiouslyDubious
Because I've been playing him since beta, I understand his mechanics really well, and I find it easier to bail my lane partner out with him because of the hard stun/heal/armor boost coupled with exhaust. When I support i basically assume that lanemate has downs syndrome and focus everything I do on protecting him.
Sounds like you're playing him super passive and not applying any pressure at all on your opponents. When your adc gets dived, you can jump on their adc's face and often make a fair/good/meh trade with them while saving your adc. From the sounds of how you describe it, I'd wager that you often just run toward your tower trying to disengage.

Supports win bot lane. I'd be interested in seeing a replay of the first 8-10 minutes of a game you feel you did well. has a service you can sign up for that once you do it one time, you don't have to do anything and it'll record all the games you play every single time and you can just go to their site and load them at any time you want.
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11-06-2015 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
Sounds like you're playing him super passive and not applying any pressure at all on your opponents. When your adc gets dived, you can jump on their adc's face and often make a fair/good/meh trade with them while saving your adc. From the sounds of how you describe it, I'd wager that you often just run toward your tower trying to disengage.
This is half accurate. I try to read my lanemate. I don't know if I have ever laned with someone in solo queue that I would deem really good at ADC. I wonder what it would be like to lane with a good carry. Most players at my elo dont even bother trading, they just spam their skills and hope they land something, and then awkwardly move in and out of creepwaves trying to cs. If I see a CLEAR opportunity to land a stun that will give us an edge I will, but 9/10 times my partners dont even react to my stuns so I just save the mana and try to make the threat greater than the execution to my opponents.
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11-06-2015 , 05:23 PM
I know its a common thing for people to say, so take this with a grain of salt, but I do truly feel like in a majority of solo queue games I am much more aware of what is going on around me than my teammates, I just have no ****ing clue what to do with said understanding. I have no idea how to make that into an edge for me considering that I cant even rely on teammates to engage if I ult with J4 or amumu or sona or whoever. I cant even begin to count the number of times I have used tarics ult as a way of saying 'go, we win this trade/fight', only to have people act like I didnt even do anything, or when I do it to signify baron or dragon or a tower push and i get ignored.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-06-2015 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by DubiouslyDubious
This is half accurate. I try to read my lanemate. I don't know if I have ever laned with someone in solo queue that I would deem really good at ADC.
So why would you pick a champ that spends all his resources keeping someone alive that isn't going to position well or output maximum damage if they are alive anyway? Why not pick someone that can hard carry a game out of the support position like Leo/Sona/Zyra?
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-06-2015 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by WildBobAA
So why would you pick a champ that spends all his resources keeping someone alive that isn't going to position well or output maximum damage if they are alive anyway? Why not pick someone that can hard carry a game out of the support position like Leo/Sona/Zyra?
a) Dont like leonas kit

b) I play sona some but I find that as soon as my opponents realize I have twice the brain of my adc they focus all of their efforts on killing me instead

c) I havent played zyra too extensively but I think she might be a little more difficult mechanically, and thats an element of the game I struggle with as it is.

Tarics kit is simple, not terribly mechanically demanding, it does its job, and people tend to respect it if you just play him tight.
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11-06-2015 , 05:55 PM
I dunno I just feel like the value of a passive support decreases the lower you go in elo. But if you want to only play Taric that's fine. As was stated earlier in the thread, you can literally play anyone out of silver. So I think you'll probably have to post a few replays if you want any more specific advice over what was already given.
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11-06-2015 , 05:57 PM
Leona is so elite, stuns all day
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11-06-2015 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
Leona is so elite, stuns all day
Oh I dont argue at all that she is a good champ. I just find her kit really boring.

Thats my #1 problem with league I think. Over 140 champs and I dont really like any of them. None of them seem to fit me or the way I think very well.
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11-06-2015 , 06:03 PM
I'm confused then. Why consider putting money into a coach for a game you don't really enjoy?
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11-06-2015 , 06:03 PM
Before you say you like the game but not the champs, I say the champs make this game.
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11-06-2015 , 06:04 PM
the best way to get better is to play a difficult champion. difficult both mechanically and in terms of awareness.

play 200 games with anivia and you'll be gold altleast
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11-06-2015 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
the best way to get better is to play a difficult champion. difficult both mechanically and in terms of awareness.

play 200 games with anivia and you'll be gold altleast
How about vayne?
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-06-2015 , 06:33 PM
Oh, this is Systolic from SE. It all makes sense now.
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11-06-2015 , 06:38 PM
also tarics just not a good champion, play annie instead if you so desire
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11-06-2015 , 06:49 PM
you need a champion that literally does nothing if you arn't hitting stuff
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
11-06-2015 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
Oh, this is Systolic from SE. It all makes sense now.
Please don't being up old things. I'm not the same person I used to be at all, and I'm sure that lots of people around here can vouch for that.
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11-06-2015 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
also tarics just not a good champion, play annie instead if you so desire
I overplayed annie. I mean she was my only champ I played from 1-30, I played only her all the way through the first preseason and she was pretty much all I played s1-s2. Ive played her some lately and she really hasnt changed a whole lot, but she is just boring now.
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