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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

09-19-2015 , 03:41 PM
I think tomorrow it would be two months where I haven't played LoL, I'm tempted to play a game now.
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09-20-2015 , 07:37 AM
yay for winning a game where I was too long setting masteries which resulted in my switching from teleport to smite being too late :-/

5/0/4 Pantheon for the win lol. God, it was a really bad start and even with a few longswords, clears were abysmal.
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09-21-2015 , 10:31 AM
Ya I havent played a real game in 2-3 months and even trying to do an ARAM is awful because I am so bad
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09-21-2015 , 03:34 PM
Biggest problem I have when I take 2-3 months off is that I have no clue what half the champs do anymore.

Still have 0 idea how to play against Mordekaiser or Tahm.
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09-21-2015 , 04:42 PM
I'm going to play a game now, let's see what 2 months break do to somebody.
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09-21-2015 , 05:01 PM
5 mins in the adc comes mid to farm my lane. Jungler already afk and I quit now, if I got a restricted queue afterwards I won't play LoL anymore.


Yep see ya for another 2 months at least, maybe in the new season or maybe never.

Hilarious was how that MF was copying Korea with her "open mid"

Last edited by NiSash1337; 09-21-2015 at 05:17 PM.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-21-2015 , 08:28 PM
Went on a decent run. Won 15 of 20 games ish to rank up a couple times. Lost 10 of last 11. 3v5's, braum/baard mids, etc. Not sure if variance or just bad.

Probably just bad.

Someone duo with me to gold? please? Price negotiable.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 01:39 AM

Pretty painful to have this game go 50 minutes. Fiddlesticks picked up his kill in the final teamfight and was outdamaged by Thresh. Jinx had 140 CS.
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09-22-2015 , 07:40 AM
Dat fiddle build
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09-22-2015 , 10:09 AM
one more loss and I'll get demoted to p3 and be the same rank as noobs like karak
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09-22-2015 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
Dat fiddle build
Just saw Thresh's Deathcap... didn't realize he had four AP ratios. I did feel his lack of Talisman or Righteous Glory as we slowly moved back and forth and never were able to engage properly.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 11:53 AM
So I was forced to play ADC on my NA fiddle only smurf.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by dlorc
So I was forced to play ADC on my NA fiddle only smurf.
Get carried.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 12:37 PM
My shen support was on tilt and suicided 2x in lane :/ was a bit behind, actually recorded the game - it was pretty funny.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 11:44 AM
finally got my new internet, in game ping is 31ms from texas

Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-24-2015 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by waffle
finally got my new internet, in game ping is 31ms from texas

<--- Jealous.

Nothing like being the 5th man with a quadra queue. I wish they'd tell you in champion select so you didn't have to be confused 20 minutes in wondering what secret playbook are they following.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-25-2015 , 12:27 AM
I am really bad at teamfighting as a Bruiser top laner.

I feel like so often I get through my cooldown rotation, get some damage down but not enough to kill a priority target, then I just get caught in the middle of the fight and I get killed before another rotation comes up again.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-25-2015 , 08:11 AM
Question (sort of): I'm currently Gold 5 on my main account and playing games with an MMR of 1500+. Can anyone explain why this is? A buddy of mine is Gold 4 and playing games with an MMR of 1200 which is perplexing.

Question is, if my tier should be higher, why not have me play players at my "current" level of high silver to low gold until I get to that theoretical tier instead of having me play players much higher than my current tier and making the ascent annoyingly more difficult than it should be?

Not sure if that was clear...
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-25-2015 , 08:59 AM
Your rank is just for aesthetics,, it means nothing. What counts is MMR, with high MMR you will win more LP and lose less LP, so while you friend might win like 20 LP and lose 17 you could easily go all the way up to 35 LP per win and lose like 20. If you would only play with players of your lvl till you reached a new level , it would take significantly longer to climb.

Also something that could happen is that you skip promos to the next division or that you will have a promo in Gold5 for Gold 3 instead of Gold4.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-25-2015 , 09:08 AM
Makes sense, thanks. I didn't consider the LP sizing, I usually get around 30 LP per win and lose 15 LP per loss right now.
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09-25-2015 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by smody121
Makes sense, thanks. I didn't consider the LP sizing, I usually get around 30 LP per win and lose 15 LP per loss right now.
I haven't played since promoting to gold 4 a few days ago (sick brag) but in gold 5 I'd say I earned roughly 18 LP per win and lost roughly 20 LP per loss so yeah there's your benefit.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-25-2015 , 12:03 PM
And I got to Gold 5 playing basically only Teemo. I thought I'd add that after the question was answered ldo
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-25-2015 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by smody121
And I got to Gold 5 playing basically only Teemo. I thought I'd add that after the question was answered ldo
Teemo also brought me to gold.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-25-2015 , 01:03 PM
His kit is so simple that it kind of let me focus more on the other aspects of the game to improve (subconsciously at first). Things like attack-moving/trading/CS stance etc., lane dynamics between matchups (granted Teemo mostly just goes ham), rotations and wave manipulation I've been focusing on improving and just knowing those things has me crushing pretty much any lane.

I have recently watched a lot of LS's youtubes and it's been good for more macro stuff, even created a spreadsheet summary of most of the major points of his videos since he tends to drone on a lot for entertainment purposes. Once I clean it up it may be postworthy. Also Leaguecraft has been publishing videos again if anyone was wondering.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-25-2015 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by waffle
finally got my new internet, in game ping is 31ms from texas

I've been busy this week so I haven't gotten a chance to play, other than the custom I jumped into wednesday to check my ping.. I go to play tonight and my ping is 126ms

nm, went back down after 5 mins

Last edited by waffle; 09-25-2015 at 11:15 PM.
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