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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

09-06-2015 , 12:10 AM
playing solo Q ranked on weekends is so painful. Can tell im in a room full of 13 year olds just screaming about what role and champ they want to play.
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09-08-2015 , 01:20 AM
im nasus. enemy is rumble. he was hyper pushing the wave so there was basically 1.5-2 waves of enemy minions. he just hit 2. im still 1.

always a good sign of things to come in the game when your yi comes in at level 2 and tries to gank into that. amazing he doesnt die.

and then he tries it again at level 3.

by some miracle he still doesnt die, but at this point he's caused me to take massive minion damage, waste a ton of mana, and he's shoved the wave back the other way. both those ganks just effectively lose the lane for me. laning against rumble is hard enough. tbh i should have probably just let him die the 2nd time.

i have truly fallen to wood elo

Last edited by Karak; 09-08-2015 at 01:21 AM. Reason: .
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09-08-2015 , 04:32 PM
im nasus.
then you deserve it
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09-08-2015 , 05:16 PM
The whole problem was it was Yi right? if it was eve, elise, lee it'd be fine since a lvl2 rumble doesn't have shield and if he's pushing he's dying or burning flash there
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09-08-2015 , 05:42 PM
I don't want anyone ganking into two minion waves, but yeah especially since we had literally no cc outside of his red buff. Tbh if I were the rumble I would have sat in the minion wave and taken the free double kill and red buff.
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09-08-2015 , 07:08 PM
i try not to participate in those ganks and just back ping them liberally while farming the minions. not sure if this is the best option though, since it can make them angry
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09-08-2015 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by waffle
i try not to participate in those ganks and just back ping them liberally while farming the minions. not sure if this is the best option though, since it can make them angry
Yeah. they think you're just being one of those "I DONT NEED YOUR HELP" people but it's their lack of awareness of minion advantage that's the real problem. Maybe I'll make a text macro explaining it in detail. I hate when it's like maybe a 30% chance we get the kill on them by burning summoners and I have a full wave or even two at my tower and they want me to go chase the kill instead of farming the free 2-300g and getting all that exp that's just dying to tower.
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09-09-2015 , 01:17 PM
i have no idea how you're supposed to play vs yasuo as ahri

esp first levels i just get owned, his damage is twice as high as mine, his mobility is insane, he can push waves in and do sick damage at the same time... don't think i've had a game without lvl 4

once you get armguard it's better, but you have to poke him down before you can fight and he has a shield AND a wall... gl


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09-09-2015 , 04:58 PM
the first time I went against a Yasuo as Ahri, I was like "oh this is gonna be cake" and then I got wrecked.
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09-09-2015 , 06:29 PM
yasuo should never be able to kill you though
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09-09-2015 , 11:04 PM

my first ranked game as ekko after grinding some norms. got super fed. got my carries fed.

of course we still lost because we had a duo queue making the "sickest of plays" and dying on their own all the time, but it felt good to see im able to do well on the champ in ranked. i just need to get a solid run of variance here. im hoping it'll come, but i sure havent seen it.
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09-09-2015 , 11:51 PM
just won a ranked game as adc garen (although i still went a standard garen build)

we were down 5k gold at the 20 min mark and the enemy adc had like triple my farm.

i still outdamaged him and went godlike by the end of the game. was a complete stomp despite our huge deficit early.

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09-10-2015 , 12:27 AM
wow ekko is so much fun to play
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09-10-2015 , 05:23 AM
his tank ekko build did get nerfed in 5,15 or 5,16 though
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09-10-2015 , 05:53 AM
Champions that have big impact teamfight abilities are very hard to nerf out

even the ones that aren't good at pro level like amumu/wukong tend to be soloQ allstars

Ekko is going to get the LeeSin/Reksai/Gragas treatment and get nerfed a lot to keep competitive in check and as a result be so/so to bad in soloQ and shares tough to play aspects of Lee
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09-10-2015 , 09:56 AM
Going from >60 to <20 ping has helped me so much more than I thought it would. I am loving life right now.
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09-10-2015 , 02:58 PM
euwest laggy (well, more like consistent 170 ping when i usually have 30) for anyone else?
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09-10-2015 , 11:39 PM
that feel when every other member of your team dies before you finish your first clear as the jungler

im truly running awful
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09-10-2015 , 11:47 PM
played a game as cait, my TK support got mad at me when he died, left bot lane to roam (w/e) and then during team fights, would eat me and spit me into the enemy team (lol).

(i didn't say a word all game)
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09-11-2015 , 01:34 AM
And he can report you none the less and it add to your amount of reports.

I'm currently on a chat ban after I got reported after a bad game. It told me the everyone has bad days etc. I said nothing to my team as they flamed me.
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09-11-2015 , 04:32 AM
holy **** guys. my last 19 games on my "smurf" that's higher than my main account lol:

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09-12-2015 , 03:07 AM
Game can be so frustrating. Get to play Darius vs Teemo top who was toxic on my team last game. Our jungle and I both head towards top blue side, so I tell him I'm taking wolves or we can double jungle. He doesn't say anything until 1:40 where he pings me off gromp and tells me he can clear fine I shouldn't take anything. I say it's better I take a jungle camp so I don't have to meet Teemo in middle of lane level 1 and go to take wolves. He finishes gromp and runs up top to push in my lane and feed Teemo first blood. Then we play for 30 minutes while he constantly avoids top... by walking past it and trying to counterjungle their red, and dying more.
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09-12-2015 , 09:09 AM
I was matched up with C9 Saiph twice in a row today in solo queue. He's their head analyst. This guy was completely arrogant and toxic. We won the first game and he was criticizing everyone both on our team and on the opposing team for every single thing. One of our opponents from the first game was on our team the second game and he spent the pregame lobby criticizing the guy for his mistakes in lane phase. He tilted the fk out of 3 guys on our team, including me, and I wasn't even the target for his criticism.

I saved the post game chat log and am considering making a post on reddit about it titled "C9 Saiph is the reason that C9 is going to worlds".

I played Nunu in both games and gave up support so that he and his duo partner could bot lane. His partner was respectful at least. Here's the chat log with some of the more absurd things bolded:

C9 Saiph: legit god tier mechanics
C9 Saiph: on my team
C9 Saiph: lol
Yistalock left the room.
C9 JReborn left the room.
C9 Saiph: even nunu didnt want to work with me
Snamuh: i didnt say that
C9 Saiph: i said stay with me
C9 Saiph: you said you wont if i'm going in their jungle
Snamuh: but damn you're a smarmy fellow
Snamuh: no, you misread
Snamuh: i said im not when you're going in vs the respawning yi
C9 Saiph: you have no choice
C9 Saiph: but to listen to the better players
C9 Saiph: like
C9 Saiph: who else
Snamuh: look up the word smarmy man
C9 Saiph: has guidance
Snamuh: i dont really care if youre better than me
Snamuh: i feel bad for you as a person
Snamuh: bc if this is how you act normally
C9 Saiph: i dont
Snamuh: you arent much of a pleasure to be around
C9 Saiph: this isnt a game to me its a job lol
Snamuh: that's fine
C9 Saiph: so i dont intend to make it fun for you
C9 Saiph: or anybody else
Snamuh: people shouldnt act that way in their jobs either
C9 Saiph: i play to win
MIKATA YOEEEEEEE left the room.
C9 Saiph: if you wont do what is best for the team to win the game
C9 Saiph: then why are you playing
Snamuh: for fun?
Snamuh: i try hard to win, but you've tilted people on our team two games in a row, i didnt say anything the first game
Snamuh: i respect the advice
Snamuh: but not the delivery
C9 Saiph: if telling someone what to do
C9 Saiph: tilts them
C9 Saiph: then they shoudlnt be on the internet
C9 Saiph: sensitive people
Snamuh: solid logic
C9 Saiph: do not belong on the internet
C9 Saiph: period
Snamuh: im not being sensitive at all
C9 Saiph: i said nothing that wouldnt help us win th egame
Snamuh: but you aren't respecting other people's decisions either
C9 Saiph: all you kids have to do is listen
Snamuh: like in the first game
Snamuh: lol kids
C9 Saiph: i dont have to respect their decision when i know i'm right lol
Snamuh: im almost certainly older than you
C9 Saiph: this is why i've done this professionally for 3 years
Snamuh: ok so in the first game
C9 Saiph: i know
C9 Saiph: i'm right
C9 Saiph: 100%
Snamuh: when we took the drag for free
C9 Saiph: everything i say in this game is right
Snamuh: but nami tidal waved and we followed
Snamuh: and you criticized the dragon call
C9 Saiph: this is why c9 is going to worlds
C9 Saiph: because even before that
C9 Saiph: far before that
C9 Saiph: there should be 2 wards up
C9 Saiph: 1 left of wolves
C9 Saiph: 1 at blue bush
C9 Saiph: neither of those were there
Snamuh: ok so even if i made a mistake
C9 Saiph: therefore
C9 Saiph: its a bad call
Snamuh: was the follow a good decision?
C9 Saiph: therefore its a bad call
C9 Saiph: therefore it is a bad call
C9 Saiph: regardless
C9 Saiph: if we get dragon
C9 Saiph: or not
Snamuh: you didnt criticize nami at all though
C9 Saiph: yes i did
C9 Saiph: i was on skype with him
Snamuh: also
C9 Saiph: we both stated to each other
C9 Saiph: we needed to have ward presence
C9 Saiph: the dragon was risky
Snamuh: the first game i wanted to dragon and you pinged me to back off like 3 times
Snamuh: then in this second game, i didnt try to drag around the exact same time
C9 Saiph: because 1 i was oom 2 we had no wards 3 nobody was even 50% hp
Snamuh: but you told me to go for drag
C9 Saiph: yes
Snamuh: we had vision of all of the enemy though
C9 Saiph: i said go to rdag
Snamuh: in the first game
C9 Saiph: because next wave was a cannon wave
C9 Saiph: and the wave was going to mosh pit
Snamuh: eve was top/mid
C9 Saiph: it would have been 30 seconds then a wave would have been bit enought to take the tower
C9 Saiph: its called wave management
C9 Saiph: you should look it up
C9 Saiph: i had cannon wave next time
Snamuh: there's that smarmy attitude again
C9 Saiph: i took back minions out
Snamuh: "you should look it up"
C9 Saiph: therefore
C9 Saiph: yes
C9 Saiph: you should
C9 Saiph: because you're still not listening
C9 Saiph: mosh pit wave
C9 Saiph: will take tower
C9 Saiph: it only needs 1 cannon wave
C9 Saiph: to take t1 tower
C9 Saiph: so since eve was top
Snamuh: if oyu stopped after the first sentence it would have been fine
C9 Saiph: i had mosh pit wave
Snamuh: but then you insult me
C9 Saiph: then we go to drag
C9 Saiph: it would have been a forced objective
C9 Saiph: where the enemy laners in bot would have had to decide
C9 Saiph: to save tower
C9 Saiph: or save dragon
C9 Saiph: i insult people with correct maneuvers
Snamuh: im not disagreeing with what you're saying though
C9 Saiph: i've been told i'm a very strict person
C9 Saiph: hence the reason why c9 is in korea atm

Snamuh: im criticizing you for the way you're giving advice
C9 Saiph: i wont change how i control a game for randoms on the net
C9 Saiph: they can argue if they want
C9 Saiph: i ignore it
C9 Saiph: if they ask why
C9 Saiph: i explain it
Snamuh: that's a solid attitude
C9 Saiph: end of the day tho i am right when it comes to this game
Snamuh: im sure that's what riot wants
C9 Saiph: its what i'm paid to do
C9 Saiph: idc what riot wnats i care what c9 wants
Snamuh: thing is, this game has no impact on c9
C9 Saiph: on their analyst it does
C9 Saiph: its practicing my game mechanics
C9 Saiph: so i can continue to pick and point during scrims
C9 Saiph: to improve their play
C9 Saiph: once again
C9 Saiph: it doesnt matter what the randoms want
Snamuh: but my poor play still helps you practice in suboptimal situations
C9 Saiph: your poor play or jayce poor play doesnt matter
C9 Saiph: if you lsiten
C9 Saiph: you win
C9 Saiph: very simple really
C9 Saiph: the ones that dont listen dont win
C9 Saiph: if they do win
Snamuh: yes im sure that's the difference
C9 Saiph: its because i go occul tand 20 stack it
C9 Saiph: like i did last game
C9 Saiph: because hey they listened :P
C9 Saiph: they listen i go 20-0
C9 Saiph: they dont we lose
C9 Saiph: give it a few more years of playing you'll get to the point where winning > fun. then you'll understand
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
09-12-2015 , 10:14 AM
**** him

League has an awful community because you can do **** like that without consequences

I really hate how I can't just ignore and play and go about my day but players like that ruin games, that and the gg at the first bad fight or gank it's gg if you give up but if you work to win it's winnable and even if you do lose it's an enjoyable game
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09-12-2015 , 10:25 AM
I've been working on learning Braum. He's awesome, has good play making potential and doesn't seem too tough mechanically. I've had some pretty sweet saves on teammates a few nice ult engages and some laughably bad shield directions in there too.

I was playing blind pick 5s with friends and enemy team picked Galio, I forgot how hard Braum counters him until he gets a normally super strong flash 4 man ult and I see the passive tick and remember. I felt bad for the guy l, he did get 1 great ult where i wasn't in it but it was bad times for him.
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