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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

09-05-2013 , 03:57 PM
Whyyyyyyy the **** are people so bad in high plat.
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09-05-2013 , 04:12 PM
people seem bad when you stop being ahead of the enemy team

learned this the hard way
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09-05-2013 , 04:19 PM
im starting to screw around in ranked again now that im Silver I

i make a pledge to stop... after this next time (pulling out the nasus obv)

otoh it's not like nasus is especially difficult to play
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09-05-2013 , 04:52 PM
I'm now at 0 LP at Silver IV

Contemplating if this is the new rock bottom or its a sign that I should give up
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09-05-2013 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
Also, being not so good at this game is, contrary to what you may or may not believe, not trolling. It's just what it is. Being not very good at this game.

You see, whenever I want people to act like dicks towards me in game, I can go ahead and queue up for a solo queue game. I don't need to have the Gold League player (may I kiss your feet, your highness) whose name is I Kill Jews, to insult me during the game for not being so good at it.

And who on 2p2 said what about me? And in what way? I've queued up with 2p2ers maybe less than ten times overall, and I haven't played more than two games total in the past, what, 3 months, due to time constraints. However, all the few games I had with 2p2ers were rather pleasant experiences. The one with you being the exception.
hahaha there is a huge difference that you fail to understand between not being good and being able to understand an action. Like if people tell you to go left you go right and go herpderpderp and yeah that game had another 2+2'er and no I'm not going to be a dick and out him.

Also 90% of my friends are bronze and I have the most fun ever with them. Rank doesn't mean ****. You on the other hand is just the typical turd in the lol community that is egocentric and only thinks about himself. Couldn't care less about you.
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09-05-2013 , 05:23 PM
I'm pretty sure we are talking about two different games, dude. We were duo queuing...

That tells me that you were a dick to at least one other person here, too.

gl hf, Mr. I Kill Jews.
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09-05-2013 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by DatFirefly
I'm now at 0 LP at Silver IV

Contemplating if this is the new rock bottom or its a sign that I should give up
how much LP are your wins/losses
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09-05-2013 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
how much LP are your wins/losses
I think I got +17 for my last win. I remember -22 for a loss sometime this week.

But I've seriously fallen from Silver II to the bottom of Silver IV over the time I played ranked.

To be honest, its clear that I have no idea how to carry. I can be a solid member of a team that has other people carry, I just don't know how to do it myself. Like I don't play mid, ever. I don't play top, ever, so I'm completely terrible at those positions which are the easiest to carry from. I jungle okay, but I'm not amazing. I play a good ad carry, but I rarely get kills in lane. Support is my best role, but you better hope your ad is good otherwise your effort is for naught.

I dunno if I want to fundamentally relearn how I play LoL, or just keep playing normals, because its pretty clear that I'm more likely to keep going down than up.
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09-05-2013 , 05:35 PM
Supports can carry. #1 reason supports lose games.
Building Aegis.

Never ever ever build that item on support.
You get sightstone+mobi boots, and then you better have an oracle up 24/7 or you are throwing the game.
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09-05-2013 , 05:36 PM
Anyone else getting terrible lag spikes? Was just in a ranked game and my client crashed 4 times while trying to load, then proceeded to skate the entire game. It seems at least 3 other people in the game had the same issue.
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09-05-2013 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by dlorc
Supports can carry. #1 reason supports lose games.
Building Aegis.

Never ever ever build that item on support.
You get sightstone+mobi boots, and then you better have an oracle up 24/7 or you are throwing the game.
The hyperbole in this statement is so off the charts I can't even tell if you are serious.
I'm 99% sure at silver/bronze it doesn't matter if you play perfect on support if your solo laners get murdered.
Sure a good support will turn an even game, but it has to be winnable to begin with.
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09-05-2013 , 06:02 PM
yeah aegis sucks

you gotta get real items like athenes/randuins
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09-05-2013 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
I'm pretty sure we are talking about two different games, dude. We were duo queuing...

That tells me that you were a dick to at least one other person here, too.

gl hf, Mr. I Kill Jews.
he was spectating =D you can't say that.
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09-05-2013 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by curve
hahaha there is a huge difference that you fail to understand between not being good and being able to understand an action. Like if people tell you to go left you go right and go herpderpderp and yeah that game had another 2+2'er and no I'm not going to be a dick and out him.

Also 90% of my friends are bronze and I have the most fun ever with them. Rank doesn't mean ****. You on the other hand is just the typical turd in the lol community that is egocentric and only thinks about himself. Couldn't care less about you.
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
I'm pretty sure we are talking about two different games, dude. We were duo queuing...

That tells me that you were a dick to at least one other person here, too.

gl hf, Mr. I Kill Jews.
kk i like everyone here to be happy fun

enough shot firing for now

let's bang out

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09-05-2013 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by DatFirefly
The hyperbole in this statement is so off the charts I can't even tell if you are serious.
I'm 99% sure at silver/bronze it doesn't matter if you play perfect on support if your solo laners get murdered.
Sure a good support will turn an even game, but it has to be winnable to begin with.
Supports win botlane.
Supports win vision midgame and lategame. ( which controls who gets the best teamfight initiates )
Some dude got challenger/diamond going like 79-5 on sona only.

Supports can carry just as hard as any other role.
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09-05-2013 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by dlorc
Supports win botlane.
Supports win vision midgame and lategame. ( which controls who gets the best teamfight initiates )
Some dude got challenger/diamond going like 79-5 on sona only.

Supports can carry just as hard as any other role.
You are talking about someone that belongs in challenger. He could take any dumb champ and still crush games where you and me would have problems.

The regular joe has more issues to carry a game as a support than a carry role, because you need to deal damage to win the game. If you make perfect plays, but your team doesn't follow up you are bound to lose anyway.

But I do agree that a support has the biggest impact in botlane the first 10 minutes. He can make / break the game at that moment.
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09-05-2013 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by dlorc
Supports win botlane.
Supports win vision midgame and lategame. ( which controls who gets the best teamfight initiates )
Some dude got challenger/diamond going like 79-5 on sona only.

Supports can carry just as hard as any other role.
Supports win botlane if their AD carry has half a brain. This is Silver IV we are talking about not Diamond, where people know how to capitalize on mistakes.

Supports win vision midgame and lategame, which is great if your team isn't immeasurably behind already. And yeah if you can get the best teamfight initiates thats great, but it means that your team HAS TO KNOW TO LOOK AT THE MAP.

Anyone that hass played with me knows that I'm a decent support, but to carry as a support - some things have to go your way which is beyond your control. If your top lane is losing and you are mid you can work around that and carry harder, but you literally affect the top lane 0% as a support. Midlane you affect somewhat with wards and dragon control

I'm sure talented player can go from Bronze to Challenger with Sona, but I'm not a challenger level player, I'm some dude who is maybe Gold IV at best. You can't just assume that you'll carry as a support at this level when you are not amazingly better than the level being played.
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09-05-2013 , 06:39 PM
Bubba (I've talked about him before. Challenger support. Streamer. IGN Bubbadub) recently took a new account from placements to challenger mostly playing Zyra, Sona and a bit of Nami. I watched quite a bit of it. His first game in placements was awesome. He went something like 18/2/22 on Zyra support.

The VODs should be on his channel.
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09-05-2013 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
im starting to screw around in ranked again now that im Silver I

i make a pledge to stop... after this next time (pulling out the nasus obv)

otoh it's not like nasus is especially difficult to play
k so i decided to 2nd time nasus ever in ranked

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09-05-2013 , 06:44 PM
its not about carrying, carrying is such a bad term because it doesn't mean anything if you carry one game but feed in 4. You rise in the ladder if you are better than the opposition in the same role as you, which is why its not difficult to rise as a support in pretty much any league, support has the weakest player pool due to many people just not wanting to play support.

Its like support<jungle<mid<ad<top in terms of strength of pool at low levels (I think jungle and ad switch later on, junglers become really good at ~2k elo), its why its hard to rise as a top main in solo que because most top players are so strong.
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09-05-2013 , 06:48 PM
also i ks and take cs from my laners pretty much constantly (i try to go easy on the cs sometimes), because i assume in the best player in the game every game in yolo queue

im starting to wonder, tho, if the rage from stealing cs is -EV over the long run. meteos does it so it must be ok tho.
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09-05-2013 , 06:56 PM
Its k, I shove waves if their laner backs all the time. Just idiotic players most favourite game is "abuse the jungler" more than they enjoy playing lol.
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09-05-2013 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
its not about carrying, carrying is such a bad term because it doesn't mean anything if you carry one game but feed in 4. You rise in the ladder if you are better than the opposition in the same role as you, which is why its not difficult to rise as a support in pretty much any league, support has the weakest player pool due to many people just not wanting to play support.

Its like support<jungle<mid<ad<top in terms of strength of pool at low levels (I think jungle and ad switch later on, junglers become really good at ~2k elo), its why its hard to rise as a top main in solo que because most top players are so strong.
you're assuming all roles influence the game equally, which is the entire issue in the first place

say you're good enough that you win your lane 60% of the time at your elo. if winning top lane gives you a 60% chance to win and winning bot lane gives you a 51% chance to win, you're obviously gonna have a much easier time gaining elo from top lane

EDIT: to account for your argument, say you can win top lane 55% of the time and win bot lane 60% of the time. So you're relatively better at support, but you still have a better chance of winning going top
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09-05-2013 , 07:14 PM
thats not a true analogy because your numbers are all screwed up, 51% and 60% is a difference of 10 times right. However even in that case its still easier to rise as a support assuming that the lvl of play top is stronger than support. Its just trading varience for winrate and thats a trade you should take 100% of the time if you are rational (rational defined as wanting the highest elo rating for your skill level)
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09-05-2013 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
thats not a true analogy because your numbers are all screwed up
The point is if the game influence of various roles isn't equal, even if you are relatively worse at top you could on average win more games playing it than support

i don't know what the numbers are but they do matter
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