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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

05-01-2015 , 06:16 AM
this team tho. gank for riven's FB, then she goes like 1-6 vs the cho
we were 2 inhibs down too, just got all the drakes, all the barons(2). won TF at our bot 2nd tier then just facetanked their bot inhib tower and finished

Last edited by Jah Onion; 05-01-2015 at 06:21 AM.
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05-01-2015 , 07:28 AM
Holy crap this is so much fun. rly enjoying amumu, only played him once before and i sucked at hitting my Qs (b/c i was ubernoob) and haven't played him since, but tons of fun.

Holy crap the number of wards in that last game :O
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05-01-2015 , 10:20 AM
jfc what a game. was literally getting 1shot by kha out of nowhere
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05-01-2015 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
jfc what a game. was literally getting 1shot by kha out of nowhere
The CS lol.
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05-01-2015 , 12:35 PM
jfc so annoyed. Why is it that teams never want to surrender in low elo? We're 25-65 in kills down 4 dragons and have lost 2 inhibs and nexus tower while their team has lost ZERO towers. And 2 people keep voting no in the surrender vote.

I mean, really? Such a waste of time and so demoralizing to be forced to play vs a hugely snowballed team.

Then you watch Korean soloq (on cowseps stream) and people surrender there at the drop of a hat.

What explains these extremes in mentality? Can't there be a rational middle ground?
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05-01-2015 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
jfc so annoyed. Why is it that teams never want to surrender in low elo? We're 25-65 in kills down 4 dragons and have lost 2 inhibs and nexus tower while their team has lost ZERO towers. And 2 people keep voting no in the surrender vote.

I mean, really? Such a waste of time and so demoralizing to be forced to play vs a hugely snowballed team.

Then you watch Korean soloq (on cowseps stream) and people surrender there at the drop of a hat.

What explains these extremes in mentality? Can't there be a rational middle ground?
When I used to play in chess tournaments, my chess teacher told me to NEVER resign, even though you see grandmaster games sometimes end in resignation. He said at your current level, players will sometimes make mistakes that will allow you to come back, at the grandmaster level those mistakes don't happen. Now obviously, if you're out of pieces and your opponents has a queen and two rooks it'll probably be fine to resign at that point. I guess LoL players at low ELO just think they can always come back.
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05-01-2015 , 04:44 PM
another rant incoming:

god, support is such a boring awful role. Serious question, if you were designing LoL today, why wouldn't you make it a 4 player game?

I'm not arguing that you can't have an impact on the game. You obviously can, although I laugh at the sentence "carry from support" for the oxymoron that it is.

The problem for me is that you just have to play like a giant fkn bitch all the time. You are basically the teams water boy. Also, when you play other roles you can win your lane or jungle even though the rest of the team is doing badly. But if you play support and your team is losing, you lose by default. And another thing, killing stuff is fun and satisfying. Last hitting is satisfying, clearing camps is satisfying. The best thing a support has in that vein is clearing wards, whoopdeedoo.
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05-01-2015 , 06:29 PM
surrendering is always -EV definitely in low elo where everyone's an expert thrower
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05-01-2015 , 06:52 PM
sodapoppin playing $500/hand online blackjack, #1 stream on twitch w/ 40k viewers

a new generation of degens is being created!
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05-01-2015 , 06:55 PM
also, totally agree about the 4 player game thing, i have definitely had that thought before. but i'm coming around and starting to enjoy the bot lane dynamics of playing support. it's like laning without having to think about cs. you can focus on trades 100% and try to make the best ones. it does suck when you and your adc are on completely different wavelengths though.
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05-01-2015 , 08:16 PM
Support is awesome wtf lol. You carry as support when you have massive assists, make amazing peels and fantastic engages that literally swing games. Your ADC wins/loses mainly due to the support IMO.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
05-01-2015 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
Support is awesome wtf lol. You carry as support when you have massive assists, make amazing peels and fantastic engages that literally swing games. Your ADC wins/loses mainly due to the support IMO.
like I said before, i have no doubt that you can have an effect on the game as support.

Its just not fun for me. Waiting out a 40 minute game to make 3-4 big plays and inbetween all you do is run around and place wards. And the whole time whenever you see an enemy champion you have to run like a scared little baby unless you have someone to back you up.

And I don't think I'm alone in this. There must be a reason why people fight all the time about who is forced to support in soloq.
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05-02-2015 , 01:39 AM
I think support gets more fun to play and more impactful as you climb ranks. In low gold and below, the information that a support provides to a team is less valuable because they do less with it. Things like spotting out the enemy jungler, warding buffs, having dragon warded early, are all more valuable to a high level player than a low level player because as their prime function, the support gives information and it's up to the rest of the team to use that information.

At lower levels I think the right play is often to take supports that win lanes and are effective late (Annie, Leona) and build stats mainly for combat effectiveness over being a straight support. In Bronze/Silver I think it's so rarely correct to build something like Mikael's and you should just take a champ like Leona and build Face + Full Tank.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
When I used to play in chess tournaments, my chess teacher told me to NEVER resign, even though you see grandmaster games sometimes end in resignation. He said at your current level, players will sometimes make mistakes that will allow you to come back, at the grandmaster level those mistakes don't happen. Now obviously, if you're out of pieces and your opponents has a queen and two rooks it'll probably be fine to resign at that point. I guess LoL players at low ELO just think they can always come back.
i disagree

it's -ev to continue the game

1. because even if they throw your team may not capitalize on that

2. still a massive chance to lose

3. tilt may get worse since it's no fun being forced to play a game where all you do is die no matter what you do

people need to stop the "we can still win" mentality when you're 50 kills behind and 6 towers

of course being 10-12 and even in towers surrendering is BS and people still want to but there are cases where surrendering saves everybody time
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05-02-2015 , 09:25 AM
Who the **** cares about EV in LoL.

I just want to have fun. Its not fun to drag out a loss for 20 minutes on the 1% chance you can win it.
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05-02-2015 , 09:55 AM
The feeling you get after a huge comeback is amazing. Definitely the most exciting and satisfying type of win.
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05-02-2015 , 11:40 AM
someone teach me how to donger plz

i saw he has top winrate numbers and all i do is play OP champs to climb, but man do i suck. trying to learn him in normals.

Last edited by Karak; 05-02-2015 at 11:56 AM.
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05-02-2015 , 12:43 PM
press laugh (ctrl+4) to toggle between normal and swag walk
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05-02-2015 , 12:52 PM
nice that's a pro tip.

man am i hot garbage at this champ. 3rd game in and cant stop from feeding. like i lost lane to a gold garen and ended up 1/13/3. thankfully it's just norms.
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05-02-2015 , 01:02 PM
won 3 in a row so it must mean im good right

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05-02-2015 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
someone teach me how to donger plz

i saw he has top winrate numbers and all i do is play OP champs to climb, but man do i suck. trying to learn him in normals.
Yeah, I tried this and gave up. Despite the high winrate, I don't think he can carry a team like an Annie, Fiddlesticks, or Nasus. He's like Teemo.
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05-02-2015 , 02:53 PM
played heimer a bit lately too and i noticed that early on he's meh (def better mid to late game)

his winrate is probably due to the fact that he can push without being punished
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
05-02-2015 , 05:14 PM
elo gain is so broken...

getting +13 and -23 when i've won way more than i lost + i didn't even have a big losing streak recently

had one a month ago (gold 4 70lp to gold V 0 lp but after i won like 6 in a row) but my LP gain is still ****

**** this ****
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
05-02-2015 , 08:26 PM
im currently getting +11 in d5 lol

i tanked my elo to like Plat I/II. having a tough time of it lately, although i think ive got my mechanics back.

it's hard to get motivated when i know ill never get masters. there's like nothing to grind to
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05-02-2015 , 08:49 PM
lol just used jungle gragas first time

super fast clearing somehow and just a really strong tank
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