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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

07-01-2014 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
at low elo i dont really use face of the mountain on thresh much as a gold item, because his auto is ranged(so no execute) and teammates never understand that having me last hit canons and melee minions when i have the freaking spinning balls around me can be beneficial..
Speaking as a low-mid elo adc: we understand, we just don't trust you with the >40g of the cannon minion to properly last hit it with low ad. I can't tell you the number of times I've had a thresh support who bought relic shield to start and then kept ****ing up on last hitting cannon minions, costing me a lot of gold in the process.
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07-01-2014 , 12:17 PM
highest ADC win rate this week in platinum ELO at 53.75 %

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07-01-2014 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
highest ADC win rate this week in platinum ELO at 53.75 %

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07-01-2014 , 12:44 PM
also dlorc,

re: your just reacting comment.

you're definitely right, and i wonder how much of it is just a carryover from years of playing zerg in sc2. totally reactionary race. unless you were cheesing, your entire game plan was based off what the enemy did. need to shake this in league.
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07-01-2014 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Calm Down
can someone link me a good guide to playing tresh? youtube or sometthing

how does tresh's flay passive work exactly?
Thing about Thresh that took me the longest to realize is that the direction the enemies are pushed/pulled with flay is based on the direction your cursor is pointing...
Your Q can be used as escape when in jungle (just hit a wolf/wraith and jump to them)
Also remember your Lantern shield also collects all souls next to it.
Each soul is worth ~15-20 gold, so if you help your jungler with your first buff, it is IMO good idea to go back to pick us the soul from large monster, just be outside the exp share range.
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07-01-2014 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
2+2 has its very own pro thresh, although i havent seen him online much lately

I'll be home tonight!
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07-01-2014 , 02:45 PM
trist problem was always that she is usually a few CS behind against the likes of cait and lucian in lane because of range and her silly passive costing her like 5-10 cs esp when she is pushed in. so she always got the BT late and BT was such a huge powerspike that it was kinda always meh. but with all the mana reduction on her now and the nerf of BT, she is clearly the top ADC especially because she is the most unstoppable force late game with 2.5 attack speed with resets.
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07-01-2014 , 03:23 PM
All hail the age of Trist.

Vlad + Trist 4eva OP.
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07-01-2014 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Omniheart
trist problem was always that she is usually a few CS behind against the likes of cait and lucian in lane because of range and her silly passive costing her like 5-10 cs esp when she is pushed in. so she always got the BT late and BT was such a huge powerspike that it was kinda always meh. but with all the mana reduction on her now and the nerf of BT, she is clearly the top ADC especially because she is the most unstoppable force late game with 2.5 attack speed with resets.
Her e passive isn't as big of a problem as her potato range at low levels.
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07-01-2014 , 03:34 PM
yea her low range gets her pushed into her own turret and u can't farm under the turret because of her E passive. its obviously both. with her Q being mana free, i think it should be on every available time. like maybe Q max is better than E?
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07-01-2014 , 05:20 PM
I think E is better early since it does a ton of poke damage, whereas the Q steroid is only useful in all-in situations, and until you start building some ATS it's really not that big of a DPS buff.

I usually get E to level 3 and then max Q.
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07-01-2014 , 05:45 PM
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07-02-2014 , 01:55 AM
I hate these bloody noob laners who all think they're too good to carry smite and then ping me for stupid neutral stuff. :P
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07-02-2014 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
why does he build spellthief?
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07-02-2014 , 04:12 AM
yeah i was wondering that as well, isnt that only good for supports?
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07-02-2014 , 07:16 AM
It is strange but it is not awful. Edge (and it's upgrades) become cost effective relatively fast. It does require you to clear waves fast though so that you have time to proc the passive between waves.
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07-02-2014 , 07:56 AM
was actively looking for the gold amounts in last night's lcs games. couple of times i noticed supports on the same amt of gold as junglers who had 100-ish farm. once you upgrade to frostfang(lvl 2), you get 3 charges/30sec each of which giving u 10 gold. that's 60 gold/min.

if you miss roughly 2cs/min, thereby getting 10cs/min (which as tristana in low elo is gonna probably be slightly optimistic but w/e), that's roughly 5x20+5x15 = 175 gpm so lvl 2 gold income gives you an extra 33% gold.
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07-02-2014 , 09:47 AM
Argh, these promos are killing me.
20/28 of my losses stem from 10 consecutive promos gone horribly wrong.

Warning: Vent incoming.

Only the third time I'm not out of promo within two games and get to play a third game. And this one is close.
I try to pull all levers available, stealing drag once, grabbing a second while their jgl Fiddle is hunting down a kill in top lane.
Manage to grab two towers split pushing with WW (lol) vs their one as they run up mid.
I even flash steal first and only baron of the game.

With all at 18ish and close to being kitted out, big team fight goes down.
Our Kat does her usual thing and suicides into their group.
Our Panth and Nami doing their usual "let's run into Fiddle's ult" thing but at least manage to take out their damaged Shen and Thresh.
I jump in during final second or two of Fiddle's ult to take him out then proceed to chunk their Cait down to 30% while getting whacked in the back by Gragas. Cait E's out and as I go down to Cait ult, I watch in astonishment how our full-health Ez keeps focusing their Gragas while Cait picks him off cleanly. Cait and Gragas then proceed to win the game obv.

Sigh. It's games like these that make me wonder how I'm ever going to make it out of this league (lol-bronze II, nonetheless).

Still, having said all that, it was insanely fun to do everything possible to even keep us in the game. At least we had a clean shot at winning it.

Much better than last promos where my team got rofl stomped 3-31 (don't ask) and 15-29 respectively.
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07-02-2014 , 12:33 PM
At low elo, I'm fairly convinced that if you want to start winning more consistently that you learn a few support champions really well and main support. This is ofc coming from personal experience. I'm only Silver V but I got out of bronze because I just started playing Leona every time she wasn't banned.

My actual main this season has been Renekton. I win my lane fairly consistently even when I get ganked a lot and will often tell my jungler to help and focus other lanes as I can usually handle a few ganks and out farm my opponent. I feel like I have a decent grasp on how to team fight with Renekton but it's really hard to carry a team as a top laner let alone Renekton.

A good adc can't do too much if he has a bad support and is getting harassed by the enemy support/adc. A bad adc however can get carried pretty hard by a good support imo. Bot lane imo snowballs the hardest because there is generally more gold there with the support items/masteries and the fact that a lot of kills end up being double kills and there are assists involved. This means that 2/5ths of your team is snowballing instead of 1/5th if you were to go mid or top.

Another advantage to getting really good at support is you will almost always get to play that role and the support on the enemy team almost always did not want support or doesn't main support, whereas if you main mid you basically only get it when you are first or 2nd pick and you are more often up against somebody who basically mains mid.

I think I just want to main support for now but I need to expand my champion pool because sadly Leona is the only support champ I'm any good with.
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07-02-2014 , 01:25 PM
Pretty sure in low elo support is the worst role. If you would put a pro in low elo the best type of champs to carry with are probably like Lee, prenerf Khazix and Riven. Renekton is great too because they would just crush their lane so hard and be so big that they are unstoppable.

If you are in Bronze-silver 1 and you cant get out you got huge leaks, when i was in silver 1 with my acc that I brought to p1 I averaged like 10 kills a game.
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07-02-2014 , 02:02 PM
support is good in low elo if you are low elo

like sure if you are diamond skill lvl on an alt playing in lower ranked games, play kassadin and win every game but people like that arnt' asking for advice on how to get out, its the peoples whos skill lvl is bronze/silver in which case learning and playing support helps. As teams with a dedicated support>>>>>>teams without

Last edited by BitchiBee; 07-02-2014 at 02:13 PM.
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07-02-2014 , 03:32 PM
So I've been doing the udyr build on skarner. Seems pretty op. Going madreds spirit stone feral flare. Farm like a boss only gank when ulti is up.
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07-02-2014 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
Pretty sure in low elo support is the worst role. If you would put a pro in low elo the best type of champs to carry with are probably like Lee, prenerf Khazix and Riven. Renekton is great too because they would just crush their lane so hard and be so big that they are unstoppable.

If you are in Bronze-silver 1 and you cant get out you got huge leaks, when i was in silver 1 with my acc that I brought to p1 I averaged like 10 kills a game.
I get what you are saying and you are P1 and I'm S5 so it is what it is.

I've played a LOT of games as renekton and win my lane consistently in spite of being camped. Surely I have leaks but the fact that I'm winning lane consistently and play the champ a lot means I probably have a much better understanding of my champ/role/matchup than my average enemy top laner. Yet, it is still difficult to hard carry a team to victory with this champ because of the most common mistakes made at my elo and Renekton's inability to make up for a lot of them.

I've played over 100 games as leona and am sitting at a 67% winrate with her. If winning bot lane translated to winning games I'd probably have a 90%+ winrate. I believe that this is largely due to me a) good mechanics with this champ and knowing what I can get away with in lane and in team fights just due to the experience I have with her, and b) I can compensate for a ton of the most common mistakes made at my elo.

I think that some of the most common mistakes made by low elo teams are lack of wards, and bad engages, and no peel. When I play Leona I usually rush sight stone and will normally upgrade it to the ruby sight stone so that I can ward more before backing depending on what parts of the map my team requires the vision in the most. Whenever I play lanes other than support its very common to see supports not even getting a sight stone at all in the game let alone rushing one. The fact that I do this every game makes me infinitely more valuable than the enemy support and often more valuable than their jungler or to laner as well considering I typically come out of laning phase like 2-0-4 kinda stats with plenty of free farm from masteries and relic shield.

My build path is pretty static from game to game. I usually always get a locket at some point(unless they have no threat of magic dmg) and face of the mountain for that extra survivability for my carries. I'm a peel machine with her. Her E and R are both super easy for me to land when chasing down the enemy.

So I dunno. I feel like I am hard carrying almost every game I play with her even if I'm not the one getting the kills by controlling the map, winning bot lane phase hard, and smart engages and peeling.

These are a lot of things that supports need to do to be successful yet probably 90% of the supports I have on my team suck real bad in most or all of these categories.

Could it just be variance that I run so good with Leona? I think that if it was then I'd probably feel more like I was getting carried more often than I am but after almost every game I play with her the adc wants to add me to duo.
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07-02-2014 , 04:25 PM
Nothing tilts me more than a 4/0 surrender vote after going an even 4 for 4 in the first real teamfight of the game after bot got smashed for the previous 20 minutes. Like, guys, our jungler is strong and i'm crushing top. I call that 4 for 4 a win in my book. Such a winnable game...

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07-02-2014 , 04:29 PM
i called a troll ff in my last game and it almost went through as 2 other people insta voted yes
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