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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

03-31-2014 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
In my experience bot lane duos are the absolute worst for whining/raging at the rest of their team. Especially when it's the duo themselves that's feeding.
My experience too. Duo bots most of the time are the nut low.
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03-31-2014 , 11:41 AM
jungler / top lane dou are the worst to play against and also to have on yout team
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03-31-2014 , 12:00 PM
All of you are wrong. Duos who have scrub silver players first picking and stealing poor little Karak's jungle role are the nut low.
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03-31-2014 , 03:22 PM
Man I don't get it. I guess I luck boxed my way to plat 1 last season. I can't get out of gold 5 now.
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03-31-2014 , 03:31 PM
theres just alot of luck in this game

I have a gold 4 account thats 40 games in, the kda is like 9/3.5/8 on that account, doesn't matter we still lose. Like you just gotta play alot of games and eventually you'll rise
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03-31-2014 , 04:00 PM
Something that has happened a lot: I just love counterjungling with udyr and it works really well usually I take the opponent jungler totally out of the game. Same with that game, I had his bufftimers and super deep wards everywhere(I like to pinkward the bush behind their redbuff). So I`m pretty oom and our blue is up and their red is respawning soon. I walk to our blue, my mid comes over I ping red twice, he doesn`t go ... I write "NO". He doesn`t go. I write "I take it myself go away". He doesn´t go and forces me to smite.

He then writes in chat "?". Yeah I totally called you over and then just smited it away. Needless to say I didn`t get the opponent redbuff because my smite wasn´t up.


What made it really sad was that I wrote earlier that I`m going to invade their red again(as I did before), so that top/mid back me up if needed. I even gave him the opponent bluebuff earlier and had that timer(So he most likely could`ve gotten that too).I was warding insanely well and ganked for him a lot, he basically had the time of his life in mid but can`t just leave a bluebuff when I say no ...

Last edited by NiSash1337; 03-31-2014 at 04:14 PM.
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03-31-2014 , 04:37 PM
i hate it when there's a shaco or master yi jungler on my team, and i fear it if there's a shaco or master yi jungler on the enemy team
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03-31-2014 , 07:27 PM
I feel that way about Garen, strangely enough. They never do **** on your team, but they are unkillable if they're on the opposing team.
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03-31-2014 , 07:48 PM
Almost back in D1 with new fiddle.
Changed up my starting items ( to amp tome + pot ). It definitely is stronger for ganking lanes pre 6, but it also makes you a lot more vulnerable to jungle invades than the pink+Green+machete. ( dat build so good vs eve though ).

Took a while to adjust to new angles, but its not too bad.
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03-31-2014 , 08:01 PM
had no idea fiddle counters my soraka so hard in team fight. i couldn't get off a single ***** spell lol. silence silence fear fear
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03-31-2014 , 09:54 PM
(before the banning phase is almost over)

HatersGnHate: I'm going to pick the jungler for the last pick and go top lane nasus, which he'll pick for me.
HatersGnHate: Does anyone who picks between us want top or jungle? If so, speak up and we won't do this.
*total silence*
*my timer is running down*
HatersGnHate: No objections?
HatersGnHate: I'm top then

as soon as it's time for 2nd pick to pick instalock ryze "top"

which then forced me in a choice of either first time jungle lee sin or dodging

like seriously can this person not read?
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04-01-2014 , 01:13 AM
Tired of idiots making me lose. 1st two opponents pick Eve and J4, so obv J4 is top. Our top "pro" insta locked Nasus. I said you're a moron, why the hell are you picking Nasus to a J4. He says don't worry. He proceeds to go 0-5 in the first 18 minutes and lost 2 turrets. My support was **** and building AP soraka and our jungler went 0/7/4. **** this game.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
04-01-2014 , 01:24 AM
J4 could just as easily have been mid, but why would picking Nasus into J4 even be a problem? Raging at your teammate before the game even started is ******ed and you deserve to lose if you do that regularly.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
04-01-2014 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by Snamuh
J4 could just as easily have been mid, but why would picking Nasus into J4 even be a problem? Raging at your teammate before the game even started is ******ed and you deserve to lose if you do that regularly.
Nasus does very poorly against champs with poke and decent health, ie. Darius, Garen, J4, Renek. The problem is that all of these champs can go all in and kill Nasus early and often which is what happened. I've never seen J4 mid this season, so I doubt this j4 will buck the trend especially at Silver. He was probably one of those guys that thought ZOMG must pick Nasus and had no clue on how to play him, especially against a good counter like J4. Fine raging at him didn't help but I was right and that's what counts. I've been losing a bunch of games because of ******ed idiots and I'm getting tired of it. Seeing a Nasus picked into a J4 was a ******ed move and something that could've been totally prevented. And no I don't do it regularly but if it's something that egregious I will say something.
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04-01-2014 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
I said you're a moron, why the hell are you picking Nasus to a J4.
I often will dodge if someone acts like you did in champ select cause I don't wanna play with a toxic teammate.

Also, picking Nasus into all the champs you listed above is fine.

Sounds like you aren't helping your teammates win by raging at them. If you start raging in champ select, I can't even imagine what the game is like if something goes wrong.
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04-01-2014 , 03:41 AM
I've seen more J4 mids than top this season. J4 rarely goes top because he gets destroyed by most bruisers.

I've played over 1000 games with J4 in every role. I don't think it's a counter. - it's probably a pretty decent matchup for Nasus considering all of the other top laners he could be facing. J4 has mana issues and doesn't have the sustain to really drive Nasus out of lane. Additionally his poke also serves as his escape so it's not too difficult to gank him (jungler just has to wait for him to Q or E).

Based on your frustration of playing with people that you deem inferior and the effect that it's having on your happiness, it seems that you have a desire to rank up and reach levels where you can play with people that have a better idea of what they're doing. Of course, you're still going to have these feelings at every level so the first thing you need to do is get out of this blaming mindset. Teammates are going to cause you to lose games at every level and you are going to cause teammates to lose games at every level. It happens from Bronze to Challenger. Once you are able to accept this you can now focus on your own play and start trying to figure out how to improve.

Looking at your lolking, you've played 38 different champions out of 147 ranked games. Obviously I don't know the exactly solo queue breakdown but I think it's safe to say that you're branching out too much. My guess is that probably 90% of lower level people do this and it’s a pretty big leak and a large reason they get stuck in bronze/silver/gold.

To support my claim, let's look at some of your numbers. You are above 50% winrate with only 17 of your 38 champions (45% of your pool). Your most common champion (Ashe) accounts for only 17 out of your 147 (12%) games and you have a 47% winrate with her. What this means is that you likely don’t have a bread and butter champion to spam in solo queue and rely on to be a complete boss with. With your top 6 champions you are 38-34 (53% winrate), a respectable winrate if these were the only 6 champions you played. However, with the other 32 champions that you play less frequently, you are 34-41 (45%). Furthermore, you are playing champions in this 45% winrate group in 51% of your total games! It’s understandable that sometimes you will be forced into a role you aren’t comfortable with and have to choose a champion you don’t prefer, but this should not be a large % of the games that you play. By focusing on playing only your top 6 champions, not only are you more likely to increase your overall winrate, but you’ll get better with them and increase your winrate with each of those champions as well.

Without knowing anything about your game I can pretty confidently say that you would be far better off trying to play one or two primary champions every single game that you can get them and then adding four or five secondary champions to your core pool that you can play when you don't get your preferred role. Ideally you become more and more proficient with both groups and your secondary champions eventually become part of your primary pool. This will be the easiest way for you to rank up and figure out all of the non champion specific nuances of the game since you will be much more mechanically proficient with your primary champions.

This is far more important than being able to cover multiple champions in every role and this strategy will be effective even in Challenger (look at Azingy , Nikkonelol, fabbbyyy, DaBox, Cognate, Best Riven NA, etc). It’s not even very important to pick a particularly strong champion (DaBox plays pretty much only Veigar) – you just need to find a champion or two that you are very comfortable with and can be elite with.

Looking at your top 6 most played champions, you have some pretty good map coverage. If forced to play top you could play Khazix, Vi, Amumu. Mid you can play Khazix or Morgana. Jungle you can play Vi, Amumu, Khazix. ADC you can play Ashe or Sivir. Support you can play Morgana (or Amumu in an emergency situation). Choose one role that you request in lobby every single game, and then if forced to play something different, choose one of your secondary champions.

Obviously you can choose whichever champions you want to make up your primary/secondary group but this is the framework for solo queue success.
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04-01-2014 , 03:59 AM
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
04-01-2014 , 05:44 AM
I can`t imagine that J4 is that bad of a matchup for Jarvan. I actually think it`s a pretty good matchup. I have never played it though.
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04-01-2014 , 08:20 AM
I should clarify that although it was Stuntman's lolking that I looked at, the post applies to everyone that complains about their opponents or is frustrated at their inability to advance beyond a certain level. If you are unhappy with the level you are stuck in and you've played more than 12 or so champions this season (and more than 6 or 7 regularly), you're doing it wrong.

Of course, if you're happy where you are and just want to have fun and play a variety of champions, that's fine. However, you also can't bitch about your teammates for causing you to lose because you're often holding your teammates back by playing champions you're mediocre at best with.
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04-01-2014 , 09:01 AM
Fine raging at him didn't help but I was right and that's what counts

i suggest you re-read that sentence a cpl times
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
04-01-2014 , 09:23 AM
Had a game last night, I'm sivir and our team is wukong/Gragas/nautilus/blitz
They have shyvana/Leona/mundo/draven/ryze.

The game dragged on and I built bt,pd,lw,ie and then got halfway to cleaver. In that order, their three tanks stacked armor on top of armor and ours did as well including wukong for some reason. I couldn't dent mundo or any of them really by the end, should I have gotten cleaver after lw or botrk? I rarely build either of those items on sivir but after I got ie it seemed like a mistake.
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04-01-2014 , 10:11 AM
Sona is so strong, I need to play her more
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04-01-2014 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
Tired of idiots making me lose. 1st two opponents pick Eve and J4, so obv J4 is top. Our top "pro" insta locked Nasus. I said you're a moron, why the hell are you picking Nasus to a J4. He says don't worry. He proceeds to go 0-5 in the first 18 minutes and lost 2 turrets. My support was **** and building AP soraka and our jungler went 0/7/4. **** this game.
so this is what being my teammate feels like.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
04-01-2014 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Snamuh
I've seen more J4 mids than top this season. J4 rarely goes top because he gets destroyed by most bruisers.

I've played over 1000 games with J4 in every role. I don't think it's a counter. - it's probably a pretty decent matchup for Nasus considering all of the other top laners he could be facing. J4 has mana issues and doesn't have the sustain to really drive Nasus out of lane. Additionally his poke also serves as his escape so it's not too difficult to gank him (jungler just has to wait for him to Q or E).

Based on your frustration of playing with people that you deem inferior and the effect that it's having on your happiness, it seems that you have a desire to rank up and reach levels where you can play with people that have a better idea of what they're doing. Of course, you're still going to have these feelings at every level so the first thing you need to do is get out of this blaming mindset. Teammates are going to cause you to lose games at every level and you are going to cause teammates to lose games at every level. It happens from Bronze to Challenger. Once you are able to accept this you can now focus on your own play and start trying to figure out how to improve.

Looking at your lolking, you've played 38 different champions out of 147 ranked games. Obviously I don't know the exactly solo queue breakdown but I think it's safe to say that you're branching out too much. My guess is that probably 90% of lower level people do this and it’s a pretty big leak and a large reason they get stuck in bronze/silver/gold.

To support my claim, let's look at some of your numbers. You are above 50% winrate with only 17 of your 38 champions (45% of your pool). Your most common champion (Ashe) accounts for only 17 out of your 147 (12%) games and you have a 47% winrate with her. What this means is that you likely don’t have a bread and butter champion to spam in solo queue and rely on to be a complete boss with. With your top 6 champions you are 38-34 (53% winrate), a respectable winrate if these were the only 6 champions you played. However, with the other 32 champions that you play less frequently, you are 34-41 (45%). Furthermore, you are playing champions in this 45% winrate group in 51% of your total games! It’s understandable that sometimes you will be forced into a role you aren’t comfortable with and have to choose a champion you don’t prefer, but this should not be a large % of the games that you play. By focusing on playing only your top 6 champions, not only are you more likely to increase your overall winrate, but you’ll get better with them and increase your winrate with each of those champions as well.

Without knowing anything about your game I can pretty confidently say that you would be far better off trying to play one or two primary champions every single game that you can get them and then adding four or five secondary champions to your core pool that you can play when you don't get your preferred role. Ideally you become more and more proficient with both groups and your secondary champions eventually become part of your primary pool. This will be the easiest way for you to rank up and figure out all of the non champion specific nuances of the game since you will be much more mechanically proficient with your primary champions.

This is far more important than being able to cover multiple champions in every role and this strategy will be effective even in Challenger (look at Azingy , Nikkonelol, fabbbyyy, DaBox, Cognate, Best Riven NA, etc). It’s not even very important to pick a particularly strong champion (DaBox plays pretty much only Veigar) – you just need to find a champion or two that you are very comfortable with and can be elite with.

Looking at your top 6 most played champions, you have some pretty good map coverage. If forced to play top you could play Khazix, Vi, Amumu. Mid you can play Khazix or Morgana. Jungle you can play Vi, Amumu, Khazix. ADC you can play Ashe or Sivir. Support you can play Morgana (or Amumu in an emergency situation). Choose one role that you request in lobby every single game, and then if forced to play something different, choose one of your secondary champions.

Obviously you can choose whichever champions you want to make up your primary/secondary group but this is the framework for solo queue success.
Great advice man, I really appreciate it. LOL just brings out evil demons from me. I do like the variety of the champs and I find it very difficult to pick a favorite. I try to play a lot of different champs to give myself the best chance to win.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
04-01-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by markbris1
Had a game last night, I'm sivir and our team is wukong/Gragas/nautilus/blitz
They have shyvana/Leona/mundo/draven/ryze.

The game dragged on and I built bt,pd,lw,ie and then got halfway to cleaver. In that order, their three tanks stacked armor on top of armor and ours did as well including wukong for some reason. I couldn't dent mundo or any of them really by the end, should I have gotten cleaver after lw or botrk? I rarely build either of those items on sivir but after I got ie it seemed like a mistake.
I probably would've switched out BT with BOTRK, that extra 5% max hp dmg can really help with LW to bring down armor tanks.
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