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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

08-09-2013 , 03:15 AM
I watched you play Kassadin (vs Diana) when Wukong carried your team. You put yourself at risk way too often by wasting Riftwalk for damage when you could easily just use Null Sphere and Force Pulse from a distance. You need to poke the heroes on the outside with Null Sphere, be disruptive with AOE slow on Force Pulse, and save Riftwalk primarily to chase down low health champions that are separated from the team or to get away. Kassadin is an assassin, so you should really be waiting or trying to force a team fight to break down/spread out so you can isolate weak/low HP targets.
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08-09-2013 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by aK13
I get a real troll game (4v5, intentional feed, support is not viable) maybe 1 out of every 10 games. You can't eliminate all of it but I don't think it's that bad. I also don't count stuff like mid AD, AP Janna, etc troll because honestly win rates in unconventional games are probably 50%. As long as the players are trying to win and actually know how to use the champion I have no issues. That said, it definitely seems like Karak runs really bad with troll games.
I got no problem with unconventional builds as well. I also have no problem with people losing their lanes and going "sry guys, that other dude is playing better than me, ill just try to farm or something". But you rarely get that in Silver V, where I am at. You usually get raging lunatics blaming other people for their stupidity or lack of skill.

I had a pretty good W/L ratio moving up from Bronze V to Silver. As soon as I got to Silver, it dropped immensely.

Now, I know about MMR and such. And my MMR went into the ****ter (getting paired up with Bronze III mostly nowadays). I had a W/L-ratio of about 57% moving up, now I am close to 50%.

That said, I am currently tracking my Silver V games. So once I got about 50 to 80 games collected, I am going to post those notes about the games online so that maybe more people will understand what level of trolling and/or lack of understanding of the game you have to deal with sometimes.
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08-09-2013 , 03:30 AM
despite the level of trolling. I've "boosted" probably around 100 games now for various accounts in the bronze up to silver 2 region and it's all the same. If you have the skill you snowball your lane and the games are often won. Obviously some games aren't winnable, but more often than not you can carry them.
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08-09-2013 , 04:31 AM
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08-09-2013 , 12:55 PM
1st pick: mid
picks sona
(its obvious hes gonna swap with someone but didnt type it)

4th pick: thresh, blitz or leona
1st pick: nonononon
4th pick picks blitz

soloq <3
sona vs katarina mid, lets win this
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08-09-2013 , 02:48 PM
games today babes
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08-09-2013 , 03:09 PM
also kassadin has to rape other lanes and get his team ahead and like AK said pick your spots carefully. fed kass is p useless if you cant teamfight with him, with those scores their damage should be getting shut down

you can post reps if you want me/others to take a look
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08-09-2013 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Andre_787
1st pick: mid
picks sona
(its obvious hes gonna swap with someone but didnt type it)

4th pick: thresh, blitz or leona
1st pick: nonononon
4th pick picks blitz

soloq <3
sona vs katarina mid, lets win this
sona mid is god i assume you ended up winning
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
08-09-2013 , 06:23 PM
a good kassadin team fight you use r to escape more than to chase, hes sorta like a matador, you run around being brave but if anyone ever attacks you you get out of there.
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08-09-2013 , 06:39 PM
Confirmed: when solo que normal for/against noobs like myself, Rumble top is OP.

Also have been using Vi in jungle and had alot of success when Nunu is banned.
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08-09-2013 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
sona mid is god i assume you ended up winning
we won just because of 2 afk in their teams
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
08-09-2013 , 07:45 PM
i was raging really hard last night, as im sure you can tell from my posts

this game used to never make me rage, but i hate winning my lane more often than not and then losing the game. however, it is most likely my fault. i used to have the same problem in sc2. i could get huge leads in the early/mid game, but could never close out late. the difference here, of course, is that there's 4 other people i can blame it on.

for example, in the game i took a massive lead as shen, i probably could have just stayed away from my team and split pushed to victory... but i dont know how to split push haha.

i also often find myself in the position of taking control of a team late game, and im sure my calls are less than optimal.

that said, i do run into a lot of trolls and 4v5s, which are of course beyond my control. that's what frustrates me the most

Last edited by Karak; 08-09-2013 at 07:45 PM. Reason: .
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08-09-2013 , 07:54 PM
otoh i watched dyrus stream as lee sin the other day... went 12-0, but his team lost and it wasnt really that close. that was funny.
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08-09-2013 , 08:17 PM
Lee sin is one of those champs that has miserable carrying ability.
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08-09-2013 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Thamel18
Lee sin is one of those champs that has miserable carrying ability.
So is Karak
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08-09-2013 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
So is Karak
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08-09-2013 , 09:16 PM
Shots fired.
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08-09-2013 , 09:32 PM
U guys are too mean
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08-09-2013 , 11:28 PM
First ranked game post-Plat with Bluef0x: We're blue team, and our bot lane tribrush gets 4 man invaded by their team. Our first pick Amumu somehow didn't notice and nearly died at ~135, and had to B and wouldn't start red without our support (Bluef0x on Janna, oh the toxicity). Add to this that both our Twitch & Anivia are basically piling on bluef0x and telling him to go help and being jerks to him through the midgame, it was pretty obnoxious and certainly not the standard level of toxicity. However we manage to win mid-lategame teamfights with the Kennen/Amumu/Anivia wombo combo with Twitch in the wings.
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08-10-2013 , 12:32 AM
Been watching Dota 2 tournament games tonight. One absolutely sick play:

One hero has Blitzcrank Q + Warwick R, which is pretty sick combo in itself [Pudge]
Another hero has a 3 second cast time spell that teleports an ally to fountain. [Chen]

NaVi timed it so Chen started casting teleport on Pudge, Pudge hooked an enemy, and the teleport went off right after the hook landed - so the hooked enemy got dragged all the way back to fountain and got lazered.

They did this like 4-5 times during the match. lol.
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08-10-2013 , 01:08 AM
It requires such ridiculous execution (A 3s teleport aligning with a 0.5s window of the hook being thrown) and can be fairly punishable if misexecuted. The DOTA mantra is that everything is OP though, and that can be certainly seen with many other things (50s CD global teleport at lvl 1 anybody?)
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08-10-2013 , 01:21 AM
They missed so many times it seemed like Pudge was perpetually walking back from fountain. I'll link a video once there's one w/ english commentary on youtube. It's NaVi vs TongFu game 3 of International 3.
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08-10-2013 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by Thamel18
It requires such ridiculous execution (A 3s teleport aligning with a 0.5s window of the hook being thrown) and can be fairly punishable if misexecuted. The DOTA mantra is that everything is OP though, and that can be certainly seen with many other things (50s CD global teleport at lvl 1 anybody?)
DOTA where beta TF is mediocre
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
08-10-2013 , 01:49 AM
amumu starting red? stupid
amumu chasing after 4 enemies at lvl 1? stupid
amumu having to recall, goes back to red, and sits there for 20 seconds demanding our carry to help him after creeps are in lanes? jdsfaksdfjkasdfjaksdfjkasdfj

he didn't deserve that win. dont know how he's played 300 games with amumu and is plat.
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