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05-31-2014 , 01:26 AM
Here are my ratings for champions I've had so far

One4All ratings so far

Fizz A+ as expected so much fun/skill in dodging with E/Zhonyas all around entertaining game

Lux D- she wave clears too well, so even when you are getting stomped you can still clear waves instantly so it takes forever to push turrets our game went 40mins with them up 40kills ffs, this is almost certainly true of other poke clear champs like Ziggs

Alistar A pretty entertaining, tons of build options, I'm god awful at his combo but was still good game

Yasou B champ I have no games on, pretty good game, some built tank that did surprisingly well, games are too snowball heavy to be top tier

Lee Sin A a lot of variety in builds, very entertaining interactive skill set definitely solid pick

Nami B+ game plays out pretty sluggish, having one go AD and then having people keep E up on that one constant is pretty good, bubble/ult chains are a little frustrating but ok game

Caitlyn F Caitlyn exists as a champion for 1 reason 650 range that's really it, she's boring clunky and is good entirely because you can't buy range. In this mode she no longer has the 1 thing that makes her exist and it is just total AIDS probably bottom 5 champ in this mode
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05-31-2014 , 04:34 AM
Leblanc is really fun in this mode, high mobility and burst creates fun games
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05-31-2014 , 05:05 AM
Ziggs is fun - Satchel charge will blow up allies and teammates alike. First item athenes for the mr and then zhonyas to survive all those ults. I get Banshees veil last and feel pretty invincible.

Blitzcrank is utter chaos: you would think a simultaneous pull would bring the players together but you actually swap places. Fun to line up and do consecutive pulls on the same champ to put them utterly out of position.

Hated lux and I'm looking forwards to trying fiddlesticks and Braum. Remember that no matter what champ gets picked it's still good to have at least one tank on your team imo. So if nobody else is doing it consider building your veiger into a tank for an advantage for your team.
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05-31-2014 , 06:38 AM
Mundo is the most fun in this. Noone ever dies
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05-31-2014 , 10:01 AM
played a xerath, really boring. MF, kinda boring. TF, was not bad, Q card dodgeball and ult flanking.

why everyone always nominate poke champions? i nominated master yi twice, but no dice. :3

also think darius would prob be fun.
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05-31-2014 , 10:22 AM
Xerath D a little better than Lux since his kit is more interesting but boring poke match that takes forever

Had Draven win lottery twice only to have some ******* dodge both times, was so looking forward to the axe chaos, I could see Ziggs being a little fun due to his Satchel charge creating amusing ping pong moments and the bouncing your teammate to them so you can escape moments

Blitz seems amusing once and probably horrible after that, Thresh has a kit that will have people flying everywhere all the time looking forward to that
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05-31-2014 , 10:47 AM
HAd ezreal 3 times, It is probably my least enjoyable.
Most enjoyable were leona or nautilus. I love playing all tanks and have a massive long drawn out fights
That being said, Kat was epic
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05-31-2014 , 12:58 PM
Kat is just too snowbally imo. I played zilean and it was just ridiculous. All about baiting out the ults. Also taric is pretty hilarious. Reminds me of the old days of playing warcraft 3 and units not dying for 10 seconds autoattacking each other.
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05-31-2014 , 01:37 PM
I'd rate Nidalee a solid F-, everyone just stands back, throws spears and heals. Not very fun.

Zed a C maybe, but I probably just suck at the champion. Ahri, Zac and Mao'Kai were all super fun.
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05-31-2014 , 02:03 PM
Ezreal was terrible, Cait was terrible. Heimer was suprisingly good, expcet for the fact that whatever team gets to mid first and gets turrets in the other teams bush, wins. Luckily it was us
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05-31-2014 , 02:11 PM
Garen is incredible, the fights were hilarious with 10 people spinning, his laugh and dance are great, and at one point 8 of the 10 garens in my game were all dancing in a row. One garen from each team was tryharding and attacking during dancing, so each team killed the tryhard and went back to dancing.
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05-31-2014 , 02:39 PM
Zac - was fun but slow paced with all the passives. Everyone doing stretch armstrongs into fights was pretty hilarious.

Ezreal - wasn't a fan but my build was bad and I've never really played the champ. Build AP and have fun blasting people.

Fiddlesticks - another good one, having multiple Fiddles channelling and then ulting all over the screen is pretty good. Lots of room to wombo someone with Fear, Crows and then Drain.

Blitzcrank - good fun with chain pulling. Like Zac it goes on for a while.

Twisted Fate - best one I've played yet, chain stunning with yellow cards was great and backdooring potential is exciting.
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05-31-2014 , 02:57 PM
dmn someone dodged my ww game
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05-31-2014 , 06:00 PM
Blitzcrank A+ (buy hydra)
Ziggs A , was awsome to W your teammates into them ;p
Gragas B, believe it or not in this game we needed skills.
Karthus D ok if u press R (all at once) the enemy will die. But after you just cant push.
Nidalee F U hit a spear and they just heal up...
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05-31-2014 , 06:27 PM
Played a few games last night with bumhunt and adrenicide on top of a few I played the other night.

My favorite game so far was with Gangplank. He can be built a bunch of ways and still do some damage. Comboing a few ults together usually meant death for someone. Plus he's a pirate and has a pistol. How can that not be fun?

Vayne - D
Yasou - B
Shen - B
Rumble - B+, Even if you suck with him its hard to figure out who fail ulted in this mode!
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05-31-2014 , 07:33 PM
Amumu A : Pretty fun. Ult and bandage toss madness!
Teemo A- : I found this to be hilarious. Huge fields of shrooms. If I played a second time, probably not. Get a hextech sweeper.
Katarina B : Just buy an orb of winter and aegis for your first two items, then DCap into void.
Fiddlesticks B : Pretty fun.
Cane B- : I went AP and did 2x the damage of the other nasuses. Ult scales w/ AP. ( ) Gameplay is kinda meh.
Yasou B- : Fights seemed to be determined by whichever team got a knockup into chained ults first.
Darius C : Pull, spin, pull, spin, zzzz.
Singed D : Took way too long. Poison doesn't stack and towers are hard to kill.

My biggest tips are to build Aegis first if AP champ or Zeke's if AD champ.
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05-31-2014 , 08:34 PM
Amumu - very fun. Just make sure your team stays spread out, wait for villains to engage and bait out their ults and then toss in, ult and gg win ez.

Zed - kind of boring imo.
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05-31-2014 , 11:02 PM
So far I've played:

Kat - A : Really fun and crazy once the resets start. Was only a penta away from hitting for the multikill cycle

Malzahar - D : Pretty boring, just space aids everywhere.

Anivia - D+ : Only slightly better than Malz because all the slow-flying stuns and walls make it funnier. But the infinite waveclear and horrible tower pushing is terrible. I did manage over 300 MR while still dealing by far the most damage on my team, though. Too bad it was a 4v5 so we just barely lost instead of stomping.

Lulu - A : As fun as Kat for almost the opposite reasons. Instead of everyone dying in 5 seconds, everyone lives forever with all the shields, hastes, and ults.

Also dodged a Nidalee because **** that champion.
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06-01-2014 , 12:51 AM
Heimerdinger - C. Got this one twice. As far as I can tell, the winner is determined by whichever team buys faster and rushes to the enemy brush to place turrets first. Then there's a slow but inevitable push to the end.

Lux - D.
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06-01-2014 , 01:57 AM
really want to try blitz, lee sin, and
shyvana for some reason
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06-01-2014 , 04:26 AM
Janna was pretty fun.
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06-01-2014 , 06:30 AM
Just fyi - there's a new sommoners icon for people who have won a one for all game

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06-01-2014 , 07:06 AM
Ugh, summoners*. Sorry, that mis-spell was too ugly for me to leave uncorrected.
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06-01-2014 , 02:01 PM
Orianna was very fun. The game is not too snowbally and doesn't last forever.
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06-01-2014 , 03:26 PM
Thresh - B+ : Pretty fun. If you get caught, you pretty much can't do a thing. I gave up first blood without even getting an ability off despite mashing it because of continuous flays and hooks.

Ziggs - A : Really tests your dodging skills, but tons of fun to just spam all your stuff. But I'm biased because Ziggs is my favorite champion. Tower pushing could be a problem due to infinite waveclear, but it's also really easy to ace the enemy with all the AoE.

Khazix - B : Kinda the same as Kat, except everyone evolved W and we got a bit of a poke war first before all the resets took off.
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