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NA LCS Season 4 NA LCS Season 4

01-17-2014 , 10:38 PM
Phreak: "wow i was not expecting the tiamats on khazix"
Jatt (i think its Jatt?): "............really?"
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-17-2014 , 10:41 PM
o god cruzer

just ran around in a circle that last fight
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-17-2014 , 10:46 PM
go home dig. relegation this season.
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-17-2014 , 10:50 PM
When you lose to CLG where Hotshot plays mid and Link plays jungle, its time to pack it up.

GG Dignitas
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-17-2014 , 10:52 PM
Individually dig doesn't seem that bad. I mean crumbz is solid. Scarra can win a lane. Doublelift is a highly regarded adc. But damn when they get together....
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 12:21 AM
Initial thoughts:

- Regi is gone but TSM played like old TSM. That is not a compliment. They should be able to do better with this roster.
- Cloud 9 is just going to beat everyone because they control objectives like 1000% better than anyone in North America. Cloud 9 play a simple game, but the other teams aren't reacting to it
- Dignitas fans will take heart that Cruzer looked okay in top lane - however he has Wickd syndrome - he got ahead in lane and then proceeded to do absolutely nothing with it.
- Hotshot wasn't great, but he survived lane, despite repeated ganks.
- Krepo played out of his mind in EG's second game, seriously you could put together about a minute and half highlight reel of his plays. If EG was more in the game, those plays could have turned it around.
-XDG's laneswap doesn't look too bad. I'm as shocked as you are.
- I'm disappointed in Coast. They looked great in the challenger circut and routinely beat Curse. They should be able to take a step up.
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 10:08 AM
Looking forward to the games today

NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 02:49 PM
**** yes c9
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
not an experienced player buy i would say
-6 abilities, including a stun, a %health, an execute, a atk speed steroid, and an escape and an aoe. can do lots of damage while getting tanky with just a haunting guise. with a high skill level she has a potential huge impact on games, having great gank potential and can farm well also.
Her escape is special too, as you can dive towers really easy with her and get toweraggro off yourself.
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:20 PM
Which female is closest to being on a LCS team?
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by BirdieLongSocks
Which female is closest to being on a LCS team?
This one
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:34 PM
Seems like every female player is playing support.
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:39 PM
Or to rephrase, what team is the best with a girl on the squad.
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:55 PM
hafu was the only female streamer i ever saw at D1 or higher. she has taken her rage at chat trolls show to hearthstone now tho.
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:58 PM
Kay, so no chance of female tits in the playinging chairs of lcs in the forseeable future.


your op is great
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 04:22 PM
Crs should have gone jungle Karthus instead for more lols.
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 04:29 PM
These are the comps that Curse has to play imo - Not exactly Karthus top, but off meta comps will be their strengths. I applaud their creativity...I'm just not sure its going to work out
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 04:32 PM
Just let Zuna play a nonmechanical jungler ffs he is painful to watch on elise/vi hopefully we will never see him on Lee.
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 04:38 PM
Zuna likes to cancel his path and die.


Seems like building ninja tabis is kinda dumb too?
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 04:39 PM
IWD looks like the biggest douche in the world but that guys got the moves.
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 04:39 PM
Vulcun is dying so fast Quas can't even get the assists from his ult lol.
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by smokesx
IWD looks like the biggest douche in the world but that guys got the moves.
He is quite the boss. Def would rate him as #2 from what I`ve seen now.

Also did Zuna just walk into a trap with Vision which denied the possible Baron stealattempt?
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by DatFirefly
These are the comps that Curse has to play imo - Not exactly Karthus top, but off meta comps will be their strengths. I applaud their creativity...I'm just not sure its going to work out
Why do they have to play off meta comps?
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 05:10 PM
because both of their solo lanes are specialists not fotmers, zekent too but that matter less
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
01-18-2014 , 05:18 PM
in b4 elise massacre
NA LCS Season 4 Quote
