Unless G2 get Mithy and Zven like the rumours say, the team is pretty much done in popularity. Certainly hilarious, those Rookies were riding the high and now get taken back to the harsh reality.
Unless G2 get Mithy and Zven like the rumours say, the team is pretty much done in popularity. Certainly hilarious, those Rookies were riding the high and now get taken back to the harsh reality.
Top - Korean
Jungle - Trick
Mid - Perkz
ADc = Niels
Support = Mithy/Hybrid
would certainly be sweet. Emperor -> Forgiven, Kiki-> Korean could also work.
As much as they've struggled in this tournament I think SKT is gonna find a way to beat RNG. They're gonna prepare well enough and I expect them to work hard to force the lane swaps, which RNG have never been comfortable with.
Fizz with 30% CDR and Zhonya's in the hands of Faker was scary, Blank/Bang/Wolf just desperately needed a front line though and Faker couldn't provide that and Duke was MIA.
Blank turning that game around with the top lane gank after Wolf died.
I feel like this is how the games are gonna go. RNG is a big favorite in the early game, but SKT is much better at grinding it out if they get behind. If SKT can somehow go even or get a lead in the early game, they're much better at snowballing it from there.