Originally Posted by Quagmyer
insta buying Olaf now.
Fizz got a generous buff too, which I find not necessary.
Fizz has no sustain and cant farm without being in melee range so his laning phase is super weak until he can try to burst you down at lvl 6+. I always felt like if I took any harass I just got zoned. I do feel like he is viable sometimes mid and the real nice thing I like about him is he can last hit under tower well because of his w passive. If they change his W to work like Irelia's I think he would be a lot more viable.
Anyway didnt know there was a LoL thread on 2+2 or I would have been checking it out a lot more xd. I just started grinding ranked so I'm 12-1300 if anybody wants to que or even just play normals (I like 3s..)