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League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion

12-13-2011 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Punch Dancer
To all the ELO hell talk ITT. At the beginning of season II, I went str8 from 1600'ish straight down to a little below 1100 rating. I then played top in about 95% of my games, won my lane about 90% of the time, and won my lane in a game breaking sort of way really often. I had something like a 85% winrate going from 1100 to 1550.

While i probably ran well, my improvement in play, as well as champion and lane selection was the determining factor in a huge majority of my wins.

Onto another point: worrying about your record or caring much about your ELO when you're extremely low rated is very very silly. Noone cares about your record or your rating; Make improvement and volume your main goals. Putting unnecessary stress on your stats is an exercise in futility.
Can you tell me what your champions are that you solo top with?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 12:10 AM
lol just won a game where i last pick xerath instead of the jungler we need bcuz I spaced out. 1700's too tough ><
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12-13-2011 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by aK13
She has low attack speed scaling and low base damage. Most other ADs who are bad early game have steroid damage/attack speed buffs that make them scale better late game. Range also becomes less of an advantage late game because there is less poking and more just straight up fighting/diving.
This is only partially true, as cait actually has decent base damage values

base damage | Increase/lvl | Attk Spd| Increase/lvl

Cait 47|3|.668| 3%

Ashe 46.3|2.85| .658| 3.34%

Tristana 46.5| 3| .658| 3.01%

Graves 51| 3.1 | .638| 2.9%

Vayne 50 | 3.25| .658 | 3.1%

Ezreal 47.2 | 3| .665 | 2.8%

Her bases are pretty much in line with other AD carries, but you're right that her big issue is that she doesn't have any good AD steroids. Her only Auto Attack buff is that she can do 150% increased damage every 6 shots.

Tristana has a 90% AS buff

Graves has an 80% AS buff

Vayne has an AD buff on her ult, an AD buff on her ultimate, and a buff w/ her silver bolts (this is why vayne scales so well, if you've ever wondered what made vayne so amazing late game)

Ezreal has an up to 50% AS buff on his passive.

The only person who has a worse steroid than cait is ashe, whose only buff is an increase in crit chance over time, but she does even less damage late game than cait does, although she has super high utility to compensate

All that said though, I think people tend to over exaggerate Cait's late game deficiencies. Throwing a trap down in the middle of a fight is pretty nice utility. Having a ranged execute is great for cleaning up a team fight and picking off a runner. Her net plus her range allow her to position herself really well. You can buy a lot of things in LOL but you can't buy increased range, playing cait well involves abusing that the best you can.

Last edited by snowden; 12-13-2011 at 12:23 AM.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Double Ice
Can you tell me what your champions are that you solo top with?
Trynd/riven/wukong in rated. I play w/e in normal games
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 01:23 AM
Can I play shaco not as a jungler? I dunno what it is but I just can't level as a jungler at all.
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12-13-2011 , 02:25 AM
Range also becomes less of an advantage late game because there is less poking
no, no

trist is lol's hyper carry and alot of it is due to 700 range AA, the only cary with a lower than 600 range whos good late game is vayne but vayne makes up for it with facemelting damage and 2 sec repositioning tool.

graves is garbage late game while trist is the one hero you want on your team when it gets past an hour for one reason only

Last edited by BitchiBee; 12-13-2011 at 02:32 AM.
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12-13-2011 , 04:38 AM
who wants to set up a 1v1 tourney sometime next week when i am done with exams.
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12-13-2011 , 04:44 AM
tristana is awesome, for someone with mediocre last hitting ability it is so much easier to farm with her than a strictly single target champ like vayne (the first real ad carry i learned to play)

you don't give up any late game power compared to other ad carries, rocket jump is a great, simple to use escape when you **** up and get caught out of position, and you even get her for free from facebook

all of her abilities scaling off of AP is inexplicable, but it's a testament to how great she is that it doesn't even matter.
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12-13-2011 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by reggieftw
who wants to set up a 1v1 tourney sometime next week when i am done with exams.
Down for this
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 10:46 AM

not ahriiiiiii

Last edited by GTBMuckface; 12-13-2011 at 10:53 AM.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by 21times20
all of her abilities scaling off of AP is inexplicable, but it's a testament to how great she is that it doesn't even matter.
shes an old hero where abilites scaled off of ability power hmm
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 12:45 PM
I like (aka dislike) that they didn't add anything to Udyr's passive, just removed the dodge lol.
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12-13-2011 , 01:14 PM
Day 2 of my climb to 1200 begins now!

Ugh, I hate when I am the highest ELO. It just makes me expect my teammates to suck
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12-13-2011 , 01:16 PM
In before demoralizing loss report.
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12-13-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
Day 2 of my climb to 1200 begins now!

Ugh, I hate when I am the highest ELO. It just makes me expect my teammates to suck
u should be happy! U get to do bans, U get first pick of lanes, and you can expect the enemy team to be worse... ur in the carry spot when u pick first. HAPPY DAY
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
I like (aka dislike) that they didn't add anything to Udyr's passive, just removed the dodge lol.
I read someone arguing that it wasn't an Udyr nerf. They said because dodge was getting removed anyway, it wasn't a nerf. LOL.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Punch Dancer
u should be happy! U get to do bans, U get first pick of lanes, and you can expect the enemy team to be worse... ur in the carry spot when u pick first. HAPPY DAY
Lol I just get nervous. True though, I get my choice of pick. Doesn't matter though, we had an afk who randomed to heal/clarity Nunu, so someone dodged. My new team has two people bickering over who gets mid lol.

Last pick ended up getting mid and says its his first time playing LeBlanc. Woot.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 01:28 PM
TLR, whiny

^ I actually had the worst games that I can remember last night. Some douchebag who was smurfing, his name was doom brew on his main, was the most obnoxious POS I've seen in awhile. He completely ruined my LoL for the night as I got him on my team for 3 games in a row... and it wasn't just like I could /ignore. He was threatening to afk over every stupid little thing that happened, being a b*tch about EVERYTHING, and was playing like a ******. I should have been 3-0 for the night... but he refused to come to baron and fight 5v5 late game. like flat out just didn't come... we lost what was an ez win... then he proceeded to berate me, call me a troll, and flip **** over my negative KDR as a tank

cliffs: High ELO players can be just as douchey(or more douchey) than low ELO.

PS: I hate when people misuse the word troll. It's like LoL players just use it as some universal insult... I guess it's the new "newb".
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 01:59 PM
I played a ranked 5s with doombrew once on vent, he is one whiny bastard

Lol I just get nervous. True though, I get my choice of pick. Doesn't matter though, we had an afk who randomed to heal/clarity Nunu, so someone dodged. My new team has two people bickering over who gets mid lol.
thats the one good thing about being above 1200, last pick asks for solo/jungle, top and jungle is picked and me being 4th pick snap lock orianna before him and while he rages for a bit he picks ad.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Punch Dancer
TLR, whiny

^ I actually had the worst games that I can remember last night. Some douchebag who was smurfing, his name was doom brew on his main, was the most obnoxious POS I've seen in awhile. He completely ruined my LoL for the night as I got him on my team for 3 games in a row... and it wasn't just like I could /ignore. He was threatening to afk over every stupid little thing that happened, being a b*tch about EVERYTHING, and was playing like a ******. I should have been 3-0 for the night... but he refused to come to baron and fight 5v5 late game. like flat out just didn't come... we lost what was an ez win... then he proceeded to berate me, call me a troll, and flip **** over my negative KDR as a tank

cliffs: High ELO players can be just as douchey(or more douchey) than low ELO.

PS: I hate when people misuse the word troll. It's like LoL players just use it as some universal insult... I guess it's the new "newb".
yep that sounds pretty standard game.

ok now I'd like your advise and I'm not trolling.
I think what we low elo players are missing the most is psychology.
U say u played solo top 95% of the time so my question is:

1_how do you do it?
2_what do you type in chat?
3_do u type anything?
4_if someone type solo top and u get to pick 1st do u pick solo top?
5_if that same guy decides after u get ur champ to still pick top and ingame goes top with u what do u do?
6_do u man up and go somewhere else or do u play a la james dean and see who leaves 1st?
7_u say solo top and are 4th pick,picks goes morg/cho/fiddle,what do u do?

I do believe a lot of my games are ruinned by poor communication,and from what I understand there seem to be a way to get things in order.

I'm in now way talking about end results or skills here I'm really curious about how you guys proceed on this.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 02:23 PM
Well, we pulled it out.

It wasn't looking good at like any point in the game for us. But we caught their Shaco out of position while their Wukong was trying to BD, so we pushed Nexus 5v3 and just won.

One thing that would probably help my ranked game is playing Graves in normals for like 20 straight games. I'm not very good at him so when I have to AD carry it's a problem.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 02:26 PM
yeah, below 1200 elo there is a minimum of 2-3 people trying to play solo top and you consider yourself lucky if you don't end up with a singed, wukong, or garen in bot next to your ad carry.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Punch Dancer
TLR, whiny

^ I actually had the worst games that I can remember last night. Some douchebag who was smurfing, his name was doom brew on his main, was the most obnoxious POS I've seen in awhile. He completely ruined my LoL for the night as I got him on my team for 3 games in a row... and it wasn't just like I could /ignore. He was threatening to afk over every stupid little thing that happened, being a b*tch about EVERYTHING, and was playing like a ******. I should have been 3-0 for the night... but he refused to come to baron and fight 5v5 late game. like flat out just didn't come... we lost what was an ez win... then he proceeded to berate me, call me a troll, and flip **** over my negative KDR as a tank

cliffs: High ELO players can be just as douchey(or more douchey) than low ELO.

PS: I hate when people misuse the word troll. It's like LoL players just use it as some universal insult... I guess it's the new "newb".
Don't insta requeue?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2011 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
Don't insta requeue?
hes at the point where there isn't many people in his elo range
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12-13-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
I read someone arguing that it wasn't an Udyr nerf. They said because dodge was getting removed anyway, it wasn't a nerf. LOL.
Its a massive nerf, he's prob still viable but way less tanky you always had 9% dodge up during teamfights

Its the biggest single nerf of the last 3 months
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