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06-23-2014 , 09:17 AM
Teaching him playing Jax is useful though because he's not banned every single f*cking game
06-23-2014 , 09:20 AM
he's banned like 80% in silver, i personally ban him around 90% as well.

since i'm here, i'll throw in my 0.02$ of advice (that's been stated before by better player): have a main. Other than your main, have secondary champs that you play a lot on, it's useless if you main ziggs but then also have 25 champs that you have 4-10 games on during the season.

like i'm not a great player by any means, compounded by the fact that i play league to de-tilt from poker so 99% of the time i'm stoned and 50% i'm also drinking, but the fact that i have a few champs that i've played most of my games with recently is huge. Had a ziggs game vs annie the other day. Have never played that matchup, nor do i have more than 40 lifetime games on ziggs. However, i have ~30 games on him this season (compared to my prev main sivir where i have 90 games) whereas annie had like 3 games on that champ. I wrecked her even though her stuns/dmg caught me off guard a couple times in the early game. B/c I knew exactly what the gameplan with ziggs needs to be I never overextended as an overcompensation to being pushed out of lane and constantly used his kit to do what is needed vs annie which is poke the **** out of her while staying safe. the only times she legit had kill pressure in lane was once when she flash-tibbers me under tower but didn't even kill me b/c she had low farm, then i just outright killed her twice in lane both by just poking her to 10% health then ulting when she goes to leave lane. Was that b/c i'm so good? because my micro is amazing or i have 500 games on ziggs? Nope, was b/c she doesn't main annie, doesn't main mid and thus has no idea how much dmg she can take/how much dmg i can do/how the lane should play out.

Last edited by Jah Onion; 06-23-2014 at 09:28 AM.
06-23-2014 , 09:34 AM
06-23-2014 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Avizura
Yes sir. Maining a few champs is so good. I main Renekton top lane and have like 150 ranked games with him. My winrate with him isn't that great (slightly over 50%) though I win my lane a lot even when I'm against a teemo, kayle or ryze because I'm laning against a player that decided to counter pick me with a champ they have no experience on and if you play enough Renekton you are going to run into these matchups a lot so you get to know what you need to do to survive and not feed in the event that they are competent and when they are not, you can just wreck them at level 6 and snowball from there.
06-23-2014 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by LazyAce
Renekton top lane
I win my lane a lot even when I'm against a teemo.
Renekton counters teemo pretty hard.

If you are low leveled and you are just starting, play with as many champions possible. This way you will learn how to play against those champions, you will also have a bigger champion pool when you reach higher levels.
Maining one character might help you increase your winrate now, but that advantage will quickly cap. And by the time you get to ranked games with 400 ziggs games, you will have no idea how any of the other characters work, and that's pretty important. In the long run, if you care about the long run, just play for fun when you are leveling up and learn to use new champions, make sure to use every free champion available a couple of times if you have the opportunity to do so.
Once you get a general idea of how every champion works and how certain lines work you can feel comfortable with picking one and you will naturally find a champion that you'll have a lot of matchup experience with. Although all in all, you will notice a lot of lane champions are the same as another group of champions. For mid for example, there's champions like ziggs, orianna, lux, karthus, anivia, who specialize at farming safely and poking. While you will have champions like kassadin, leblanc, kazix, talon, zed, where you will have trouble farming but you will get to roam and gank easily. Rather than learning how to play 100 champions, you will learn to play melee assasins, ranged assasins, poke mages, utility mages, farming champions, short ranged, long ranged, etc... I highly recommend against playing one champion a lot, it's like practicing poker by playing from the button only. Also, it's pretty boring.

Just postpone the going pro part for a while and familiarize yourself with every champion.League is a game where you can't play against any champion in the enemy team without knowing how they work.
Also ranked is a game where a diverse champion pool helps you win, not only do you need to be good at all roles, but you need to have more than 4 good options on each and some decent ones to back those up.

Sorry for the thread hijack.
06-24-2014 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by LoveThee
Renekton counters teemo pretty hard.

If you are low leveled and you are just starting, play with as many champions possible. This way you will learn how to play against those champions, you will also have a bigger champion pool when you reach higher levels.
Maining one character might help you increase your winrate now, but that advantage will quickly cap. And by the time you get to ranked games with 400 ziggs games, you will have no idea how any of the other characters work, and that's pretty important. In the long run, if you care about the long run, just play for fun when you are leveling up and learn to use new champions, make sure to use every free champion available a couple of times if you have the opportunity to do so.
Once you get a general idea of how every champion works and how certain lines work you can feel comfortable with picking one and you will naturally find a champion that you'll have a lot of matchup experience with. Although all in all, you will notice a lot of lane champions are the same as another group of champions. For mid for example, there's champions like ziggs, orianna, lux, karthus, anivia, who specialize at farming safely and poking. While you will have champions like kassadin, leblanc, kazix, talon, zed, where you will have trouble farming but you will get to roam and gank easily. Rather than learning how to play 100 champions, you will learn to play melee assasins, ranged assasins, poke mages, utility mages, farming champions, short ranged, long ranged, etc... I highly recommend against playing one champion a lot, it's like practicing poker by playing from the button only. Also, it's pretty boring.

Just postpone the going pro part for a while and familiarize yourself with every champion.League is a game where you can't play against any champion in the enemy team without knowing how they work.
Also ranked is a game where a diverse champion pool helps you win, not only do you need to be good at all roles, but you need to have more than 4 good options on each and some decent ones to back those up.

Sorry for the thread hijack.
Gotta disagree with some of your comments. Playing only 1 champion alot aint equal to only playing the button on poker, not even close. You cant get to nl1k just playing the button, yet you could get to D1 by only playing 1 champ if you really grind it out and/or are really good with him.

I went to D2 mosly playing 4-5 champs, ofc I have general knowledge about every champ in the game, but usually is decision making what makes or break your elo. Btw, in soloQ I would advise keepin your champion big enough so you dont get outpicked/banned but small enough so you can play well with them.

Ofc if you're godlike, you can do w/e you want : D
06-24-2014 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by WhyTrollMe
you could get to D1 by only playing 1 champ

You can't, though.

Originally Posted by WhyTrollMe
I went to D2 mosly playing 4-5

You didn't though.
Imagine someone who only played melee characters and never played ranged characters. He would be ridiculously bad against ranged characters right? Now extrapolate that.
06-24-2014 , 11:28 AM
sorry, have to disagree. sure, playing diff champs helps you play better vs them. but only to a point.

Imagine someone who plays hold'em NL online for 4 hours everyday, in a yr he'd prob have improved a lot considering the hours he puts in. Now imagine someone who plays holdem, omaha, omaha h/l, 7cs and razz but also plays 4hrs/day. After a year he'd prob know more about the other games than most players, but wouldn't be great at any game.

And by the time you get to ranked games with 400 ziggs games, you will have no idea how any of the other characters work,
sorry but this is just not true, you've been in 400 games against those other characters. you've laned against a lot of them so are def used to their abilities/dmg/cooldowns, and you've teamfought against the others so also have an idea about what they can do, roughly how often they can do it and how much dmg they do.

Playing lucian yesterday, opp team had trynda jungle. now i've prob played 3-4 games of trynda lifetime, but i knew what i needed to know:

- stay out of range of his e-w combo when he's gap-closing to engage(to the point i flashed super early at one point even tho i was super fed, b/c i knew if he'd get the w on my i'd be dead

- look at his fury(or w/e the **** it is) bar to know when he has ulti, when he's low on health but has ulti, KITE THE **** BACK before you pop his ulti, no reason going ham on just popping his ulti if he just gets 5 free seconds to gap close on you and 4-hit you

- KITE THE **** BACK when u don't have teammates in front of you because his damage on an adc is ridic and his crits can be very deceiving in that regard.

And you'll say well sure but kiting the **** back is pretty std as an adc against a melee bruiser/tank that you can't kill super quickly. But that's the point, there's many general plays that you'll do with your class of champ against other classes. The finesse comes in from knowing extremely well what your champion can do and what his limits are then from knowing very well what all the opp champs can do.

In short, knowing your few champs extremely well is more valuable than knowing all/most of the enemy champs decently well.

Certainly, the more you play all champs, the better you'll also understand their subtleties and the better you'll be able to play against them/anticipate them. But first, you have to master what you are playing b/c if u can only play a champ decently well you won't be able to take advantage of the fact that you've played a similar number of games against your lane opp's champ. If, however, you've played 400 games on your champ but 5 games on the opp's guy, you will likely crush him if he's played 50 games on his champ, 50 on yours and 50 on another 6 champs that play that lane.
06-24-2014 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by LoveThee
You can't, though.

You didn't though.
you can tho, and someone is doing it tho. who here only ever plays mordekaiser jungle please raise your hand and tell us what division you're in (i suspect g1 at least)
06-24-2014 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by LoveThee
You can't, though.

You didn't though.
Imagine someone who only played melee characters and never played ranged characters. He would be ridiculously bad against ranged characters right? Now extrapolate that.
if you say so : D
Internet bawses too stronk. Are you gold or something?

Wait wait wait, gonna edit: It's all because "ELO HELL", HUH. Its kinda funny that someone is telling me what cant I do, when I already did it.

And another edit, that I dont play another champ, doesnt mean I dunno what the **** he does, I'm not a bronzie, thanks.

Wow, the more I read your post, the worse it gets : (

Btw, I dont know where do you get all these statements from. If you know how to play LoL and have some BASIC knowledge, you wont be **** on my a ranged just because you dont play them. Maybe it has something to do with the 90% of the population being bad as ****. Once again, you sound like you have never been even close to plat, so, I will leave this here, argue as much as you want alone.

Last edited by WhyTrollMe; 06-24-2014 at 05:19 PM.
06-24-2014 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by WhyTrollMe
if you say so : D
Internet bawses too stronk. Are you gold or something?

Wait wait wait, gonna edit: It's all because "ELO HELL", HUH. Its kinda funny that someone is telling me what cant I do, when I already did it.

And another edit, that I dont play another champ, doesnt mean I dunno what the **** he does, I'm not a bronzie, thanks.

Wow, the more I read your post, the worse it gets : (

Btw, I dont know where do you get all these statements from. If you know how to play LoL and have some BASIC knowledge, you wont be **** on my a ranged just because you dont play them. Maybe it has something to do with the 90% of the population being bad as ****. Once again, you sound like you have never been even close to plat, so, I will leave this here, argue as much as you want alone.

This is quality. This could have saved me a lot of headaches and wasted hours over the past 10 years >_>
06-24-2014 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by LoveThee
You can't, though.

You didn't though.
Imagine someone who only played melee characters and never played ranged characters. He would be ridiculously bad against ranged characters right? Now extrapolate that.
I'm sorry this statement is utterly ******ed dude. It's like saying that a forward is gonna suck at putting the ball past a goal keeper if he doesnt play goal. Look at sports in general. Most players are very heavily specialized for their entire career.
06-24-2014 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by LoveThee
You can't, though.

You didn't though.
Imagine someone who only played melee characters and never played ranged characters. He would be ridiculously bad against ranged characters right? Now extrapolate that.
Annie Bot disagrees. I disagree as well.
06-24-2014 , 06:26 PM
I see very few champs get spell vamp nowadays. I play morg a lot, would you reccommend getting an item for it or just relying on my passive?
06-24-2014 , 06:40 PM
Relying on your passive is enough when played both AP mid and support. Adding more spellvamp is overkill thus a waste of value that you could put into AP items like zhonyas / deathcap for more damage = netto more lifesteal aswell.

tl;dr I strongly advise to never get spellvamp on morgana. More AP = more spellvamp.
06-24-2014 , 06:43 PM
To be honest, spellvamp is pretty bad now after the spellvamp nerfs and WoTa nerfs some time ago. I can only imagine spellvamp being good with vlad and akali atm (gunblade)... I can't think of other champs atm that benefit well from spellvamp. I mean obviously loads of AP mages will benefit from spellvamp like Ahri etc. But there are better choices like DFG, deathcap and such to spent your gold on.
06-25-2014 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by WhyTrollMe
if you say so : D
Internet bawses too stronk. Are you gold or something?

Wait wait wait, gonna edit: It's all because "ELO HELL", HUH. Its kinda funny that someone is telling me what cant I do, when I already did it.

And another edit, that I dont play another champ, doesnt mean I dunno what the **** he does, I'm not a bronzie, thanks.

Wow, the more I read your post, the worse it gets : (

Btw, I dont know where do you get all these statements from. If you know how to play LoL and have some BASIC knowledge, you wont be **** on my a ranged just because you dont play them. Maybe it has something to do with the 90% of the population being bad as ****. Once again, you sound like you have never been even close to plat, so, I will leave this here, argue as much as you want alone.
You played like every champion in the game in ranked at least 5 times dude. And most champions you played more with them. And that's only ranked. You must have played a lot more normals with them. Clearly not what I'm talking about.
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
how much dmg they do.

Playing lucian yesterday, opp team had trynda jungle. now i've prob played 3-4 games of trynda lifetime, but i knew what i needed to know:

- stay out of range of his e-w combo when he's gap-closing to engage(to the point i flashed super early at one point even tho i was super fed, b/c i knew if he'd get the w on my i'd be dead

- look at his fury(or w/e the **** it is) bar to know when he has ulti, when he's low on health but has ulti, KITE THE **** BACK before you pop his ulti, no reason going ham on just popping his ulti if he just gets 5 free seconds to gap close on you and 4-hit you

- KITE THE **** BACK when u don't have teammates in front of you because his damage on an adc is ridic and his crits can be very deceiving in that regard.

And you'll say well sure but kiting the **** back is pretty std as an adc against a melee bruiser/tank that you can't kill super quickly. But that's the point, there's many general plays that you'll do with your class of champ against other classes. The finesse comes in from knowing extremely well what your champion can do and what his limits are then from knowing very well what all the opp champs can do.
Would you mind explaining to us, without using google or any other resource, how trynda's W works, how your E works and how his ulti works?
Additionally, why do you look at trynda's fury bar?

You might just make my point. Don't cheat please.
06-25-2014 , 04:38 AM
sure. trynda w slows you down if you're facing the other way(running away) and lowers your dmg if u're facing him(engaging). the e is the blade spin gap-closer (might have them confused but doesnt rly matter which is w and which is e). his ult just gives him invulnerability for like 5-6 secs and max fury after so he can crit/heal. i look at his fury bar b/c i'm pretty sure you can tell when it's charged up and he has ulti available vs when it's charged up and he doesn;'t. also, the more obv thing is to look at it so you know how likely he is to crit if he actually catches you

if you thought i needed to cheat or use google to tell you that,considering i explained in my above post what my game plan vs him was DURING the game...i'm not sure you understand this game or the champs very well.

you've seen a couple of our stat pages, here's mine as well:

show us yours

Last edited by Jah Onion; 06-25-2014 at 04:46 AM.
06-25-2014 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
if you thought i needed to cheat or use google to tell you that,considering i explained in my above post what my game plan vs him was DURING the game...i'm not sure you understand this game or the champs very well.
Yep, that's right, except that you can't know if he has ulti just by looking at his fury bar, and his w attack damage reduction applies always.

I asked you this, though. Because you made no mention of Lucian's E. Nor mention of trynda's botrk or ghost.
Generally, a tryndamere has 5 tools to reach you, his E, his W, ghost, exhaust and botrk.
His EW combo from max range (1000) poses no risk to you, since he would still be able to close in the remaining 400 distance and most likely didn't aply a slow. His E botrk combo still poses no threat to you, since you can just E away.
If you are kiting tryndamere, you must be aware of his botrk, e and w. He can only kill you if all 3 are available and he is within e range. Tryndamere must get behind you with his E, which is basically a ground targeted ability. and he can only kill you if you are between an enemy and tryndamere, otherwise you just run away from him.
If he ever does position himself next to you, run to the opposite side without kiting, he will eventually be out of range and will be forced yo use his botrk, the next step is to use your E to get out of AA range or W range. if you use your E to get out of W range, he will use it mid-E, and your E removes slow at cast, so you will be left with his slow active. Usually that's fine, but if he has botrk speed bonus, it's not, he will get a couple of AAs out of it, but you can usually run to a turret before his E is off cooldown again. However if he positioned himself behind you( between the turret and you) then you will probably not be back to safety when he gets his E back.

Or you could waste your flash when he is 400 distance away and has no W, E or botrk.
06-25-2014 , 05:41 AM
why are you mentioning botrk? that's an item any champ can get. i don't need to play tryndamere to understand bork

I made no mention of lucian's e b/c when i did flash super early, my e was on CD. Also, I was like 6-1 at that point, we just took mid inner with a cpl ppl and were retreating while they were pushing back mid. i had tons of gold and only 1 person close by and no mana, even if e wasn't on cd and i "wasted" flash b/c i was stoned and didnt realize i had e, i'm perfectly fine with that as it kept me safe, allowed me to go back to spend my gold and get back to carrying.

i'm really not sure where this is going, you're going on a tangent teaching me to play lucian vs tryndamere which, while I do appreciate, is not really the point of this conversation/argument. Furthermore, everything you just said is easy to realize when u have 3 games on tryn and 400 games on lucian. I know how bork works, i know how his e-w combo works and from there on it's just knowing that lucian's e removes slows and being aware of that during the micro fight (which is easy if u have 400 games on lucian, but isn't really helped by also having 100 games on tryn)

His EW combo from max range (1000) poses no risk to you, since he would still be able to close in the remaining 400 distance and most likely didn't aply a slow.
who's talking about max range? What about if your e isn't on cooldown? in case you didn't know, e cd is pretty ****ing long for the first 11 levels
06-25-2014 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
why are you mentioning botrk? that's an item any champ can get. i don't need to play tryndamere to understand bork

I made no mention of lucian's e b/c when i did flash super early, my e was on CD. Also, I was like 6-1 at that point, we just took mid inner with a cpl ppl and were retreating while they were pushing back mid. i had tons of gold and only 1 person close by and no mana, even if e wasn't on cd and i "wasted" flash b/c i was stoned and didnt realize i had e, i'm perfectly fine with that as it kept me safe, allowed me to go back to spend my gold and get back to carrying.

i'm really not sure where this is going, you're going on a tangent teaching me to play lucian vs tryndamere which, while I do appreciate, is not really the point of this conversation/argument. Furthermore, everything you just said is easy to realize when u have 3 games on tryn and 400 games on lucian. I know how bork works, i know how his e-w combo works and from there on it's just knowing that lucian's e removes slows and being aware of that during the micro fight (which is easy if u have 400 games on lucian, but isn't really helped by also having 100 games on tryn)

who's talking about max range? What about if your e isn't on cooldown? in case you didn't know, e cd is pretty ****ing long for the first 11 levels
Ye, I was assuming you didn't have your E. But I am saying you wasted your flash because a lvl 1 W isn't even enough to get 1 autoattack off. And even in the higher levels, he would only be able to get 1 AA, maybe even 2.
Tryndamere's always build botrk. A top tryndamere can start stattik shiv 1st item, but that's ok since you are not trying to gank or get any kind of kill, you just want to farm andgo 0/0.
A trynda jungle that doesn't get bilgewater right after his jungle item, is safely a pretty bad trynda jungle. Any trynda that doesn't build botrk is a horrible tryndamere. Botrk needs to be at the very least the 2nd item you build. And until then, tryndamere is going to be useless.
I don't think it's a tangent, because the fact that you can get so much better with this matchup by playing tryndamere is what I was trying to get to. You get to overestimate tryndamere and you don't really get to understand his weaknesses and limitations without actually playing him.
06-25-2014 , 08:51 AM
i have maybe 30 games/month to play. i'm not going to get better at adc, mid and supp (my 3 roles b/c i can't dodge everytime i dont get adc) by playing 1 lucian game per week, then 1 ziggs game (b/c when i mid i main ziggs), 1 morg game (b/c i main her on supp), then 2 games with tryndamere and 2 games with vayne (b/c ppl sometimes play vayne against me in lane and i should know how to play that too).

I'll have 4 games of lucian (my main)/month and 2 games on my other mains on 2 diff positions, and 4 games on champs that i don't play (50% of which in lanes i don't play). I'll be meh at lucian, morg and ziggs (my mains) but i'll understand a bit better 2 champs that i never want to play out of the 120 or so that people can play against me.

How can this make sense to you? If I play diff champs every month in the slots i played trynda and vayne, basically rotating 'unknown/unplayed champs', in 1 year i would have 48 games on lucian, 24 games on ziggs, 24 on morgana and 8 games on 24 different champions. I would still have never played roughly 90 different champions ever in one year, and the 24 champs i did play with i would only have 8 games on them, sure enough to understand them a bit, but not to be even close to GOOD at them and fully understanding their intricacies.

Compare this to playing 15 games/month on lucian, 7 on morg and 8 on ziggs. i'd be really good on those champs, and from the 360 games i've played on them, that's 360 games played against 5 other champs which gives me plenty of understanding of all those different champs but an amazing understanding of my lucian, morg and ziggs.
How does trading that experience on my mains for playing 8 games on 24 diff champions make any sense?

Consider, further, that a bunch of times i won't get my main on the role i'm getting. maybe they took lucian, banned ziggs or morg. So of those 30 games, at least 8 will be dedicated to playing my alternate champ on my main roles, which means i only actually have 22 games to play my 3 main roles, roughly 7 games/role on my main champ per month. How can i sacrifice any of those games in order just to better understand a top lane champion out of the 20 different ones that can be picked against me????



I don't think it's a tangent, because the fact that you can get so much better with this matchup by playing tryndamere is what I was trying to get to. You get to overestimate tryndamere and you don't really get to understand his weaknesses and limitations without actually playing him.
great, i main adc. what's the ****ing point of playing tryndamere to understand him if another 20 champs can get picked top or jungle instead of him? what's the point of playing ww jungle to understand him when 20 other junglers can be played against me? How will i ever "main" anything if i'm trying to play all the champs in all the roles to "better understand how to play against them" as lucian? when the **** will i ever have the time to actually PLAY LUCIAN against them if i'm doing that?

sure, if u have 500.000 hrs/month for league, go for it. others have limited time

you still haven't linked to your stats page

Last edited by Jah Onion; 06-25-2014 at 09:03 AM.
06-25-2014 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
i have maybe 30 games/month to play. i'm not going to get better at adc, mid and supp (my 3 roles b/c i can't dodge everytime i dont get adc) by playing 1 lucian game per week, then 1 ziggs game (b/c when i mid i main ziggs), 1 morg game (b/c i main her on supp), then 2 games with tryndamere and 2 games with vayne (b/c ppl sometimes play vayne against me in lane and i should know how to play that too).

I'll have 4 games of lucian (my main)/month and 2 games on my other mains on 2 diff positions, and 4 games on champs that i don't play (50% of which in lanes i don't play). I'll be meh at lucian, morg and ziggs (my mains) but i'll understand a bit better 2 champs that i never want to play out of the 120 or so that people can play against me.

How can this make sense to you? If I play diff champs every month in the slots i played trynda and vayne, basically rotating 'unknown/unplayed champs', in 1 year i would have 48 games on lucian, 24 games on ziggs, 24 on morgana and 8 games on 24 different champions. I would still have never played roughly 90 different champions ever in one year, and the 24 champs i did play with i would only have 8 games on them, sure enough to understand them a bit, but not to be even close to GOOD at them and fully understanding their intricacies.

Compare this to playing 15 games/month on lucian, 7 on morg and 8 on ziggs. i'd be really good on those champs, and from the 360 games i've played on them, that's 360 games played against 5 other champs which gives me plenty of understanding of all those different champs but an amazing understanding of my lucian, morg and ziggs.
How does trading that experience on my mains for playing 8 games on 24 diff champions make any sense?

Consider, further, that a bunch of times i won't get my main on the role i'm getting. maybe they took lucian, banned ziggs or morg. So of those 30 games, at least 8 will be dedicated to playing my alternate champ on my main roles, which means i only actually have 22 games to play my 3 main roles, roughly 7 games/role on my main champ per month. How can i sacrifice any of those games in order just to better understand a top lane champion out of the 20 different ones that can be picked against me????


great, i main adc. what's the ****ing point of playing tryndamere to understand him if another 20 champs can get picked top or jungle instead of him? what's the point of playing ww jungle to understand him when 20 other junglers can be played against me? How will i ever "main" anything if i'm trying to play all the champs in all the roles to "better understand how to play against them" as lucian? when the **** will i ever have the time to actually PLAY LUCIAN against them if i'm doing that?

sure, if u have 500.000 hrs/month for league, go for it. others have limited time

you still haven't linked to your stats page
There's way more than 90 games from lvl 13 to 30. Yes, maybe if he just uses lucian he will win with lucian and he will do good and he will go to bronze 3 instead of bronze V. But that's just about what you can expect if you only play one character. The first levels should be spent familiarizing yourself with the whole game, you are going to be so bad that the first 400 games you play with lucian you are going to suck. Even the 400 games you played with lucian you suck, even the 400 games I played I suck at them, that's why I am just at gold. But while I play I gather more experience about the game, and it is unarguable that I get much more experience by using most of the champions than someone who just uses one champion.
If you play for the experience rather than to get to the next division, in the short run you may not get super good, but in the long run you'll be better. Maining a character at lvl 13 is like sprinting the first 100 meters of a marathon.
06-25-2014 , 11:45 AM
is that your lolking? that is not a glowing endorsement in anyway shape or form, any game you've spent learning a champion/role is a game you've not spent learning how to do the myraid of things that make you better as a whole

like any other human activity specifity is king for improvement, due to deminishing returns maining one champion and one roles for thousands of games may not be optimal but theres a reason that most people in diamond are specialists
06-25-2014 , 11:46 AM
i'm done with this.
either you're arguing that it's suboptimal to main a char from lvl 13 or that you can't get to D1 maining a char. until you decide exactly what it is you're arguing about, you're just having an argument for the sake of arguing so **** you very much
