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MINI WSOP 2-7 TD : 245 hands replayer MINI WSOP 2-7 TD : 245 hands replayer

06-11-2024 , 04:30 AM
Hello, first post here.
I'm relatively new to the game of 2-7 TD, learned basics and try to improve my game.
Here's a complete replayer of 245 hands I played on a french poker site (winamax). This is TD tourney.
I would like to have some advices on specific hands, or maybe first a global look at how I (poorly) played this tn.
You're help is precious to elevate my game. Be nice
MINI WSOP 2-7 TD : 245 hands replayer Quote
06-11-2024 , 07:21 AM
let's discuss about hand #45 for example ? (you can type 45 in the hand number, bottom right)

stack : 19450
blinds: 300/600
pot : 450


HERO CO open 600 with 2467J
BTN 3bet to 900
SB fold
BB fold
HERO 4bet to 1,2k

are u ok with 4bet here ?
MINI WSOP 2-7 TD : 245 hands replayer Quote
06-11-2024 , 07:33 AM
hand #51


UTG fold
HERO UTG+1 with 22389 folds

Table is a bit loose and I'm not confident enough to play OOP 238xx, is fold a correct play here ?
MINI WSOP 2-7 TD : 245 hands replayer Quote
06-11-2024 , 09:12 AM
I’m fine with both although I may open the 2nd one with a dead 2. 6 handed?
MINI WSOP 2-7 TD : 245 hands replayer Quote
06-11-2024 , 09:14 AM
it's 6 handed indeed
MINI WSOP 2-7 TD : 245 hands replayer Quote
06-11-2024 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by ninefingershuffle
I’m fine with both although I may open the 2nd one with a dead 2. 6 handed?
So let's say you open UTG+1, 22389, how about facing a 3bet ? call ? fold ?
MINI WSOP 2-7 TD : 245 hands replayer Quote
06-11-2024 , 09:50 AM
Call and draw 2
MINI WSOP 2-7 TD : 245 hands replayer Quote
