Originally Posted by Scherer716
It is quite plausible that steroid use contributed to long term health issues which resulted in the Ultimate Warriors death. However, the biggest issue I have here is that Nancy Grace should not be covering this at all. The cause of death is a non-issue as far as I'm concerned. The issue with wrestlers dieing at a young age was exposed years ago. Even Nancy Grace has covered this previously and the WWE has already taken the necessary steps to clean itself up. That makes this, a non-issue. If it were a current wrestler, then Nancy might have something that should be brought to the public's attention.
BTW, those familiar with Nancy Grace know that she has certain crusades near and dear to her heart and one of those is her anti-drug crusade. She also tried to pin the Benoit murders on 'roid rage so wrestlers should know what they are getting into when they go on her show. That being said, this is probably the first credible opportunity that the WWE has had to blacklist her. I'm sure they wanted to previously but they certainly couldn't after the Benoit fiasco.