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Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually

11-26-2022 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I'm under the impression that the numbers are doing well. Really not worried about that.

That episode was so ****ing good that I had to rewatch it again before going to bed last night. Mon Mothma's excellent scene was like a distant third-best thing about this episode alone.
How does it rank against Ozymandias, Chicanery, and Plan and Execution?
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11-26-2022 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
And I definitely like the majority of Stephen King that I read. Lots of really good stuff. But man, the Dark Tower was just a bunch of lost hours with no discernible gain.
You and I agree on a lot. This might be your worst take ever
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11-26-2022 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by OneOut
The only book I didn't like was the second to last (Song of Susanna?). I do believe I'm in the minority who liked the ending. Which, considering King is known for poor conclusions to his books, feels like an accomplishment.
SoS is my least favorite but certainly not bad. There is some great Callahan stuff in book 6, and hes such a compelling character
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11-26-2022 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
How does it rank against Ozymandias, Chicanery, and Plan and Execution?
I rarely remember episode names.
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11-27-2022 , 01:33 PM
I think I missed every single Easter Egg in Luthen's shop on Andor.
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11-27-2022 , 02:48 PM
I like that those exist basically because of a sequence like this:

Star Wars nerds working behind the scenes on the show: "Can we slip this bunch of things into the background?
Tony Gilroy: "Wha? ... I don't ... okay, yeah whatever."
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11-27-2022 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I like that those exist basically because of a sequence like this:

Star Wars nerds working behind the scenes on the show: "Can we slip this bunch of things into the background?
Tony Gilroy: "Wha? ... I don't ... okay, yeah whatever."
Christ! I just got the joke with the droid's name too.


They did something like this in Clone Wars once.

Jedi Master Ima Gundi

And he did.
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11-27-2022 , 11:13 PM
Something on Syril: in a series nearly devoid of comedy, he has provided two of the more amusing sequences of the season.

*His speech to the troops where he basically just pukes down the front of his shirt, and then his #2 is left to pretend that he did great.
*His Mr. Darcy speech (Creepy Edition™).

Ultimately, he doesn't have X-Pac heat with me because I don't feel the inner groan of "aw ****, I have to sit through something with THIS guy right now?" I would think that the WOAT character would at least cause me to have the feeling that I would have when I fired up a Clone Wars episode and the series logo came up blue.
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11-29-2022 , 11:00 AM
Not that I'm terribly surprised at this point, but: Aaron Rodgers is a chemtrails guy too? And this was known before all the stuff from last year?

Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has been in the NFL for 15 seasons — and he's had a lot of backup quarterbacks over the years.

Several of his former backups spoke to ESPN to share what it was like to work beside the NFL star.

Perhaps no story was more bizarre than the one Seneca Wallace told about Rodgers' apparent belief in "chemtrail" conspiracy theories — the idea that cancer-causing toxins are sprayed by commercial airplanes flying overhead as part of a government plot to control the population, among other things.

Wallace, who was Rodgers' backup in 2013, said the two-time MVP asked him about his thoughts on the topic.

Wallace said Rodgers asked him, “What do you think all that stuff is flying behind that jet stream? Do you think it has anything to do with maybe why everybody’s getting cancer?”
I'm so happy that all of this stuff is out there, since for whatever reason my "dudes, this guy is a despicable *******" campaign was remarkably ineffectual with most people despite being really super duper obvious, and this nuttery seems to be much more effective in getting people to wash their hands of him. And yet we're still probably just a big bounce-back season away from him winning a bunch of people back over.
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11-29-2022 , 01:46 PM
Apparently he also leads off human relationships with "do you believe in 9/11?"

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12-02-2022 , 10:31 PM
Found this pretty strong list for a chronological timeline complete SW watch:

Only thing it doesn't have are the Tales of the Jedi eps:

It looks like you would go TotJ EP 2-3-1 then Phantom Menace.

Gonna take a shot at this and see what stands out upon rewatches. There was a time I used to know almost every line of the original trilogy when that's all there ever was.
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12-04-2022 , 02:08 PM
The Rule of Two is the biggest farce the Sith ever pulled on the Jedi (aside from running the government under shadows for a few decades).

If you think about it, the only people who believe it to be true are the Jedi, which make them underestimate the Sith even further.

The Sith master always seems to have an apprentice (or two or three) in training (we now know Sidious had Dooku in waiting during Phantom Menace, before Maul was even killed).

The apprentices always have their own sidepieces too. They certainly don't wait till they kill their master and then go out an look for an apprentice.

There's even really just the one instance where the Jedi say that there's just two. Is it even anywhere otherwise mentioned in anything that's still canon?
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12-07-2022 , 11:51 PM
Another Godfather Part III reference that hangs around in my vernacular is, “that’s quite an indictment coming from a Corleone.”

Full context being that it was a reaction to Michael disdainfully saying, “Your tactics are despicable.”
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12-09-2022 , 11:58 AM
Bad Batch season 2 trailer is at least a little bit intriguing.

Glad to see the Wookiee Jedi who was a youngling in that one Clone Wars episode is around. This is clearly the canon property they put out that I'm least interested in, but I'm still hoping for a leap forward in quality as the other animated series have offered.
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12-09-2022 , 03:55 PM
I'm still discovering new easter eggs in Luthen's shop every day. They even have some Indiana Jones stuff in there, like his bullwhip in carbonite and the stones from Temple of Doom.

Also read yesterday that Amazon is going to try adapting the Dark Tower again with Mike Flanagan at the helm this time. If true, it's in great hands and should be able to wash the stench of that horrible movie attempt away.
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12-09-2022 , 11:52 PM
In Phantom Menace, when they originally land on Tatooine and Qui-Gon goes out looking for parts to repair the hyperdrive, he takes Artoo and Jar-Jar with him originally. Artoo makes some sense, but what possible reason could he have had for wanting Jar-Jar with him?

One of Darth Maul's few lines, the first time we see him, "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have our revenge."

What is Maul looking for revenge for? I can't remember anything in movies, shows or books that explain how the Jedi might have wronged him before this point. Only that he was bred to hate them and wanted to kill them just because he was a Sith.

Knowing how contentious Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's relationship was in Master & Apprentice gives some new perspective here. Also Qui-Gon's interactions with Yoda after the book revealed Yoda as being the most vocally opposed to seating Qui-Gon on the council.

When they're on their way back to the ship, Qui-Gon seemingly doesn't know the Sith is behind them until Anakin asks him to wait because he's tired. Why were they running in the first place and were they running in the hot desert with that heavy clothing all the way from the start?

Why would the council send Qui-Gon back to Naboo with just Obi-Wan and Anakan if they knew the Sith were involved? The Jedi Council sent a child into a war zone.

The Gungan weapons of choice in battle are blue balls.

The Duel of the Fates is still tremendous and really makes this movie. Even if it turns out that you can't kill a guy by cutting him in half and dropping him into an incredibly deep pit.

I love how they come back to the move that took out Qui-Gon in Rebels.

Obi-Wan essentially pulls off the same move that Anakin was trying to in RoS. However, where Anakin fails because Obi-Wan slices him up and leaves him for dead, Maul just looks on stupidly as Obi-Wan flips over him, calls his lightsaber and cuts him in half.

I seriously wonder if anyone who went into this movie completely blind and paid any sort of attention could not have known that Palpatine was the Sith Master by the end of this movie.

It would have been really interesting if the Tales of the Jedi Ep 4 was a post-credit scene for this movie. What a great exchange:
Dooku "He (Qui-Gon) could have been a great ally."
Palpatine "For you."
Dooku "You question my loyalty?"
Palpatine "Always."
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
12-10-2022 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by OneOut
In Phantom Menace, when they originally land on Tatooine and Qui-Gon goes out looking for parts to repair the hyperdrive, he takes Artoo and Jar-Jar with him originally. Artoo makes some sense, but what possible reason could he have had for wanting Jar-Jar with him?
I can't even remember what the justification was for bringing Jar Jar to Tattooine. Once he has gotten them across Naboo, his debt to Qui-Gon is settled well enough, and also Qui-Gon has fulfilled whatever moral obligation he felt to keep Jar Jar from being tortured by his own government.

I seriously wonder if anyone who went into this movie completely blind and paid any sort of attention could not have known that Palpatine was the Sith Master by the end of this movie.
I think there's documented proof earlier in the thread that I was slow on the uptake on this. But I'm a remarkably dim, attention-addled movie viewer who misses **** all the time.
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12-10-2022 , 12:20 AM
I've rewatched season 1 of Rebels. Definitely better on second go, since the part where I couldn't get attached to the Ghost Crew for quite a while was already resolved from the jump. I'm actually not even really fussed by Ezra this time. I'm relieved that they quietly aborted that obnoxious storyline where he was sniffing around Sabine all the time though.

I've come around to the viewpoint some have that Rebels is better than The Clone Wars. It's certainly a tighter and more focused story. That said, Clone Wars still does have the higher peaks.
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12-10-2022 , 01:51 PM
I think there's documented proof earlier in the thread that I was slow on the uptake on this. But I'm a remarkably dim, attention-addled movie viewer who misses **** all the time.
Right at the point where Yoda and Mace say there are always two and ask whether the master or apprentice have been destroyed, the camera pans to Palpatine.
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12-10-2022 , 09:15 PM
As someone who got his B.A. from Washington State and his J.D. from Indiana University, and actually got season tickets to IU basketball for my last year of law school, I root for IU as a well-wisher. But a strict adherent to the principle that you get exactly one team in each sport (at each level of that sport that you want to follow), WSU is my one team. My secondary, more casual, viewership of IU definitely does not fall under the umbrella of them being "my team." I'll be deep in the cold cold ground before you'll find me being one of these ****ing moops who declares that they get to have five ****ing favorite teams in a sport.

I'm stuck with WSU, and that's that. It sucks, because they have almost no equity to ever, ever win it all in a major sport, but a man has to have a code. Though I obviously have a more valid claim to an attachment to multiple schools than many who do just shamelessly practice sports polygamy, I would feel especially gross about just backdooring my way into IU hoops fandom, given that IU is pretty history-rich in college hoops with its five national titles.

Anyway, in watching these teams, I got my parents going as proxy fans of both. I've never bothered explaining to them "no, you don't ****ing get several teams in one level of sport"...if I was going to successfully persuade them as to high principles in life, this would rate down the list a bit. But now it's created this annoyance where my mom will text me about IU basketball all the time, and they clearly like watching IU more because they're the clearly superior program. So I'm a Hoosier well-wisher, but I'm an annoyed well-wisher because of this dynamic that I somehow unwittingly created. It has even created a thing where I have trouble rooting for them as much as I otherwise would.

I do very little sports betting for the most part, but I figured out that my solution to find some inner peace is probably just to upload some money into a book and then bet $20 on IU every time they play, simply to reduce the "I don't even know how much I'm rooting for these guys" feeling. I'm sure I have no edge with these blind bets, so at this point I'm just charging myself a principles tax so that I can manage to trick myself into getting on board each time IU takes the floor.
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12-11-2022 , 02:18 PM
I legitimately still root for the football teams I first remember watching as a kid. (Baseball and the Mets always come before football though.)

Back then, Oklahoma/Nebraska was a huge rivalry, although my Nebraska fandom has kind of waned since Tom Osbourne left.

It's funny that you mention betting as a way to enhance your fandom. I find that sports betting reduces my fandom to one particular team. My father always used to say that he roots for his pockets. If the smart thing to do is bet against my team, fandom takes a back seat (although I still find myself pulling for the Mets even when I bet against them on occasion).

In the NFL, I have vague memories of the Raider/Redskin SB around '83ish. So I grew up a Raider fan, but Cowboys/Redskins was a huge deal too back then, so I was also a Cowboy fan and being from NY, I fell into rooting for the sack exchange (mid-80's Jets). Yup, I'm one of those people you hate. Three NFL teams, but even with those chances none of them have won anything in nearly 30 years anyway.

As far as where I went to school, I occasionally check in on the St John's basketball team, but feel no particular allegiance. I'd probably root for them if they made the tourney, but that's been rare over the last 30+ years too and they got enough of my money.
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12-11-2022 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by OneOut
It's funny that you mention betting as a way to enhance your fandom. I find that sports betting reduces my fandom to one particular team. My father always used to say that he roots for his pockets. If the smart thing to do is bet against my team, fandom takes a back seat (although I still find myself pulling for the Mets even when I bet against them on occasion).
It would be a whole different thing if the betting was the point, that I was trying to find the sharpest bets available and make money as a sports bettor. I'm not; I'm averse to getting that into sports betting. And I basically accept a life as a casual, modest sports-betting loser. Accordingly, I don't really put down money against my rooting interests. That's why what I described doesn't carry any veneer that I have any sort of edge, and in fact I assume I'll lose a bit.

I got into a conversation about this with a friend recently. I saw discussion on Twitter about how many people are embracing a self-sabotaging, life-ruining sports betting hobby, and how my reaction was, "Huh. Honestly, kinda odd that I haven't embraced that self-sabotage. It's right there." But, beyond the fact that I don't think I'm any good at it, I think that my aversion to getting in too deep with it is that sports fandom is one of the last pure dopamine reservoirs I have left, and I don't wish to functionally gamble that status by transforming it with a heavy dose of betting.

In the NFL, I have vague memories of the Raider/Redskin SB around '83ish. So I grew up a Raider fan, but Cowboys/Redskins was a huge deal too back then, so I was also a Cowboy fan and being from NY, I fell into rooting for the sack exchange (mid-80's Jets). Yup, I'm one of those people you hate. Three NFL teams, but even with those chances none of them have won anything in nearly 30 years anyway.
Obviously you should be dragged along the street by a horse-drawn carriage at low speed against your will until you permanently denounce two of the teams.
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12-11-2022 , 02:47 PM
By the way, there are like 500 college basketball teams. It's perfectly fine to have more than one rooting interest. Especially if you actually attended multiple schools.
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12-11-2022 , 03:30 PM
Can't do it. Especially since I barely pay attention to IU football. (I have gone to a number of IU football games, so I haven't completely ignored them.) I watch the basketball team much more than the football team because they have more upside and win more. This is all something much more perverse than being an actual fan of theirs.

My situation is definitely the closest one to providing an acceptable setup. The whole time I've been a WSU fan, I've never known of us to play IU in anything ever, and the only time I knew our interests to conflict was when IU tried to poach Tony Bennett from our basketball program. So it's sort of like they exist in different universes. And if they were some sort of underdog team like WSU, maybe I could do it. But as is, in the college athletics world of haves and have-nots, adopting IU as a second team is some sort of sneaky back door into getting to root for one of the haves. WSU will always be one of the have-nots, fighting valiantly uphill. I can't cross over to the dark side.
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12-11-2022 , 03:32 PM
Just found my transcript of a convo with a Viking fan co-worker from yesteryear:

Him: "So, I ordered the NBA League Pass this year, but just the Rockets team pass."
Me: "Wait, you're a Rockets fan?"
Him: "Yes."
Me: "How the hell did you end up being a Rockets fan? Where did you grow up?"
Him: "I grew up here, but I was a big Dwight Howard fan. So I was a Magic fan, then unfortunately a Lakers fan, and now I root for the Rockets."
Me <realizing that he's roughly my age>: "But you must have been an NBA fan before Dwight Howard."
Him: "Yes, I was a fan of the Jordan Bulls."
Me: "Why wouldn't you root for the Pacers if you grew up here?"
Him: "I mean, why pick the Reggie Miller team that you knew would lose every year if you could root for the best player in the world?"
Me: "My God. This conversation REALLY isn't going well. ... So I assume that you're a Vikings fan because of Peterson?"
Him: "Yeah, if they trade him or if he retires, I'll probably have to switch teams."
Me: "This system of yours is disgusting."
Him: "Well usually when I switch, I don't switch to a great team."
That guy had two considerable collections:
1) Air Jordans;
2) Guns.

Also he didn't trust credit cards and only dealt in cash. There were a variety of weird things about him.
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