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Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually

11-12-2021 , 10:14 PM
Would tend to agree. I understand that there are chronological Godfather cuts out there, and that just doesn't appeal to me at all. Also, some have apparently edited Pulp Fiction into chronological order, which sounds even worse.

That said, it is still an interesting reference to have the Star Wars universe ordered like that.
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11-12-2021 , 11:52 PM
I agree for the most part on a first watch. There are things you wouldn't want to spoil in Star Wars movies by watching out of release order, but on rewatches it could provide you things you may not have noticed first time. One thing that always tilts me is that when Turner stations run SW marathons, they never play Rogue One directly into A New Hope.

I just started Bad Batch tonight and realized that it would have worked great if I had just watched the last Clone Wars season and then Revenge of the Sith first. Liked it much more than I thought I would incidentally. Mostly because of where and with who they drop us in. First ep includes some Clone Wars/Rebels/movie and book tie ins. The perfect nerdy experience.
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11-13-2021 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
I'm pretty much always in favor of watching things in original release order.
I started watching The Office at the end of S5, then worked my way up from S1 until S6 began. It may have made me hate the new seasons less?
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11-13-2021 , 09:47 AM
But you still watched the worst of the show's downfall happen while fully up to date on the early seasons, same as the rest of us. I'm not sure that an Office-watching order exists that makes season 9 watchable.

To your point, though, I did only ever start watching Cheers when Rebecca was on the show, and it caused me to really enjoy what was almost sort of a rebooted show after Shelley Long left. And since readily available DVDs/streaming to backfill my knowledge weren't a thing then, it took forever before I saw the Sam/Diane stuff. No question the original seasons of Cheers were better, but watching the back half of the show first did probably make those seasons better for me.
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11-13-2021 , 12:45 PM
But that's something different. It's not like Cheers were released out of chronological order. There's no prequel of Sam's days in the Boston bullpen.
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11-13-2021 , 01:21 PM
Sure, of course it's a whole different thing. I agree.
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11-14-2021 , 10:24 PM
General Grievous is an uninspired, worthless character.
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11-14-2021 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
General Grievous is an uninspired, worthless character.
He's so much cooler in Legends than the new canon. In Legends he spent time as a champion gladiator, was a warlord on his own planet, and was then systematically stripped of his flesh in favor of cybernetic enhancements while Dooku trained him. Unfortunately in the new canon, he's basically been reduced to a mustache twirling killbot that is comically, constantly escaping capture.

I think the biggest issue with Grievous stems from a few lines in the films. Anakin's quip, "I thought you'd be taller" in ROTS extremely limited what they could do with him in the show. As seen in several episodes, they really had to strain belief to avoid having Anakin and Grievous meet throughout the entirety of the Clone Wars.
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11-14-2021 , 11:22 PM
I guess I'm not shocked to hear that there was material that justified his existence, but man when he turns up on Clone Wars I immediately brace myself for a below-average episode.

I've found season two to be a noticeable improvement from season one so far, but I'm only just short of the halfway mark in the season. My post was inspired by the fact that I was in the middle of a solid streak of good episodes, and then I ran into a damn Grievous-centric episode that broke the streak.
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11-15-2021 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
He's so much cooler in Legends than the new canon. In Legends he spent time as a champion gladiator, was a warlord on his own planet, and was then systematically stripped of his flesh in favor of cybernetic enhancements while Dooku trained him. Unfortunately in the new canon, he's basically been reduced to a mustache twirling killbot that is comically, constantly escaping capture.

I think the biggest issue with Grievous stems from a few lines in the films. Anakin's quip, "I thought you'd be taller" in ROTS extremely limited what they could do with him in the show. As seen in several episodes, they really had to strain belief to avoid having Anakin and Grievous meet throughout the entirety of the Clone Wars.
I remember it being a point of frustration that you knew certain characters could never meet, perhaps this being the most glaring one because of certain dialogue or events in the movies. But they did enough in creating solid characters like
Asohka, Ventriss/Nightsisters, Savage Opress, etc.
. who didn't have movie fates tied to them to keep it interesting.
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11-15-2021 , 01:04 AM
I'm only now putting together that Grievous being in Episode III means that I can go ahead and let go of all hope that he would finally just get killed off at some point in Clone Wars. Ah well.
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11-15-2021 , 11:34 PM
After a garbage two-episode Grievous arc, they bounced back nicely with the three-episode Duchess of Mandalore arc. Season two back on track.
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11-16-2021 , 01:50 AM
Hell yeah!
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11-16-2021 , 01:11 PM
The cool thing about the Mandolorian stuff is that the storylines carry through all of the shows (Rebels/the Mandolorian), if you care to go that far.
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11-16-2021 , 01:39 PM
Yeah, I'd obviously heard of The Mandalorian series before, but I don't think I'd encountered the planet of Mandalore yet, so I really didn't even know what that name meant. I was happy that it created an obvious through-line to begin explaining what that series would be about.
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11-16-2021 , 02:40 PM
Show would be ruined everytime Koska Reeves enters the scene, as I'd just internally hear Michael Cole screaming "IT'S BOSS TIME!"
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11-16-2021 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Yeah, I'd obviously heard of The Mandalorian series before, but I don't think I'd encountered the planet of Mandalore yet, so I really didn't even know what that name meant. I was happy that it created an obvious through-line to begin explaining what that series would be about.
To be clear, the Mandolorian is not exactly entirely about that, but some of the plot lines do intersect at points.

And Sasha vs Boba is ****ing amazing. Probably because it wasn't booked by Prichard.
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11-16-2021 , 03:03 PM
No I get it, I didn't expect that the plot with the insurgent group was all the be all and end all of doings on Mandalore.

Separately: I tend to like episodes where Padme features, because I dig the underlying politics of the Star Wars galaxy, though I gather that's a point where many people's eyes glaze over. Meanwhile, mine glaze over when there are ships shooting lasers at each other. That said, the episode where the senator got poisoned to death ended up being pretty stupid.
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11-18-2021 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
After a garbage two-episode Grievous arc, they bounced back nicely with the three-episode Duchess of Mandalore arc. Season two back on track.

So I paid this compliment and then the season promptly hit a downswing with several crappy episodes in a row. Thankfully, there was another upswing. The three-episode season-ending arc featuring Boba Fett and Mace Windu was good. Season two now in the books. I think it very clearly had a higher hit rate than season one. If the biggest jump in quality is still to come, all the better.
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11-18-2021 , 04:34 PM
You're about to meet some interesting new characters and concepts in Season 3, some of which may be pretty far out there even for a Star Wars show.

But not right away.

Then again, if you're enjoying the political stuff more than most, perhaps you'll have a different perspective and won't necessarily want more breaks from that.
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11-20-2021 , 07:56 PM
UW gets ranked in preseason for some reason, has already been eliminated from even getting a bowl game. And the ****ing UW fans will be right there with the hot takes in August 2022 about how next season is going to be a huge year and how they're still a nationally relevant program because they had such a strong 1991 season.

The only real downside to their continued failure is that not nearly enough people nationwide hate that ****ing program and their idiot fans. But that's a price I can more or less live with, under the circumstances.
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11-20-2021 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by OneOut
You're about to meet some interesting new characters and concepts in Season 3, some of which may be pretty far out there even for a Star Wars show.

But not right away.

Then again, if you're enjoying the political stuff more than most, perhaps you'll have a different perspective and won't necessarily want more breaks from that.

S03E05 was pretty bad IMO. Just felt really pointless. It’s obviously feeding into a longer arc though, so hopefully I’ll still like the arc in general.
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11-21-2021 , 01:10 PM
I have to keep googling the episodes. My memories seem to be very vague aside from the very best and worst of them. The poisoning one is one of those vague ones, but did it lead into
the Death Watch stuff?
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11-21-2021 , 01:41 PM
Death Watch got introduced in that three-episode arc on Mandalore that I complimented earlier. That was season 2. This more recent two-episode arc on Mandalore did not involve Death Watch (except to quickly address the question of "was this Death Watch?" with "nah") and had no discernible point, though I assume it was still laying a foundation for something later, as it is not how I would expect a show to just burn off a couple of stand-alone episodes.
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11-21-2021 , 02:46 PM
You'd be surprised when dealing with 20+ episode seasons. There does seem to be some stuff there just because it amused George (the awful droids arc). (This may have some later season minor spoilers.)
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