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05-06-2016 , 06:44 PM
What a waste of what they had in BNB and Sandow.

Good riddance to Cameron who was the only person I saw to stand with Ryback after his post.
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05-06-2016 , 07:26 PM
so the guy who gets one of the bigger pops at WM is cut? ugh that sucks so bad. wonder what he did to vince to keep one of the more over guys off TV
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05-06-2016 , 07:30 PM
interesting bit about riley and cena; looks like cena had it out for him and he never stood a chance:

“There is truth that there was some sort of unknown, unreasonable heat between Riley and Cena. To the point where everyone on the roster thought that Cena was treating him in a way that was totally uncalled for. No one approached Cena about it, but the entire locker room was on Riley’s side, a lot of condolences, and this is ‘ridiculous, bro,’ and it was every freakin’ day. Cena thought Riley did something wrong every single day.

Like, it’s completely against the wrestler code to ever go through another wrestler’s bag. One day, Riley walked into an empty locker room and Cena was just going through his bag. He found some pre-workout vitamins and b—hed him out for taking supplements, asking if he ‘thinks this is ok.’ Like, he was looking for a reason to get him fired.

We had the match when Linda was running for Congress for the Stand Up For WWE charity shows, and it was a tag match, I think it was a six man tag match if I remember right. And it was me, Hawkins, and Ziggler vs. Riley, and two other baby faces. Cena had made it clear that he wanted Riley to act a certain way and do certain things. And we structured the entire match to his wishes and it went flawlessly as far as we were concerned. The second we walked backstage he came up to me and said ‘hey where’s numbnuts?’ And he sees the look on my face and tells me to go get Riley. So all six of us came back and he b—hed out Riley in front of the backstage roster — about how he always tells him to do one thing and he does another, and Cena was ‘washing his hands of helping him.’ Even Ziggler was like, ‘What the hell, man?'”
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05-06-2016 , 07:36 PM
That's said in the voice of a wrestler. Who is that?
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05-06-2016 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by moorobot
What is the name of this writer? I do believe this as it both fits in with how Vince has treated wrestlers that small and with how they tend to just slot someone new into the story roles as if wrestlers can just be asked to play any role when someone gets hurt, disregarding that each wrestler has a unique skill set and history.
His name is Kevin Eck.
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05-06-2016 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
That's said in the voice of a wrestler. Who is that?
tyler reks
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05-06-2016 , 09:13 PM
Thanks, just curious. I'm inclined to take him at his word.
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05-06-2016 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I'm inclined to take him at his word.

That whole story seems just weird.
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05-06-2016 , 09:56 PM
The weirdness and specificity is most of what makes me tend to believe it. I mean, aspects could be exaggerated as they often are, but it would be an odd thing to make up altogether as a total outsider to the situation who doesn't work for the company anymore.

I don't take a ton away from it. The negative stories about Cena are easily scarcer than the stories about other top guys throughout wrestling history, and this is an age of greater access and info.
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05-06-2016 , 09:57 PM
Barrett is a colossal waste, but Sandow never really had a chance once he turned. His whole gimmick was following a guy around and mimicking him. He was never going to go anywhere beyond that.
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05-06-2016 , 10:03 PM
Wade Barrett with proper booking and a lack of his trademark "massive injury right before he's slated to get a big push" is a Main Eventer. Hoping he goes to Japan when he feels he's ready to return to the ring. He'd fit right in.

I feel bad for Sandow because he is such a good talker but he was never a great worker. Pretty surprised they never tried him in the commentary booth or as a manager as that seems like it would be excellent use of him if they are hell bent on not letting him be a midcard heel.
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05-06-2016 , 11:31 PM
wait that swoggle poster is serious? looooooool.

eh, ryback had one reasonable point in his incredibly dumb rant, it's a fair bit tougher to get yourself over to make that big $ when everything's scripted and it ends up being mostly whatever vince thinks of you with rare exceptions but that requires fans threatening to riot (ie daniel bryan). It was obviously over for sandow in wwe as anything better than some jobber till he got released after he won MITB then lost the cash in. That never happens. (cena won by DQ)

You can't push guys to the moon if they keep getting hurt (ie barrett) but yeah vince thinking BAD NEWS gimmick was done and killing it too soon then giving him things like IC/KOTR and then immediately killing whatever prestige either had left by having people beat him all the time with those.
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05-07-2016 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by AJD804
Also they were discussing Daniel Bryan, and one interesting tidbit was brought up. They discussed his WM 30 victories, and the writer said that this was not some sort of crowning of DB. The plan was always to have the belt put on Lesnar at SS and then lose it to Reigns at 31. It would have been DB losing it there but when he got hurt they put it on Cena for that
I've always felt robbed that we never got to see Lesnar toss Daniel Bryan around the way he did Cena in that match.
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05-07-2016 , 07:06 AM
Yeah I was the same until we found out the extent of DB's injuries. Obviously now I'm glad it never happened.
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05-07-2016 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by AJD804
Also they were discussing Daniel Bryan, and one interesting tidbit was brought up. They discussed his WM 30 victories, and the writer said that this was not some sort of crowning of DB. The plan was always to have the belt put on Lesnar at SS and then lose it to Reigns at 31. It would have been DB losing it there but when he got hurt they put it on Cena for that
That's a weird way to put it. Of course it was a crowning of DB. Just like WM 32 was a crowning of RR. Just because Bryan would have lost at SS doesn't lessen the WM moment. Unless you think that Roman losing at SS means he's not being crowned.
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05-07-2016 , 11:19 AM
I agree. In today's era a Mania to Summerfest run is a good run. Maybe the difference is they knew when DB won who would beat him and when but when RR won at 32 they didnt
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05-07-2016 , 12:48 PM
I read "crowning" in this sense as making it official that someone is now the clear top guy. DB would not have been crowned at WM32 in that sense. Like Austin was crowned at WM14, but Savage was not crowned at WM4 despite winning the belt because everyone knew Hogan was still the #1 guy.
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05-07-2016 , 01:43 PM
sandow and BNB were unforgivable wastes
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05-07-2016 , 01:44 PM
like, they literally dropped the BNB gimmick because it was TOO OVER

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05-07-2016 , 01:48 PM
If they thought BNB was too over, they should have turned him face and jobbed him out.
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05-07-2016 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
That's a weird way to put it. Of course it was a crowning of DB. Just like WM 32 was a crowning of RR. Just because Bryan would have lost at SS doesn't lessen the WM moment. Unless you think that Roman losing at SS means he's not being crowned.
That was the wording the writer used in the interview.

Originally Posted by True North
I read "crowning" in this sense as making it official that someone is now the clear top guy. DB would not have been crowned at WM32 in that sense. Like Austin was crowned at WM14, but Savage was not crowned at WM4 despite winning the belt because everyone knew Hogan was still the #1 guy.
I'm guessing this is the reason why
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05-07-2016 , 04:36 PM
Zack Ryder had a "Wrestlemania moment" and look what happened the next day. 'Moments' don't mean anything unless they feel like making them mean something later on.
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05-07-2016 , 05:07 PM
Sigh at Barrett's whole career. I probably don't know enough about wrestling in the 80s, but certainly he seems like the biggest waste I've seen in wrestling ever.

The guy didn't even hold the WHC or WWE belt once. It's just insane to go back and watch any Raw/PPV/Smackdown during the Nexus era and say that.
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05-07-2016 , 06:23 PM
Barrett's biggest problem other than injuries at bad times was his size.

If he added 25-30lbs of muscle then he would have been pushed to the moon but he didn't fit Vince's mold for a WWE/WHC champion.
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05-07-2016 , 06:35 PM
I remember the big rumor before one of the manias in the lead up was that Wade was going to win the mitb ladder they were gonna hold. Then big show threw him out of the ring without any sign of caution, he hurt his elbow, and the entire mitb at wm idea was scrapped. He never recovered from that one.
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