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Wrestling draft 2015 Wrestling draft 2015

04-10-2015 , 05:05 PM
That's a good pick, but there is one major problem with Sheamus.

He's a filthy tax cheat!

With my next selection I choose

US Express Mike Rotunda.

Sure his best days were before IRS, but I love the character and the man who played him so much. Plus he is an excelent road agent, a company man, and a producer of mighty wrestling seed. A great pick this late, and happy to have him on my roster
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 05:20 PM
I have two ways that I want go here, but Moo sort of forced my hand with his previous pick. Im thinking I need a good team to go up against the Road Warriors at my first big stadium show. So with my two picks Im taking:

Im taking the combo of Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton for my version of the Midnight Express. WHat am awesome tag team in the 80's and had a great feud with the Road Warriors which culminated in Starrcade '86 with the awesome scaffold match. These two can go with just about anyone so there will be no shortage of matches for them after their first feud blows off.


Dusty Rhodes
Ricky Steamboat
Tully Blanchard
Arn Anderson
Road Warrior Hawk
Road Warrior Animal
Don Muraco
Dennis Condrey
Bobby Eaton
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 05:33 PM
I know that everybody will hate this next pick, but I don't give one damn, because this guy is 100% completely absolutely...


With my next pick I select the person in this draft who can very clearly be called the most improved from their original position to their peak. I can only mean

The Miz. He has reached the highest height of this industry, defeating John Cena to be one of the only heels in history to raise the title closing Wrestlemania. Sure, he got a concussion during the match that literally changed his entire career, but that kind of height doesn't go to just anyone. Not to mention slme great midcard and tag team work he did with Morrison and Show.He scratched and clawed from a terrible wrestler "hosting" Smackdown each week to the very tippy top of the entire industry. He is the one guy that can be turned to to promote the business in any way that we so choose. He is invaluable, and a huge steal at this point in the draft.



Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 05:34 PM
also, let's not forget he has one of the top 5 promo videos of all time under his belt
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 05:45 PM
Huge steal seems like a bit of a stretch but it's a decent pick.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by teejayC
Huge steal seems like a bit of a stretch but it's a decent pick.
How many picks before him beat Cena in the main even at Wrestlemania Irestmycase
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 07:54 PM
My roster needs something to draw the trolls to my audience, which would result in better signs, and better entertainment overall.

I select:
Damien Sandow

with this pick I also get...(lots of pics)
Damien Sandhart

Damien Mizdow

Sherlock Holmes

Bruce Springsteen

Abraham Lincoln

Paul Revere


Another Shawn Michaels

Another Sheamus

Vince McMahon

Shawn Michaels
Andre the Giant
Kevin Nash
Alberto Del Rio
Bam Bam Bigelow
Jim Duggan
Damien Sandow
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by teejayC
Huge steal seems like a bit of a stretch but it's a decent pick.

I'll wait for the people who are really disappointed that he's off the board now to chime in, but I won't hold my breath.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 08:15 PM
No picture of Wizdow?
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by AJD804
No picture of Wizdow?

Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 09:07 PM
I will take Christopher Daniels. Another guy who can really go in the ring and bring pure awesomeness to the upper mid-card.

I'm hoping to recreate a lot of the excellent wrestling of early TNA before the AIDS set in, and he was definitely a part of that.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-10-2015 , 11:57 PM
I'll take Dynamite Kid.

Bret Hart has called Dynamite Kid "pound for pound, the greatest wrestler who ever lived." He main evented a program in Stampede built around a heel tossing around the arena like a ragdoll. That will come in handy with my current roster.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 12:56 AM


This'll do. In a rush and doing homework with the kid.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by teejayC
I was extremely close between Jarrett and one other. I'll be stoked if he makes it back to me.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:52 AM


"Mr Wonderful" Paul Orndorff
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 06:38 AM

Koloff was very effective as a foreign heel, and then extremely over as a main event face before his career was interrupted by tragedy and injury.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 09:30 AM
Yeah, Orndorff would have been on my short list here.

Far more valuable pick than Jarrett IMO.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 09:40 AM
Meh I guess I'll go this route now.


If there's one thing the current WWE product proves consistently, it's that commentary goes a long, long way in making or breaking the product. Jim Ross was inarguably elite, arguably the best ever, and will make my company's broadcasts noticeably better for multiple decades.

Ric Flair
Chris Jericho
Eddie Guerrero
Rey Mysterio
Booker T
Harley Race
Ron Simmons
Jushin Liger
Big Boss Man
Jim Ross
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 09:47 AM
Well there's goes 2 off the top of my list and orndorff who was closing in on the top
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 11:08 AM
I'll take Demolition Smash.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 11:11 AM
I'm gonna take the honkey tonk man and the living legend Larry z.

Not gonna attempt to spell his name. Also may write up later idk. Busy weekend
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 11:12 AM
Yeah, Larry Z may have been the pick on the way back. Considered him with this last one. His overwhelming heat came just after the 1980 cutoff. You don't have Sammartino, but obviously Larry can backstab Hogan or whoever.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Yeah, Orndorff would have been on my short list here.

Far more valuable pick than Jarrett IMO.
In this format I agree. I get the impression that a lot of Jarrett's heat was Roman Heat; not quite go away heat, but "Get the hell away from the top of the card" heat
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 11:13 AM
He was good in the awa and wcw too though.

Totally forgot bout him until the Bruno pick .
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
04-11-2015 , 11:19 AM
Obviously Larry's greatest moment in wrestling was from the broadcast booth during a Hogan/Warrior promo segment on Nitro.

Warrior: "Hogan, I will beat you, and I will send your body across the country in a BOX!"
Larry: "I hope it's not a CABLE BOX."

Larry really was historically bad in the booth.
Wrestling draft 2015 Quote
