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WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion

01-09-2012 , 06:41 PM
HBK/Jericho for me
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 07:08 PM
This is a tough one, because of the (strictly speaking) incommensurable values. I remember some of the stuff from the Macho/Hogan storyline like it was yesterday, but obviously Hogan can't compete with Jericho/HBK on a technical basis. I'm actually going to skim over the matches and think about it for a bit.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 07:18 PM
What was up with the sound in the Owen / Bulldog match? Every bump sounded weird
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 07:32 PM
Lighting and sound were both odd. Chalk it up to it being set in Europe.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 08:17 PM
I vote Hogan/Savage.

Hogan didn't do anything especially out of the ordinary to ruin the match. For the most part, if you got hyped up for a match with Hogan it it, that's what you were looking forward to from Hogan. And the Hogan/Savage match got a lot more people hyped up then HBK/Jericho.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 08:44 PM
I'm voting for HBK/Jericho. The quality of the match is just so much better. Obviously Hogan/Savage was a way bigger deal and a lot more anticipated, but the match itself was pretty average. And Hogan no-selling the ellbow and instadestroying Savage after that is pretty ridiculous.

I understand why people vote for Hogan/Savage, but I just didn't enjoy it all that much whereas I found myself grinning like an idiot several times during the HBK/Jericho match.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 09:03 PM
I absolutely loved the Mega Powers angle growing up. It's nitty, but WM V main event is poisoned in my mind for 3 main reasons:

1). macho man coming out first. Jesse the Body to his credit calls out the WWF on this

2). hogan immediately hulking up/no selling the Macho finishing elbow.

3). hogan acting like a giant kayfabe prick after his victory. In WM III, Hogan was celebratory but still humble in victory. My sense after WM V was a very entitled "Give me back my belongs to me.". Maybe this sense comes with knowing how Hogan changed bookings in his favor later on, but IMO Hogan's post win celebration is a huge turnoff. I'm voting HBK/Y2J.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 09:35 PM
I'll add my vote to the runaway train that is HBK/Razor.

I also vote Hogan / Macho. Clearly not a great technical match - but the build was insane, and count me in the camp that will be including historical context in my voting. Plus Jesse absolutely kills it in this match. His heel mic work is insane, and him and Gorilla really really give it the "big match" feel.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 09:45 PM
Going to have to rewatch both..
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 09:49 PM
First matchup: Michaels/Razor. I hadn't seen Bulldog/Owen for a long time before I just watched it now. It was far better than I expected a #16 seed to be, but I just can't vote against Michaels and Razor here.

Second matchup: Michaels/Jericho. The MegaPowers angle was nicely done, but if the best reason to vote Hogan/Savage was "It was a bigger match," that's not enough for me.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 09:50 PM

WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
First matchup: Michaels/Razor. I hadn't seen Bulldog/Owen for a long time before I just watched it now. It was far better than I expected a #16 seed to be, but I just can't vote against Michaels and Razor here.

Second matchup: Michaels/Jericho. The MegaPowers angle was nicely done, but if the best reason to vote Hogan/Savage was "It was a bigger match," that's not enough for me.
It's not just that it was a bigger match though. The match itself lived up to the "big match" feel, mostly because of Gorilla + Jesse, but Hogan / Macho / Liz played it perfectly as well. Liz getting booted from ringside, really solid ring work from Matcho, and a super hot crowd.

There are plenty of big matches that didn't live up to the hype - this one did, in a big way, IMO.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by trevorwc
There are plenty of big matches that didn't live up to the hype - this one did, in a big way, IMO.
Yeah, when I think of flat WM main events, I think of Orton vs. HHH a few years ago. That ****ing sucked, and they had built it beautifully. For all of his shortcomings as a worker (and as a person), Hogan had good ring psychology and knew how to work the crowd up to a big match feel.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:05 PM
Definitely HBK/Jericho, one of my favorite matches ever.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Hogan had good ring psychology and knew how to work the crowd up to a big match feel.
totally agree with this. even today i enjoy watching his older stuff. he knew how to entertain.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:20 PM
Savage/Hogan without a second thought. This was Hogan's best match ever, and the best Mania main event until probably Bret/Shawn at XII. Also some of the best commentary you'll ever hear, Jesse was going nuts cheering for Savage.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:21 PM
Voting on the ladder match is closed. HBK/Razor in a walk is acknowledged on the spreadsheet and bracket.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:33 PM
Hogan/Warrior > Hogan/Slaughter > Hogan/Savage
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by 12ressiMorP
Hogan/Warrior > Hogan/Slaughter > Hogan/Savage
lol no
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:34 PM
What the...

Hogan/Slaughter > Hogan/Savage? I can't see that at all.

I actually tend to agree on Hogan/Warrior being a bit better.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
What the...

Hogan/Slaughter > Hogan/Savage? I can't see that at all.

I actually tend to agree on Hogan/Warrior being a bit better.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
What the...

Hogan/Slaughter > Hogan/Savage? I can't see that at all.

I actually tend to agree on Hogan/Warrior being a bit better.
I can see that. I personally didn't enjoy the match as much as other people.

I have Warrior/Savage > Hogan/Savage > Hogan/Warrior, fwiw.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:44 PM
I'd flip your #2 and #3 as I said but I agree with Warrior/Savage trumping every Hogan match. If I crank up WrestleMania VII it's to watch that match.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:45 PM
Overall I might prefer Hogan/Savage to Hogan/Warrior, but the endings of the two matches swing it to Warrior/Hogan for me. The concept of Hogan in his prime putting someone over completely clean who he didn't even like IRL is too good for me to not really highly appreciate it.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-09-2012 , 10:46 PM
The reason that I like Hogan / Warrior better is simply because Warrior won. I was a 10/11 year old mark-tard and thought Hogan was unbeatable. Warrior kicking out of the boot / legdrop and then pressing Hogan again and getting the pin was just awesome. And, again, huge credit to Gorilla + Jesse and just a ****ing insane build and uber whitehot crowd.

And, as much of a dick as he obviously is, the handshake and handing over the title by Hogan really sold the whole story.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
